
The novel mentioned Clericuzio and Corleone Families

Posted By: Nick. V

The novel mentioned Clericuzio and Corleone Families - 05/16/04 08:59 PM


I received Omerta two days ago, and was beyond just pleased. It is a very rare item here in Canada to find, unless you result to the use of the Internet. But purchasing books online is quite costly.

To my surprise the novel mentioned Clericuzio and Corleone Families.

Pg 33: :

"The Don has been requested to mediate a great conflict between the Corleonesi cosca and the Clericuzio cosca"

Pg 36:

"The most powerful ones in Sicily at this time were the Clericuzio cosca of Palermo, which controlled the new construction in all of Sicily, and the Corleonesi cosca of Corleone, which controlled the politicians in Rome and ingineered the transportation of drugs all over the world"

Pg 120:

"Meanwhile, the Corleonesi cosca chief, Michael Grazziella, made an altogether different entry into the United States. He slipped in unobtrusively, with only two bodyguards. He was a thin and scrawny man with a faunlike head and a knife scar across his mouth. He walked with a cane, for a bullet has shattered his leg when he was a young Palermo picciotto..."


In the second Godfather installment Vito Corleone got his revenge, and therefore rose to power. Wouldn't this be the beginning of the Corleone family? Also if I am not mistaken various families with the same last name where mentioned in the Godfather. So I suppose it is not this particular family that the book speaks off. Also the readers wouldn't accept the whole drug business. But a darker side to the Corleone family does sound like a nice premiere. But is it safe to assume that the Clericuzio is indeed the same Family?
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: The novel mentioned Clericuzio and Corleone Families - 05/17/04 04:54 PM

I think you are mistaken here. The Corleone Family is purely fictional and has nothing to do with the Corleonesi Family in Omerta. Whilst Omerta is a fictional book, it used the real life Sicilian Corleonesi's Family's name for fictional purposes.

However, I cannot commentate on the Clericuzio Family. I've never heard of such a clan in Sicily, although their may be one. I've only ever heard of the fictional one created by Puzo in The Last Don.
Posted By: Nick. V

Re: The novel mentioned Clericuzio and Corleone Families - 05/19/04 03:32 AM

Flaws/Suggestions For Improvement

-Nicole is actually an interesting character, and also devious “A truly Mafioso girl”. But her views about “The Death Penalty” were truly boring. And her speech, which went on for 10 pages, really took something away from the novel.

-The Mafia Confrontation is beyond disappointing. Upon reading this part I felt like I was watching True Romance. Was Mario Puzo influenced by Quentin Tarantino/Roger Avery? I would have rather preferred a simple yet cunning ending, like the one in The Last Don. But the use of the stiletto and revealing the wound were scenes that truly had the master's touch.

-Aspinella Washington not dying is just preposterous. She is a much-hated character, and it was unsatisfying to see her side with Nicole at the end. Justice wasn't served as far as I am concerned. On the side note here. Marriano Rubio's future which ventured him in to bankruptcy is a really satisfying conclusion. It basically says that one who deserves to be punished can indeed be, but not always by death.

-Astorre Viola's marriage to Rosie is out of the context sort of speak. It's hardly believable, and while Nicole would have made a better wife we also know that's a fantasy.

-Finally the ending passage would have fitted The Last Don better “The great Dons have accomplished their goals and blended gracefully into society, as best criminals always do”.

P.S Thanks a lot for the info. I have forgotten about the fictional aspect.
Posted By: DeathByClotheshanger

Re: The novel mentioned Clericuzio and Corleone Families - 06/09/04 02:36 PM

And remember that the Corleone family was Andolini when they were back in Sicily. The immigration officer gave Vito the Corleone name in Part II.

And they never had any real power in Sicily.
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