
Road to Perdition (spoiler warning)

Posted By: Calogero

Road to Perdition (spoiler warning) - 07/30/02 09:50 PM

I liked Road to Perdition, but one thing really bothered me about the movie. When Michael Sullivan robs the bank and tells the manager "Give me all of Al Capone's money." I don't see how this is logistically possible. Here is my impression of the conversation between Capone and the bank manager:

"Michael Sullivan robbed us but he only took your money Mr. Capone."

"No, he took someone else's money. Mine is still safe in the vault, right?" Capone reveals a gun in his waistband.

"Oh yeah, that's right. Sorry Mr. Capone."
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Road to Perdition (spoiler warning) - 07/30/02 10:19 PM

Agreed, Calogero--and that's only one of the improbable points. I thought this was an entertaining movie, but I don't see why everyone's all leaped up about it. Never spends enough time on any of the many subthemes to develop them. Some reviewers compared it to the GF. Not a chance! I liked Stanley Tucci as Frank Nitti, though. He makes a suave, effective gangster. He was excellent as Lucky Luciano in "Billy Bathgate."
Posted By: CamillusDon

Re: Road to Perdition (spoiler warning) - 07/31/02 02:37 PM

You know that was crossing my mind while I watched that. But after this happened a number of Banks, I am sure it was more of a message thing to him,then money missing. Then again, talk about begining between a rock and a hard place. Bank manager should take that little bundle and take a long vacation, for good. I am sure they didn't want there whole banking system holding their money to fall apart, and he was still a business man as we have all heard before.
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