
Dog Day Afternoon

Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Dog Day Afternoon - 08/16/03 05:23 PM

Has Anyone seen it?

I wana start a discusion on it.
Posted By: ScarfaceRH

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 08/16/03 05:30 PM

Yeah I was thinking of starting a discussion on this too. I haven't seen it but I hear great things and I want to buy it soon
Posted By: goodfellaoggie

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 08/16/03 05:37 PM

you should watch this ScarfaceRH. another one of Pacino's finest. this is based on a true story and he's with John Cazalle in ths movie. a good addition to your collection . . .

Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 08/16/03 05:37 PM

"Dog Day Afternoon" is a well-acted and directed, and vastly entertaining, film. Everyone is wonderful in it, the entire cast. All of us here will appreciate pairing Pacino and Cazale again. But the film has two outstading supporting actors: the great Charles Durning as a police lieutenant, and Sully Boyar as the bank manager. (Chris Sarandon, Susan's brother, does a good bit as a would-be transsexual). Lots of colorful NYC behavior. There's tons of mordant humor in the film, too, which is what makes it so off-the-wall funny as well as dramatic. Very, very good film!
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 08/16/03 10:24 PM

I dont see Why Warner Bros Dont Re-relese the DVD version as they have with Films like Casablanca and Citizen Kane and Once Upon a Time In AMerica
Posted By: AngelaMarie

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 08/19/03 12:43 AM

I saw this as a girl and then again later when I became a huge Pacino fan.... It is a pretty good movie. I really enjoyed the pairing of Pacino and Cazale once again.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 08/19/03 12:58 AM

As I've said before I'm sure, this is one of my favorite films, not to mention one of my favortie Pacino films. It is drama but has an "odd" humor to it. Pacino plays Sonny to perfection. One of my favorite scenes is when Sonny (Pacino) is in front of the bank yelling "Attica, Attica", with a crowd cheering him on. I try to catch it or at least part of it everytime it's on tv.

Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 08/24/03 01:37 AM


Dog Day Afternoon seems to be underknown. I wonder why?

Warner Bros Should do the 2 Disk Spcial Edition Treatment for it like they did for Goodfelllas (or will...we Hope)
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 08/24/03 02:58 AM

Mike Sullivan,

I think perhaps it's mostly the older generation who have seen DDA. During the time it was released it was very popular, but it's not a movie they show a whole lot on tv. It was really a different type story (even tho based on fact) for it's time.

I think maybe more recognition is given to other Pacino films for some reason. Next to GF DDA & Seprico our my favorite Pacino films.

Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 08/24/03 02:50 PM

I take it Scarface isnt one of Your Favorite of his films eh?
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 08/26/03 05:45 PM

by TIS
Next to GF DDA & Seprico our my favorite Pacino films.
From the older generation on the board; After GF, we were eager to see anything that Pacino did. DDA and Serpico came out and we flocked to the theatres. They are great films and performances by Pacino (Cazale too, in DDA). Back in the early 70's a lot of films had social statements and counter-culture themes with underdog, revolutionary-type characters. That was a lot of the appeal of both films, plus the lure of the up and coming Pacino.
Posted By: lil_mafioso

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 08/26/03 06:06 PM

I love DDA! I have the Dvd, Al pacino is brilliant in it and John Cazale is great as Sal.(a little phsycotic mind you but great) I love the beginning, its so funny! That and Scarecrow are my favorites after GF.
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 08/27/03 12:42 AM

The film was a Dramadey.

It was revolutionary.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 08/27/03 03:01 AM

Mike Sullivan; Yes I did like Scarface, but even tho Pacino's performance is flawless IMHO, it isn't my favorite Pacino film.

Mary Cas is right about DDA & Serpico. In the 70's Pacino was up and coming and it seemed everything he did turned to gold!! And yes, social statements were plenty back then.

Lil Mafioso, I too loved Scarecrow. I have only seen it twice and it's been many years. When it was being filmed I read in my local paper (in Michigan) that Pacino/Hackman had been in my city to film a scene. They didn't put it in the paper until after it was over. I sure wish I would have known, I would have gone to see them shoot it.

Posted By: Patrick

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 08/27/03 03:13 AM

stallionette--j/w, what does imho mean? and what're some pacino films and other mob films you'd recommend to a teenager? i saw taxidriver, goodfellas, scarface, godfather part 1, some of part 2, carlito's way. i know i need to see casino. i didn't really like the godfather that much. i saw about 45 minutes of part 2 and grew bored. i am planning on re-renting it because i think i'd understand it a little better now. i like lots of action and swearing. what do you recommend?
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 08/27/03 03:38 AM

Posted By: SC

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 08/27/03 11:07 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
what does imho mean?
imho = In My Humble Opinion

Patrick, I have two suggestions for ya:

"A Bronx Tale" starring Chazz Palminteri and Robert DeNiro AND "Road to Perdition" starring Paul Newman.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 08/27/03 09:56 PM

i thought tom hanks was in "road to perdition." or was that a remake?
Posted By: Omar Suarez

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 08/27/03 10:08 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:
Patrick, give me a break. You posted "Anyone?" only 25 minutes after your question. Someone will respond (or in this case, SC already has). I understand you are new here and this is one of my pet peeves on the BB. But anyway...have I welcomed you yet?
Posted By: alpacinofan

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 08/29/03 08:37 PM

I have the DVD. Great movie. Pacino at his finest.
Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 08/30/03 03:44 AM

Excellent movie. Probably the best performance by Pacino in his carreer. Hands down the best robbery movie ever.
Posted By: lil_mafioso

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 08/30/03 02:54 PM

Did ya ever notice his voice is different in DDA then in the first GF? His voice is deeper and more even in the first and second Godfather then it is in DDA, And Justice for, and Scarecrow. And it has nothing to do with smoking cause 1&2 Gf were made before the others. I dont know I found it amusing...Sorry I know im wierd
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 08/30/03 05:38 PM

It was Late Puberty. Pat, What Was Boring about Godfather II?

I found it beter than Part I!
Posted By: Pherdy

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 09/12/03 11:00 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
i thought tom hanks was in "road to perdition." or was that a remake?
he was, opposite Paul Newman, Jude Law, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Daniel Craig, to name a few...
Posted By: Omar Suarez

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 09/12/03 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Pherdy:
[quote]Originally posted by Patrick:
[b] i thought tom hanks was in "road to perdition." or was that a remake?
he was, opposite Paul Newman, Jude Law, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Daniel Craig, to name a few... [/b][/quote]Pherdy! Where the hell have you been?
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 09/12/03 10:41 PM

BTW: Dominic Chianese has a bit part in DDA as Sonny's father.
As long as we're on the subject of underappreciated movies, let me recommend two:
1. "True Confessions": Crooked LA detective (Robert Duvall) in the late '40's pitted against ambitious Monsignor brother (Robert DeNiro). Duvall's finest performance against a restrained DeNiro. Everyone else in the cast is great, especially Charles Durning.
2. "Killing Zoe": French bank robbery gone astray. Like "Dog Day Afternoon" without the mordant humor. Eric Stoltz, July Delpy and a totally off-the-wall Jean-Huges Anglade, more over-the-top than Gary Oldman.
Posted By: ScarfaceRH

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 09/20/03 06:19 AM

After my long wait, I just got done watching this great movie! I loved it. Pacino and Cazalle were awesome together. I plan on buying this (but that is after Scarface boxset, new dvd player, and 'The Return of SF' novel so it might be a while ) Is there any news about a SE dvd coming out?

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 09/20/03 01:50 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
One of my favorite scenes is when Sonny (Pacino) is in front of the bank yelling "Attica, Attica", with a crowd cheering him on. I try to catch it or at least part of it everytime it's on tv.


Another great scene is when Pacino asks Casale what country he would like to go to and Casale replies ' Wyoming!" LOL!

Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 09/20/03 01:56 PM

If you want to see what a great actor Pacino is, check out his first movie "Panic in Needle Park." While I really didn't enjoy the movie itself, he is brilliant in it. You could see that this young actor had all the tools to become one of the greats in Hollywood. The movie is very depressing ( about drug addicts, junkies) but as I said, in his first movie he already shows his brilliant acting abilities.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 09/20/03 05:50 PM

Is it out on DVD?
Posted By: Pherdy

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 09/21/03 10:33 AM

Originally posted by Omar Suarez:
[quote]Originally posted by Pherdy:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by Patrick:
[b] i thought tom hanks was in "road to perdition." or was that a remake?
he was, opposite Paul Newman, Jude Law, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Daniel Craig, to name a few... [/b][/quote]Pherdy! Where the hell have you been? [/b][/quote]Sicily
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 09/21/03 07:44 PM


welcome home...

How was Customs?

The Bastards waisted 3 Hours of MY LIFE!
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 09/22/03 04:29 PM

Lil Mafioso,

I never realized the voice difference until you just mentioned it. I don't know what the real "Sonny's" voice was like (or what he looked like for that matter), but perhaps Pacino studied it and was trying to sound like him.

I'd love to see Panic In Needle Park again too. They should have a "Pacino Film Festival" on AMC or something, They'd be great!!! Saving GF trilogy for the grand finale of course.

Posted By: lil_mafioso

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 09/22/03 04:36 PM

I have to see "Panic in Needle Park"! That and "Bobbie Deerfield" are like the only ones I have left to see. (I refuse to see "Revolution")Maybe I'll get "Panic" for my B-Day or something cause I cannot find it anywhere! I still say "Scarecrow" is Al Pacino's most underrated film! That movie was just too good! But the ending confused me, though.
Posted By: lil_mafioso

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 09/22/03 04:54 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
Lil Mafioso,

I never realized the voice difference until you just mentioned it. I don't know what the real "Sonny's" voice was like (or what he looked like for that matter), but perhaps Pacino studied it and was trying to sound like him. .... I know thats bad!
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 09/22/03 05:25 PM

I think I only saw Bobby Deerfield, Panic In Needle Park once and Scarecrow maybe twice, but none are ever on tv and none are easy to find on video, except maybe Scarecrow.

I did see "Revolution" only because Pacino was in it. True, not one of his best, but I didn't find it as bad as many of the people here did, although I probably won't see it again.

Posted By: DannyMontana

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 09/23/03 02:16 AM

I want to see it but before I rent or buy it I wanna know what the plot is
Posted By: Robert CK

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 09/23/03 02:57 AM

Originally posted by DannyMontana:
I want to see it but before I rent or buy it I wanna know what the plot is
Hey Danny it's a great movie you really need to see it so go here to lrean more about it. You won't be disappointed.
Posted By: DannyMontana

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 09/23/03 09:40 PM

Well thankyou Robert! Is this the movie where Pacino ends up being gay or is that another one
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 09/24/03 12:27 AM

Originally posted by DannyMontana:
Well thankyou Robert! Is this the movie where Pacino ends up being gay or is that another one
This is the One, but It still Kicks ass. It was so Unusual.
Posted By: DannyMontana

Re: Dog Day Afternoon - 09/24/03 06:39 PM

Okay, Thanks. I'll have to rent it
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