
Donnie Brasco

Posted By: Intenzo

Donnie Brasco - 10/26/04 06:35 PM

i was wondering if the mob was still looking for him. and if there was still a price on his head.
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Donnie Brasco - 10/26/04 06:52 PM

at the end of the film it tells you that there is a £100.000 pound contract for him, so i think yes they are still looking for him.
Posted By: Intenzo

Re: Donnie Brasco - 10/26/04 06:56 PM

Thanks for the info
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Donnie Brasco - 10/26/04 07:10 PM

I don't know about a price on his head. Sure, Pistone would like us to believe he's a "wanted" man. But it implies that "The Mafia" or "The Commission" has a fund somewhere that they dip into whenever there's a need to whack someone who offends one of their members. I don't think so. Mafiosi are nothing if not greedy and self-centered. Why would any family other than the Bonannos want to cough up any money to rectify a mistake that the Bonannos made, and for which Bonannos went to prison? And since one of the effects of Pistone's undercover work was to send a lot of established Bonannos to prison, why would the guys who took over as a result want to kill Pistone? They'd probably buy him a drink if they had the chance. And if there's a price on his head, why does Pistone continue to make public appearances on TV and at bookstores where he signs copies of his books?
Posted By: Intenzo

Re: Donnie Brasco - 10/26/04 07:34 PM

See i was wondering things like that his signing of books and public speeches thanks TB
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Donnie Brasco - 10/26/04 07:51 PM

your always right turnbell,
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Donnie Brasco - 10/26/04 08:00 PM

Originally posted by DE NIRO:
your always right turnbull,
This is exactly why he is our MOB HISTORIAN!

Don Cardi
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Donnie Brasco - 10/26/04 08:16 PM

that will be why then
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