

Posted By: JBoskma

Hoodlum... - 08/19/03 09:36 AM

Probably there allready has been a thread about it, but I wanted to post this one anyway. I bought the movie on DVD just to add it to my collection, saw it yesterday. Well without a doubt the most weirdest mafia movie I ever saw. THe main character is someone (Bumpy) I have never heard of before. And this movie is mainly based on black mafia in harlem, which is focussing on illegal loteries. Well I would rate this movie a 3 out of 5. However the action was pretty nice. A lot of tommy rattles, made it a pretty nice movie to watch. Anyone else seen this?
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Hoodlum... - 08/19/03 10:27 AM

It's a terrible film considering such an amazing cast it has. It's based on truth about the blacks in Harlem running the mafias numbers. But I can't say it's all bad. Tim Roth does an excellent portrayel Dutch Shultz, the beer baron of the Bronx. Known for his physchopathic tendencies. Also Garcia as Lucky Luciano did a great job, even had the lazy eye for it.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Hoodlum... - 08/19/03 01:23 PM

You know what mafia related movie I saw recently? Jerry & Tom...I thought it was weird, AND it sucked... :p
Posted By: TonySoprano

Re: Hoodlum... - 08/21/03 10:37 AM

Wasnt too bad a movie. Nothing spectacular though
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