
Why is Omerta Called Omerta?

Posted By: Lollygagers12

Why is Omerta Called Omerta? - 08/31/04 08:33 PM

After reading the book, Omerta, I'm still confused on why Mario give the title "Omerta" to the book?
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Why is Omerta Called Omerta? - 09/01/04 02:42 AM

My guess is a lot of people by them associate that word with the Mafia,so it will hopefully sell more copies.
Posted By: scarfacetm

Re: Why is Omerta Called Omerta? - 09/04/04 10:04 PM

i jsut picked up the book today havent read it yet but from one of the reviews i read the reason its titled that is because it does relate to the mafia and after don raymonde aprile gets murdered astorre viola becomes new don but he was trained in the old ways of a mafioso when the mafia strictly followed the code of omerta even thou he became don in the 60s i believe when they started snitchin
Posted By: goodfellaoggie

Re: Why is Omerta Called Omerta? - 09/05/04 04:08 PM

Omerta is the Code of Silence.

Posted By: scarfacetm

Re: Why is Omerta Called Omerta? - 09/05/04 04:38 PM

yea but he dont know why the book was called that so i was saying its because the new don cant think of the name right now followed the old sicilian way of the mafia meanin the code of omerta
Posted By: sicilianspider

Re: Why is Omerta Called Omerta? - 09/25/04 01:05 AM

In a way, I would have to agree that Omerta may not have been the best title for this book, but is sorta works..

The whole book has a different flair from his other novels. In this one, the FBI and police seem to be very much a part of the mafia scene, unlike in any other act. This is a violation of the Omerta, stating that official authority cannot be involved in the activities of the mafia. It also has flashbacks to the time of old Sicily where Don Zeno and Aprile spent their time.

Technically speaking, the concept of the Omerta is portrayed, but I disagree with it being the primary title. No one was shown directly breaking the omerta or even specifically mentioning it so perhaps a better title would've been in order, but I agree with Don Sonny Corleone that the current title probably attracts more fans...
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