
Mel Gibson -- Media Food

Posted By: MaryCas

Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/05/06 11:55 PM

Things must be reeeeeally be dull in the media world. They are feasting on Mel's DUI and ethnic-expletives. So what!

Some Mel defender's might say it's the Jewish entertainment world striking back for "Passion of the Christ". What do you say? Is Mel getting a fair shake? Barbara Walter's said she won't go see another M.G. film. I'm sure Mel's broken up about that. Well I'm not going to buy another Neil Diamond record because he's a Jew and he made a Christmas album. How hypocritical can you get!

Oh, BTW there are people still starving in Africa and if you haven't noticed the Middle East is a mess.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/06/06 01:35 AM

I don't know why the media, and we as Americans, are so very impressed with actors, musicians, etc. We want to know all about them, their children, their spouses/divorces. Why is that?? Just like the people who cry and cry over celebrity deaths. Why?? Would they cry if you died?? Not a tear.

I could care less about Mr. Gibson, his drinking and his personal beliefs. Let him drink and curse anyone he wants, as long as he doesn't physically hurt anyone. There will always be stupid people in the world. Just because some of them make their living in the public eye, why are we so surprised and scandalized????
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/06/06 01:55 AM

Drunks drivers in general I can't find any pity for. Besides, Gibson is rich. He CAN afford to be ridiculed.

Besides, he broke the two top rules for celebrities in regards to the law:

(1) Don't get caught for something stupid.

(2) Say something completely stupid, no matter how intoxicated, that will fuck you in the ass.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/06/06 09:20 PM

Whatever happened to his Apocalyptica? I saw trailers for it in cinemas ages ago, so it's definitely finished shooting, but haven't heard anything since.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/06/06 09:52 PM

Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
Whatever happened to his Apocalyptica? I saw trailers for it in cinemas ages ago, so it's definitely finished shooting, but haven't heard anything since.
Pretty much, it's an upcoming film everyone is hating already due to Gibson himself.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/06/06 10:47 PM

I agree with SB. Why should we give a rat's ass about what celebrity:

get's arrested
who is having a baby
who is getting a divorce or married
listening them whine about how they are not getting enough $$ to make a movie or tv show.
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/06/06 11:28 PM

Eeeh, what`s the problem between Mel and Jews?

Sorry, maybe I am weird, but I am one of those who doesn`t care for Mel, doesn`t know about his family life, and hates his movies.

Let me guess, was the Passion (which I didn`t see) maybe a bit unnuanced, like towards the Jews?
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/07/06 11:40 AM

Originally posted by Enzo Scifo:
Let me guess, was the Passion (which I didn`t see) maybe a bit unnuanced, like towards the Jews?
Some Jews didn't care for it because they felt that it portrayed the Jews as the people who killed Christ.

Of course, last time I checked, the Pharisees were Jews, and they rejected Barrabus and told Pontius Pilate to crucify Jesus, so... :rolleyes:
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/07/06 12:31 PM

I thought it was the Romans that nailed Jesus, since as an occupying foreign power they didn't care for this like radical Judean leader that calls himself the "Messiah". Unless I'm mistaken, good ole P. Pilate was a Roman, but whatever.
Posted By: Martin Joseph

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/08/06 12:00 AM

I believe it was Pontius Pilate who gave the Jews a choice, either a known murderer in Barabus (not sure of name) was crucified, or Jesus. The Jews chose to have Jesus crucified, and they let Barabus go, thus the hatred by so many. Problem with this, and I won't get into anything biblical because this isn't the board, but the problem with people hating the Jews because of this is that they did what they did because it fulfilled prophecy. Jesus had to be crucified.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/08/06 01:54 AM

That's pretty much spot on, Pilate gave the Pharasees had the choice between the murderer Barrabus and Jesus, and they chose Jesus Christ over a criminal. Sure, even though Pilate claimed to have washed his hands, the blood was still there.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/09/06 12:00 PM

If you want to rely on what Holy books have to say about who crucified Jesus and just to make controversies worse, according to Quran, Jesus was never crucified. God took him to Heaven before they could lay hands on him and made Judah look like Jesus for his betrayal so they actually killed Judah.

I'm not sure why some people get so much worked up because of a movie someone made. A movie only reflects personal opinions and is not a historical fact. As it is wrong to label a race or religion for what their ancestors did, we shouldn't crucify people for their opinions. Unfortunately crucifying Jesus does not go past his name and case, and no one tries to draw parallel analogies between this story and what happens in everyday life. If you look closely Jesus or what he stood for is being crucified everyday by our lack of tolerance regarding personal beliefs.

As for Mel Gibson, I like him a lot as an actor and very much enjoyed his Passion. Also many other movies he acted in, especially Maverick. I really don't follow the news of his DUI. If you don't like or don't care about his personal life, you could simply ignore such media coverage as well.

But why media focuses on such cases is because celebrities and even politicians are often considered role models by their fans. When someone shares his opinion through making movies or acting; or comes to the spotlight of politics people feel as if they know that person and his/her lifestyle is being followed closely. If there was no demand for such media coverage, the media would have dropped the case weeks ago. Lack of dead role models for most people ( ) and the need for having one is what makes people interested in the personal lives of celebrities.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/09/06 02:56 PM

Who killed Jesus?

As Catholics, we are taught and believe that we all put Jesus on the cross - that as Lord and Redeemer, he died for our sins.

The Last Supper and Crucifixion are observed at every Mass, and the message of the death and resurrection is one of love and redemption, certainly not blame and hate.

Those that may exploit the crucifixion as a basis to fuel their own animosity and prejudices discredit the sacrifice of Jesus, who said on the cross, "Forgive them, Father, they know not what they do."
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/09/06 02:58 PM

Yeah, but Jesus was a hippie with all that "Love" stuff. What did he know?
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/09/06 03:11 PM

Who cares about Mel Gibson? He's a "pazzo" like Joey Zasa.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/09/06 03:27 PM

Just wanted to step in here. Realistically, if anyone is responsible for Jesus' death, it is God Himself. If you truly believe in the bible, God gave us His only son, whose blood was to be shed for mankind. It was preordained that He would die in the manner He did, and then rise to take His place at the right hand of The Father. If you believe this to be true, then whoever sentenced Jesus to death and carried out His execution was only fulfilling the role that God had in mind for them.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/09/06 07:19 PM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
Just wanted to step in here. Realistically, if anyone is responsible for Jesus' death, it is God Himself. If you truly believe in the bible, God gave us His only son, whose blood was to be shed for mankind. It was preordained that He would die in the manner He did, and then rise to take His place at the right hand of The Father. If you believe this to be true, then whoever sentenced Jesus to death and carried out His execution was only fulfilling the role that God had in mind for them.
Exactly right. BTW doesnt this make Judas a good guy?
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/09/06 08:52 PM

Originally posted by dontomasso:
Exactly right. BTW doesnt this make Judas a good guy?
It makes him neither good or bad.

What makes him good or bad is what was in his heart.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/10/06 03:09 AM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
Just wanted to step in here. Realistically, if anyone is responsible for Jesus' death, it is God Himself. If you truly believe in the bible, God gave us His only son, whose blood was to be shed for mankind. It was preordained that He would die in the manner He did, and then rise to take His place at the right hand of The Father. If you believe this to be true, then whoever sentenced Jesus to death and carried out His execution was only fulfilling the role that God had in mind for them.
The point (at least mine) wasn't who was to blame per se, rather, that by portraying something as historically accurate, the Passion was accused of anti-semitism.
Posted By: Tony Love

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/10/06 04:49 AM

By the time I finished watching Passion I was ready to kill a Jew or two, then I realized that Jews were cool, so I watched Schindler's List and was ready to kill a Nazi. Nazi's aren't cool!
Posted By: Snake

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/10/06 01:22 PM

Man, there are some really screwed-up theologians here.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/10/06 01:31 PM

Originally posted by Tony Love:
By the time I finished watching Passion I was ready to kill a Jew or two, then I realized that Jews were cool, so I watched Schindler's List and was ready to kill a Nazi. Nazi's aren't cool!

You'd better not watch Indiana Jones, or you'll be off to save the Holy Grail from the Nazis.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/10/06 04:54 PM

I understand that, DJ. What I'm saying is that it is ridiculous for ANYONE to assign blame. Jesus was sent here (if you believe) to carry out a mission. That mission was to die for the good of mankind. It doesn't make Judas a good guy (although recently discovered scriptures may be casting a new light on his role), as was pointed out, it means that it was his destiny to betray Christ. Although the Catholic Church professes that we have free will to sin or not, I'm not sure if that was so in the case of the men who executed Jesus Christ.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/10/06 05:35 PM

Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/10/06 08:50 PM

Originally posted by Tony Love:
By the time I finished watching Passion I was ready to kill a Jew or two, then I realized that Jews were cool, so I watched Schindler's List and was ready to kill a Nazi. Nazi's aren't cool!
I did the same, but I went on and watched American History X. Then I realized Nazi's are cool, and I was ready to hate a black or two.

Did I misunderstood that movie? :p
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/10/06 08:53 PM

Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
Uh, nice site you have there, but what does it have to do with this thread? I really don't see any fascist comments in this thread, and posters participating in this thread who possibly made fascist posts in the past don't count.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/11/06 03:26 AM

So what?
The guy got drunk and drove.That makes his a stupid jerkoff. Make him pay w/ the rest of those who get caught.
He said anti-semetic things? He's not the first, definetly not the last. As long as he's not acting on his hatred, let him hate. There are more important things to concern ourselves with.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/11/06 12:08 PM

Originally posted by Enzo Scifo:
[quote]Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
[b] Hello.
Uh, nice site you have there, but what does it have to do with this thread? I really don't see any fascist comments in this thread, and posters participating in this thread who possibly made fascist posts in the past don't count. [/b][/quote] Hello again.
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/12/06 01:47 AM


I did sense fascistoid irony in this thread, probably of lousy quality.

However Capo, last night I went out drinking with Turi. He won. As a result, I still don't see what you're pointing out. Or maybe I just don't want to understand what you're saying altough in fact I do. :p
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/13/06 04:29 PM

He is a huge public figure that got caught. Look at the sales of rags, of course the media loved it.

Drunk driving still kills a huge number of people. I'm glad he might do something about it before he killed someone.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/13/06 08:05 PM

You know, I would have been glad too saladbar...if he had gone into rehab BEFORE he was busted by the cops.

Look at Robin Williams, life-time narcotics addict or user in differing forms(including being a notorius cocaine user, a habit he apparently only broke when his pal and co-coke snorter John Belushi overdosed) who the rags claim has gone into rehab for booze. Did it take a DUI arrest to compel him?
Posted By: Brwne Byte

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/14/06 01:19 AM

Originally posted by Tony Love:
By the time I finished watching Passion I was ready to kill a Jew or two, then I realized that Jews were cool, so I watched Schindler's List and was ready to kill a Nazi. Nazi's aren't cool!
That is what a certin film is desined to do. Make you feel emotion,good or bad. Particularly if the film is a product of the director's own opinions and beliefs. But I say this:
Ignorance and stupidity(and evil) come in all forms. Whether that person is Jew or Nazi,black or white,red or green. It makes no difference. We are,first and formost just people. Nothing more. Everything else is only a name or lable we use to identify ourselves. And I do belive that God gave us free will to make our own decisions, as people and does not intend to control us all like robots. So,so what if Mel dislikes jews? I like him anyway. Because it is not my place to judge anyone, nor is it my place to judge a celebrity for making a mistake, and feel all angerd because I was a fan, like he owes me something. Mel Gibson owes nothing to no one, except his family, and those closest to him. I hope he gets the help he needs, and gets back on his feet,and I support him.
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/14/06 01:40 AM

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
You know, I would have been glad too saladbar...if he had gone into rehab BEFORE he was busted by the cops.

Look at Robin Williams, life-time narcotics addict or user in differing forms(including being a notorius cocaine user, a habit he apparently only broke when his pal and co-coke snorter John Belushi overdosed) who the rags claim has gone into rehab for booze. Did it take a DUI arrest to compel him?
True. Unfortunately it takes a big humiliation for SOME people to see the light. I hope Mel Gibson is sincere in his efforts and apologies.

Would he be seeking help if he wasn't embarrassed by the media? If this wasn't hurting his future films?
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/15/06 12:51 AM

Originally posted by Saladbar:
He is a huge public figure that got caught. Look at the sales of rags, of course the media loved it.

Drunk driving still kills a huge number of people. I'm glad he might do something about it before he killed someone.
Yes, my California/Louisiana friend. A clear mind speaks. This is the real issue. A drunk driver who can potentially kill someone. Celebrity aside, DUI is the issue, not all the movie stuff. Humans are complicated beings; we're not so easily stuffed into categories. That's convenient. Love the sinner, hate the sin. Mel is a talented man. You may not side with his beliefs, or Spielberg's, but admire their talents and deal with Mel's problem.....a media sharkfest is not necessary.
Posted By: Tony Love

Re: Mel Gibson -- Media Food - 08/15/06 06:51 AM

Originally posted by Brwne Byte:
That is what a certin film is desined to do. Make you feel emotion,good or bad. Particularly if the film is a product of the director's own opinions and beliefs.
Thanks for the elaboration but that was the point of my original post.

Any doubt whether or not to as if your quote is true, watch a Michael Moore "film".
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