

Posted By: Daigo Mick Friend

Snatch - 03/10/02 04:18 AM

I see alot of great films being posted and commented on this forum. Raging Bull, Taxi Driver, Pulp Fiction, Serpico, and more recently Memento to name a few. All of these films I love in addition to others that are frequently brought up on the board. I wanted to know everyones thoughts on Snatch.

"Francis can I have a moment"
Posted By: Tyler Durden

Re: Snatch - 03/10/02 04:20 AM

IMHOP, Snatch is a great movie. It is better than Lock,Stock,and Two Smoking Barrels..It's very entertaining and keeps you on the edge of your seat.
Posted By: Don Noledge

Re: Snatch - 03/10/02 11:46 AM

Yup, Snatch rules...


"Shut up and sit down you big bald f*ck"

I actually think that Guy Ritchie is kind of the British equivilant of Tarantino, with a great debut (Lock, stock - Reservoir Dogs) and then moving onto to bigger and more multi-layered films such as Snatch and Pulp Fiction...

But I think that Tarantino's films are more deep and symbolic, whereas Ritche's are more for entertainment etc...

Both love thier music tho...

Posted By: CamillusDon

Re: Snatch - 03/10/02 03:12 PM

I don't know. Snatch means a whole different thing to me....
Posted By: La Dolce Vita

Re: Snatch - 03/10/02 08:11 PM

Originally posted by CamillusDon:
I don't know. Snatch means a whole different thing to me....
Haha! God forbid he sees the Vagina Monologues. Or Blow (which could mean a whole different thing to me..)
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Snatch - 03/10/02 09:44 PM

Snatch is awesome. And Noledge beat me to the comparison towards Ritchie and Tarantino - both totally different directors with different styles but both known for their unique style.

It's a very entertaining film. Great casting. I say more people should check this little number out.
Posted By: Kabul hitman

Re: Snatch - 03/12/02 01:31 PM

Both Snatch and Lock Sock represent British film at it's best. The seedy underworld that permeates London's East End is captured magnificently. I certainly came out of the cinema with a smile on my boat ( boatcrace- face , cockney rhyming slang). Ritchie is a different sort of director to Quentin T. Quentin relies on gory violence a bit too much for my liking. Some of the lines in Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction are killer but my eyes haven't been desensitised enough yet for the shit he fills the screen with. Is Ritchie a one trick pony ? Can he move into another genre or is there a need to change a winning formula. ? It's quite pathetic that he portays himself as a rough scumbag sort when in fact he attended a very prestigious private school and he coes from an old school aritstocratic family.
PS The Windsors ( Royal family surname since WW2 ) were originally called Saxe-Coburg- Gothe's. They changed their name in WW2 cos it was too German sounding and tehy didn't want to arouse public anger. One of Queen Elizabeth's relatives went on trial at Nuremberg for war crimes ( as a Nazi). They are notorious for their in-breeding which is in itself a disgusting despicable practice. Centuries of cousins marrying cousins etc has led to the Queen Mother attaining Herculean like powers. Immune to most diseases, gen wise freak like, they're more Adams family protoypes than anything that ever came out of Pennsylvania. See 'La Haine' - the greatest film of all time.
Posted By: Sermanni

Re: Snatch - 03/26/02 11:38 AM

Snatch is an absolutely excellent film. You talk about great performances by De Niro and Pacino, but the performance of Alan Ford as Bricktop is up there with any of them. Both he and Pesci in Goodfellas are unbelievably good. So funny yet you know both of them are evil bastards. Although I will never get used to Vinnie Jones as an actor, although he is better at acting than he was at football.

"When I throw a dog a bone I don't expect to know how good it tastes, you walk in front of me again and I'll cut your fucking Jacobs off!"

For those who are not fluent in Cockney, Jacobs means Jacobs Crackers- Knackers, which are your testicles. Beautiful illustrated.
Posted By: Knocc Out

Re: Snatch - 03/26/02 03:17 PM

I Actually bought SNATCH last night...gotta say its one of the best films i seen
Posted By: Daigo Mick Friend

Re: Snatch - 03/26/02 08:44 PM

Brick Top is classic & very quotable. As are many of the other charactors. In fact thats what makes this film so enjoyable. The charactors no matter how small or large the part are all interesting. Snatch is certainly a movie you can watch again and again.
Posted By: Don Paulie

Re: Snatch - 04/11/02 10:51 PM

Great, great movie. I dont know if its better than 'lock, stock..' or not. Even though some people dont like Vinne Jones as an actor, i enjoyed his performances in both movies. :p
I also thought Brad Pitt was excellent. His accent was superb and had me laughing for ages. Hail Guy Riche!!!
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