
The Black Mass

Posted By: Guineapig

The Black Mass - 04/12/02 04:09 AM

Is this a good book and how are the other ones i heard there was four of them. I also heard from a friend it was a book on the Irish Mafia is it good anyone here ever read it?
Posted By: eddietheplumber

Re: The Black Mass - 04/12/02 05:22 PM

GREAT READ-lots of twists,kind of a irish-italian
mob read,lots of violence,mostly about the BOSTON
mob faction,the story never ends,or,i should say
there is no ending,this story is still going on.
Posted By: Guineapig

Re: The Black Mass - 04/13/02 05:47 AM

just had a cool thing to add my friend is pretty much 100% and moved to my town in Marshfield Mass from South Boston told me his grandfather went to school with Whitey Bolger and that Whitey had bought my friends father a bike since he was friends with my friend's grandpa. And another story about Whitey is this Irish guy was cleaning up the place where a party i was at was being held and i asked him "Whitey Bolger or John Gotti" and he said none of them and then he asked me how the party was and then he end up telling me he knew Whitey this guy was also from South Boston and he said Whitey used to lay down on the beach with a shotgun to shoot you either that or in the back or his trunk(i'm not sure which one i was too busy talking to a girl who i'm trying to get with so just trying to "mack my shit"(as a friend would say) ) i imagine he was wearing the hat and all. Now i could tell these ppl weren't lying i can tell when they do ( the Irish guy was old and he wouldn't lie about something like that and I would know if he was lying.).
Posted By: Guineapig

Re: The Black Mass - 04/13/02 03:55 PM

well Rusky for one thing the FBI doesn't want to aprehend him cause he knows where they screwed up way back if they do catch him they're going to make sure he doesn't talk but they won't . "Whitey" is the fucking man. Another story this guy owed the Irish Mafia some money they gave him a deadline and idk but i'm guessing he asked for more time they probably said yes. But they called his house told him he's mom was sick i'm guessing a friend of his who was in the mafia called him and they told him his mother was sick in the hospital and they were going to pick him up. They took him behind a restaurant and put 70 holes(they shot him, didn't stab him, just trying to avoid any confusion.) in him. Who do you guys think was more ruthless the Italian Mafia or The Irish Mafia?(in America or in it's native country) and which one was more powerful in it's heyday i'm guessing the Italian(it's heyday in America).
Posted By: Don Munoz

Re: The Black Mass - 04/13/02 04:49 PM

I would have to say that the Italians are more ruthless simply from hearing "the man in the barrel story". A Irish women found a barrel with a piece of cloth hanging out of it and went to see what the deal was and she found a man broken in half with his tesicles cut off and in his mouth.
Posted By: Snake

Re: The Black Mass - 04/13/02 07:07 PM

Originally posted by Don Munoz:
I would have to say that the Italians are more ruthless...
"He don't know us (Irish) very well, do he?!?" Just kiddin' with you, Don Munoz! Welcome aboard, by the way!
Posted By: eddietheplumber

Re: The Black Mass - 04/13/02 07:17 PM


How do you know that a IRISH PERSON did not do
that to the man in the barrel? The irish perfected
FILLET type executions,read THE WESTIES,Jimmy COONAN could cut a guy up faster then a butcher doing a pig.
Posted By: Don Munoz

Re: The Black Mass - 04/13/02 10:27 PM

Thanks Snake! Don't let the last name fool you, I'm actually Irish. I have this documentary on the Mafia called "Mafia: History of the mob in America" and that particular story was mentioned by a Mafia historian, and he said that is was perpatrated by a member of the Black Hand, which if I'm not mistaken was the Italians. The guy in the barrel was a member of the White Hand I believe. This is where I got my info, eddietheplumber. But I guess neither group is really more ruthless than the other, just certain people. That Coonan fellow sounds particularly nasty fellow. By the way, I have actually been meaning to pick The Westies up, but I can't find it at my library.
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