
North Korea draws world's scorn for tests

Posted By: Don Smitty

North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/05/06 02:02 PM

North Korea draws world's scorn for tests
By JOSEPH COLEMAN, Associated Press Writer

SEOUL, South Korea - North Korea test-fired a seventh missile Wednesday, intensifying the furor that began when the reclusive regime defied international protests by launching a long-range missile and at least five shorter-range rockets earlier in the day.

The missiles, all of which apparently fell harmlessly into the Sea of Japan, provoked international condemnation, the convening of an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council and calls in Tokyo for economic sanctions against the impoverished communist regime.

North Korea remained defiant, with one official arguing it had the right to such launches. The tests and the impenitent North Korean attitude raised fears that further firings could follow.

North Korea's state-run media did not mention the missile tests but a commentator on its Korean Central Broadcasting Station said the country's "military and people are fully prepared to cope with any provocation and challenge by U.S. imperialists."

"Maintenance of peace in our country is entirely made possible by our strong war deterrent," the announcer said, adding that without it, the North would have suffered a "cruel nuclear disaster."

An official at the South Korea Joint Chiefs of Staff confirmed that North Korea had tested a seventh missile that was either short- or medium-range. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of agency rules.

Japan's Kyodo News agency reported that the missile landed six minutes after launch, but did not say where. The chief of Russia's general staff said that Russian tracking systems showed that Pyongyang may have launched up to 10 missiles during the day, the Interfax news agency reported.

U.S. officials said North Korea fired a long-range Taepodong-2 early in the day, but that it failed shortly after takeoff, calling into question the technological capability of North Korea's feared ballistic missile program. Pyongyang last fired a long-range missile in 1998.

The bold firings came under close international scrutiny of the North's missile launch facilities. The North American Aerospace Defense Command monitored the launches as they progressed but soon determined they were not a threat to the United States, a spokesman said.

Some feared more firings. Pyongyang could test more missiles soon despite the international outcry, Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer said after making a protest via telephone to North Korea's ambassador.

"We think they probably do intend to launch more missiles in the next day or two," Downer told reporters, without explaining if the possibility of more tests came up in his talk with ambassador Chon Jae Hong.

South Korea, separated from the North by the world's most heavily armed border, said the test-launches would further deepen its neighbor's international isolation, sour public opinion in the South toward Pyongyang, and hurt efforts to control weapons of mass destruction.

The tests, which came as the United States celebrated the Fourth of July and launched the space shuttle Discovery, appeared timed to draw the most attention from Washington. Some speculated that Pyongyang wanted some of the spotlight that was focused on Iran's nuclear program.

"North Korea wants to get the U.S. to direct bilateral negotiations by using the missile card," said Paik Hak-soon, a North Korea expert at the Seoul-based Sejong Institute. "Timing the launch date on July 4 is an attempt to apply maximum pressure on the U.S. government."

A North Korea Foreign Ministry official told Japanese journalists in Pyongyang that the regime there has an undeniable right to test missiles.

"The missile launch is an issue that is entirely within our sovereignty. No one has the right to dispute it," Ri Pyong Dok, a researcher on Japanese affairs at the North's Foreign Ministry, said on footage aired by Japanese television network TBS. "On the missile launch, we are not bound by any agreement."

Japanese broadcaster NHK reported that an unidentified Foreign Ministry official in Pyongyang acknowledged the tests, but Ri told reporters that diplomats such as himself are unaware of what the military is doing.

In Russia, Interfax quoted the army chief of staff, Gen. Yuri Baluyevsky as saying the number of missiles fired by North Korea could be higher than the six cited by the U.S., Japan and South Korea.

"According to various data, 10 missiles were launched. Some say that these were missiles of various classes; however, some claim that all missiles were intercontinental," Baluyevsky was quoted as saying in the Russian Far East city of Chita.

Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso warned of a "very high possibility" the U.N. would level economic sanctions against North Korea. Japan also protested the launches officially through the Chinese capital, and banned a North Korean ferry from Japanese ports for six months.

He also said North Korea may face harsher sanctions from Tokyo depending on Pyongyang's actions. Japan has already prohibited North Korean officials from traveling to the country and has barred a trade boat from entering Japanese waters.

The tests followed weeks of mounting speculation that North Korea would launch a Taepodong-2. U.S. intelligence reports indicated Pyongyang was taking steps to prepare for a launch, but the timing was unknown. North Korea refused to confirm the preparations, but insisted it had the right to such a test.

The test was likely to cast a pall over efforts to lure North Korea back to stalled six-party talks on its nuclear weapons program. Pyongyang has boycotted the negotiations to protest a U.S. crackdown on alleged North Korean counterfeiting and other financial crimes. A North Korean official said Wednesday his country would stand by that stance.

Diplomatic moves over North Korea gathered pace. U.S. nuclear envoy Christopher Hill was to leave Washington for the region later Wednesday, and the launches coincided with a trip by South Korea's security chief to Washington for consultations. China's vice-premier was also scheduled to go to Pyongyang next week.

China, North Korea's neighbor and most important ally, urged all parties to remain calm.

"We are seriously concerned with the situation which has already happened," Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao said in a statement on the ministry's Web site.

"We hope that all the relevant sides ... do more things which are conducive to peace and stability ... and not take any actions to escalate and complicate the situation," the statement said.

Two State Department officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the long-range missile was the Taepodong-2, North Korea's most advanced missile with a range of up to 9,320 miles. Some experts believe it could reach the United States with a light payload.

North Korea's missile program is based on Scud technology provided by the former Soviet Union or Egypt, according to American and South Korean officials. North Korea started its Rodong-1 missile project in the late 1980s and test-fired the missile for the first time in 1993.

North Korea had observed a moratorium on long-range missile launches since 1999.

Bush was right when he said that Iran and North Korea were the axis of evil.

Posted By: Double-J

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/05/06 02:11 PM

To paraphrase from Austin Powers...

"Do you propose that we nuke North Korea?"
"Would you miss it...? I mean, would you really miss it?"

Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/05/06 02:28 PM

I hope that the UN does something about this and doesnt just sit around doing nothing. If they dont then Bush should do whatever needs to be done to protect this country.

Posted By: plawrence

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/05/06 02:39 PM

Considering that North Korea doesn't have the long range ICBM delivery system necessary to pose a threat to the United States, what steps do you think are necessary for President Bush to take to protect our country?
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/05/06 02:49 PM

How do u know that they dont have the range to reach the US? And if they dont then what should we do sit around doing nothing until they do? The UN needs to act now. If the UN doesnt do something then Bush should do whatever needs to be done to make sure that no attack from North Korea ever comes to our country.

Posted By: Double-J

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/05/06 02:57 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
Considering that North Korea doesn't have the long range ICBM delivery system necessary to pose a threat to the United States, what steps do you think are necessary for President Bush to take to protect our country?
To steal something I'd figure you would say...

How do you know they don't have this technology?

Then again, they'd only hit California. Sorry TIS. :rolleyes:
Posted By: Tony Love

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/05/06 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Don Smitty:
I hope that the UN does something about this and doesnt just sit around doing nothing. If they dont then Bush should do whatever needs to be done to protect this country.
I'll agree that the U.N. should do something for a change, but instead of George Bush doing the George Bush thing and playing lone ranger, shouldn't he try working with the U.N.? Give them a chance with something important like North Korea. It's important enough to where, if no progress is made within the U.S. and U.N., then don't work with them, yet still gain some support from other countries so the task isn't overbearing for this country. We only make ourselves weaker when we go about achieving all these things independently. We can come up with some type of aliment with other countries.

If the U.S. wants to look like a superpower, then we shouldn't only defend ourselves, but what's left of our allies. Prove that we look out for our friends. It can't hurt us much more than we are already down.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/05/06 02:59 PM

Originally posted by Don Smitty:
The UN needs to act now. If the UN doesnt do something then Bush should do whatever needs to be done to make sure that no attack from North Korea ever comes to our country.
The UN has condemned the actions, but I can appreciate your (rational) concern that this will be shrugged off by the international community.

As far as any thread to the United States at this point, relax. The updated systems that were originated in SDI under Reagan have been going well (from what I've read), as well as Navy tests to shoot down missiles in the Pacific.

Also, if you read in one of the more recent issues of popular mechanics, the government now has a laser-driven plane that can destroy the missiles from mid-air. Quite impressive.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/05/06 03:03 PM

Originally posted by Tony Love:
Give them a chance with something important like North Korea.
Have you seen Team America yet?

"Hans Brix! Can't you see hrow frucking brusy I am!" - Kim Jung Il

Originally posted by Tony Love:
If the U.S. wants to look like a superpower, then we shouldn't only defend ourselves, but what's left of our allies. Prove that we look out for our friends. It can't hurt us much more than we are already down.
We did.

It was called World War II.


"One for the money,"
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/05/06 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Don Smitty:
North Korea draws world's scorn for tests
By JOSEPH COLEMAN, Associated Press Writer

SEOUL, South Korea -
the country's "military and people are fully prepared to cope with any provocation and challenge by U.S. imperialists."

Hmmmm. Doing this on the 4th of July, a day of celebration for our country, and then making a statement like the one I quoted above.

Nah, they're not looking to provoke a confrontation with the United States here. :rolleyes: They're not in bed with Iran here either. :rolleyes:

This has to be handled very delicately because this has the potential to really escalate into something major.

However, by the same token our leader cannot stand by if other leaders from around the world are not willing to take the proper steps within the UN to stop these war mongers.

But right now I believe that every step possible must be taken through world alliances and through the UN council to address this situation.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Double-J

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/05/06 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Don Smitty:
[qb]But right now I believe that every step possible must be taken through world alliances and through the UN council to address this situation.
Meanwhile, let's infiltrate his palace with a few moles, and then have him whacked during his sleep.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/05/06 03:28 PM

This news came out about ten minutes ago :

UN holding emergency meeting on N Korean missiles

The United Nations Security Council members were in emergency talks today to consider their response to North Korea test-firing at least seven missiles.

The closed-door meeting was requested by Tokyo after Pyongyang test-fired seven missiles today, including a long-range Taepodong-2 capable of reaching US soil, sparking fierce condemnation from neighbouring Japan and the United States.

Diplomats said they do not expect any resolution to be voted today and were not sure whether the 15-member Council will issue a consensus statement, a step lower than resolution.

Going into the meeting, American Ambassador John Bolton expressed the hope that the Council will send a strong unanimous signal to North Korea that its behaviour is unacceptable.

"We're going to meet this morning to discuss the situation, go over some of the procedural issues. Then the government of Japan will have a draft resolution to begin consideration at the expert level later this afternoon," he added. "This is obviously a very serious matter."

Tokyo has flayed the North Korean launches and threatened "stern measures," including possible economic sanctions against Pyongyang.

Meanwhile, Chinese Ambassador Wang Guangya, whose country is a close ally of Pyongyang, said Beijing was concerned about the North Korean launches but stressed that any action "should be constructive."

The United States, meanwhile, announced it would dispatch its top envoy on Asian affairs, Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill, to the region for talks, while South Korea's national security adviser was due at the White House.


Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/05/06 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Tony Love:
It's important enough to where, if no progress is made within the U.S. and U.N., then don't work with them, yet still gain some support from other countries so the task isn't overbearing for this country. We can come up with some type of aliment with other countries.

Absolutely. We need to take the proper steps to go through the UN process first and hopefully get their support. And if we don't then we must gain support from our allies and aline with them to take whatever steps necessary to insure both the safety of our allies and the safety of our country.

Everything you say in what I quoted above, Tony, is correct. We must do it exactly the way that we did it with Iraq.

Don Cardi
Posted By: plawrence

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/05/06 03:46 PM

Originally posted by Don Smitty:
How do u know that they dont have the range to reach the US? And if they dont then what should we do sit around doing nothing until they do? The UN needs to act now. If the UN doesnt do something then Bush should do whatever needs to be done to make sure that no attack from North Korea ever comes to our country.
I don't know, of course, but I've never heard the slightest suggestion or hint that they do.

And even if they do, I can't see them attacking us, which would guarantee certain annihilation for them.

But if the U.N. doesn't act, what do you propose that President Bush do?
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/05/06 04:32 PM

Originally posted by Don Smitty: How do u know that they dont have the range to reach the US?

[QUOTE]Originally posted by plawrence:
[qb] I've never heard the slightest suggestion or hint that they do.
Plaw, according to a report to the National Assmebly back in 2003, the warhead of a long-range missile test-fired by North Korea was found in the U.S. state of Alaska. And according to various reports and news stations, including CNN, the Taepodong-2 is believed to have the range to reach U.S. territory, including Hawaii and Alaska.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/05/06 04:35 PM

Its been talked about for a few years now that they have a missile capable of reaching the US. The President should do whatever he and congress feel is needed to protect our country and it's people.

Posted By: Ayperi

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/05/06 04:39 PM

I think they could have things we don't know about, any country could and the public may not know the entire situation. This is scary.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/05/06 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Don Smitty:
The President should do whatever he and congress feel is needed to protect our country and it's people.

Your right Smitty. Because if they don't, and our country is attacked, then there will be those screaming that the President had pre-intelligence and did not act on it and they will form 9/11 like commissions, asking why the government didn't act on prior intelligence, asking for impeachment hearings and dragging all those in the admministration in front of the TV cameras to answer why they did not do anything after getting pre-intelligence of possible missile attacks on our nation.

In my opinion, if all roads lead to a dead end when going the course of the UN, and I really think that every road MUST be taken with getting the UN to act on this, then it's up to our leaders here in this country to take whatever means neccesary to protect this nation and it's people. And if that means our having to fire a missile to take out one that North Korea may fire in our direction, then so be it.

But let's not jump the gun here before all other options are explored through the United Nations, NATO, etc.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/05/06 05:13 PM

Stupid North-Koreans with their rightwing dictator. What's the use for upsetting Japan and the rest of the world?

But for now, let's not get carried away, nothing bad happened. So this must be solved on a large international diplomatic scale.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/05/06 06:36 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
Considering that North Korea doesn't have the long range ICBM delivery system...
Only Tom Clancy is allowed to talk about intercontinental ballistic missiles. :p
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/05/06 06:44 PM

I would imagine that the Chinese are going to step in pretty soon and take care of the "Dear Leader." That guy is far and away the biggest nut job on earth.

If China does not, why cant we send in a crack team of seals and taken him out? I dont believe he is especially beloved by all those people he has starved half to death.

Besides once N Korea is free, the cost of all those electronics and Hyundais will continue to drop
Posted By: Tony Love

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/05/06 07:50 PM

Originally posted by Don Smitty:
The President should do whatever he and congress feel is needed to protect our country and it's people.
Does that include blatant disregard for the U.S. constitution and Bill of Rights? Those same rights our ancestors ended their lives to preserve, so we could enjoy, and experience them today.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/05/06 08:03 PM

Originally posted by Tony Love:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Smitty:
[b] The President should do whatever he and congress feel is needed to protect our country and it's people.
Does that include blatant disregard for the U.S. constitution and Bill of Rights? Those same rights our ancestors ended their lives to preserve, so we could enjoy, and experience them today. [/b][/quote]Actuallly I am surprised that DS includes the Congress in presidential decision making since the creep in the White House doesnt seem to pay attention to Congress or the Courts.

But, yes, the wingholes would all abolish the Constitution in a heartbeat. They hate democracy and they want a permnant dictatorship in this phony "War on Terror"
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/05/06 08:28 PM

Originally posted by Tony Love:
Does that include blatant disregard for the U.S. constitution and Bill of Rights? Those same rights our ancestors ended their lives to preserve, so we could enjoy, and experience them today.
Where did Smitty or any of us for that matter suggest anything like that?

Actually in a twisted way you contradict yourself because
the President is sworn to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. The people of the United States are afforded many freedoms under the Constitution so therefore the President has a responsibility to the American people to accomplish the defeat of our enemies in any part of the world where the safety of America and it's people demands such defeat.

Tell me something Tony, and I ask you this not with any malice of sarcasm, but with sincere curiosity ; If the United Nations fails to act on these actions taken by North Korea, or enforce the laws of the United Nations, and North Korea decides to launch a missile pointed towards the United States Of America, then what do you suggest that the President and Congress do?

Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/05/06 08:45 PM

Originally posted by dontomasso:
the wingholes would all abolish the Constitution in a heartbeat. They hate democracy and they want a permnant dictatorship in this phony "War on Terror"
Actually DonT, the wingholes don't have to try and abolish the constitution or destroy democracy in the name of having a dictatorship. Libholes like yourself and those in office are already doing a great job in helping the enemy destroy our contstituion, our freedoms and everthing that our soldiers have fought for and continue to fight for in this war on terror.

You libholes continually undermine our soldiers while they are on the battlefield fighting the enemy. You libholes insist on sitting on the fence when push comes to shove, and you libholes continue to place blame and claim that things are done wrong, but still have not come up with a plan or idea on how to battle the enemy or win this war. Well I stand corrected because the "libbys' in the country have offered up ideas to the enemy on how they can defeat us in this war.

You play the same old fucking tune in every topic that you post in. Point fingers, call names to those in power, and lay blame. But you cannot and will not admit that not ONE single person from the liberal side that is on office has the ability to come up with a plan for ANYTHING that comes about in this world.

At least the wingholes have the balls enough to defend our country against the same enemies that you libholes keep empowering with your anti-american propaganda and rhetoric!

The battle cry of the libhole : "We're losing the war we're losing the war, we can't win we can't win.... run run run!"

And in the same breath that you accuse the wingholes of having total disregard for the constitution, it's freedoms and humanity, you post things like this :

why cant we send in a crack team of seals and taken him out?
So don't sit there and accuse this administration and those on the right of abolishing the constitution and everything it stands for after you call for a covert hit squad to go into a country and remove it's leader.

Have some consistancy, please.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/05/06 09:16 PM

It seems to me DC that dontomasso just really hates this country and has nothing good to say about it. Why doesnt he just leave if he hates it so much. And he calls this a phony war on terror? Why doesnt he look up the phone numbers of all the people who lost someone on 9-1-1 and tell them its all phony? Go ahead dontomasso call them all up 1 by 1.

Posted By: Patrick

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/05/06 09:29 PM

Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friendssssss?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/06/06 05:05 AM

If the North Koreans do have a delivery system that can reach U.S. territory, so be it.

Not good.

But DS, you don't seem to want to answer the question:

What do you think President Bush should do if U.N. intervention fails?

Saying that "he should do whatever he thinks is necessary" is not really an answer.

So let me rephrase the question:

"What do you think we should do?"

And, on another subject....

Suggesting that those of us who strongly disagree with our government's policies hate America and should leave is just plain wrong, IMO.

To me, it proves that they love this country, because they are so passionate about wanting things to change for what they perceive to be for the better, just as you do.

It just happens that you disagree on what a change for the better would be, but that doesn't mean that either of you love our country any less.

Does anyone tell you, for example, that if you don't like the influence that the ACLU has, that you should leave?

Don T is perfectly entitled to say to you, "Hey, Don Smitty....if you don't like my views or the way I express them, that's too bad. This is a free country, and I'm guaranteed freedom of speech. if you don't like it, leave."

I really thought we had gotten past that ridiculous "America, love it and support it or leave" argument.
Posted By: Martin Joseph

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/06/06 05:31 AM

I think that Bush should do something, but he should also exhaust every avenue.
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/06/06 05:48 AM

Originally posted by Martin Joseph:
I think that Bush should do something, but he should also exhaust every avenue.
That IS why we elected him. I beleive in diplomacy and it should be employed here and now unlike a little military quagmire which will remain nameless*cough*. That aside, here is a situation in that we are being tested on the world stage and must not back down either.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/06/06 06:02 AM

Really, North Korea and Iran will test the U.S. government's resolve and willingness.

Let's hope that good fortunes will come out of this storyline.
Posted By: Tony Love

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/06/06 06:17 AM

Originally posted by Don Smitty:
Why doesnt he look up the phone numbers of all the people who lost someone on 9-1-1 and tell them its all phony? Go ahead dontomasso call them all up 1 by 1.
I'm sure many of them would agree. I would be so furious with this administration if I heared a close friend/relative died and the way we took care of it was by going to a different country when you are fully aware, Afghanistan is the main target.

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
Where did Smitty or any of us for that matter suggest anything like that?
When he said, "the president should do whatever he and congress thinks is necessary". That's what he (our president) is currently doing, infringing on the Bill of Rights one amendment at a time. We're still on number one, which is our Fourth Amendment. If Americans say it's okay with this one, what will stop him from moving on to other parts of the constitution? Hey! As long as we can keep our guns, right?

I'm into gun rights as much as the next guy, but wouldn't that be a more reasonable amendment to disregard? The 2nd?

I'm only making a point, I'm not "anti-gun".

Originally posted by Don Cardi
Actually in a twisted way you contradict yourself because
the President is sworn to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. The people of the United States are afforded many freedoms under the Constitution so therefore the President has a responsibility to the American people to accomplish the defeat of our enemies in any part of the world where the safety of America and it's people demands such defeat.
:) It's kind of funny, it seems as if it's hard to discuss this topic without contradicting ourselves (or at least.. myself). When it comes to how we follow the constitution: the president says he's defending the constitution (which is possible, though it doesn't seem like it). But the way he's going about it, is unconstitutional. He's defending the rules by not playing by the rules. The main problem, is the people are supposed to be keeping him in check (that's you, congress), are not doing their job by defending what's left of the constitution.

It comes to this matter, as it comes down to many political matters, in opinion. If you believe he's sincerely trying to get the country back on track, you believe he should take these extra precautions. If you're a skeptic of the folks in Washington (like myself), you believe this administration has its own best interests at heart instead of keeping the country in check. Many times, people such as myself get accused of following "conspiracy theories". If you're too far the other way, then you're naive (Kay). I'm just trying to stay some place between the two.

Originally posted by Don Cardi

Tell me something Tony, and I ask you this not with any malice of sarcasm, but with sincere curiosity ; If the United Nations fails to act on these actions taken by North Korea, or enforce the laws of the United Nations, and North Korea decides to launch a missile pointed towards the United States Of America, then what do you suggest that the President and Congress do?
Focus our attention on North Korea. Pull out of Iraq, they can handle it on their own. Hopefully use a diplomatic approach and gain enough support from other countries, because lord knows we'll need it. Don't try anything bold, because we'll get attacked if we try some of this cowboy shit I've read about in the past.

I really can't come up with a Grade A approach at nuclear-powered North Korea. I may seem like the right guy for the job (ha..ha... riiiiight!) but it's decisions like that which prevent me from entering the political field (plus I'm too focused on making everyone happy, like George Castanza). If I come up with an idea, I'll let ya know, DC but don't hold your breath, it takes a while to get this mind to work.

Here's as far as I've gotten:

-Fire Rumsfeld


Anyway, thanks for the chat, but I'm out.
Posted By: Martin Joseph

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/06/06 06:28 AM

Originally posted by Mike Sullivan:
[quote]Originally posted by Martin Joseph:
[b] I think that Bush should do something, but he should also exhaust every avenue.
That IS why we elected him. I beleive in diplomacy and it should be employed here and now unlike a little military quagmire which will remain nameless*cough*. That aside, here is a situation in that we are being tested on the world stage and must not back down either. [/b][/quote]I agree, we must not back down, and we also must not jump the gun. Diplomacy is what might be needed.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/06/06 12:58 PM

Originally posted by dontomasso:
If China does not, why cant we send in a crack team of seals and taken him out? I dont believe he is especially beloved by all those people he has starved half to death.

Though we may have some idea, no one (maybe the CIA has, but I doubt it with all of the human intelligence cuts) has the exact blueprints or specifications for Kim Jung Il's fortress. So you'd be sending in a SEAL team without any sort of map or idea where he is.

Can you say international hostage situation? Seriously. Storming the gates, at least at this point, is not an option.

Now, infiltrating his guards and having him whacked...ah, the good old days of the CIA. It brings me back.

Originally posted by plawrence:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Smitty:
[b] How do u know that they dont have the range to reach the US? And if they dont then what should we do sit around doing nothing until they do? The UN needs to act now. If the UN doesnt do something then Bush should do whatever needs to be done to make sure that no attack from North Korea ever comes to our country.
I don't know, of course, but I've never heard the slightest suggestion or hint that they do.[/b][/quote]

Originally posted by Tony Love:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Smitty:
[b] The President should do whatever he and congress feel is needed to protect our country and it's people.
Does that include blatant disregard for the U.S. constitution and Bill of Rights? Those same rights our ancestors ended their lives to preserve, so we could enjoy, and experience them today. [/b][/quote]Ugh.

When we're all dead, or nuclear zombies (ala Omega Man), is it going to even matter?

Originally posted by dontomasso:
[quote]Originally posted by Tony Love:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by Don Smitty:
[b] The President should do whatever he and congress feel is needed to protect our country and it's people.
Does that include blatant disregard for the U.S. constitution and Bill of Rights? Those same rights our ancestors ended their lives to preserve, so we could enjoy, and experience them today. [/b][/quote]Actuallly I am surprised that DS includes the Congress in presidential decision making since the creep in the White House doesnt seem to pay attention to Congress or the Courts.

But, yes, the wingholes would all abolish the Constitution in a heartbeat. They hate democracy and they want a permnant dictatorship in this phony "War on Terror" [/b][/quote]

The spin is in.

"Love it or leave it,"
Posted By: Jimmy Buffer

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/06/06 01:07 PM

Originally posted by Don Smitty:
How do u know that they dont have the range to reach the US? And if they dont then what should we do sit around doing nothing until they do? The UN needs to act now. If the UN doesnt do something then Bush should do whatever needs to be done to make sure that no attack from North Korea ever comes to our country.

I see. So now that we know N. Korea has nuclear capabilities now would be a good time to attack them. Gee, I wonder what their first response would be? :rolleyes: I'm guessing it wouldn't be a diplomatic response, which is what the U.S. needs to attempt in response to this. I'm not saying it will be successful, but it's clearly the only avenue at this point.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/06/06 01:13 PM

Well, while that may be true, keep in mind that the nuclear capabilities are still considerably lesser than any of the superpowers. Not that one nuke wouldn't be tragically destructive - but it would amount to bringing a knife to a gunfight.

It will be interesting to see how China reacts to this, and whether they will sit on the little toad that they helped create or they allow him to throw more temper tantrums.
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/06/06 01:47 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
What do you think President Bush should do if U.N. intervention fails?

Saying that "he should do whatever he thinks is necessary" is not really an answer.

So let me rephrase the question:

"What do you think we should do?"

If the UN wont help and do something and North Korea threatins our country then we shouldnt sit back and let them continue to build more missiles and allow them to have the power to attack us. We would have to go around the world and get other nations to support us the same way that they did with Iraq when the UN refused to do anything. It's a scary thing because if the UN fails to take action then we have no choice but to defend ourselves to prevent another possible 9-1-1 from happening again.
If ur family was being threatened with violence by someone and u went to the police again and again and they refused to help u and that someone kept threatining ur family and do things to try and scare them wouldnt u do what u had to do to make sure that no harm came to them no matter what?

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/06/06 02:11 PM

Originally posted by Double-J:

It will be interesting to see how China reacts to this, and whether they will sit on the little toad that they helped create or they allow him to throw more temper tantrums.
China has already said that they will not support any attempt by the UN to impose sanctions against North Korea.

So what does North Korea do? They threaten to launch more missles!

China is fully aware that these threats and actions are affecting the U.S. economy so therefore they will give North Korea and their friends over in Iran just enough of a leash to continue barking at us and allow them to do certain things that will hurt our economy. And as far as Iran goes, well there is nothing more that they would love then for the allied forces to pull out of that country because the minute that the last troop is out of there, you mark my words, Iran will be in there in a flash.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Double-J

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/06/06 02:26 PM

Yes, I totally concur, China will allow Kim to satisfy his ego but will not permit him to make any serious threats towards the American economy. Otherwise, who else would buy all their wonderful goodies?

That's not to say spoiled little Kim wouldn't have a little show of bravado and disobey China, maybe shoot a little nuke over the Sea of Japan.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/06/06 02:44 PM

This statment was issued by The North Korean Foreign Ministry:

"Our military will continue with missile launch drills in the future as part of efforts to strengthen self-defense deterrent. If anyone intends to dispute or add pressure about this, we will have to take stronger physical actions in other forms."

All I can say right now is that we must exhaust ALL efforts to settle this in a diplomatic way through UN sanctions, economic sanctions and talks. Military action should ALWAYS be used as a last resort and IF it can be avoided, then it should be avoided.

However if after exhausting ALL efforts to resolve this matter peacefully then as a last resort I do not see any choice but to take the proper military actions to defend ourselves against any aggression made by North Korea.

Don Cardi
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/06/06 02:49 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
However if after exhausting ALL efforts to resolve this matter peacefully then as a last resort I do not see any choice but to take the proper military actions to defend ourselves against any aggression made by North Korea.

Don Cardi
DC it appears to me that China and Russia are going to do NOTHING to sanction N. Korea (for whatever reasons). We have about 40,000 troops on the Korean border which is not enough to stop the North Korean Army from taking Seoul. Of course if we were not bogged down in that quagmire we would have other forces but that ain't gonna happen without a draft. So the other option nwould be what? Nuke North Korea? The geography makes this dangerous because the fallout could affect S. Korea and Japan, and it might cause N. Korea to use one of their nukes in retaliation.

So whats the plan?
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/06/06 03:15 PM

All that you said above is correct DonT, and unfortunatley North Korea and Iran know this too. This is why I believe that they are flexing their muscles, almost daring us to take some kind of action against them. You have to admit though, whether you like him or not, The President was right on when he said that these two countries are part of the axis of evil.

I want you to ponder something here.

Why would North Korea build a missile that just so happens to have the capability to reach a place like Alaska? Why not build one that can reach California or New York or Chicago? Why Alaska? Think about who's involved with North Korea, who just may be quietly behind them and you will begin to realize why they chose to make a missile that can reach Alaska.

Don Cardi
Posted By: plawrence

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/06/06 04:27 PM

Originally posted by Don Smitty:
If ur family was being threatened with violence by someone and u went to the police again and again and they refused to help u and that someone kept threatining ur family and do things to try and scare them wouldnt u do what u had to do to make sure that no harm came to them no matter what?
Yes, DS, I would do whatever I thought I had to do.

I'm not sure, though, what exactly that would involve.

It would depend on how seriously I perceived the threat to be, I guess.

But you still haven't told me what you would do in this case.

I guess I'm waiting for you to tell me that you'd invade North Korea, or use some type of pre-emptive nuclear strije against them.

Here's another question I have:

Why does everyone assume that North Korea is stockpiling missles in order to have an offensive capability against us?

The way I see it, they'd be nuts - not to say that they aren't nuts - to attack us first.

Sure, they might inflict some serious damage, but I think that in retaliation we'd pretty much wipe thm off the face of the earth, wouldn't we?

Isn't it possible, if not likely, that North Korea considers us to be a threat to them, and they're increasing their nuclear capabilities as a deterrent against a United States attack (they've seen us attack other countries - Afghanistan and Iraq; - no matter from their POV if we had good reason to or not) and as a purely defensive move?
Posted By: Jimmy Buffer

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/06/06 05:50 PM

Plus, if we simply form a coalition and invade North Korea because they now have nuclear capabilities, how does that make us look. Wouldn't it in a way justify the actions of the 9-11 terrorists. After all, we have nuclear weapons too. If we would be justified to attack North Korea because of their nukes, the terrorists would be justifiied in attacking us due to our nukes. I'm not saying I feel that way, but that would be the view of the rest of the world.

This dipshit isn't going to launch a nuke. He's blowing smoke trying to provoke us. The fact remains, we're the only country to ever use a nuclear device. We opened the door, so we shouldn't be surprised when other countries follow us through it. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were under completely different circumstances. We understand that as Americans. We have to look at how the other nations might look at it however. We can't just look at every situation through our red, white, and blue glasses.
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/07/06 12:00 AM

So, I just have to ask; what kind of internal damage could this Taepodong have on us?
Posted By: DonVitoCorleone

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/07/06 12:34 AM

Originally posted by long_lost_corleone:
So, I just have to ask; what kind of internal damage could this Taepodong have on us?
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/07/06 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
according to a report to the National Assmebly back in 2003, the warhead of a long-range missile test-fired by North Korea was found in the U.S. state of Alaska. And according to various reports and news stations, including CNN, the Taepodong-2 is believed to have the range to reach U.S. territory, including Hawaii and Alaska.
A Japanese newspaper reported that North Korea targeted waters near Hawaii when it fired that long-range missile.

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/07/06 02:41 PM

CUT TO: Inside Air Force One where the President and Condoleeza are sitting in the rear -night

RICE : When I meet with the Kim people, should I insist that all his military leaders have clean records?

BUSH : Mention it -- don't insist. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a terrorist who'll know that without being told.

RICE : You mean Kim...

BUSH : Kim's a pimp -- he never'a could've outfought America. But I didn't know until this day that it was -- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad all along...

Don Cardi
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/07/06 03:04 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:

Why would North Korea build a missile that just so happens to have the capability to reach a place like Alaska? Why not build one that can reach California or New York or Chicago? Why Alaska? Think about who's involved with North Korea, who just may be quietly behind them and you will begin to realize why they chose to make a missile that can reach Alaska.

Don Cardi
No brainer DC, the oilfields. Of course they cant seem to launch anything that goes more than 40 feet.

I think Bush is right in seeking a diplomatic solution, but N. Korea is not really the kind of place that responds to traditional diplomacy. We may have to wait him out and see who succeeds him.

I cannot believe that N Korea is a place where the people are too happy. They are all starving to death, and from what I read they think they are living better than S Korea and/or China because thats what they are told. Exivdently the few who have escaped cannot believe how backward that country is. Of all the trouble spots in the world I think this is the best place to simply take him out and installl some general who is acceptable to the US, Russia,Japan China and S Korea.

Alberto Gonzalez - Do you know how there going to come after you?

George Bush - They will arrange a meeting. On Putin's turf where I'll be safe, and then I'll be assassinated.

Gonzalez - I always thought it would be Hu.

Bush - No, its the smart move. Putin was always smarter. But I'm gonna wait until after the mid term elections, and then I'll meet with Kim Il Jong and all the rest of the North Korean families.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/07/06 06:06 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
Isn't it possible, if not likely, that North Korea considers us to be a threat to them, and they're increasing their nuclear capabilities as a deterrent against a United States attack (they've seen us attack other countries - Afghanistan and Iraq; - no matter from their POV if we had good reason to or not) and as a purely defensive move?
Not as long as China is in their corner.

Kim Jung Il is a spoiled little bastard in the same mold as his father, and he is doing this to try and make himself feel important in world affairs because people stopped taking him seriously.


One has to wonder whether, had MacArthur been allowed to continue North in the Korean War, if this would even be an issue; of course, it probably would have meant fighting China.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/07/06 06:42 PM

A friend of mine who is pretty far to the right says that Kim Il Jung just wants to be seen as a "player" in workd affairs. He suggests that we build a statue of him somewhere in Montana or some desolate spot, and name a fictitious town after him, and make a big deal about it. The thinking is he would then go on forever propogandizing about how we caved to him and the threat would be over.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/07/06 06:50 PM

Originally posted by dontomasso:
A friend of mine who is pretty far to the right says that Kim Il Jung just wants to be seen as a "player" in workd affairs.
That's pretty much spot on. As I said before, Il is irrelevant, and this is the only way he can make himself seem important.

Though I have to say, I really doubt that you have any "far to the right" friends. :p

"Turn out the lights,"
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/07/06 06:51 PM

Originally posted by Double-J:

Though I have to say, I really doubt that you have any "far to the right" friends. :p

"Turn out the lights,"
Double-J [/QB][/QUOTE]

Well, none who have swastika avatars.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/07/06 06:55 PM


If you don't understand the avatar, or its relevance, I pity you.

"Moronika for Morons,"
Posted By: Ayperi

Re: North Korea draws world's scorn for tests - 07/13/06 11:32 PM

I like the dialogues
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