
1940s Scareface

Posted By: Intenzo

1940s Scareface - 05/28/04 02:54 PM

Has any one seen the old school scareface and if they have is it any good?
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: 1940s Scareface - 05/28/04 08:21 PM

Are you talking about the 1932 version w/ Paul Muni? You can get it on DVD if you buy the 1983 version box set or whatever they call it.And yeah its pretty good.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: 1940s Scareface - 05/28/04 09:30 PM

Many critics say it is better than the De Palma remake. But that's not really saying much. What is saying much, is that it is recognised by many as a classic.

Posted By: Intenzo

Re: 1940s Scareface - 06/01/04 01:34 PM

I bought it over the weeked and its good but i still love the one i grew up
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: 1940s Scareface - 06/27/04 12:31 AM

Originally posted by Intenzo:
I bought it over the weeked and its good but i still love the one i grew up
He's so excited he forgot to finish his sentence! Just messing with you.
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: 1940s Scareface - 07/01/04 08:06 AM

The 1932 version isn't bad, but I prefer the 1983 version a hell of a lot better.
Posted By: SC

Re: 1940s Scareface - 07/01/04 11:09 AM

The '32 version is terribly dated. I wonder if in 40 years from now we'll say the same thing about the Pacino version.

Speaking of Paul Muni, has anyone seen him in "The Last Angry Man"??
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: 1940s Scareface - 07/01/04 02:10 PM

Originally posted by SC:
The '32 version is terribly dated. I wonder if in 40 years from now we'll say the same thing about the Pacino version.

Speaking of Paul Muni, has anyone seen him in "The Last Angry Man"??
Yes, the '32 version is dated, but it still has plenty of power. The subtheme of incest was radical for its time. But I didn't like the '32 "Scarface" as much as I liked "Little Caesar" and "The Public Enemy," the other classics of that era. (BTW: did you check out Boris Karloff as a rival gangster?)
I liked the great Muni in "The Last Angry Man" (I think it was his last role), all the more so because the film and the novel it came from were about my old neighborhood in Brooklyn. Muni was a great ham, and the role fit him like a glove.
Posted By: SC

Re: 1940s Scareface - 07/01/04 02:41 PM

I'm with you, TB...I didn't like (the original) "Scarface" as much as the two other "classics" either.

The first time I saw it (about 12 years old) I didn't know Boris Karloff was in it. Of course I knew who Boris Karloff was (from the Frankenstein movies I loved as a kid), but I never really saw him without the monster makeup. When I saw "Scarface" years later (as an adult) I was able to pick out Karloff (even though it was a a small role).

Yeah, I knew "Last Angry Man" was from your old neighborhood. My father's aunt appeared in a crowd scene at the end (she was still living there in '59), and I got a huge kick out of seeing her. I've been debating if I should buy the flick (its an awesome drama!)....it sells for about $30 (on VHS only).
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