
Tarantino and Vega together again?

Posted By: Tony Mosrite

Tarantino and Vega together again? - 09/15/04 10:17 PM

I don't know if the sources are good, but I just saw today on tv that Quentin Tarantino will direct a movie about Vincent Vega (John Travolta in Pulp Fiction). I would love to see that, but I'm not sure it's true. does anyone know something about that?
Posted By: Nice Guy Eddie

Re: Tarantino and Vega together again? - 09/15/04 10:32 PM

I heard a long time ago that there was going to be a film with both Vincent and Vic Vega but I'm pretty sure that either it was just a rumor or the idea was shelved.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Tarantino and Vega together again? - 09/15/04 10:40 PM

I heard Tarantino really wants to do it. I think it will happen eventually.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Tarantino and Vega together again? - 09/16/04 12:09 AM

Yeah it's gonna be called the Vega Brothers (I think) staring John Travolta & Michael Madsen. Only Travolta & Tarantino are good friends off screen & I believe John thinks that he might screw the movie up and might not be up to doing it. I'm sure Quentin will talk him into it (he better have!)
Posted By: Krlea

Re: Tarantino and Vega together again? - 09/16/04 11:52 AM

Michael Madsen did an interview last year that stated Tarantino has an idea for the prequel that is doable considering they are both atleast 10 years older than they were in P.F. and R-Dogs. Madsen also mentioned that Tarantino wants to finish the project he is currently working on so it would take atleast 1-2 years.

The film is supposedly going to be about the Vega brothers running a bar in Amsterdam. Remember in Pulp Fiction Vincent is always talking about Amsterdam, so the Vega brothers movie would be set just a few years earlier that P.F.

I think this is one of those films they really want to do, but considering the age differences, how are they really going to make a prequel? I mean have you seen Madsen lately. He unfortunatly doesn't look nearly as young and hot as he did in R-Dogs. Same goes for Travolta. So how can a believable prequel work?

Basically the movie is great in theory but could suck in actuality. Personally I would love for them to do it. Travolta and Madsen are great actors and I've loved everything by Tarantino.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Tarantino and Vega together again? - 09/16/04 02:53 PM

How can the Vega Brothers movie be a prequel to just P.F.? Because Vincent dies in Reservoir Dogs & before that is in jail for 4 years. So it's gonna have to be a prequel to that fact. But I think the idea of them being in Amsterdam would be pretty cool as well. I think both could pull it off even though they both do look different. I still want a prequel (anime) to Kill Bill!
Posted By: Krlea

Re: Tarantino and Vega together again? - 09/16/04 06:54 PM

Sorry Irish, I meant to say it was a prequel to both of them. It was 7:00 A.M., give me a break
Posted By: scarfacefan

Re: Tarantino and Vega together again? - 10/27/04 05:23 AM

I heard that there will be a prequel but it won't star John Travolta
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Tarantino and Vega together again? - 10/27/04 02:10 PM

Who will it star? That'd be so stupid if John didn't do it. He was great in Pulp, or at least I thought so
Posted By: don vencent

Re: Tarantino and Vega together again? - 10/30/04 03:10 PM

it a prequel they have use someone younger to
play the vegas boy who I don't no.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Tarantino and Vega together again? - 10/30/04 04:36 PM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
How can the Vega Brothers movie be a prequel to just P.F.? Because Vincent dies in Reservoir Dogs & before that is in jail for 4 years. So it's gonna have to be a prequel to that fact. But I think the idea of them being in Amsterdam would be pretty cool as well. I think both could pull it off even though they both do look different. I still want a prequel (anime) to Kill Bill!
Kill Bill is great on it's own, and will be perfect (not rating) when Tarantino releases the 4 Hour Kill Bill V 1/2 cut.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Tarantino and Vega together again? - 10/30/04 07:05 PM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
Kill Bill is great on it's own, and will be perfect (not rating) when Tarantino releases the 4 Hour Kill Bill V 1/2 cut.
No arguments here, but I heard that they might do it, so I'd LOVE to see it!
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