
The Sicilan - The Godfather

Posted By: Biggtone23

The Sicilan - The Godfather - 11/18/01 02:56 AM

It's been about a year since I read The Sicilan, but I remember that one of the characters, Stefan Andolini, is related to the Correleones in the Godfather. My question is are they cousins(he and Mike, Fredo, Sonny, Connie)or something?
Posted By: Mal

Re: The Sicilan - The Godfather - 11/29/01 10:01 PM

I read it this past summer and I don't remember it stating how they're actually related.
Posted By: Sonny

Re: The Sicilan - The Godfather - 11/30/01 03:37 AM

I don't remember it clearly, but if memory serves me right, Stefano was Vito's cousin (wierd age difference)...Stefano's father (I thought it was the priest) is supposedly Vito's brother, which has just confused me and let me decide on finding the book and checking it out and re-post later.....
Posted By: Liz_85

Re: The Sicilan - The Godfather - 11/30/01 04:30 AM

In the book, it says, "I am Stefan Andolini, your father and I grew uo tegether in Corleone. I saw you in America, when you were a child."
So I'd say he was Vito's cousin. But then he also calls Michael, "Cousin Michael", but I suppose that can still work, as I call my dad's cousins my cousins too.
Hope that helps,
Posted By: Liz Skywalker

Re: The Sicilan - The Godfather - 12/02/01 10:53 PM

actually, they weren't related at all, according to the book (although this part confused me). His "father" was related to the corleones but his momma had cheated with the abbot... ?:
Posted By: Sonny

Re: The Sicilan - The Godfather - 12/03/01 01:04 AM

Originally posted by Liz Skywalker:
actually, they weren't related at all, according to the book (although this part confused me). His "father" was related to the corleones but his momma had cheated with the abbot... ?:

So it wouldn't be unfair to conclude that because Stefano's Mom's legal husband being related to the Corleones, he decided to punish his wife and the abbott (who's in tight with the Mafia), and Antonio Andolini gave him support...Therefore, when the Mafia stepped in to protect the Abbott, Vito's father refused to budge, and was killed....

Well, I just made that up, so don't take it seriously.....but still, good plot, won't you think?
Posted By: Tyler Durden

Re: The Sicilan - The Godfather - 01/15/02 11:24 PM

Yes, they are related, they are cousins. Of Mike, Sonny, Fredo, and Connie of course..
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: The Sicilan - The Godfather - 01/16/02 03:09 PM

Stefan Andolini also refered to as Fra Diavalo throughout the book. Now its been a long time since I read the book. But i've just been skimming over a few pages and so far i've found....

Liz_85 is exactly right with that quote and does keep refering to Michael as cousin Michael.

Ok heres another bit....

' Stefan Andolini reached over to caress Michael's shoulder and said, "It does my heart good to see you my dear cousin." '

That doesn't tell much. He might say cousin for affectionate purposes but he follows this up with....

' "Did you know the Guiliano's are related to us" '

I think we've just got to judge for ourselves for now untill someone reads the book again and takes a few notes. I'd be more than happy to do that and I really want to read it again but I've got new things waiting in line first.

Oh by the way I don't want to add more confusion with the Guiliano's being related to the Andolini's. In the book it says Michael doesn't believe this and knows they just worked with Vito in America where Salvatore was conceived.
Posted By: Tyler Durden

Re: The Sicilan - The Godfather - 01/16/02 08:09 PM

giuliano, what are you talkin about? they are.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: The Sicilan - The Godfather - 01/17/02 06:47 PM

I never said they weren't Tony.

I want to know the exact relation if any. And I want it based on fact. Not just a guess. If you can prove it, eg post something, a quote from the Sicilian that does so it would really help put this topic to sleep.
Posted By: Ricardo

Re: The Sicilan - The Godfather - 01/18/02 12:13 AM

You mean Turi is a corleone? WOW. How's the Family?
Posted By: Don Sciz

Re: The Sicilan - The Godfather - 02/11/02 08:29 PM

I'm pretty sure I remember a specific reference to how Stefan is related to Michael. I can't find it by skimming, but you will notice that his last name is Andolini and that the Don grew up Vito Andolini in Corleone, Sicily.

Also, Stefan mentions several times that he is Michael's cousin and refers to no one else as cousin, even as a show of affection.
Posted By: DonAlx

Re: The Sicilan - The Godfather - 02/11/02 10:38 PM

in a short and simple way THEYRE COUSINS
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