
How productive has your day been?

Posted By: Turi Giuliano

How productive has your day been? - 05/21/06 02:56 PM

With nothing to do today I thought my day would be wasted. Instead I decided to do something about it and build Stonehenge out of Jenga blocks. I now feel an overwhelming sense of achievement.

Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: How productive has your day been? - 05/21/06 03:07 PM

I'm living the dream.
Posted By: svsg

Re: How productive has your day been? - 05/21/06 03:15 PM

what is that Jenga Block? Anyway, good job
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: How productive has your day been? - 05/21/06 03:28 PM

Very nice Turi!!

My day so far? Well, I washed my car, went to the grocery store, paid some bills and raked the back yard :rolleyes: and it's only 8:30 a.m. here. But needless to say, not as productive as your day.

I like to play trivia pursuit myself, but nobody else seems to like it. I suck at it, but it's challenging. :p

Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: How productive has your day been? - 05/21/06 03:29 PM

You've never played Jenga? You've never lived.

It's the ultimate party game. They're stacked up together, three at a time but cross each layer. You take it in turns to take a block out and then place it on top. The loser is the one that knocks it down and you give them a forfeit of some potent punch to drink.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: How productive has your day been? - 05/21/06 04:38 PM

That's on a table, right? For a second I thought they were all built on the floor, and was ready to comment that your Jenga blocks are frighteningly larger than normal Jenga blocks.

Good work.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: How productive has your day been? - 05/21/06 04:45 PM

You can actually get a giant outdoor version of Jenga.

Yeah that's my table. I've got nowhere to stick my drinks now. I can't disturb the set.

You want to see the tower I'm creating out of used tea bags!
Posted By: Tony Love

Re: How productive has your day been? - 05/21/06 05:02 PM

That is awesome! In an odd, unmotivational, yet motivated way, you should feel proud. I know I do.
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: How productive has your day been? - 05/21/06 05:25 PM

Awesome, Turi!

I say you aspire to do this or this next.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: How productive has your day been? - 05/21/06 10:07 PM

Wow Gina, those finger people pictures are great. The 4th one down just looks so at peace. I'm going to have to create my own now.
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: How productive has your day been? - 05/22/06 11:04 PM

Turi, I'm extremely frustrated with my "finger people" success - or lack of.

I made one, which turned out to be quite an amateur attempt, but I was still proud...until I realized that I couldn't get a decent photo of it without it coming out blurry. Not sure if I should blame it on the camera, or myself for not knowing how to work it...

Anyway, here it is.

Also, keeping with the "productive" theme, here is a gigantic paper airplane that I made.

Posted By: MaryCas

Re: How productive has your day been? - 05/23/06 10:37 AM


I'm strangely drawn to your creation. I feel a mystical calling. I'm going outside now to pee on a tree.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: How productive has your day been? - 05/23/06 10:53 AM

Haha, Gina, your finger's brilliant! Well done. It reminds me of Diane Keaton in Apple's avatar.
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: How productive has your day been? - 05/23/06 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
It reminds me of Diane Keaton in Apple's avatar.
It does!

That's the look I was going for.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: How productive has your day been? - 05/23/06 04:40 PM

That's cool Turi, but now you've got to spend another day figuring out what they mean. And who built them? And why?
Posted By: bogey

Re: How productive has your day been? - 05/23/06 08:29 PM

Wow Turi, I am extremely impressed. Bravo. :p

Next you have to build a bunch of pyramids, Sphynx included.
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