
Breakshot by Kenny Gallo

Posted By: DiMaggio68

Breakshot by Kenny Gallo - 10/13/09 09:56 PM

This was the book that L.A. and Colombo family associate Kenny Gallo wrote about his life hanging with the mob. Gallo sold dope for the mafia, but he could never be made 'cause he was only part Italian. He's mostly of asian descent, but I forgot what kind of oriental he is, though. I'll be buying this book soon. Have any of you read it yet? Let me know how you liked it.
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Breakshot by Kenny Gallo - 10/16/09 11:53 PM

I have heard of it and also I keep tabs on his blog and his constant LCN and Colombo family bashing.
Posted By: DiMaggio68

Re: Breakshot by Kenny Gallo - 10/20/09 12:51 AM

Yeah, I'm gonna check it out.
Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica

Re: Breakshot by Kenny Gallo - 11/04/09 01:31 PM

He's Japanese. But you know what? He doesn't look Japanese, IMO. He just looks white.

Yeah he totally loves laying shit on the Colombo's (he called Carmine Persico gimpy. lmao)and wise-guys in general. He does have a lot of respect for certain gangsters ,though invariably their dead.

He site is pretty cool though. He names all the current LA family members, active and not.
Posted By: DiMaggio68

Re: Breakshot by Kenny Gallo - 11/04/09 04:08 PM

Well, I just bought the book. It's a really cool and interesting book. I just got done with the first chapter. It starts out talking about the 9-11 attacks on New York City. He did say He's half Japanese. He also says that his mother was Italian and Irish. There's some pictures where he looks totally asian, and then there's ones where he looks straight up white.
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Breakshot by Kenny Gallo - 11/06/09 04:03 AM


thats the authors blog where he bashes the colombos and talks about his life now and the mob. check out the comments they are very interesting, he also talks about how their will eb trouble coming down soon for teddy persico....
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