
New Scorsese/De Niro/Al Pacino/Pesci movie

Posted By: JacobJ

New Scorsese/De Niro/Al Pacino/Pesci movie - 03/20/14 06:50 PM

Based on the book "I heard you paint houses."

You guys heard of this? De Niro had an interview and revealed this info. Personally, I think it's great those classic Mafia film figures are doing another movie with each other. Even if it isn't too great, I'm glad the attempt was made before they are all out completely of their career.

It has a lot to live up to though. I'm not saying it will be a bad or good movie, but it might disappoint a lot of high hopes.
Posted By: DBCooper

Re: New Scorsese/De Niro/Al Pacino/Pesci movie - 03/21/14 06:59 AM

Oh I can´t wait for this!!!

I am tiping near every das "De Niro" and "Scorsese" in Google News for new news smile
Posted By: Moe_Tilden

Re: New Scorsese/De Niro/Al Pacino/Pesci movie - 03/21/14 06:48 PM

This movie has been in the pipeline for a decade by now. Time to let the dream go I'm afraid.
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: New Scorsese/De Niro/Al Pacino/Pesci movie - 03/21/14 08:33 PM

This has to happen, im sure DeNiro has one great film left in him instead of mediocre comedies.
Posted By: slumpy

Re: New Scorsese/De Niro/Al Pacino/Pesci movie - 04/23/14 03:57 PM

All of those guys are in their 70's. Which may be actually pretty accurate for today's aging mafia but I'm wondering if they can actually nail them all down. Pesci's been pretty much retired for a while now, hasn't he?
Posted By: Paul Pisano

Re: New Scorsese/De Niro/Al Pacino/Pesci movie - 05/04/14 11:16 AM

where has joe pesci gone. he is my favorite actor.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: New Scorsese/De Niro/Al Pacino/Pesci movie - 05/04/14 12:40 PM

There supposed to be a movie project in the works The Irishmen with DeNiro, Pacino and Pesce directed by Scorese. Also assorted other gangster movie veterans.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: New Scorsese/De Niro/Al Pacino/Pesci movie - 05/04/14 01:21 PM

One of those vets was an actor named Joseph Cortese he was the star of Pesci's first movie The Death Collector also named Family Enforcer. It's good you can see it on YouTube in it's entirety.

Word was Pesce and Cortese had a real fist fight on the set. Pesce confirmed it but Cortese denied it?
Posted By: DonMega1888

Re: New Scorsese/De Niro/Al Pacino/Pesci movie - 05/06/14 02:22 PM

Hope this come out!!! Can't wait to see Pacino and Pesci on screen together, yeah true Pesci hasn't done much since gone fishing or at least I've seen since then...
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: New Scorsese/De Niro/Al Pacino/Pesci movie - 05/06/14 05:17 PM

Pesci pretty much retired in the 90's as he said he didn't to be portrayed all the time as a gangster..
Posted By: Dellacroce

Re: New Scorsese/De Niro/Al Pacino/Pesci movie - 05/06/14 06:05 PM

according to Scorsese he has a movie coming up called "Silence", then "The Irishmen" will be his next project(hopefully).

Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: New Scorsese/De Niro/Al Pacino/Pesci movie - 05/06/14 06:09 PM

Originally Posted By: Dellacroce
according to Scorsese he has a movie coming up called "Silence", then "The Irishmen" will be his next project(hopefully).


I'll believe it when I see it, Dell. That's exactly what he said about the Sinatra project that he was attached to a few years ago. And at the time, I also said I'll believe it when I see it. Let's just hope he gets off his ass and loses Leonardo DiCaprio's phone number lol.
Posted By: Dellacroce

Re: New Scorsese/De Niro/Al Pacino/Pesci movie - 05/06/14 06:20 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Let's just hope he gets off his ass and loses Leonardo DiCaprio's phone number lol.

lol, but i think Leo deserves maybe a little respect, i think its safe to say after wolf of wall street he's the best actor of my generation………lets just take a look back over the past few years, wolf of wall street was the best movie to come out since inception and inception was(at the time) the best movie to come out since the departed. now is it just a coincidence that all 3 of the best movies of the last 10 years stared my boy Leo… i don't fucking think so! Fuck titanic, this kid has been a star since who's eating gilbert grape.
Posted By: Dellacroce

Re: New Scorsese/De Niro/Al Pacino/Pesci movie - 05/06/14 06:36 PM

…sorry i get a little passionate when i talk about Leo blush
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: New Scorsese/De Niro/Al Pacino/Pesci movie - 05/06/14 09:24 PM

Originally Posted By: Dellacroce
…sorry i get a little passionate when i talk about Leo blush

Passionate? Is there something you want to tell me, Dell? grin

He's a great actor. But he and Marty could use a break from each other. That's all I'm saying.

As far as the best actor of your generation, Leo is probably about as close to my age as he is to yours. I just Googled him. I was born in '59, Leo was born in '74, which is probably about the halfway mark between you and me smile .
Posted By: NickyEyes1

Re: New Scorsese/De Niro/Al Pacino/Pesci movie - 05/07/14 09:36 AM

I really hope Scorsese makes this movie. Hasn't been a really good mob movie since Departed and before that Casino. 2 in 19 years.
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: New Scorsese/De Niro/Al Pacino/Pesci movie - 05/08/14 04:25 PM

Leo is the man. In my opinion him and Daniel Day Lewis are the best actors around today. Its just a pity DDL is very picky with his films According to IMDB his first credit was 1971 and he's only been in 29 films since..
Posted By: Footreads

Re: New Scorsese/De Niro/Al Pacino/Pesci movie - 05/08/14 06:36 PM

Yes, but Denzel is another great actor fantastic
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: New Scorsese/De Niro/Al Pacino/Pesci movie - 05/08/14 10:21 PM

Originally Posted By: DE NIRO
Leo is the man. In my opinion him and Daniel Day Lewis are the best actors around today. Its just a pity DDL is very picky with his films According to IMDB his first credit was 1971 and he's only been in 29 films since..

In my humble opinion, Daniel Day Lewis isn't even the best English actor today. That honor goes to a lad named Christian Bale wink.

But Lewis is still a great actor smile .
Posted By: Paul Pisano

Re: New Scorsese/De Niro/Al Pacino/Pesci movie - 05/09/14 02:27 PM

imho the best new breakout actor is benedict cumberbatch.
Posted By: Camarel

Re: New Scorsese/De Niro/Al Pacino/Pesci movie - 05/10/14 01:21 AM

I think i'm the only one who would rather him direct anything other than another mafia film rolleyes .

Scorcese has pretty much done crime, nevermind, Italian-American crime. The Sinatra biopic, and even another attempt at religion sounds more appealing than a forced, unoriginal, FOURTH mafia film crazy ohwell
Posted By: afriendofours

Re: New Scorsese/De Niro/Al Pacino/Pesci movie - 05/11/14 06:33 AM

As much as i love the Pesci, De Niro and Al Pacinos of the world and the movies they've gave us.

Id like to see some other actors, the above combo of actors have been done to the death.

Even The Departed was something fresh, not the same trio of actors once again playing there designated mob roles. Although id be happy if i never had to watch Matt Damon for a long time, Di Caprio isn't far behind on my list. Good movie though, excellent soundtrack too.

"this systems got no balls"

Posted By: Footreads

Re: New Scorsese/De Niro/Al Pacino/Pesci movie - 05/11/14 12:23 PM

How many more movies will these guys be in together? Yes, they have all been these kind of movies before. But never all three together miss Joe Pesce in a movie. They can add some new actors to it. Has their every been a bad sound track in a Scorese movie on this subject?
Posted By: DonMega1888

Re: New Scorsese/De Niro/Al Pacino/Pesci movie - 07/05/14 05:12 AM

Hopefully this doesn't end up like stand up guys
Posted By: Bix

Re: New Scorsese/De Niro/Al Pacino/Pesci movie - 07/05/14 01:34 PM

Originally Posted By: Dellacroce
…sorry i get a little passionate when i talk about Leo blush

I really don't understand the hate for Leo. Seems like in the USA these days people(public) hates stars/athletes for no reason. I started noticing it when Lebron got to the NBA and started dominating. Then I started hearing sports radio callers killing him, seeing message boards people killing him....saying he's this and that, he's great but I hate him kind of thing. And I start thinking why do people hate this guy so bad?? I always felt like if you're a true sports fan how do you hate him?? He plays hard, plays defense, doesn't act like an idiot off the court but yet he's so hated. Then it dawned on me why. Lebron, since his senior yr in high school has been forced down our throats on this 24/7 media coverage these days and I really believe this is why people hate him. Back in the day if someone mentioned Jordan everyone loved him, mention Lebron and it's "F him, he's a jerk". But him and Jordan are the same mold, only difference is no one but hardcore basketball fans really knew who Jordan was and wasn't a global icon until well into his career.

So sorry I went a long way around what I wanted to say about Leo, but I think he falls in the same situation as Lebron. If you read a magazine, log on to a message board someone is dogging Leo, says he can't act....he's no Deniro. And it's the same thing, he's been talked about so much people hate him for no other reason than that he's always in our face. Hell, I saw an article around the time Wolf came out titled, "LEO CAUGHT BUYING CHEWING TOBACCO". Are these people for real??

Anyway, he may not be deniro(who the hell is) but he's certainly a great actor and IMO has held his own playing similar roles for Martin S. that Bobby D did.

If you got this far, sorry, too long. I'm bored at work!!!
Posted By: Paddy_James

Re: New Scorsese/De Niro/Al Pacino/Pesci movie - 07/05/14 04:10 PM

I hope they don't screw up the main character, the Irish hit man. Maybe the reason why Martin Scorcesse is doing an Irish mob based movie is because of The Departed, which one 4 oscars including Best Picture. Martin has made a lot of classic mafia movies, but hasn't received many oscars for them (which is a shame). Maybe he feels this is his last chance to get another oscar for best picture, he's an old man. Yes, gangs of New York wasnt Oscar material but is a fine movie which is for the most part historically accurate. Just speculating here wink
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