
"The Gotti Wars"

Posted By: Turnbull

"The Gotti Wars" - 07/13/22 06:49 AM

This book is by John Gleeson, whom you'll know as one of the Assistant US Attorneys in the Gotti trial that he won because of a bribed juror, and the chief prosecutor in the Castellano murder conviction that sent the Teflon Don away for life. Gleeson gives an up-close look at the Gravano flip ,the Ravenite apartment tapes, and how various mobsters and their lawyers behaved in and out of courtrooms. You'll get the treason and jealousies inside the Gambino Family that led to so many wiseguys being whacked. He's best at describing how "justice" works at various levels--the rivalries, friction and especially the ruthlessness in gaining convictions. For example, when Diane Giacalone, the lead in the bribed-juror case, wanted to put Willie Boy Johnson on the stand as a witness, the FBI objected strenuously because he was a "high value informant." She did anyway, in effect condemning him to death. The Bureau, supposedly on the US Attorney's side, refused to cooperate in the trial and leaked info to lead defense lawyer Gerald Shargel. You'll learn how a much-resented turf war in the Justice Dept. led to Michael Franzese getting the "Memorial Cinderella Clause" sweetheart turncoat deal, and how they turned mob guys by jailing them in hellish conditions. In trial law, the figure of merit isn't innocence or guilt, or right or wrong, it's who wins and who loses; and if you didn't know it, you'll know it after you read "The Gotti Wars." Really good read.
Posted By: hoodlum

Re: "The Gotti Wars" - 08/04/22 11:44 PM

Just got my copy..hard back only apparently available..ppd.30 some $$..on chapter 8 now, hard 2 put down, wife gets mad. So far, very entertaining...Thanx 4 the tip Turnbull!!
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