
Excellent Cadavers (1999)

Posted By: Don Rico

Excellent Cadavers (1999) - 07/27/01 06:08 PM

Has anyone else seen this great film? It depicts the campaign waged against the Sicilian Mafia in the 1990s by the few government officials who dared. Chazz Palmintieri is once again in top form as the scrupulous justice Giovanni Falcone who paid the ultimate price for challenging the friends. F.Murray Abraham also excels as the pentito mafioso Tommasso Buscetta. This is a film of class and substance, and quite historically accurate (traits which few mob movies share). My only real complaint is that the first and last scenes of the film are the same. Who else has a thought concerning this film of the distinguished corpses?

[ July 29, 2001: Message edited by: Don Rico ]
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Excellent Cadavers (1999) - 08/21/01 06:34 PM

Sounds like a very appealing movie, just by reading the title! I saw a comedy called Mafia about two years ago, it was pretty stupid but it had some decent gags.
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