
The Fortunate Pilgrim

Posted By: the angel of justice

The Fortunate Pilgrim - 08/01/01 07:04 PM

I am yet to read this book and i was just wondering before i buy it if anyone who has read it has any interesting views on it?
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: The Fortunate Pilgrim - 08/01/01 09:16 PM

When I bought the Godfather novel years ago it included the Fortunate Pilgrim. I wasnt too enamoured with what the story was and im still yet to read it.

I'll read what it says on the back....

From the barren farms of Italy to the cramped tenements of New York, the immigrant families struggle with an adopted life - none more so that the Angeluzzi-Cobos. At the head stands Lucia Santia, wife, widow and mother of the two families It is her formidable will that steers them through the Depression and the early years of the war. But she cannot prevent the conflict between Italian and American values - nor the bloodshed which must surely follow....

Hope its of use to you, even thought you have probably read something similar somewhere else.
Posted By: Joey T

Re: The Fortunate Pilgrim - 08/03/01 04:08 PM

I've got about 80 pages to go in the book. Small things have happened so far and I am feeling that the ending will be huge. I'll update when I finish.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: The Fortunate Pilgrim - 08/21/01 06:45 PM

I'm still waiting for my order, so it's worth reading?
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