
Thieves by Law Documentary

Posted By: ThePolakVet

Thieves by Law Documentary - 04/08/13 10:52 AM

Posted By: B_A_

Re: Thieves by Law Documentary - 05/10/13 12:57 AM

I saw that and wondered at that time how big a criminals they really were. Had you ever heard of those guys before this documentary Thepolakvet?
Posted By: ThePolakVet

Re: Thieves by Law Documentary - 06/06/13 12:36 PM

Originally Posted By: B_A_
I saw that and wondered at that time how big a criminals they really were. Had you ever heard of those guys before this documentary Thepolakvet?

Pretty much the biggest of them is Leonid "Makintosh" Bilunov, he holds a part of Europe's Vory V Zakone Obshak. He has a big influence in France aswell. As you saw in the documentary, he has a 70 million euro worth mansion. If I ever became a criminal, I'd say Makintosh would be my idol and I'd want to be everything like he is. About hearing about him before, yeah I heard about Makintosh in the 90's when I was a little boy. I think it was either some Russian criminal information tv show or my father discussing something about him. All that stayed in my head was that the story went about Makintosh being asked to help out some other crime boss/criminal in Moscow as he already then held a big influence.

Heard about as well about Dymochka AKA Bondar, mostly because of his movie "Spets" which he made himself. Don't know about his influence nowdays. But before some years he held a crime group in Ussuryisk. The city then had two crime groups in it. His group consisted of people he met in prison and all of them were prisoned for murder. His group made a really good scheme that they earned good money with. Practically they were setting up vehicle accidents so that they would be the "victim" in them. Taking money from the blaming side most oftenly above the actual cost of their vehicle repair. Plus they just stole same type vehicles they had to get the parts for free.

Speaking about Taiwanchik. He's the only guy I didn't know before. I personally think he's just a Russian businessman with just contacts to organized crime than actually himself being a criminal.
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