
Now I've finished all the Puzo novels, what do I read next?

Posted By: Captain Howdy

Now I've finished all the Puzo novels, what do I read next? - 06/26/02 04:25 PM

I just finished The Family this week, and that means I've finally finished all the main fiction books by Puzo (read over a period of nine months or so).

The truth is, although I used to read fiction novels passionately as a kid, my mind turned to other things later on (and no, I dont mean THAT either!), and I actually really went off fiction altogether.

It was only about seven years later (last year) that I got interested in Puzo, and so I picked up all his books.

Now I've finished them, I still havent fully got back my appetite for fiction, but ideally, I'd like to find some more stuff in the same vein as Puzo.

What the hell do I read next? I'm especially interested in family life and immigrant life, and not overly fussed about crime novels.


Captain Howdy.
Posted By: Almammater

Re: Now I've finished all the Puzo novels, what do I read next? - 06/26/02 04:54 PM

Hi !

I've studied immigration quite a lot (at university and on a personal ground) so I could give you an endless list of titles... One of my favorite is "Call It Sleep" by Henry (not Philip) Roth, published in 1934 : "Through the eyes of David Schearl, the son of immigrant Jews, the reader is taken into the teeming jungle of a NYC slum."

I know there are a million books about the Italian immigration and growing up in the States but I can't remember the titles right now, but I'll do some research if you're interested

Posted By: Guineapig

Re: Now I've finished all the Puzo novels, what do I read next? - 06/26/02 06:55 PM

try reading The Black Mass it's not about immigration but it's about the Irish and Italian mob in South Boston.
Posted By: Captain Howdy

Re: Now I've finished all the Puzo novels, what do I read next? - 06/26/02 09:20 PM

Originally posted by Almammater:
Hi !

I've studied immigration quite a lot (at university and on a personal ground)...

...I know there are a million books about the Italian immigration and growing up in the States but I can't remember the titles right now, but I'll do some research if you're interested

Cheers Almammater,
That's very helpful. It sounds like there's a lot of books to choose from, and so I'll give it some more thought, before I narrow it down.
I'll get back to you very soon on that one.
(Plus I'll probably pester you to teach me some of what you know on immigration too, cuz I wanna find some more out about that too. )

Thanks too, guineapig, I'll see if it's in the library.

later guys.
Posted By: Almammater

Re: Now I've finished all the Puzo novels, what do I read next? - 06/26/02 09:40 PM

Feel free to ask, you'll never pester me : I love sharing my knowledge on the subject.

Actually I'm working on a website on Italian-Americana with a heavy section on cinema, you should like it when I put it online and give you the address. Pazienza !

Posted By: Almammater

Re: Now I've finished all the Puzo novels, what do I read next? - 06/26/02 09:42 PM

Oops ! I forgot to ask you about these amps going to 11 : where can I have one ? I've been hearing about them for years but never could find one to buy

Almammater, nonetheless
Posted By: Machiavelli

Re: Now I've finished all the Puzo novels, what do I read next? - 07/03/02 04:10 AM

How was The Family by the way? Good, bad, average?
Posted By: Liz_85

Re: Now I've finished all the Puzo novels, what do I read next? - 07/03/02 07:26 AM

A Safe Place - The Story of a Father, Son, A Murderer, by Lorenzo Carcaterra.
It's a true story about the author and the title pretty much says it all. The Italian migrant theme is there, but it's not the main focus of the book. A good book, you should check it out.
Posted By: Lemans

Re: Now I've finished all the Puzo novels, what do I read next? - 10/22/02 10:18 PM

I read Apaches by Carcaterra, it was a good read.
Posted By: Liz_85

Re: Now I've finished all the Puzo novels, what do I read next? - 11/21/02 04:42 AM

I liked Apaches too, and Lorenzo Carcaterra has just released his latest, Street Boys, which is supposed to be as good as all his previous works are.
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