
Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line

Posted By: Don Corpuzzi

Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 01/03/02 04:38 PM

I was wondering what your favorite episodes, scenes, and lines from the Sopranos are. I don't have HBO, so I've only seen the first two seasons. If you're gonna post something from season 3, please include a spoiler alert so I don't accidentally read it (I'm going nuts waiting for season 3 to come out on DVD).

Here are mine:

I like the episode from season 1 where Tony and Meadow take a drive through New England visiting colleges and then Tony runs into a guy who was in the witness protection program. Good stuff.

My favorite scene, bar none, is from season 1 where Jackie Aprile is in the hospital and Tony has the fake nurse come in to check Jackie's "vital signs." Jackie's reaction is priceless when her boobs pop out of her dress.

Although it is a very un-PC line, my favorite line is from an episode in season 2 where Meadow is talking more about going to Berkeley and is defending her choice by telling Tony that there have been more Nobel Prize winners in the Bay Area than anywhere else. So then Tony replies, "Nobel Prize in what? Packing fudge?"
Posted By: Neri

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 01/03/02 05:44 PM

Episode: Probably the episode the Richie gets out of the can. The whole part with Beansey is great. Plus just pissing everyone else off by acting like everything that was his should still be his. Another good part is where he is sitting talking to Tony and right when he begins to talk about business, Tony gets up and Silvio sits down and says no talking directly to the boss about business.

Scene: From Season 2, when Paulie goes to visit the psychic in New York. The psycic starts to mention the name of the first guy he ever clipped, then Paulie starts to yell and cuss, but the best part is when he picks up the chair and throws it across the room.

Line: In the finale in season 2, when Pussy is talking about the girl he knew while on his little "vacation." He says, "She used to drink me under the table every night. Then I'd eat her out while I was down there."

[ January 03, 2002: Message edited by: Neri ]
Posted By: Knocc Out

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 01/03/02 06:22 PM

Episode...Season 2 episode 1

just reflects on everything that happened in season 1...and shows ya what everyones doing now

Scene....Sil's Godfather Impressions
Posted By: bella_angel

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 01/03/02 07:25 PM

When Christopher is taking his " Acting for Writers" class and is doing the Rebel Without a Cause scene and ends up getting so emotional he uses his script father as a punching bag. For some reason that scene stands out as a very poignant one for me. Maybe because it gives alot of insight into Christophers character..which I like alot.
Season 2 finale...Richi Aprile makes the mistake of punching Janice and she handles it in true Soprano's fashion..just classic. Then when Chris and Furio take the body to Satriale's and Chris says " It'll be a long time before I eat here again" as they are disposing the body. To funny!...it appeals to my morbid sense of humor I suppose.
Posted By: Don Corpuzzi

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 01/03/02 08:21 PM

Originally posted by Knocc Out:
[b]Scene....Sil's Godfather Impressions [/b]

"Just when I think I'm out, they pull me back IN!"

"Our enemy...has yet...to reveal himself."

Good stuff by Silvio.
Posted By: Neri

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 01/04/02 01:24 AM

Silvio is great. Aside from Tony, he is definitely my favorite character. The way he speaks and most especially his facial expressions are priceless.
Posted By: Knocc Out

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 01/04/02 01:28 AM

Sil is my personal favourite...just the way he talsk/dresses etc...cracks me up
Posted By: h8machine

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 01/05/02 10:28 PM

It's either episode 5 or 6 on Season two, can't remember the name or #. It's the one where Furio beats up those cokeheads in teh tanning salon with a baseball bat.

That was great. Furio would have to probably be my favorite character, equal only to Paulie. If for some reason Paulie ever got killed I'd probably quit watching it :p

I also liked the snow episode on season 3, but I won't say anymore about that because of the dude who hasn't seen that season yet. It was directed and wirtten by Steve Buceimi, who was Mr Pink in Resavoir Dogs, or however you spell his name. Hes cool.
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 01/06/02 10:19 PM

My fav episode from season 1 would have to be. Like someone mentioned earlier, when Tony and Meadow are taking a tour of colleges.

And Tony sees a rat responsible for sending many people to jail.

Fav Episode from season 2 would be, when Furio is beating the sh*t out of the owner of the tanning selon(sp?) with the baseball bat, and Tony is in his suburban smoking a cigar and enjoying it.

Fav line would be have to be.

Chris says " It'll be a long time before I eat here again" as they are disposing the body. To funny!...it appeals to my morbid sense of humor I suppose.
The same thing goes for me.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 01/07/02 06:06 AM

My favorite was from last season, when Tony and Furio show up on a golf course to accost the doctor who's ducking Uncle Junior's phone calls. It's poetry to watch them intimidate the doctor, especially Furio, who calls golf a "stupid fakking game," then smacks the doctor on the head saying, "Dere is a bee on yur kep!" Then the doctor gets on his cellphone and tells his receptionist to put through all calls from Mr. Soprano toute suite. How many times have you wished you could pull that kind of suasion on doctors who don't return your calls?
Posted By: SC

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 01/07/02 02:50 PM

Turnbull -

I have to agree with you.....that scene (on the golf course) was priceless. Poor Furio should have stayed away from turkey "sandweeches" (as he said it) though.

Special mention should be made of any scene with Silvio doing his "shrug".

My favorite episode/scene was with Paullie Walnuts and Chris in the pine barrens (as they chased the Russian mobster). Paullie's line about the ketchup and relish packages always cracks me up.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 01/07/02 03:50 PM

SC: Oh yes, that Pine Barrens scene was right up there with the golf course! And it probably was the champ for largest number of snappy lines in "Sopranos" (though "Sex in the City" is probably the wittiest TV show).
Among my other favorite "Sopranos" lines:
--Ralphie, after being made a Capo, shows up late for a meeting with the guys. Paulie gigs him for being late. Ralphie says, "Well, next week I might be on time, but you'll still be stupid."
--Carm gigs Tony about the Russian mistress, noting that some other guy with a mistress made her pregnant, to the embarrassment of the entire family, plus, what about sexually transmitted diseases? Tony indignantly replies: "I had her tested for AIDS!!! What kinda guy do you think I am???" (My sister characterized that exchange as "twisted male logic.")
--Tony, encountering a guy who refuses to remove his baseball cap in Artie's restaurant, intimidates him into removing it, calling the guy a "sfacin'" (pronounced "sfa-CHEEN," basically means "jerk-off.") I'm not Italian, but I grew up in Italian neighborhoods, so I'm familiar with Neapolitan and Sicilian expressions. "Sfacin' is a Neapolitanism, hadn't heard since the old neighborhood. In the immortal Lena Wertmuller film, "Seven Beauties," the great Giancarlo Giannini, playing the two-bit Neapolitan gangster Pasqualino Settebellizza, refers to a local pimp as a "sfacin' a mierda," which the subtitle translates as "son of a bitch."
Posted By: SC

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 01/07/02 08:00 PM

S'fachim refers more to the *ahem* male ejaculate. Its usually used as a curseword, but in some instances its used as an endearing word of love (as when a father pats his daughter's cheek and says it softly).
Posted By: SC

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 01/07/02 08:10 PM

The show has so many great lines......The New York capo who moved into Tony's neighborhood (Johnny Sack) has a wife who is very heavy. Tony's crew was dissing her about her weight, and all PC aside, I found myself cracking up at some of the comments. My favorite was:

"Ginny Sack is so fat that her blood type is Ragu". (a spaghetti sauce)

In the "Pine Barrens" episode Bobby Bacala is telling about a hunting trip he took as a kid. He was in a car and saw a sign that said "Bear Left", so he went home.

The show has some great writing!!
Posted By: Don Corpuzzi

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 01/07/02 08:42 PM

Another scene I really liked was from season 2 when Uncle Junior had to wear that mask-looking device strapped to a tube to help his sleep apnea...Tony took one look at him and asked him, "How many MiGs did you shoot down today?"

Funny stuff.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 01/08/02 02:29 AM

Favorite Episode : When Tony and the gang go to Italy. Just liked the whole overall storyline, getting Furio, the Italian Girl, etc. Great lines and scenes in that one.

Favorite Line : Uncle Junior : " I've got the feds so far up my ass I can taste brill cream!"

Favorite Scene : Paulie Walnuts at the pshycic, when the pshycic is talking up to the air and Paule asks who he is talking to and then throws the chair yelling " Fu--ing Queers! "

Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Corpuzzi

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 01/08/02 04:16 PM

The Italy episode was a classic one as well. I loved it when Paulie kept going around and calling everyone "Commendatori" like he was just a regular Italian dude.
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 01/09/02 07:47 AM

Another favorite line is when Tony and Carmela are in bed talking about their daughter Meadow.

And Tony says "if she finds out we're powerless, we're f*cked".
Posted By: Don Corpuzzi

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 01/09/02 08:33 PM

I wonder what the show would be like if it was on network TV.
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 01/10/02 05:40 AM

I wonder what the show would be like if it was on network TV.
Not nearly as good or interesting is my guess.
Posted By: Don Corpuzzi

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 01/10/02 05:40 PM

There would be a lot less Bada Bing action, that's for sure.
Posted By: Don Zingarelli

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 01/14/02 02:44 PM

My favorite is the "executive cardgame" in Season 2. Frank Sinatra, jr, a penile implant doctor, and Silvio are among the players, and Matt Bevilaqua tries to clean up the cheese on the floor under Silvio. Silvio launches into an hysterical tirdade: "why now? I'm losin' my balls here. Leave the f**'n cheese on the floor. Every morning I stuff cheese in my socks; it smells like your [girlfriend's] crotch."
I scream when I watch it.
Posted By: Don Corpuzzi

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 01/14/02 04:17 PM

Was that really Sinatra Jr. playing himself?
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 01/14/02 05:10 PM

Originally posted by Don Corpuzzi:
Was that really Sinatra Jr. playing himself?

Posted By: Don Lagrassa

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 01/27/02 05:13 PM

Don't know if it was my favorite scene....but the last episode of season 2 where Tony is talkin to those fish on the pier and the one with Big Pussy's voice says "Tony, you see these guys next to me? They're sleepin." Classic.

I also liked the end of the episode in Season 1 where they're at the meeting where Uncle Junior is named skipper. The way the music is played as the camera on the guy's nametag goes off is pure genius.

Have to forgive me...I don't have HBO either so I'm not sure on exact episode numbers. Probably have the quotes wrong too.
Posted By: DonPalentino

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 01/27/02 07:05 PM

It was in the first season where him and meadow go on a tour of the different schools. he runs it to a rat and kills him with a extenion cord.

My favorit line was where tony was pissed at melfri(sp) he throws money on the floor and said "oh yeah well stick it up your ass" I started laughing my ass off.

My favorit sceen was the hospital visit with the nurse with big tits and she was messing around with that one guy.
Posted By: blythe

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 01/29/02 04:31 AM

maaaaan, the sopranos is my favorite TV show. i can't pick just one favorite episode or line. i can tell you though that my least favorite episode is the one with christopher and adrianna and that horrible rock band and how adrianna was going to be a rock manager... gag me.
Posted By: Don Corpuzzi

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 01/29/02 04:22 PM

Originally posted by blythe:
maaaaan, the sopranos is my favorite TV show. i can't pick just one favorite episode or line. i can tell you though that my least favorite episode is the one with christopher and adrianna and that horrible rock band and how adrianna was going to be a rock manager... gag me.

Yeah...the scene with Adrianna undressing saved the episode. Other than that it was crappy.
Posted By: missladee

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 02/12/02 10:31 PM

my favorite episode has gotta be the one where Paulie and Christopher are stuck in the woods after they botch the killing of the big Russian. That one line "...the guy killed 13 chechnyans(forgive my spelling)single handedly..." again i paraphrase... Can't wait for the new season! that guy survived and is out there somewhere!!!
Posted By: DonAlx

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 02/12/02 10:35 PM

one of my favorite episodes is when they have to do a little spring cleaning because of the f.b.i coming, i dont know why but i love that episode
Posted By: Hyman Roth

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 02/13/02 05:03 AM

Favorite episode: The first episode. It establishes the characters and the series. It was a pilot that was developed for a long time by Chase and it shows. This ep was almost made into a movie. The soundtrack is movie quality, as it paces like Goodfellas.

Favorite scene: When Pussy has that quiet moment with Christopher while wearing a wire (season 2). It shows how Pussy can't completely side with the feds, and how the direct contact with Tony makes him feel guilty for turning on him.

Quote: Any Silvio impersonation of the Godfather Trilogy.
Posted By: goodfellaoggie

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 02/13/02 09:42 AM

i havent seen The Sopranos. i saw one yesterday in a video shop and its on "sale" but its not a box set, the episodes are not complete. what episodes will you recommend?. . . .thanks.


I command this family right or wrong. . .it was not what I wanted!
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 02/13/02 03:19 PM

On the general subject of "Sopranos":
Have you noticed that Frank Vincent, who has played a gangster in just about every movie and TV series over the past 20 years, has yet to make an appearance in "Sopranos"? Wonder why not?
Posted By: Don Corpuzzi

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 02/13/02 04:09 PM

Originally posted by goodfellaoggie:
i havent seen The Sopranos. i saw one yesterday in a video shop and its on "sale" but its not a box set, the episodes are not complete. what episodes will you recommend?. . . .thanks.
I'd recommend to start from the very beginning and go from there. Starting in the middle might confuse you a bit because a lot of the character development happens at the beginning of the series (obviously). But if they don't have the episodes starting from the beginning, just get ahold of whatever you can. It's a great show, and if you're into mob movies, then you'll love this show.
Posted By: Don Corpuzzi

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 02/13/02 04:10 PM

Originally posted by Turnbull:
On the general subject of "Sopranos":
Have you noticed that Frank Vincent, who has played a gangster in just about every movie and TV series over the past 20 years, has yet to make an appearance in "Sopranos"? Wonder why not?
What else has he been in and which characters has he played?
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 02/13/02 04:19 PM

Frank Vincent played Salvy in "Raging Bull," Billy Batts in "Goodfellas," Frankie (Nicky's sidekick) in "Casino." He was in Spike Lee's "Do the Right Thing" and "Jungle Fever," and played DiB in "Gotti." The guy's been in almost as many movies as the MGM lion...
Posted By: goodfellaoggie

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 02/13/02 06:05 PM

thanks Don Corpuzzi. . .


I command this family right or wrong. . .it was not what I wanted!
Posted By: Kabul hitman

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 02/15/02 07:22 PM

Read an interview with ex-mob insider. The mafia are polished, articulate men who don't swear like Fat Tony does. I mean how is a fat slob like him supposed to instil fear. If an overweight mother- like him goes to do, you're just gonna nut him. Sorted
Posted By: Don Corpuzzi

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 02/20/02 04:02 PM

Originally posted by Kabul hitman:
Read an interview with ex-mob insider. The mafia are polished, articulate men who don't swear like Fat Tony does. I mean how is a fat slob like him supposed to instil fear. If an overweight mother- like him goes to do, you're just gonna nut him. Sorted
I think that Tony Soprano fulfills what many people in society believe what the mafia is like. I don't know any real mafiosos, so all I have to go on is what I see on television. To me, the Sopranos is a lot more realistic than the Godfather movies. But what do I know? I'm just a guy from Southern California.
Posted By: Silvio Dante Badabing

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 02/21/02 02:04 AM

My favorite eposide has got to be the one after chris gets shot. It shows sides of paulie, silvio and pussy that had never been seen before.

my favorite line?? Easy! Where Junior says,
" If he told me to take a crap on the deck of the queen mary, an hour later they'd be hosing it down with disenfectant."
Junior is the king of one liners.
Posted By: Tattaglia's a Pimp

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 03/07/02 12:26 AM

The Sopranos is such a great show. I just finished watching the first two seasons on DVD. I just got HBO and now they are starting at the beginning of season 3. Sweet!

Favorites are too hard to mention as they are so numerous.

Episodes: I seem like the episodes where the traditional good guy/bad guy roles are reversed and we are cheering for the bad guys (the mobsters) instead of the good guys. The ones that come to mind:
* In season 1, the mob is under investigation and every is trying to keep low. But Christopher is mad because he is not listed as a mobster in the newspapers. Great stuff. Also one of my favorite scenes, where Christopher holds up the bakery because he is being disrespected.

* The episode where Tony and Meadow take a trip to the college. One of my favorite lines is from this episode: "There is no mafia."

* The first episode of season 3. Not actually a great episode, but I liked the way they had me rooting for the Sopranos and against the Feds.
Posted By: Snake

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 03/08/02 05:03 AM

At the risk of gettin' ran off this BB, I must confess I've never seen The Sopranos, I don't have HBO, but I've been tempted more than once to rent Season One on DVD at Blockbuster. The only thing is Blockbuster will only let'cha rent the whole friggin' set at once, not one at a time. Maybe I'm just a tightwad. I read what yous guys have said. I love GF (DUH!), Goodfellas, Donny Brasco, etc. Is it worth my hard-earned $ to rent The Sopranos season one?
Posted By: Tattaglia's a Pimp

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 03/08/02 08:56 PM

Originally posted by Snake:
At the risk of gettin' ran off this BB, I must confess I've never seen The Sopranos, I don't have HBO, but I've been tempted more than once to rent Season One on DVD at Blockbuster. The only thing is Blockbuster will only let'cha rent the whole friggin' set at once, not one at a time. Maybe I'm just a tightwad. I read what yous guys have said. I love GF (DUH!), Goodfellas, Donny Brasco, etc. Is it worth my hard-earned $ to rent The Sopranos season one?
Posted By: Syndicate

Re: Favorite Sopranos episode, scene, and line - 03/11/02 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Snake:
The only thing is Blockbuster will only let'cha rent the whole friggin' set at once, not one at a time.
That's a lie sir!!!!! I work there!!! We rent them separtely. Well at least at my store we do. And yes they are worth renting!!! Great show!!!
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