
Essex Boys: The Final Word

Posted By: afriendofours

Essex Boys: The Final Word - 08/23/16 09:05 AM

Just received Essex Boys: The Final Word: No More Myths, No More Lies...the Definitive Story, this in the mail today, looks like it will be a good read.

Excerpt from the book:

On December 06th 1995, three key members of the infamous Essex Boys gang were lured to a deserted farm track on the pretence of planning a robbery.

As the trio sat in their Range Rover, two gunmen approached the open rear door of the vehicle. Moments later the first shots rang out signalling the start of a swift yet bloody massacre.

When the weapons fell silent, the three men lay dead.Before the gun smoke had cleared rumours, laced with innuendo and lies had begun circulating throughout the Essex underworld and beyond.

Who really killed Tony Tucker, Pat Tate and Craig Rolfe soon became the greatest mystery in British criminal history. Despite countless books, films and documentaries pointing accusing fingers at an array of suspects, no clear cut version of events backed by hard evidence has emerged.

That is until now. Within the pages of this book former key member of the Essex Boys gang Bernard O'Mahoney breaks his silence. He is the man who knows who killed who, why, how and when. This is his confession. This is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the Essex Boys murders and so much more.

Anyone else read this book or interested in the Rettendon Essex Triple Murders ?
Posted By: helenwheels

Re: Essex Boys: The Final Word - 08/24/16 04:52 AM

Is it any good? Let us know when you've finished.

I saw a semi crap fictionalized film about the murders, I only watched it because Charlie Creed Miles was in it. But if the bookis good I'd read it.
Posted By: afriendofours

Re: Essex Boys: The Final Word - 08/24/16 07:50 AM

Originally Posted By: helenwheels
Is it any good? Let us know when you've finished.

I saw a semi crap fictionalized film about the murders, I only watched it because Charlie Creed Miles was in it. But if the bookis good I'd read it.

Looks good so far, will let you know when i've finished smile

The Essex Boys movie from 2000 i think it is, with Charlie Creed Miles and Sean Bean is ok, but not really a true story.

There seem to be a fair few cast off essex boys movies now.

Not sure if you've seen Rise Of The Footsoldier, but its another movie which is abit more true to the story and follows Carlton Leach's life.
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