
Mafia: The Game!

Posted By: howardsternisgod

Mafia: The Game! - 08/28/02 08:33 PM

Everybody here should run out and get this game at Electronics Boutique...I've been waiting at least 2 years for this game, and for an avid gamer like myself, that's a long wait! The game has been in production for four years and let me tell you, it was worth the wait!!! Any fans of GTAIII (Grand Theft Auto 3, for those in the Dark Ages) will love it!

Go to:
Posted By: Don Tony Montana

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 08/28/02 09:06 PM

Thanks for the info. I'm gonna get it.
Posted By: DonPalentino

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 08/28/02 11:26 PM

Thanks for the info man I've been waiting so long for this game to come out.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 08/29/02 02:39 AM

The game is fucking amazing...so far, here are the missions I have done (don't worry, I won't give away any spoilers):
1. The Getaway, where you have to escape some rival mob guys.
2. Some random stuff with escorting people in the taxi...after all, you are a cabbie!
3. Joining the Salieri family (WOOHOO!!!).
4. Torching some cars (a la Goodfellas!).
5. Collecting protection money.
6. The mission I'm on now: a racing one...

These missions are superbly made...I LOVE THIS GAME!!!

GTA3 still has a special place in my heart, though...in fact, I'm working on completing it again! It's just that goddamn fun!
Posted By: Blake

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 08/29/02 02:42 AM

Those are awesome! Thanks for the link
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 08/30/02 08:12 PM

Has anyone gotten the game yet? It is great! You guys would love it!
Posted By: Guinea Guarino

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 08/30/02 08:31 PM

Wow! I watched the trailer and I think I'm going to get this thing! I have Gangsters 2 and I thought that was cool... after seeing the preview for this one, Gangsters 2 looks like Pacman!!!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 08/30/02 11:15 PM

Yeah, Gangsters and Gangsters 2, despite the themes, never really appealed to me, mainly because I don't really like those three-quarter bird's-eye view games...I'm more of a 3D action, adventure, or first-person-shooter gaming fanatic. Was it a good game though?

SWEET!!! Right now I'm on a level of Mafia where you have to tranport some whiskey from Canada...remember, during this game it is the Prohibition Era, so that's why you have to go under-wraps to transport it!
Posted By: DonPalentino

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 08/30/02 11:40 PM

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
Has anyone gotten the game yet? It is great! You guys would love it!
I just got mine today Im at the level where you beat the shit out of some guys cars and tourch them. Ive heard alot about a racing level and the stuff I heard is not to good. Have you played the "racing level" yet?
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 08/31/02 12:25 AM

Yes, I have gotten to it and I have beat it...it took me about 30 tries though. Either way, it's refreshing once you complete it. You know, I'm 20 and I've been playing video games practically my whole life so I may be a little more skilled than others,however. I have seen some frustrated people over that level and I can't blame them. Just keep trying it and trying it and finally you'll win!
Posted By: DonPalentino

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 08/31/02 01:49 PM

I finaly beat the Race Level. That was a stupid level I hated it. Everytime I turned a corner my Goddamn car would spin out.
Posted By: Don Mataya

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 08/31/02 02:18 PM

I heard a while ago that it was going to be released for PS2 also. Does anyone know when that will be?
Posted By: DonPalentino

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 08/31/02 03:08 PM

I heard the same thing too. But I dont know when its coming out. My guess is it will be coming out maybe at the begging of the year or next year sometime.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 08/31/02 06:22 PM

Well, I've seen that it will be coming out for PS2 and XBox in like November, but I wouldn't count on it...the game had so many delays when in production for PC I would estimate it's release for the consoles sometime next year.
Posted By: DonPalentino

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 09/02/02 10:27 PM

Hey Howard how far are you into the game? Im at the last mission and it is a pain in the ass.
Posted By: DonPalentino

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 09/03/02 12:18 AM

Well two hours later I finaly beat the game and The ending is awesome. It totaly caught me by suprise. For anyone who likes video games this one is great. I recomend this for all of the Mafia fans out there.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 09/03/02 09:54 PM

I'm at the party on the boat where you have to assassinate the counselor. The game is so great, man...better than any I've ever played. I mean, the acting is good, and this is the first game where I actually care about the characters in it. Also, it's just a thrill to drive around with mobsters in the car while you look around at all the other pathetic people and their unentertaining lives. I mean, you really feel like you are a mobster...Out of all the games that I've played in my lifetime (and that's a lot), I can say that this one is among the top three, right up there with GTAIII and Hitman: Codename 47.

I'm trying to make the game last as long as possible, anyway, just because I love long games. DonPalentino, did you do all of the side missions for Lucas Bertone? They're really fun...I just wish there was more side missions to do like in GTAIII...that really stood out in that particular game. Anyway, I'll probably play this game again after I'm done with it...I'll try to complete the missions in different ways and such...I'm also gonna screw around on "Free Ride" and "Free Ride Extreme".
Posted By: DonPalentino

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 09/04/02 01:42 AM

Yeah I did all of those side missions. The game is awesome wait till the end of the game. Are you having a hard time with that level your on now? because I never found the gun. So I just beat the shit out of the guy till he died. Oh and by the way Hitman is a great game too. I cant wait for the second one to come out.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 09/04/02 02:15 AM

Just bought it myself and loaded it onto my laptop this evening. Can't wait to start playing, it looks great!

Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 09/04/02 02:18 AM

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
Well, I've seen that it will be coming out for PS2 and XBox in like November, but I wouldn't count on it...the game had so many delays when in production for PC I would estimate it's release for the consoles sometime next year.
For all you X-Box players and PS2 players the new target release date is March 2003.

Don Cardi
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 09/04/02 05:45 AM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
For all you X-Box players and PS2 players the new target release date is March 2003.
Well, seeing how the PC version went through SO MANY delays, I wouldn't be surprised if those got delayed more, although it isn't THAT hard to make a direct PC to console port, so maybe it will be out on time. Bottom line: it is unknown for sure when it'll come out.

DonPalentino: Have you downloaded the demo of Hitman 2 yet? If you need it tell me.
Also, I did find the gun but you have to talk to the lifeguard about it (I'll try not to put too many spoilers here, for those of you who haven't played it yet). Right now I'm chasing Sergio Morello with the other car...it's HARD...the cutscene with the train right before that chase was great!!!
Posted By: TonySoprano

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 09/04/02 08:00 AM

Going good so far, doesnt look too bad at the moment, might just turn out to be a really good game =)
Posted By: DonPalentino

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 09/04/02 06:27 PM

Howard: No I haven't downloaded it yet. Thanks for the offer If I need it I'll let ya know. The mission your on took me a few trys to beat. Just wait till the next mission.
Posted By: Ice_Kold_Ace

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 09/04/02 08:19 PM

The links aren't working on my computer... you fellas seem like its a good game though..
is it a pc game or a game consol game?
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 09/04/02 08:32 PM

It's a PC game...the console version will come out sometime next year, first quarter possibly.
Posted By: Anthony Lombardi

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 09/08/02 04:46 AM

I've been waiting for Mafia to come out for a LONG time now! But, now... Of course, as soon as it comes out... I'M FUCKING BROKE!

But... Soon, I'm gonna get it. I'll find SOME way!

Plus, I like playing games on the console better than the PC. I mean, I'm much more comfortable when I'm sitting down in a chair, or laying on my bed, with the controller in my hands better than sitting up at a computer chair, staring at the screen, a foot away, clicking and typing!

So, I definately will get the PC version... BUT, as soon as I get my Gamecube this Christmas and the game comes out... You can bet your ass I'll have it! :p

Oh, wait... It's coming out for PS2?! YEEEEEAAAAAAAAAH! Okay, that was refreshing. I'll have that thing the day it's out! No fucking doubt!
Posted By: Anthony Lombardi

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 09/08/02 04:51 AM

Wait... Is it DEFINATE that it's coming out for PS2? I hope so!
Posted By: DonPalentino

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 09/08/02 12:55 PM

Yeah Im pretty sure its coming out for PS2. I'll be buying it as soon as it comes out for PS2.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 09/11/02 12:22 AM

I just finished the game and all I have to say is "wow". Hands down the best game I have ever played, including story, graphics, and concept. I felt really sad for Tommy in the end and I wished the game wasn't actually over. Did you feel that way DonPalentino?

Oh well, now to start Free Ride Extreme! You know there's missions in that mode right?
Posted By: DonPalentino

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 09/11/02 01:57 AM

In a way I did feel sad for the guy but he was a rat and he broke Omerta. So I thought it was a very fitting ending. I too wished that game would keep going I never wanted it to end.
THe Freed Ride Extream mission are wierd as hell but you do get some sweet ass cars in those missions thats for sure.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 09/11/02 04:13 AM

True, he was a rat and he did break Omerta, but since you played him in the game it was like watching your own death. His story reminded me of Henry Hill's and how he ended up with a new identity, although noone will ever find out Henry Hill's new identity because nowadays it is much more difficult...for one thing, most of the guys Henry rolled with are dead now but I'm sure some mob guy would love to whack him. Anyway, I really enjoyed the game...this is a game that gamers live for.
Posted By: DonPalentino

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 09/11/02 02:08 PM

Alot of this game is based on the story of Goodfellas. If you noticed the character Paulie looks alot like Joe Pesici and Don Saliary looks alot like Paul Sorvino when they played in Goodfellas.
Posted By: Syndicate

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 09/16/02 01:11 PM

I bought it but it wouldn't work. I kept getting 3704(I think that was the number)error, object not detected. Or something like that. *sigh* I really want to play that game.
Posted By: DonPalentino

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 09/16/02 05:04 PM

I had the same problem try re-installing DirectX 8.1
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: Mafia: The Game! - 09/17/02 12:26 AM

Originally posted by Syndicate:
I bought it but it wouldn't work. I kept getting 3704(I think that was the number)error, object not detected. Or something like that. *sigh* I really want to play that game.
Go to http://www.3dactionplanet.com/mafia/index1.htm and click where it says "Tech Support Forum". I think you might find some helpful tips there...but follow DonPalentino's advice as well...it's always good to have all of your drivers and shit updated too.
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