
The Sniper

Posted By: alpacinofan

The Sniper - 10/19/02 04:16 AM

Do you think that if this case ever get's solved, there could be a movie made about this incident?
Posted By: Snake

Re: The Sniper - 10/19/02 12:47 PM

God I hope not
Posted By: Omar Suarez

Re: The Sniper - 10/19/02 02:04 PM

There are similiar movies to this "sniper". One is called "Targets". It was made in 1968 and stars Boris Karloff. It is very interesting but quite disturbing (the sniper kills his whole family). It was ironically Peter Bogdanovich's first film. It is hard to find because it was banned after the assasination of RFK.
Posted By: Paul Pisano

Re: The Sniper - 10/19/02 02:26 PM

Please don't hope they make a movie about this sicko.

Posted By: DonPalentino

Re: The Sniper - 10/19/02 02:55 PM

I hope they dont make movie about this sick bastard. And if they do I wont see it
Posted By: alpacinofan

Re: The Sniper - 10/19/02 07:43 PM

I am sorry if this message has offended anyone. I am as anxious as you all are in hoping that this bastard get's fried once he get's caught.I meant do you think there would be a movie made similar to this incident but with an actual plot of why they are doing it.
Posted By: MobbingForMoney

Re: The Sniper - 10/19/02 08:05 PM

Put Steve Buscemi in the role.
Posted By: Anthony Lombardi

Re: The Sniper - 10/19/02 08:13 PM

Posted By: DonPalentino

Re: The Sniper - 10/19/02 09:03 PM

Steve Buscemi is awesome!
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: The Sniper - 10/19/02 09:18 PM

Hi Al Pacino Fan,

You didn't offend me and I think that's a very reasonable question. I would say it is very possible they would make a movie. If they feel there is an audience for it, which I think there is. It may not be right away, but I wouldn't be surprised.

Many tragic events become movies, but much later. I am sure no one even dreamed there would be a movie of the sinking of the Titanic; and who would have ever thought right after Kennedy's assassination, that it would make a "great" movie. Not to mention many other tragedies that were put on film.

Btw, there was also a movie with Tom Berenger, and I think it was called "The Sniper." Also, way back, I think maybe early 80's Kurt Russell played a sniper in a tv movie, but don't remember the name of it.

Posted By: Snake

Re: The Sniper - 10/19/02 11:40 PM

Berenger's movie, Sniper, was more or less military in nature (and quite good, in my opinion). I don't recall Russell's flick, though. I understand Kiefer Sutherland had a flick due for release soon where he plays a sniper preying on innocents (I assume), but with the real thing running around VA. and MD., the studio wisely decided to delay release.
Posted By: Pherdy

Re: The Sniper - 10/20/02 04:40 PM

like TIS said, some horrible real events have been filmed.

it's just a matter of time, us Europeans always knew how 'you Americans' felt about the Pearl Harbor attack.. well, now you have it, 60 years later a big blockbuster picture made about it!

a sniper movie can be very thrilling as well. Enemy of the State was a sniperfilm set in WW2.

by the way, I heard Steven Spielberg said that "no-one should ever make a movie about the 9/11 attacks"...

I'm sure no-one likes the idea of it now, but hey, who knows in 60 years from now...

and if the case ever get's solved and it turns out to be some really disturbed man/woman, there's a great psychological story to film. and every movie has their badguys, why can't a real badguy be the one? no one would sympathize with the character, for sure.....

on the other hand, if the case never gets solved it can only encourage writers to do a fiction story based on this madman or something...

time will tell us
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: The Sniper - 10/20/02 05:06 PM

I would love to see a movie about 9/11 if a couple of things happened first. 1), give it sometime (maybe not 60 years, but some time). 2) don't make the movie a stupid love story like Pearl Harbor. To me, that was just a slap in the face to anyone who lived during it.
Posted By: FancyDan

Re: The Sniper - 10/21/02 07:37 PM

There is a sniper movie that was suppose to be release soon (Nov.) called "Phone Booth" which takes place in NY. Little different from whats happening in DC but somehow it seem that this movie will be delay bc of this.
Posted By: La Dolce Vita

Re: The Sniper - 10/21/02 08:00 PM

I saw the preview of Phone Booth last weekend at the theatre and I have to admit I was squirming in my seat with anxiety with what is happening lately.

I don't think I want to see that as a source of entertainment right now.

As for making movies about and celebrities out of the real life psychos.....Fuggedaboudit!!!!!
Posted By: Pherdy

Re: The Sniper - 10/22/02 06:58 PM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
I would love to see a movie about 9/11 if a couple of things happened first. 1), give it sometime (maybe not 60 years, but some time). 2) don't make the movie a stupid love story like Pearl Harbor. To me, that was just a slap in the face to anyone who lived during it.
I always thought that a 9/11 movie would be best if it started with the late 90's Nigeria attacks, who were also linked to Osama Bin Laden. it would be more of an actiondrama then.. the opening scenes would be like Black Hawk Down and the leading character is a soldier who survives bust loses some friends...four years later his girlfriend who works in the Twin Towers goes to her work but forgets some important stuff for a presentation. he goes after her, but at the moment he walks into the lobby, the first plain impacts the first tower. he is now to choose between running (he's still in the safe area and definitely in a position to survive) or to go up anyway and try to find his wife and save her... if he does, off course he (being the hero) ends up rescuing lots of other peoples, but it's uncertain until the end if he finds his wife...

this would be an exciting and dramatical story with lots of action I guess....and yes, there would be some romance in it. the guy being a soldier attacked by Bin Laden once strengthence his hate towards the motherfucker...

But I guess most people would never want to see this movie. it's questionable yes if "entertainment" can be derived from such an event...I agree
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: The Sniper - 10/22/02 08:15 PM

Originally posted by Pherdy:
the opening scenes would be like Black Hawk Down and the leading character is a soldier who survives bust loses some friends...four years later his girlfriend who works in the Twin Towers goes to her work but forgets some important stuff for a presentation. he goes after her, but at the moment he walks into the lobby, the first plain impacts the first tower. he is now to choose between running (he's still in the safe area and definitely in a position to survive) or to go up anyway and try to find his wife and save her... if he does, off course he (being the hero) ends up rescuing lots of other peoples, but it's uncertain until the end if he finds his wife...
See, that is what I wouldn't wanna see. No offense to you personally Pherdy (I think your idea was well thought out), but I just feel that not every war/Hollywood movie has to have romance in it. Why not just present the cold hard facts!? 3,000 of our beloved citizens were brutally murdered in the worst attack on American soil. What's wrong with the truth instead of trying to "sugarcoat it." Again Pherdy, this isn't a knock at you, bud.
Posted By: Pherdy

Re: The Sniper - 10/22/02 08:33 PM

you see, this is some good criticism, pal

I'm not at all offended, the fact I had some kind of romantic subplot (it's not a lovestory though, I think, the love's already there) is probably from a movie point of view, you know, Hollywoodish thinking... I just didn't think people were actually really wanting to see that hard-facts-of-3000-dead-movie. Maybe I misjudged that.

I admit my outline is very pro-Hollywood, pro-commercial in a way and even pro-Spielberg, pro-special effects and probably pro-happy end, which seems kind of weird with this event.

but if the fiction is out, you might as well take a look at the 9/11 documentary by those French brothers, or not?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: The Sniper - 10/22/02 08:41 PM

Originally posted by Pherdy:
you see, this is some good criticism, pal

I'm not at all offended, the fact I had some kind of romantic subplot (it's not a lovestory though, I think, the love's already there) is probably from a movie point of view, you know, Hollywoodish thinking... I just didn't think people were actually really wanting to see that hard-facts-of-3000-dead-movie. Maybe I misjudged that.

I admit my outline is very pro-Hollywood, pro-commercial in a way and even pro-Spielberg, pro-special effects and probably pro-happy end, which seems kind of weird with this event.

but if the fiction is out, you might as well take a look at the 9/11 documentary by those French brothers, or not?
Well again this is just my opinion. I'm sure their are people out their who would want to see it from Hollywood's point of view. Personally, I didn't like their approach to Pearl Harbor, and don't want them to screw this up (if they ever made it).

I have seen the 9/11 documentary by the French brothers. My ma bought it from BestBuy. Powerful stuff. Have you seen the HBO special that was aired months ago? That was the only time I've seen people actually falling from the buidlings, caught on tape, played on the air (usually they just show pictures of them falling, this actually showed the video footage). It had an interveiew with Rudy, and again was VERY powerful. It kinda followed him around. Like where he was and how he was telling everyone to leave, etc.
Posted By: Pherdy

Re: The Sniper - 10/22/02 08:59 PM

I have not seen it... HBO isn't something of a worldwide tv station (the closest to primetime American tv we can get in Holland is CNN)...

not wanting to sound like some brutal person who likes to see people die, but I always wondered if I could 'finally' see some real footage of those people falling down. I was starting to believe there just weren't no images of it that detailed. I wonder when or if it will ever be broadcasted now in Europe/Holland...

for the record, I wasn't really a fan of Pearl Harbor either... both Armageddon as Titanic were better IMO (this is the first time I've used this abbreviation!!!)
Posted By: SC

Re: The Sniper - 10/22/02 09:26 PM

Sonovabitch got another one today

Anyway, since this discussion started without a specific movie in mind the thread is being moved to the "General Discussion" forum.
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