
Underbelly Series 3 Cast Vs Real Comparison

Posted By: ukwiseguy

Underbelly Series 3 Cast Vs Real Comparison - 04/10/12 07:51 PM

Not sure if anyone is bothered but thought i would post up incase. Another actors comparison vs the real for Underbelly series 3 The Golden Mile.

Anyone else seen ?, other than the 2nd series its probably my favorite. I enjoyed the John Ibrahim Kings Cross story, id really love to know how involved John is in organized crime. They seem to believe he is a major player from the small research ive done on the series. The NSW police corruption was also an enjoyable storyline picking up from series 2.

Underbelly Series 3 Cast Vs Real Comparison
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Underbelly Series 3 Cast Vs Real Comparison - 04/10/12 07:57 PM

I have the 2nd season on DVD but have been unable to watch it as it's region 4. I really enjoyed the first season and thought it was up there with the Sopranos amazing season..
Posted By: ukwiseguy

Re: Underbelly Series 3 Cast Vs Real Comparison - 04/10/12 08:08 PM

Originally Posted By: DE NIRO
I have the 2nd season on DVD but have been unable to watch it as it's region 4. I really enjoyed the first season and thought it was up there with the Sopranos amazing season..

Good to hear another fan smile. I also rate it as being up there with the Sopranos, maybe not acting wise overall but its a fun watch.

Series 2 i thought was going to be boring and ended up turning out to be my favorite. Can you not get a free application that allows any region to be played on computer Deniro?. Series 2 is about the Terry Clark and Aussie Bob Mr Asia heroin ring.

Series 3 is about the Kings Cross nightclub/drug scene and NSW police corruption mainly.

Series 4 i thought was going to be crap because it is set back in the 1920s but again turned out to be a really good series.
Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica

Re: Underbelly Series 3 Cast Vs Real Comparison - 04/10/12 11:56 PM

Series One is still far and away the best IMO. I just feel like every season since then has been slowly deterioating. Hopefully it'll get renewed for a fifth, Im still waiting for my Joh Bjelke Petersen era Brisbane set series. Also, biker wars in the outback.

Oh yeah. That would be pretty awesome.
Posted By: ukwiseguy

Re: Underbelly Series 3 Cast Vs Real Comparison - 04/11/12 09:04 AM

Hopefully they renew for a series 5 also, did you grow up or around the time of any of these events out of interest Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica, seen your location was Australia?.

I asked on the other thread but not sure anyone noticed. In the second series it says Robert Trimbole was an initiated member of the Ndrangheta. Is this the equivelent of being a soldier/getting made ?
Posted By: NickyScarfo

Re: Underbelly Series 3 Cast Vs Real Comparison - 04/11/12 09:12 AM

Yeah Mickey I agree all down hill from Season 1, and Mathew Newton ugh (Aussies will understand this LOL) I don't think that Ibrahim is active really, in a criminal sense, he's more a kind of Sydney celebrity now. I went to the cross a few months back, its pretty touristy and tacky, don't think its too violent anymore like it used to be.
UKwiseguy, I think Trimbole was definately initated into the "Honoured Society" as its know out here, however there so secretive and quiet out here very little is known of there structures and rankings in Australia.
But they are active and powerful all over the country, the ex Mayor of my district in Perth was arrested last year for Mafia collaborations with the 'Ndragheta.
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Underbelly Series 3 Cast Vs Real Comparison - 04/11/12 03:50 PM

I thought the acting in season 1 was very good. I loved the Carl Williams character even though he was cold blooder killer..
Posted By: ukwiseguy

Re: Underbelly Series 3 Cast Vs Real Comparison - 04/12/12 02:49 PM

Cool NickyScarfo :), i wouldn't mind seeing the Cross at some point. Was it the real Kings Cross they used in the series?

I find John Ibrahim an inspiration, he is obviously a successful business and has a nice lifestyle to boot minus the shootings now and again. I still wonder where he got that kind of money so young to buy a club though lol.
Posted By: NickyScarfo

Re: Underbelly Series 3 Cast Vs Real Comparison - 04/29/12 06:32 AM


ukwiseguy, an article on John Ibrahim was in my paper today, thought you might be interested.
Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica

Re: Underbelly Series 3 Cast Vs Real Comparison - 05/01/12 02:11 AM

Ibrahim got his start early in the clubs,hanging around guys like George Freeman as a bouncer/bodyguard. He almost certainly made his money in drugs and extortion, though little has been proven, and he did manage to succesfully parlay it into sound investments. People forget that his brothers are also serious criminals, especially his older brother Sam who was in heavily with biker groups and a co-founder of Notorious MC.

Funny thing about John Ibrahim is how he became a staple of the Society/Night Life sections of the paper, photographed with the likes of Paris Hilton and other quasi celebrities. Whatever he is, he is a determined business man. I have some info on him somewhere, regarding his early life and "criminal" career. If I can dig it up I'll post.

As far as Aussie Bob Trimbole, in reality he was nowhere near as autonomous and powerful as often portrayed. He was always answerable to higher ups and actually died in disgrace, having ripped off his 'Ndrangheta superiors. He's often painted as a "Godfather" but in actuality was a mid level operator, albeit possibly the best known Calabrian mob figure in Australian history. To answer your question, UK, I dont believe he was considered an actual member (ie - made guy) as his father supposedly was, though there are conflicting reports.

Im partly through my next article on Italian-Australian OC, and plan on covering Aussie Bob in upcoming ones. Ive got a ton of info on the guy compiled from books, news articles and police reports, and will hopefully be able to collate and organise it into an informative article.
Posted By: ukwiseguy

Re: Underbelly Series 3 Cast Vs Real Comparison - 05/03/12 05:02 PM

Cheers guys, Look forward to the article and yeah if you have any articles on John or his brothers then would be most appreciated.

Ive got Mick Gatto's book here which from the little ive read seems like it will be a good read.
Posted By: NickyScarfo

Re: Underbelly Series 3 Cast Vs Real Comparison - 05/03/12 05:19 PM

Yeah ukwiseguy the crime stuff here is very interesting, that's what I have found since I have been here, there is a show here called "Crime Investigation Australia" Its about Australian crimes, sometimes its about gangsters but even if it's not its a brilliant show. Here is an episode on Ivan Milat the outback killer, if your thinking of trekking in the aussie bush this will scare the shit out of u!
Posted By: ukwiseguy

Re: Underbelly Series 3 Cast Vs Real Comparison - 05/05/12 07:39 AM

Must have missed your post Nicky, nice one i will check that out cheers. Ive been checking out a few similar Austrlian crime documentarys on youtube that have been pretty decent.

Posted By: NickyScarfo

Re: Underbelly Series 3 Cast Vs Real Comparison - 05/05/12 07:50 AM

Yeah man I am hooked on that show I posted, jeez there's some screwed up people over here hahaha, oh well I guess its the same kind of thing we had in England like the ripper killers etc.
Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti

Re: Underbelly Series 3 Cast Vs Real Comparison - 05/05/12 07:58 AM

Has anyone watched my 600 Lb Life, there going to feature the gambino that was on the front page of the paper "end of the gambinos"
Posted By: ukwiseguy

Re: Underbelly Series 3 Cast Vs Real Comparison - 05/28/12 06:38 PM

Does anyone know if the character of Benny Kassab was real in series 3 of Underbelly ?, i can't seem to find much if any information on whether he was real or not.

Need to pick up the books, even got Mick Gatto's here. Im so lazy when it comes to reading might see if i can get an online copy now i have the online amazon kindle reader.
Posted By: ukwiseguy

Re: Underbelly Series 3 Cast Vs Real Comparison - 06/02/12 08:11 PM

Tough Nuts documentary on Dino Dibra, also features Andrew "Benji" Veniamin a fair bit.

Dino Dibra Tough Nuts Documentary
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