
Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role

Posted By: Wiseguy_1872

Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/03/02 08:57 PM

Excluding the part of Michael Corleone, what do you think is Al Pacino's greatest performance and why?
Posted By: Wiseguy_1872

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/03/02 09:07 PM

I have gone for Frank Keller in Sea of Love.

Al Pacino used his own experience of alcohol problems to masterfully create this guy - a borderline drunk. He cannot cope with his own feelings of frustration and loneliness - disconcertingly finding himself in the world of dating personals in the hunt for a killer.

P.S.-This is my first poll and I went and posted it in the wrong section. ( What a ****!)

Please move it when you get a chance Don Geoff
or SC.

Sorry guys - thanks a lot.
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/03/02 10:25 PM

I voted for his role as Tony in Scarface.
Posted By: MobbingForMoney

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/03/02 10:32 PM

Tony in Scarface is my favorite role with Al Pacino.
Posted By: Wiseguy_1872

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/03/02 10:38 PM

Say why guys!!!

If Al decides to visit us again, he might want
our insights.

Posted By: Almammater

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/04/02 12:56 AM

Al called me to say he didn't like your poll at all 'cuz you forgot his most cherished role : Shakespeare's Richard III .

Wiseguy_1872, he asked me to send you and send you . Sorry guy, it's not personal, it's strictly business. :p

Posted By: goodfellaoggie

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/04/02 04:41 AM

Tony Montana in Scarface. if the Godfather was included, i'll still vote for Scarface. for me this is his best performance in his career. . .
"make way for the Bad Guy."

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/04/02 06:20 AM

Very hard decision since Pacino's acting is excellent in any role. For me it was a toss-up between Scarface in which I thought he was fantastic, and Sonny from Dog Day Afternoon in which he brilliantly portrayed a likeable criminal. I went with Dog Day Afternoon because that's one of my favorite Pacino performances. I must mention also that I think his performance in Serprico was wonderful as well. As you can see, it was a difficult choice for me!!!
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/04/02 06:45 AM

Pacino's role in Scarface will ALWAYS be my #1 pick! He will never have a better character/role than that. Period.

(And, of course, I'm not saying he sucked in anything else - obviously! - just that Tony Montana was his best character acting ever!)

Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/04/02 06:53 AM

PS It's understood that you can't include 30-something options, but 9 is too narrow! Where's Glengarry Glen Ross? Or Scarecrow, Dick Tracy, Devil's Advocate, Two Bits... etc etc??

Pacino - my favorite actor - w/o a doubt!

Posted By: Wiseguy_1872

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/04/02 11:39 AM

Originally posted by J Geoff - The Don

PS It's understood that you can't include 30-something options, but 9 is too narrow! Where's Glengarry Glen Ross? Or Scarecrow, Dick Tracy, Devil's Advocate, Two Bits... etc etc??

You're absolutely right J Geoff.
Glengarry Ross was a foolish omission for which I have no excuse.

Of course I am guility of exercising some selectivity over Devil's Advocate ( which not everyone takes seriously ) and some of the lesser known movies.

But enough of my crawling - I admit it I made a mistake or two.

Interesting to see how far Scarface is leading
the pack. I wonder whether this is typical of
the general public if they were asked the same question, given we have a slight bias towards crime movies.

We live in a strange world when Pacino gets his
Oscar for Scent of A Woman - a performance/role that many people think is dwarfed by many other
fantastic performances. But as has been said before - who still believes the Oscars to be a fair measure of anything?

PS. Tell AL I'm sorry about Richard III
That was great too!!
Posted By: Fame

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/04/02 02:23 PM

You can add the GF to the list,I don't care.
Scarface is by far not only Pacino's best movie,but also the best movie ever created by man.
Posted By: DonPalentino

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/04/02 05:48 PM

Al Pacino's best role has got to be Scarface. I mean he was just so Alive in that movie.
Posted By: Calogero

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/04/02 08:56 PM

I voted for Scarface. This one was easy. Leaving Scarface out would have made it a much tougher choice. I guess I would have gone with Lefty in Donnie Brasco.
Posted By: Michael Barzini

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/04/02 09:53 PM

I really liked Pacino in Donnie Brasco, I mean it was interesting to see him treated like crap. But i would have to say the WORST movie yet i have seen him in would be A Dog Day Afternoon. That movie seemed to drag on and on and it was interesting how he was gay with the guy that played Fredo.
Posted By: Family Honour

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/04/02 10:10 PM

For me it would have to be Carlito Brigante In Carlitos Way. He just plays the part so well and is completely believeable as the character. I love that film

Posted By: Luca Brasi

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/04/02 11:45 PM

Man that is a hard question Wiseguy,

I do believe "Scarface" was his best non-GF role like others have said he seemed to transform into his character that he portrayed (the accent,body language,etc..)

But as Don Geoff added I was suprised that "Devil's Advocate" wasn't included. Hehis performance as the devil was outstanding acting especially the end when him and Keanu Reeves battled back and forth about good verses evil.

Let's not forget the remarkable performance of Colonel Frank Slade in "Scent of a Woman". If you didn't know anything about Al Pacino and saw that movie for the first time you'd swear he was really blind. One of the finest parts was the end when he stood before the school giving that speech about integrity and teaching the kids (our future leaders) about life and amputated spirits.

Must say if you listened to what he was saying there was a lot of truth to it.

Well I'm done babbling now someone else's turn.
Posted By: Santino

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/06/02 10:57 PM

I actually thought he played a good detective as Vincent Hanna in Heat. The scene where he interoggates Ricky Harris is one of my favorite Pacino moments. "GIMMIE ALL YA GOT, GIMMIE ALL YA GOT!" Also later in the movie when he interrogates the guy who is having an affair with Chris's wife "I hear shes gotta GREAT ASS, and you got your head ALL THE WAY UP IT!" The best Pacino lines, and he dosent even play a criminal.
Posted By: Almammater

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/06/02 11:05 PM

Michael Barzini wrote :
But i would have to say the WORST movie yet i have seen him in would be A Dog Day Afternoon.
A little off topic, but do you Pacinophiles think that his WORST role + movie was Revolution which was listed among the 10 worst movies of the century by US critics/journalists ?

I think DDA was really great BTW.
Posted By: DonColletti

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/07/02 12:07 AM

I also have to say Carlito Brigante in Carlito's Way. That movie was as long as Scarface either. I thought Scarface was great but it dragged on to an extent.
Posted By: BronxKing

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/07/02 09:56 PM

I think the accent of Tony in Scarface was a bit overdone; sort of a characature rather than authentic ( I've heard many Cubans speak English.). Tony was like tough Ricky Ricardo of 'I Love Lucy' fame. Desi Arnaz deliberately went over the top with his accent.

I did very much admire his capture of a New York Harlem Puerto Rican accent in 'Carlito's Way'.
He did his best work though, to me, in 'Brasco' for his portrayal of the non-glamorous position of the small-time made worker in the mob. I could smell the street in his character in 'Brasco'.
Posted By: Blake

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/12/02 01:45 AM

Al pacino is a very good actor and has had many good roles. Other than the godfather i'd have to say Scarface.I thought his accent was good and seeing that last sceen I was pretty much speachless.I also thought that was a good role after seeing him the godfather and then watching scarface you'd think they were two different people.
Posted By: Frank White

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/24/02 10:26 AM

Vincent Hanna in 'Heat'

"You can ball my wife if you want to, you can lounge around in her ex-husband's "post modernistic" bullshit house if you want to, but you CAN'T watch my television set, Ralph!"
Posted By: goodfellaoggie

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/24/02 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Frank White:
Vincent Hanna in 'Heat'
but you CAN'T watch my television set, Ralph!"
i remember this scene. he loves his Phillips TV set so much.
welcome to the boards Frank!

Posted By: Blake

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/24/02 03:40 PM

Originally posted by Wiseguy_1872:
Say why guys!!!

If Al decides to visit us again, he might want
our insights.

If only he would come back one more time...I enjoyed talking to him!
Posted By: Wiseguy_1872

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/24/02 03:41 PM

Originally posted by Goodfellaoggie
i remember this scene. he loves his Phillips TV set so much.

Yeah, but doesn't he knock it onto the street
from his car and it gets all smashed - infront of some bad looking dudes? Was that in Heat or was I hallucinating again?
Posted By: Snake

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/24/02 04:20 PM

I love Scarface, so this was a tough one. Pacino's done so many great flicks. I'd have to say, though, as far as which of these best expressed his acting/artistic ability, it's Scent of a Woman. "The colonel" was so real you could feel his bitterness, as well as his no-nonsense attitude. Plus it had a great ending.
Posted By: goodfellaoggie

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/24/02 04:33 PM

Originally posted by Wiseguy_1872:
Originally posted by Goodfellaoggie
[b]i remember this scene. he loves his Phillips TV set so much.

Yeah, but doesn't he knock it onto the street
from his car and it gets all smashed - infront of some bad looking dudes? Was that in Heat or was I hallucinating again?[/b][/quote]you're right Wiseguy, that was from the movie Heat. but forgot the reason why he smashed the TV in front of the kids. what i remember was the kids are scratching their heads after Mr Pacino smashed the TV.

Posted By: Frank White

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/24/02 07:53 PM

Originally posted by goodfellaoggie:
but forgot the reason why he smashed the TV in front of the kids.

maybe he smashed the TV because Ralph already watched it before.
Posted By: Luca Brasi

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/24/02 08:05 PM

Originally posted by Snake:
I love Scarface, so this was a tough one. Pacino's done so many great flicks. I'd have to say, though, as far as which of these best expressed his acting/artistic ability, it's Scent of a Woman. "The colonel" was so real you could feel his bitterness, as well as his no-nonsense attitude. Plus it had a great ending.
I agree with 100% Snake the scene between him and Charles with the gun, (powerful acting on Pacino)also the ending in the auditorium with the entire faculty and student body, giving that speech about integrity and amputated spirits! the man has a gift for acting.
Posted By: goodfellaoggie

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/25/02 06:07 AM

Originally posted by Frank White:
[quote]Originally posted by goodfellaoggie:
but forgot the reason why he smashed the TV in front of the kids.

maybe he smashed the TV because Ralph already watched it before. [/QB][/quote]or replace it with flat TV.

Posted By: DonPalentino

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/25/02 02:36 PM

I watched Scent of a Women for the first time last night and now for me its in a tie with Scarface. That movie was awesome!
Posted By: Daniel Corleone

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/27/02 05:02 AM

I voted for Al's portrayal of Tony Monatana. It is one of the most emulated character in film. Too many to choose from but he was really spectacular in Scarface (the accent, gestures, evil look, etc.). "Look at you now mang" and "Say hello to my little friend" are part or most peoples vocabulary, impersanation (comedy acts, sketches, interviews) or humorous take in life.

Posted By: Anton The Penguin

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/27/02 08:42 AM


Serpico Frank Serpico - a brilliantly well played character that is a lot different from Pacino's usual, this is a rather quirky, juicy, honest, character, and done to absolute perfection. One of my favorite Pacino roles.

Dog Day Afternoon Sonny - all I say is that this is one of the best performances ever. That movie really left a big impact on me after I watched it, especially from the brilliant performance of Pacino (not to mention Cazale, of course).

Scarface Tony Montana - I never really liked Scarface but I can't deny Pacino's brilliance in this role, one of his best I'd say.

Sea Of Love Frank Keller - I haven't seen it, sorry. I've heard it's trashy but I'll take a look.

Scent Of A Woman Colonel Frank Slade - he deservedly won an Oscar for one of his greatest performances ever, as the blind colonel. His performance jumped out of the screen and affected me, for its sheer brilliance.

Carlito's Way Carlito Brigante - I've been meaning to see it...aah I'll get round to it

Heat Vincent Hanna - not one of his best, but pretty good.

Donnie Brasco Lefty Ruggerio - I haven't seen it for so long...

The Insider Lol Bergman - for a performance it was great, for a Pacino performance it wasn't much, but I personally believe that he didn't have THAT MUCH to work with.

Okay I narrow it down to:

  • Serpico
  • Dog Day Afternoon
  • Scarface
  • Scent Of A Woman

I narrow out Scarface, because of the fact I didn't like it much and I DO believe he has done better non-Godfather work. I am left with the other 3. I would PROBABLY narrow out Dog Day Afternoon, maybe because I feel the other 2 were SLIGHTLY juicier characters.
I am probably left with Scent Of A Woman and Serpico, and I would say...Scent Of A Woman. But after seeing what Pacino is capable you see he has no limits.

One of the greatest actors the world has ever seen.

Oh Revolution that was crap. Uhh what do you consider the worst Pacino movie (add in DeNiro too, if you want, I'm just wondering...)?

Posted By: goddaughter

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/27/02 09:56 AM

I've only seen Al Pachino in 3 non-godfather films (Carlito's Way, dog day afternoon, and Serpico) but of these three I think he was better in Dog Day Afternoon but I do think he is an incredibly versatile actor with tremendous talent for adapting to playing completely different characters.
By the way, has INSOMNIA been released in America yet? has anybody seen it?
Its out this friday in Ireland and Im going to see it on Saturday.
Posted By: Hut*Hut

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/27/02 06:20 PM

1 Scarface
2 Carlito's Way
3 Donnie Brasco
4 Panic In Needle Park
5 Scarecrow
6 Devils Advocate
7 See of Love
8 Frankie and Johnny
9 Dog day Afternoon
T See of Love

That guy is a fucking God.
Posted By: DonFredo

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/29/02 09:10 PM

I would have to go with Donnie Brasco first then Scarface. I LOOOVed Pacino in Scarface, but at certain times it was just a little over the top. With Donnie Brasco, you take this guy who is a lifelong killer, a terminal "bad guy" and Pacino makes you feel sorry for him, and he makes you care about him.
Posted By: La Dolce Vita

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 08/29/02 10:32 PM

When I watch Scarface, I don't see Al Pacino the actor, I just see Tony Montana and get sucked into the story all the way. I like almost all of his characters but I voted for Tony...

Wiseguy, it's good to see someone else likes Sea of Love. Not up to the calibur of his other films, more just an entertaining rental but I really enjoy it! He and Ellen Barkin have great chemistry!
Posted By: Don Tony Montana

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 09/01/02 10:26 PM

Scarface is his best role period better than the Godfather movies.
Posted By: Mal

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 09/02/02 04:37 AM

Carlito's Way
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 09/02/02 06:41 AM

Who's Al Pachino?

But in any event, yes, Insomnia has been out for some time now here in the States. I thought it was pretty good - nothing earth shattering, but good enough for premium cable (like HBO).

goddaughter - really - you gotta watch more Pacino flicks!! OMG... kids these days!

Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 09/02/02 06:44 AM

Originally posted by La Dolce Vita:
When I watch Scarface, I don't see Al Pacino the actor, I just see Tony Montana

Posted By: goddaughter

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 09/02/02 04:02 PM

Actually I have also seen (apart from Carlito's Way, Dog Day Afternoon, godfather trilogy, Serpico) both Heat and Scent of A Woman I just couldnt remember their names and I own 5 pachino films (I actually own more DeNiro films than Pachino)......so shutup!
Posted By: goddaughter

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 09/02/02 04:04 PM

Mi dispiace molto Don Geoff.....i didnt mean to show such disrespect.....I hope you can disregard the final part of my previous reply.....I enjoy your message forum and your site immensely...grazie.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 09/02/02 04:52 PM

Originally posted by goddaughter:
Mi dispiace molto Don Geoff.....i didnt mean to show such disrespect.....I hope you can disregard the final part of my previous reply.....
LOL - it's okay, sometimes I deserve it! Especially now, when I correct your spelling of "Pacino" (Okay, I will shut up now! )

Posted By: Fame

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 09/02/02 05:05 PM

Originally posted by goddaughter:
Actually I have also seen (apart from Carlito's Way, Dog Day Afternoon, godfather trilogy, Serpico) both Heat and Scent of A Woman I just couldnt remember their names and I own 5 pachino films (I actually own more DeNiro films than Pachino)......so shutup!
You don't know who is Al Pacino until you see 'Scarface'.
I thought I knew him before I saw Scarface.Boy,was I wrong....
Scarface is a school of acting,and Pacino is the principal.
This is not a movie,it's a piece of art.
The Mona Lisa should be replaced by this film!
Posted By: goodfellaoggie

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 09/02/02 07:07 PM

Originally posted by goddaughter:
Actually I have also seen (apart from Carlito's Way, Dog Day Afternoon, godfather trilogy, Serpico) both Heat and Scent of A Woman I just couldnt remember their names
Lt Col Frank Slade and Vincent Hanna . . .

Posted By: Paul Pisano

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 09/12/02 02:07 PM

Originally posted by Michael Barzini:
I really liked Pacino in Donnie Brasco, I mean it was interesting to see him treated like crap. But i would have to say the WORST movie yet i have seen him in would be A Dog Day Afternoon. That movie seemed to drag on and on and it was interesting how he was gay with the guy that played Fredo.
My favorite was Carlito Brigante. In Dog day Afternoon the John Cazale character of Sal wasn't gay. He was a psychopath. It was the other guy who leaves when the robbery starts.

Posted By: Savoca_6

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 10/08/02 02:59 AM

Donnie Brasco all the way.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Pacino's Best Non- Godfather Role - 10/08/02 03:34 AM

No reason for debt, it's Tony Montana in Scarface!
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