
Is Ed Norton the best of his generation?

Posted By: jackson

Is Ed Norton the best of his generation? - 10/07/01 07:02 AM

For the film The Score it is advertised as having the best actors of three generations: Brando, De Niro and Norton. While I agree with the first two I take contention with Edward Norton being considered the best actor of his generation. He has to achieve anything of any great worth, unlike the young Brando and the young De Niro who each snared Oscars early in their respective careers. If I were to pick the best of this young generation of actors I would have to go for either Russell Crowe or Benicio Del Toro. I don't think either have done their best work, yet they both have delivered Oscar worthy performances reminescent of Brando and De Niro.
Posted By: Liz Skywalker

Re: Is Ed Norton the best of his generation? - 10/07/01 05:02 PM

Edward Norton is a really good actor, maybe the best. There are some other good actors, but I can't think of any off the top of my head. Russel Crowe, yeah, he can act...but this is going to sound really young of me, can they really be considered from the same generation?
Posted By: MobbingForMoney

Re: Is Ed Norton the best of his generation? - 10/07/01 05:17 PM

He definently is.In Fight Club and American History X,he defined himself in more ways than 1.A man many people can respect.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Is Ed Norton the best of his generation? - 10/07/01 08:21 PM

I got to agree with M4M. American History X was a very valuable film to me. It deserves alot more recognition.

I do beleive Ed Norton to be one of the best of his generation. Maybe not the best but he has still alot to prove yet. Much respect to the guy from me.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Is Ed Norton the best of his generation? - 10/07/01 10:20 PM

The acadamy awards don't prove everything. You can't always look at "stats" like you said. Public/general opinion can differ alot from critics opinions. Theres plenty of people (if we went by your idea of acadamy award nominations etc) that could be considered for "best of the current generation".
Posted By: MobbingForMoney

Re: Is Ed Norton the best of his generation? - 10/07/01 10:24 PM

Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
The acadamy awards don't prove everything. You can't always look at "stats" like you said. Public/general opinion can differ alot from critics opinions. Theres plenty of people (if we went by your idea of acadamy award nominations etc) that could be considered for "best of the current generation".

Good point.Look at Al Pacino.Would you say hes not as good as other actors because of one oscar.I dont think so.
Posted By: Bogus Castellano

Re: Is Ed Norton the best of his generation? - 10/07/01 11:50 PM

Originally posted by MobbingForMoney:

Good point.Look at Al Pacino.Would you say hes not as good as other actors because of one oscar.I dont think so.

Actually, he's not as good as other actors, because he only has an oscar.

Posted By: Brady

Re: Is Ed Norton the best of his generation? - 10/08/01 01:44 AM

Ed Norton is a fantabulous actor in my opinion..And I *do* believe he indeed *is* the best actor of his generation. His performance in his film debut, "Primal Fear", he played a guy with a split personality(He was actually faking the whole time to get out of being charged as a murderer) But was just great. I liked his role in Rounders as a wisecracker card player. American History X is in my collection of A+ movies, along side Fight Club. Norton is awesome.
Posted By: Bogus Castellano

Re: Is Ed Norton the best of his generation? - 10/08/01 03:08 AM

Originally posted by Brady:
Ed Norton is a fantabulous actor in my opinion..And I *do* believe he indeed *is* the best actor of his generation. His performance in his film debut, "Primal Fear", he played a guy with a split personality(He was actually faking the whole time to get out of being charged as a murderer) But was just great. I liked his role in Rounders as a wisecracker card player. American History X is in my collection of A+ movies, along side Fight Club. Norton is awesome.

I like your collection of A+ movies...I think...but I do not think that Norton is the BEST...the Absolute best...
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