
Turi Giuliano v. Michael Corleone

Posted By: Lemans

Turi Giuliano v. Michael Corleone - 09/09/02 05:20 PM

When I was reading The Sicilian, I actually resented Puzo shifting from Michael to Turi early in the book.

By the time I was done, I was finding Turi Giuliano at least as compelling as Michael Corleone (in the Godfather movie).

I mourned the book ending and losing all the characters. How about a Sicilian II?
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Turi Giuliano v. Michael Corleone - 09/10/02 12:17 AM

My sentiments exactly. After such love for Michael in the Godfather novel and film we don't want to hear about some Sicilian bandit we've never heard of. We want Michael. Puzo soon turns it around. By the end of the novel we cry "Michael...Who?"

Lemans, if you've warmed to Giuliano I really recommend Billy J. Chandlers book, 'King of the Mountain'. The true life story of Salvatore Giuliano. A very unbiased book, you can make your own judgement on the Portella Della Ginestra after an excellent analysis.
Posted By: Lemans

Re: Turi Giuliano v. Michael Corleone - 09/11/02 06:16 PM

Call me stupid. Didn't even know Turi was real. I was a little suspicious.

I'm still disturbed by the ending of The Sicilian. I don't want to ruin the read for anyone else, but I'd like to discuss.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Turi Giuliano v. Michael Corleone - 09/12/02 02:21 PM

Originally posted by Lemans:
I'm still disturbed by the ending of The Sicilian. I don't want to ruin the read for anyone else, but I'd like to discuss.
Go ahead, say what you feel you'd like to discuss. If you are going to talk about the ending or any part of the book just add a spoiler warning to the top of your message.

*******SPOILER WARNING*********

Yes it is definately disturbing reading about Guiliano's death and the betrayel by his own cousin. Unbelievable. But because of Pisciotta's betrayel he becomes part of the legend that was once Guiliano the Montelepre bandit. Instead of a washed up bandit if Guiliano ever did make it to America.
Posted By: goodfellaoggie

Re: Turi Giuliano v. Michael Corleone - 09/12/02 05:47 PM

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i think the reason why Pisciotta betrayed Guiliano was he felt insecure for Turi's future in America, family and having happy life ahead. while Pisciotta will remain in his boring life . . .

Posted By: Lemans

Re: Turi Giuliano v. Michael Corleone - 09/12/02 05:59 PM

*******SPOILER WARNING*********

Did you see it coming? I didn't and I was so attached to Giuliano that I feld I'd been clubbed over the head. First Puzo sells me on reading a book about Giuliano rather than Michael Corleone, as I mentioned before; then I'm all sucked into Giuliano's character, then BAMMMMM!

When I read that Giuliano realized that Pisciotta was levelling his machine pistol at him, I was stunned! And then the description of the thoughts in Giuliano's dieing mind where so real.

The old Don (name?) wins anyway. And Turi's Testament ends up in the hands of Don Corleone, who behaves like the old Don and hangs onto it for leverage in some unmentioned future negotiation. So really the Cardinal and the premier get off scott free, too. Then Aspinu is killed in prison, so even he, like Turi, faded to black.

The descripton Puzo gives at the end of the book about the 10's of thousands of young men who left Sicily following the death of Turi. I guess I was in touch with their feeling thanks to Puzo, because I felt like Turi and his testament ended up as just another parlor game for the old Don.
Posted By: Lemans

Re: Turi Giuliano v. Michael Corleone - 09/12/02 06:04 PM

*******SPOILER WARNING*********

Goodfella, the only way I can make sense of what Aspinu did is to think that he feared for his own life, because he had been extorting money from the group and putting it in Swiss bank accounts.
That seems like how Aspinu would act.

But if he hadn't tipped off the Don, Turi would have succeeded in assassinating him and Turi and Aspinu would have ruled Sicily.
Posted By: goodfellaoggie

Re: Turi Giuliano v. Michael Corleone - 09/12/02 06:32 PM

**************SPOILER WARNING**************

right Lemans, i forgot that Swiss bank account (one of the reasons). but the part that i smiled and almost clap my hands was when they read the piece of paper Hector Adonis slipped inside Aspanu's shirt written in bold letters, that part was perfect!

Posted By: Lemans

Re: Turi Giuliano v. Michael Corleone - 09/13/02 03:18 PM

Goodfella, even that bothered me, because it was just another trick of the Don's to keep heat off of himself. Aspinu's murder meant that he joined Turi in being outdone by the Don.
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