
Cooler movie

Posted By: overcoat

Cooler movie - 08/11/14 02:06 AM

Just watched the movie "Cooler". Anyone ever watch this movie. It's about a guy that works in a mobed up casino more or less before the casino's where changing for the newer future of today. It was a pretty good movie.
Posted By: Mikey_Sunset

Re: Cooler movie - 08/12/14 06:38 PM

Agreed, good film. I was having another bout of insomnia when I ran across this on cable. I'll usually try watching anything William H Macy is in when it comes on TV, I think he's one of the most competent actors working, Philip Seymour Hoffman was another. I enjoyed the Baldwin too, he's trying to hold on to that "old" Vegas. Overall, it's probably not a film that I would have sought out but I'm glad I gave it a shot.
Posted By: Its_da_Jackeeettttttt

Re: Cooler movie - 08/14/14 01:53 AM

It was a pretty good film, very underrated, and Baldwin's old-school character getting taken out by the MBAs really does epitomize contemporary Vegas.

I get a chuckle to replicate "old" Vegas, they had to film this in Reno.
Posted By: Beanshooter

Re: Cooler movie - 08/14/14 08:39 AM

Although I am not an Alec Balswin fan or of any of the Baldwins, I thought he did a good job on this picture. He was nominated for an Oscar as best supporting actor for his role.
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