

Posted By: Don Corpuzzi

Omerta - 12/13/01 08:19 PM

I'm reading Omerta right now and I heard somewhere that the movie rights to this book have already been purchased. Is this true?
Posted By: Francis The Kid Forducci

Re: Omerta - 12/14/01 04:57 AM

Yes it is right, Miramax has bought the rights to Omerta and are planning to make it a major motion picture. It's a great book, I hope you have fun with it.
Posted By: kingSIFON

Re: Omerta - 12/15/01 08:37 PM

Upon picking up a special order copy of The Godfather hardback, I found a hardback copy of Omerta on sale and bought it. It looks pretty good
Posted By: MobbingForMoney

Re: Omerta - 12/15/01 08:39 PM

Originally posted by kingSIFON:
It looks pretty good

Dont judge a book by its cover......
Posted By: kingSIFON

Re: Omerta - 12/15/01 08:40 PM

Originally posted by MobbingForMoney:

Dont judge a book by its cover......

I read a little bit of it and it seemed intresting, wether or not it stays interesting I don't know, but I didn't just udge it by its cover
Posted By: MobbingForMoney

Re: Omerta - 12/15/01 08:45 PM

Originally posted by kingSIFON:

but I didn't just udge it by its cover

Sorry about that,it was a perfect time for the quote.
Posted By: Sermanni

Re: Omerta - 01/06/02 01:46 AM

I thought Omerta was very poor...........
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Omerta - 01/07/02 12:08 PM

I really liked it. It took a while to get into but once I did I was hooked. A very smart plotline and strong characters to identify with. The reading of it doesn't flow aswell as The Godfather or The Sicilian but those are classics and not many peices or work can compare to them.

Omerta does however stand alone as a great book. I hope any film made on it will do it justice.
Posted By: Don Corpuzzi

Re: Omerta - 01/09/02 04:39 PM

I'm kinda stuck right now in the middle of the book...guess I need to sit down and read it until it starts flowing again.
Posted By: Tyler Durden

Re: Omerta - 02/02/02 07:58 PM

Omerta...What A Book. I think this is Mario Puzo's second greatest book(behind the Godfather). Many people disagree with me though.
Posted By: DonAlx

Re: Omerta - 02/02/02 09:51 PM

i think the last don is the second best book, we all know which one is first. But then again im just starting to read omerta so lets see how this one turns out
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Omerta - 02/03/02 02:05 AM

We've all got our opinions but I think The Sicilian is Puzo's greatest book. Then Godfather.
Posted By: DonAlx

Re: Omerta - 02/03/02 03:06 PM

Sicilian better than godfather? i thought godfather was the greatest! i gotta read the sicilian if its that good
Posted By: Anthony Spilotro

Re: Omerta - 02/07/02 05:07 AM

DO you guys think Omerta will be an Oscar winner?
Posted By: QueenAssassin

Re: Omerta - 03/25/02 04:16 AM

I finally finished reading it! It's a good book. I guess you really have to get into it to enjoy it. Some parts of the book lagged a bit, but all in all it was a good book. The ending could've been a little better though.

As for it coming out in the big screen and being an Oscar winner. Well, the makers need to choose the RIGHT cast first of all. I want it to be straight off the book.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Omerta - 03/26/02 02:25 PM

Originally posted by QueenAssassin:
I finally finished reading it! It's a good book. I guess you really have to get into it to enjoy it. Some parts of the book lagged a bit, but all in all it was a good book. The ending could've been a little better though.

Slight Spoiler.

I get what you mean here and I too think the ending could be better. But I really do like the ending. Very clever. I doubt people could get away with that over here though. Law on self defense here is pathetic. Basically if you defend yourself you'll end up getting a worse sentance/fine than the attacker. I feel I should have the right to kill someone in my own home if they have broken and entered my property. Just like most states (as far as i know) in the US can.
I think in some states you can even shoot someone whilst your in your car if someone looks threatening to you. Damnit, why don't we have those laws. I'd be banged up for years if I killed someone on my property. Theres even been a huge case about this subject recently. I can't remember his name but a farmer shot and killed someone whilst they broke into his home. They were running away and he gets a heavy sentance for protecting himself and his home. I think just recently the sentance was shortened to manslaughter and theres less time in the can for him. This is a subject that really annoys me. Mang, i'm never gonna get chance to use my sword properly.......
Posted By: Ricardo

Re: Omerta - 03/26/02 03:24 PM

Originally posted by Don Alessandro:
DO you guys think Omerta will be an Oscar winner?

Miramax just BOUGHT the book, and we're alreay wondering wheter the movie will be an oscar winner. Let's Hope it's NOT a Made for Tv movie.

The Last Don would ahv been great if it wasn't aimed to be TV acceptable.

Sicilian movie Differed a lot from the book. Turi who was the little kid? A replacement for Stefan Andolini?

Was the name Malo copyrighted too, as were Clemenza, Corleone, Tommasino, and Andolini? You'd think Massino would ahve been copyrgihted by somebody else too.

I hope this goes by the book. It's weird when the change it. UNLESS it's for the better.

Sicilian's changes WEREN'T for teh better, sorry Turi.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Omerta - 03/26/02 03:54 PM

The little kid in The Sicilian movie was just a dedicated follower to Giuliano. I think if I remember correctly he was in released in the Jailbreak of Monreale. A very confusing plot and for no reason he was added (not the jailbreak, the kid). The film had too many problems.

I think the main problem with the film is that it tried to mix the film and the real life things what Giuliano did but still it was innaccurate and didn't have the entertainment of the novel. So it was a huge failure. The book is quite innacurrate but at least it is a very entertaining read. To me one of the greatest books written.
Posted By: Ricardo

Re: Omerta - 03/27/02 09:16 PM

Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
The little kid in The Sicilian movie was just a dedicated follower to Giuliano. I think if I remember correctly he was in released in the Jailbreak of Monreale. A very confusing plot and for no reason he was added (not the jailbreak, the kid). The film had too many problems.

I think the main problem with the film is that it tried to mix the film and the real life things what Giuliano did but still it was innaccurate and didn't have the entertainment of the novel. So it was a huge failure. The book is quite innacurrate but at least it is a very entertaining read. To me one of the greatest books written.
What do you mean real-life things about Giuliano? Who was he based on? Isn't he fictional like Vito Corleone, Raymonde Aprile, and Domenico Clericuzio?
Posted By: Don Corpuzzi

Re: Omerta - 04/04/02 02:40 AM

Well...I started this topic waaaaaaaay back in December and I just finished reading the book about 30 minutes ago. It was okay, but not nearly as good as The Godfather. I thought the end was pretty weak, and there seemed to be too many important characters for a simpleton like me to keep up with.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Omerta - 04/04/02 12:06 PM

Originally posted by Ricardo:
What do you mean real-life things about Giuliano? Who was he based on? Isn't he fictional like Vito Corleone, Raymonde Aprile, and Domenico Clericuzio?
Salvatore Giuliano really existed as a bandit in the 40's. He was a real guy. Puzo immortalised him with "The Sicilian". He also changed the spelling of his name to Guiliano and so by this changing a few points in the book for dramarisation. So he didn't have to keep it too biographical.
Posted By: the angel of justice

Re: Omerta - 04/04/02 11:16 PM

yeah, there's a couple of books i keep meaning to read about the real life of Giuliano, one is written by his sister.
Posted By: Ricardo

Re: Omerta - 04/05/02 02:45 PM

Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
[quote]Originally posted by Ricardo:
[b]What do you mean real-life things about Giuliano? Who was he based on? Isn't he fictional like Vito Corleone, Raymonde Aprile, and Domenico Clericuzio?
Salvatore Giuliano really existed as a bandit in the 40's. He was a real guy. Puzo immortalised him with "The Sicilian". He also changed the spelling of his name to Guiliano and so by this changing a few points in the book for dramarisation. So he didn't have to keep it too biographical.[/b][/quote]COOL!
Where there really a Gaspare Pisciotta, Silvestro Canio, Passatempo, Terranova, Crocefixio Malo, Domenick Clemenza, Stefan Andolini, or Hector Adonis?

How did Giuliano REALLy die? On church stairs, boat, or someplace else?

Was there a redheaded traitor or was there REALLY a little kid like in the movie?

Thanks for info, you got a site with info, Turnbull?
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Omerta - 04/05/02 06:15 PM

Try reading this Ricardo.... Writings on Famous Italians

Theres a few other good ones there including Luciano Leggio, Giulio Andreotti etc.

Also I've just ordered the book that that information is based from by Billy J Chandler - King of the Mountain. I actually got the Avatar for him from the cover of that book. 20 sods that book is costing me. :rolleyes:
Posted By: the angel of justice

Re: Omerta - 04/05/02 10:30 PM

yeah i noticed your avatar was of him, because (i don't know where) i've seen a picture of him with Vito Genovese. And yes, the Billy Jaynes Chandler book was the other one i was on about, let us know when you start reading it what it's like.
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