
what is do u think is the best/worst mob movie made

Posted By: atownplaya

what is do u think is the best/worst mob movie made - 03/31/04 12:47 AM

the best i think is goodfellas and worst is casino
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: what is do u think is the best/worst mob movie made - 03/31/04 02:51 AM

I think the best is Goodfellas and the worst is Mean Streets or Godfather III
Posted By: goodfellaoggie

Re: what is do u think is the best/worst mob movie made - 03/31/04 03:46 PM

sorry but i do dis-agree with both of you. Casino and Mean Streets are one of the best and my favorites. i have them both on Dvd's. . .

Posted By: Irishman12

Re: what is do u think is the best/worst mob movie made - 03/31/04 04:23 PM

Originally posted by goodfellaoggie:
sorry but i do dis-agree with both of you. Casino and Mean Streets are one of the best and my favorites. i have them both on Dvd's. . .

I have no problem with Casino. I love Casino & own it as well. I was just very disappointed with Mean Streets. I watched it twice & forced myself to like it, but IMO, it blew compared to Goodfellas & Casino.
Posted By: Irish Godfather, Derry

Re: what is do u think is the best/worst mob movie made - 04/01/04 12:12 PM

Without doubt the worst gangster film is actually "Road to Perdition". The best are the Godfather Part 1 and 2
Posted By: juventus

Re: what is do u think is the best/worst mob movie made - 04/01/04 12:16 PM

The best are godfather 1 and 2.
The worst..Dillinger and Capone.
Posted By: Michael Corleone 14

Re: what is do u think is the best/worst mob movie made - 04/01/04 01:16 PM

GF and GFII excluded I think Once Upon A Time In America is the best, followed by Casino and Goodfellas.

Worst: The Sicilian, what a pathetic movie.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: what is do u think is the best/worst mob movie made - 04/02/04 11:28 PM

I don't know about anyone else, but I like the mob-spoof "Mafia!". I'm not saying it's the best or even close to the best, but I really enjoyed seeing a parody of my favorite movie genre.
Posted By: Vito The Godfather

Re: what is do u think is the best/worst mob movie made - 04/05/04 08:48 AM

The best one is gotta be The Godfather Parts I and II. The worst is "Knockyaround Guys".
Posted By: Raulito

Re: what is do u think is the best/worst mob movie made - 04/05/04 11:41 PM

Best: The Godfather Part 1
Worst: Casino
Posted By: ScarfaceRH

Re: what is do u think is the best/worst mob movie made - 04/06/04 12:02 AM

Exluding The Godfather Parts I and II, because those would easily take the cake (for me anyway), I choose Goodfellas. Once Upon A Time In America is close behind that.

Posted By: skaggerratt

Re: what is do u think is the best/worst mob movie made - 04/06/04 12:19 AM

I agree with you all that Dilinger and Capone and The Sicilian were pathetic. Road to Perdition wasnt a bad movie, it wasnt a great gangster flick, but it was good. As for Casino, thats my favorite movie and Scorsese, like all his other movies, did a fantastic job. I didnt care for Mean Streets at all, even though its a classic.

The worst mob movie i can think of is Hoodlum and Dillinger and Capone. My favorites aside from Casino are Goodfellas, GF I and II, Scarface, and the most underated, A Bronx Take and Carlitos Way.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: what is do u think is the best/worst mob movie made - 04/06/04 09:15 PM

Wow, some of you lot need to see (A LOT) more gangster flicks if you consider Mean Streets, Casino. The Godfather Part III etc the worst! :rolleyes:

Love, Honour and Obey would get the nod from me. Either that or Prizzi's Honor. I found The Krays very overrated, but it is by far not the worst. Scarface, if it can even be considered a Mob film, is a candidate for worst too.

As for the best: as a Mob film, Goodfellas or One Upon a Time in America are the best. The Godfather is THE best film, but it has strong family overtones, and the Mafia theme could have been many things, really. Mob RELATED films that are excellent: Raging Bull, Casino and Mean Streets. Donnie Brasco is also very good (thought I hear the book is better), while I also recommend The Long Good Friday and Sexy Beast.

Posted By: skaggerratt

Re: what is do u think is the best/worst mob movie made - 04/07/04 10:13 PM

The book Donnie Brasco is a great read, maybe more enjoyable than the movie. I was considering to add Prizzis Honor to my collection, but if you (and others agree) that is not a good movie, i will hold off making my purchase.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: what is do u think is the best/worst mob movie made - 04/08/04 01:55 PM

Originally posted by skaggerratt:
I was considering to add Prizzis Honor to my collection...
Well, never put off seeing a movie but I suggest that if you rent movies, rent it first, or wait for it to come on TV. Jack Nicholson seems a little awkward in handling his role, and Kathleen Turner never really gets going. Ajelica Huston got the Best Supporting Actress that year, though her performance is very unmemorable. Overall, it takes way too long to get going, the narrative is messy, and you won't remember for long once you've seen it. Very unsatisfactory.

Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: what is do u think is the best/worst mob movie made - 04/13/04 12:34 AM

The best:
Godfather I and II
Mean Streets
Pulp Fiction

A Bronx Tale
Donnie Brasco
Carlitos Way
Road to Perdition
Once upon a time in America

The Worst:
A witness to the mob
Posted By: Santino Corleone

Re: what is do u think is the best/worst mob movie made - 04/13/04 10:16 PM

The best is hasta be The Godfather. I'd say the worst is Knockaround Guys.
Posted By: Don'tForgetTheCannolis

Re: what is do u think is the best/worst mob movie made - 04/16/04 04:51 PM

Well I have to say Godfather I is my favorite anything. You just can't say enought about the movie. Without its unbelievable success I wonder if the mob genre would have exploded the way it did.I will say this about Goodfellas it gives a look into the real world of the Mafia more than the Godfather I think.
As for worst mob movie I would go and say that Knockaround guys would get the nod.
I'm also going to mention Once Upon a Time in America not b/c I think it is one of the worst mob movies. I think its great but it started so slow and moved unbelieveable slow at times. Still great though.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: what is do u think is the best/worst mob movie made - 04/16/04 10:33 PM

The worst would be "I, Mobster" (1958) or "Inside the Mafia" (1959), which are so bad and miscast as to be laughable.
The best MOB film, strictly speaking, is "Goodfellas." GF and II are the best films ever made, imo, but they're not mob films--they're films about a family, with the mob as a defining milieu. I make an analogy with "Gone With the Wind": It isn't a Civil War movie, it's a movie about a family, with the Civil War as the defining milieu.
Posted By: goodfellaoggie

Re: what is do u think is the best/worst mob movie made - 04/17/04 06:37 PM

Avenging Angelo movie of Sylvester Stallone is one of the worst for me. i was thingking of the movie a few weeks back but it is only now that i remember the title . . . although Madeline Stowe is in the movie.

Posted By: Tony Mosrite

Re: what is do u think is the best/worst mob movie made - 04/18/04 05:23 PM

Originally posted by Michael Corleone 14:
GF and GFII excluded I think Once Upon A Time In America is the best, followed by Casino and Goodfellas.

Worst: The Sicilian, what a pathetic movie.
I agree, "The Sicilian" sucks. Witness to the mob is close to it to get the honors. and I'm surprised no one mentioned Wisegirls. a mob flick starring Mariah Carey (!?) it's really a shit.

the best in my opinion are The Godfather I and II, with GoodFellas and Pulp Fiction (if you consider it a mob film) close.
Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: what is do u think is the best/worst mob movie made - 04/18/04 11:55 PM

Originally posted by Tony Mosrite:
[quote]Originally posted by Michael Corleone 14:
[b] GF and GFII excluded I think Once Upon A Time In America is the best, followed by Casino and Goodfellas.

Worst: The Sicilian, what a pathetic movie.
I agree, "The Sicilian" sucks. Witness to the mob is close to it to get the honors. and I'm surprised no one mentioned Wisegirls. a mob flick starring Mariah Carey (!?) it's really a shit.

the best in my opinion are The Godfather I and II, with GoodFellas and Pulp Fiction (if you consider it a mob film) close. [/b][/quote]I know that I said Witness to the mob was one of the worst, but if you think about it, it really wasnt that bad. Especially considering how it was such a low budget film. I felt that Tom Sizemore was an excellent John Gotti, and I thought the movie told the true story of the Gambino crime family quite well.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: what is do u think is the best/worst mob movie made - 04/24/04 12:16 AM

Excluding the Godfather Part I, the best are:
Goodfellas and Casino


Once Upon A Time In America

I'm surprised no one mentioned The Untouchables...-Pat
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: what is do u think is the best/worst mob movie made - 04/25/04 11:58 PM

Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
[quote]Originally posted by skaggerratt:
[b] I was considering to add Prizzis Honor to my collection...
Well, never put off seeing a movie but I suggest that if you rent movies, rent it first, or wait for it to come on TV. Jack Nicholson seems a little awkward in handling his role, and Kathleen Turner never really gets going. Ajelica Huston got the Best Supporting Actress that year, though her performance is very unmemorable. Overall, it takes way too long to get going, the narrative is messy, and you won't remember for long once you've seen it. Very unsatisfactory.

Mick [/b][/quote]You thought Angelica Houston's performance was unmemorable? I have to disagree with you on that one. SHe was outstanding! Let us not forget that this was a comedy, not a serious movie, and Angelica's parody of an Italian Mobsters spoiled brat daughter was really funny. Not a serious movie at all, just an enjoyable comedy. I don't consider Prizzi's Honor a Mob Movie in the ranks of Goodfellas, Casino, Once Upon A time, etc. But more in the ranks of a Married to the Mob type comedy. On the original question asked in this post : The Best All TIme Mob Movie : Godfather!
The Worst : Witness For The Mob ( Sammy Gravano movie played by Nick Tuturro). Terrible and cheaply made. Tom Sizemore was the only good thing about that movie.

Don Cardi

Don Cardi
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