
The most underrated film of all time

Posted By: Fame

The most underrated film of all time - 07/21/06 09:00 PM

Turnbull & Plawrence, dont bother replying, I know your answer : "True Confessions" (1981)

My pick is "Sweet Smell of Success" (1957) - I just cant believe the lack of recognition when it comes to this masterpiece. I cant remember it being mentioned even once in this forum.

What in your opinion is the most underrated film of all time?
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 07/21/06 10:48 PM


Two of the greatest actors of all time
A really fantastic director
Great supporting cast
Great story

Not a single Oscar nomination
Doesn't get a bit of recognition from most serious film fanatics

Drastically underrated
Posted By: DonVitoCorleone

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 07/22/06 01:31 AM

The King of Comedy
Posted By: goombah

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 07/22/06 02:00 AM

Thirteen Days, Heat, and The Insider (three-way tie)
Posted By: hova4ever9

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 07/22/06 03:27 AM

Heat, Insider, Donnie Brasco, Blow that my underrated list
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 07/22/06 05:24 AM

To me, under-rated seems to hold a different meaning to some of the other people on this site. I think that the academy is constantly wrong, for instance, so I don't bother measuring in oscars (I mean, come on. Million Dollar Baby? That was the one time in my life I said I WASTED money in the theater).

If anything, I measure in the response it gets from a respectable film community. Not critics or people who show up to the theater looking for a quick, cheap fix out of a shitty action movie. Just respectable movie-goers.

A movie which I think gets fucked out of credit on a daily basis, and no one seems to agree with me on is Vanilla Sky. All I ever hear is "Well, it was no Open Your Eyes" blah blah blah. I have yet to see the original Spanish film, Abre Los Ojos in which Vanilla Sky takes its basis, but I plan to. Also, judging purely on the reputation of the film-makers of each film, I'm willing to side with the logical side of things, assume that Abre Los Ojos is indeed better than the American remake. No argument there... I've yet to see a second film of Crowe's which I enjoyed. But I think Vanilla Sky is still very well made. It has a different vibe and feel to it, so I've gathered from what I've read up on Abre Los Ojos, not as dark I hear... Now, while Vanilla Sky is still very dark, I think that's just America for you. I often hear Vercetti complain of it being pumped full of pop culture references... But is that not America? Of all the fucked up media stances that run rampid internationally, America has the most imposing one. What other country goes tabloid crazy like us? You think that Spain cares how fat Brittney Spears is getting, or about Brad and Angelina's baby? You think they care nearly as much as we do? Vanilla Sky gives us a taste of American life, which would have obviously been irrelevant in its Spanish counterpart. And besides... Can we really complain about a remake trying to seperate itself from the original?

As far as I am concerned, Vanilla Sky has excellent writing, performances, cinematography, use of music, direction, dialouge, and imagery. I'm very interested and exciting in seeing Abre Los Ojos and plan on seeing it as soon as I can get my hands on a copy... And even though my expectations are set on it being a superior film to Vanilla Sky does this mean that Vanilla is a lesser film? Am I going to log onto the site and say "omg liek venila sky wznt as g00d so iguss it jus.t isnt a go0d moov.e omglolbbq kthnxbye" ? Nope. A remake--even though not as good as the original--can still be a good film in itself. I think Vanilla Sky is immediately written off for just being an American remake of a foreign film.

So, there is my rant... I know I probably would have been questioned on it anyways, if I had just mentioned the film's title. You can expect another unneeded rant (written at 1:20 in the morning) when I finally see Abre Los Ojos.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 07/22/06 08:38 AM

Bang the Drum Slowly and Rope.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 07/22/06 11:09 AM

All reviews I've read of Sweet Smell of Success praise it.

There's a fine line between underrated and underseen, I think.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 07/22/06 02:20 PM

I love THE INSIDER, but its not underrated. Hell, it scored many Oscar nods for Mann and Russell Crowe back in 1999. Maybe it could have won them, but its not underrated.

I used to call HEAT underrated as well, but 11 years later, there is a general feeling for film buffs that this movie rocks in the crime genre, and that most people like it. Underrated? Not anymore.

Now THIRTEEN DAYS is underrated. An $80 million major dud for New Line Cinema, its a compelling 150 minute docu-drama, at perhaps the best of such historical storytelling, of one of the most dangerous series of days in American history. The fact that we already know the outcome, and yet the movie is still compelling, does tell you the power of it. While most critics were positive in its release, the movie was slammed by people who bitched that it was historically inaccurate, and that (I might add many in the conservative right) many complained that it was biased against the military and towards the administration of that time. Nevermind that Curtis LeMay was, well, one of the more "interesting" people people we've had command in the military.
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 07/22/06 02:42 PM

Thirteen Days looks interesting. Some others worth mentioning.

For some reason it seems to be completely written off as a high school comedy for brain-dead teenagers, which it's not at all. Consider the fact that the main character is a 40 year old man going through a mid-life crisis. Just because Reese Witherspoon was in all the advertising as the geeky school girl, doesn't mean everyone has to overlook Alexander Payne's fantastic direction and the biting humor peppered throughout the piece. For anyone who enjoyed his later work, give Election a rewatch, you might be surprised.

Unfairly written off as a Goodfellas rehash. A true masterpiece in its own right.

The Truman Show
The fact that it was Jim Carrey gave people the wrong impression. One of favorites for a very long time.

The Man Who Wasn't There
Why do I not even remember this movie coming out? Bad marketing and critic's expectations for Fargo-like humor resulted in an undeserved bashing in some cases. One of the best of the last decade.

Carlito's Way
1993/De Palma
No it's not Scarface Pt II. Get over it. De Palma can actually direct, and Pacino doesn't have to shout all the time.

Don't let the badly dated clothes and technology fool you, this is a great movie.

The Godfather Pt III
Suspend your love of the original two for 10 seconds and enjoy this movie in its own right. The only thing worthwhile to come out of Francis Ford in the past 27 years.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 07/22/06 02:47 PM

Very Nice list Hagen. Certainly THE GODFATHER PART III is flawed, but its not as bad as I think the serious fans of #1 and #2 make it out to be.

I originally gave a rating of ****1/2 for THE TRUMAN SHOW, but fuck it, after rewatching it recently, I think its a bonafide masterpiece. Full 5-star score for it and Peter Weir!
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 07/22/06 05:54 PM

It was my original favorite movie. Haven't watched it since I got the DVD.
Posted By: goombah

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 07/22/06 06:07 PM

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
I love THE INSIDER, but its not underrated. Hell, it scored many Oscar nods for Mann and Russell Crowe back in 1999. Maybe it could have won them, but its not underrated.
My opinion of why The Insider is underrated:

It took something that aired on the television show "60 Minutes" and made into a 2 hour movie. Let's face it - a story about tobacco doesn't sound all that interesting until you see this film.

The other reason is that when most people mention either Al Pacino or Russell Crowe, this movie is NOT what comes to mind. Most associate Pacino with the Godfather and Crowe with Gladiator.
Posted By: flucko

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 07/24/06 05:04 AM

Awakenings (1990)
Sure, it received 3 Oscar nominations but I've never even heard of it before I saw the trailer on the Taxi Driver DVD. The film is fantastic and the acting is just great stuff. Robin Williams gives perhaps the best performance of his career while Robert De Niro is just terrific. The film almost made me cry as well.

Ordinary People (1980)
Well, it did win Best Picture but a lot of people seem to hate it a lot since it beat Raging Bull in the BP race that year. As much as I do admire Raging Bull, Ordinary People really moved me with its touch of suburbia tragedy and a very real set of characters.

The others mentioned here are great (and underrated) as well -- The Insider, The Godfather: Part III, Donnie Brasco, etc.

But it's hard to say The Insider is exactly underrated because it still got 7 Oscar nominations and it is very well-made and well-praised even though I see it slipping off the IQ-insulting IMDb's 250 within the next few months unless a miracle happens (Pirates of the Caribbean is still up there if anyone's curious). Sure, we don't think The Insider when someone mentions Al Pacino or Russell Crowe, it's just that I thought both actors had a much more powerful presence in the films they are actually known for, but they're great in The Insider as well.

Reading your replies make me want to watch Heat. I should have seen a long time ago when it aired on television. I guess now I should get it on DVD while summer's still around.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 07/24/06 05:09 AM

Originally posted by goombah:
[quote]Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
[b] I love THE INSIDER, but its not underrated. Hell, it scored many Oscar nods for Mann and Russell Crowe back in 1999. Maybe it could have won them, but its not underrated.
My opinion of why The Insider is underrated:

It took something that aired on the television show "60 Minutes" and made into a 2 hour movie. Let's face it - a story about tobacco doesn't sound all that interesting until you see this film.

The other reason is that when most people mention either Al Pacino or Russell Crowe, this movie is NOT what comes to mind. Most associate Pacino with the Godfather and Crowe with Gladiator. [/b][/quote]Not to mention it's one of those films that shows how the average person can be controlled by a corporation.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 07/24/06 02:57 PM

Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
All reviews I've read of Sweet Smell of Success praise it.

There's a fine line between underrated and underseen, I think.
Well said, Mick! "Sweet Smell" has always gotten recognition from critics--including those whose view of Tony Curtis's acting chops was formed by those dreadful biblical and medieval roles he took. He and Lancaster slayed 'em in "Sweet Smell."
Another of my candidates for underrated films is "Seconds" (Frankenheimer, 1966). It was panned at the time, but today has something of a cult following. IMO, it's Frankenheimer's masterpiece--an eerie, scary story of middle-aged angst and transformation that says a lot more about "success" than is apparent at first. Outstanding performance by John Randolph, Francis Reid, Jeff Corey,
Wesley Addy, Murray Hamilton, Khigh ("Wo Fat") Deigh, Salome Jens, and, yes, Rock Hudson in his finest role. Terrific camerawork by James Wong Howe. I've watched it close to 500 times. Anyone else familiar with "Second"?
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 07/24/06 03:02 PM

Originally posted by DonVitoCorleone:
The King of Comedy
I agree with this one.
Posted By: Fame

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 07/24/06 05:58 PM

Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
All reviews I've read of Sweet Smell of Success praise it.

There's a fine line between underrated and underseen, I think.
but do you consider a movie to be underrated/overrated based on critics /reviews?
In that case, consider Scarface,1983 :
I dont recall a single review praising this film. Quite the contrary. Critics slayed this film. And yet, everywhere I go in this forum, I hear people calling it "overrated".
Are they wrong then (to say scarface is overrated) because the critics agree with them?
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 07/24/06 06:10 PM

I wouldn't say SCARFACE itself is underrated now.

Anyway, I've found TWO positive reviews of the film from back in 1983 from Ebert and the New York Times. Otherwise, the movie got massacred.

Though 23 years later, with the movie (for better or for worse) inseperate for good from the hip-hop landscape, to new film buffs, like me, who think its a pretty good ambitious picture that works, though not a masterpiece. (Check out my SCARFACE review in the archives sometime)

SCARFACE went from a much-attacked failure to an underground cult favorite(which in this time period is best illustrated in NEW JACK CITY, made in the early 90s) to one that's I believe accepted by most movie fans now.

Now CARLITO'S WAY is still underrated, though its gotten some respect from new moviefans in the last few years, which is cool.

Now a true Brian DePalma movie that's underrated is RAISING CAIN. I mean, SCARFACE, CARLITO'S WAY, BLOW OUT, etc. have gotten new age critics raving them, but the pretty good RAISING CAIN gets jack. Oh well...
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 07/24/06 07:29 PM

Originally posted by Fame:
Are they wrong then (to say scarface is overrated) because the critics agree with them?
Well, it all depends on who you're talking to about which film, and who else is present, then. I think Scarface is overrated on this forum; in a room full of hip-hop-hating businessmen who bash the film due to unforeseeable affiliations with a music scene or black culture, I might think it was unfairly bashed, and find myself defending the film.

One film which I think is underrated on this board is Titanic, but I'd never find myself on a soapbox to the world defending it...that is, the same world which made it one of the most popular films of all time.

The Brown Bunny, anyone? I think that would be my pick, for now.
Posted By: Fame

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 07/24/06 07:44 PM

Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:

One film which I think is underrated on this board is Titanic, but I'd never find myself on a soapbox to the world defending it...that is, the same world which made it one of the most popular films of all time.

Is it the world which made it that popular? or the female population of the world? should there be a distinction?
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 07/24/06 08:19 PM

The female Western world at that. Good point.
Posted By: exgigirl

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 07/25/06 02:35 AM

"A Stranger Among Us" is a good film. It's not on TV half enough. Another one that is underrated is "City Hall."
Posted By: Cuneo

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 08/05/06 09:46 PM

mean streets, snatch
Posted By: bogey

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 08/05/06 09:55 PM

Originally posted by Cuneo:
Snatch is amazing.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 08/06/06 02:58 AM

MEAN STREETS isn't fucking underrated. Hell, most buffs call it one of Scorsese's "Four Masterpieces", along with TAXI DRIVER, GOODFELLAS, and RAGING BULL.



Posted By: Irishman12

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 08/06/06 03:05 AM

Originally posted by bogey:
[quote]Originally posted by Cuneo:
[b] snatch
Snatch is amazing. [/b][/quote]I agree. Definitely in my top 25
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 08/06/06 09:15 PM

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
MEAN STREETS isn't fucking underrated. Hell, most buffs call it one of Scorsese's "Four Masterpieces", along with TAXI DRIVER, GOODFELLAS, and RAGING BULL.



King of Comedy? Oui, monsieur. At least in terms of being overshadowed by his other work. Same as Gangs of New York, really.

And The Conversation, in the same respect; Coppola's best film, overshadowed by his most popular.
Posted By: Tony Mosrite

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 08/07/06 03:21 AM

Originally posted by dontomasso:
[quote]Originally posted by DonVitoCorleone:
[b] The King of Comedy
I agree with this one. [/b][/quote]that's always the movie that comes to me when someone asks this. but actually 'overshadowed' fits better. anyway, I absolutely love this one. funny and touching, great acting, Scorsese (can't go wrong)...

and now I don't know which movie I'd call the most underrated. maybe Pulp Fiction???
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 08/07/06 04:05 AM

PULP FICTION underrated?

What about JACKIE BROWN as the underrated QT title instead?
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 08/07/06 04:39 AM

Everyone loves Pulp Fiction, I don`t consider it underrated.

The most underrated film ever is probably not even known on these boards, including me.
In the end that`s the same like saying that the best music is never recorded, or only heard by a few.
Altough some say that`s not true because not relevant.

But actually I try to avoid these kind of philosophical problems, cause they are the kind were Capo takes his Oxford English Thesaurus, looks for fancy words he never used before, and then starts a 30-line essay on the subject, only to end with a "Crap. Actually I don`t have a focking clue".
Posted By: DonVitoCorleone

Re: The most underrated film of all time - 08/07/06 05:13 AM

Originally posted by Enzo Scifo:
But actually I try to avoid these kind of philosophical problems, cause they are the kind were Capo takes his Oxford English Thesaurus, looks for fancy words he never used before, and then starts a 30-line essay on the subject, only to end with a "Crap. Actually I don`t have a focking clue".
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