

Posted By: Lavinia from Italy


to all the BBs members, have a peaceful, happy Easter. God bless you all and your beloved ones.

BTW, I'm having some days off. Miss me.
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/14/06 01:30 PM

Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:
BTW, I'm having some days off. Miss me.
I will!

Happy Easter everybody, and of course a Happy Good Friday to all.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/14/06 01:45 PM

The good thing about Easter is that I get Friday and Monday off work. Plus I don't work Tuesdays and Thursdays so I worked Wednesday and I'm not back until Wednesday again. Suckers. I do, however, have tons of Uni work to do though so it's not all fun and games.

Happy Easter you wee chickens.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/14/06 01:59 PM

I always get a kick out of when people say, 'Happy Good Friday'. It happens to be the single most solemn day on the Christian calendar, signifying the day Christ was tortured and died on the cross. It's somewhat akin to saying 'Happy Yom Kippur' to a Jewish person.

Next year when my daughter is due to receive her First Communion, I'll have to take her to church on this day and have to sit through the 3 hour 'Stations of the Cross' while subjecting her to it for the first time as well. I figure I'll spare the both of us this year.

Anyway...a GLORIOUS Easter Sunday is not far away! Happy Easter to all, and Happy Passover to those who are currently celebrating!!

Speaking of which...anyone bother to watch the NEW 'Ten Commandments' on ABC this past Mon/Tuesday? I caught about 5 minutes and decided it was a waste of time when Moses told some rebel who refused to fight the story of the guy who died in the flood while awaiting God's help. I figured if the writers couldn't come up with anything more original than that, it wasn't worth my time. I'll take Charleton Heston's campy (and much more entertaining)1956 version any time!

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/14/06 02:02 PM

I saw it was on, but didn't watch it. Charlton Heston will always be Moses (and Taylor) to me. Poor guy, suffering from Alzheimer's I hear.

What was the parting of the Red Sea like??? Did it compare?

Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/14/06 02:14 PM

TIS I didn't see the parting of the Sea...but read somewhere that it was all done with computerized special effects.

Meaning it was probably well done & fascinating to watch, but still less impressive than the 1956 version where they drained actual water from giant tanks.


ps - Who's 'Taylor'??? I haven't heard a thing about Heston since he first announced his Alzheimer's a few years ago. Hope he's doing allright, although he's a bit up there in age as well.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/14/06 02:15 PM


Taylor was Heston's character in "Planet Of The Apes." I liked that movie.

Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/14/06 02:25 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
Charlton Heston will always be Moses (and Taylor) to me.
and Ben-Hur!!!!
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/14/06 02:36 PM

Oh right, Planet of the Apes. Forgot about that.

I too adore Ben Hur, in some ways even more so than Ten Commandments. I hope it's played on TCM this weekend, they've usually had it on at some point on past Easter weekends.

Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/14/06 02:42 PM

A Happy Easter to all
Posted By: SC

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/14/06 02:47 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
Charlton Heston will always be Moses to me.
True story.

I used to work for a law firm that represented the National Rifle Assn., of which Heston was elected president in 1998. The NRA was involved in a trial then in Philadelphia and one of my firm's partners was there arguing the case. His secretary was down there helping him with administrative duties and she had to get Heston to sign some forms. It was late at night and when she knocked on Heston's hotel room door he opened the door wearing a ratty old bathrobe and his toupee was half hanging off his head.

When the secretary told me that story I was trying to envision that less than stellar appearance as being the same guy who so magically harnessed God's power and parted the Red Sea. The magic was gone.... the last time I watched the "Ten Commandments" I only saw some old guy in an old bathrobe waving his arms.

Anyway, back on topic - To all those celebrating it, I wish you a Joyous Easter holiday.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/14/06 03:24 PM

Originally posted by SC:
[QUOTE]... The magic was gone.... the last time I watched the "Ten Commandments" I only saw some old guy in an old bathrobe waving his arms....
Well thanks, SC ... for providing the rest of us with that vision, too! Funny how the glamour of Hollywood so easily makes us forgot that those movie stars are sometimes real, everyday people sometimes (like in their hotel rooms late at night) as ordinary as we are.

Anyway, the magic isn't gone for me...especially when I get to see the much younger Heston on a raft in that itty bitty loin cloth in 'Ben Hur'.

Posted By: Mignon

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/14/06 05:54 PM

Happy Easter to all of my BB buddies. Which reminds me I have to work on my kids Easter baskets tonight.
Posted By: Blake

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/14/06 06:00 PM

Happy Easter and Good Friday everybody!
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/14/06 06:01 PM

Have a joyous, blessed, peaceful and serene Good Friday and a Happy Easter! God bless you!
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/14/06 06:17 PM

Posted By: XDCX

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/14/06 07:51 PM

Happy Easter everybody!
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/14/06 09:47 PM

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
I always get a kick out of when people say, 'Happy Good Friday'. It happens to be the single most solemn day on the Christian calendar, signifying the day Christ was tortured and died on the cross.
Okay, sorry. :p

Happy White Thursday (Jesus had a big party with his homies)
Happy Silent Saturday (Jesus was dead and his buddies still had a hangover from Thursday)
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/14/06 09:51 PM

Originally posted by Enzo Scifo:
[QUOTE]...Happy White Thursday (Jesus had a big party with his homies) and Happy Silent Saturday (Jesus was dead and his buddies still had a hangover from Thursday)

Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/16/06 05:02 AM

I just realized I made a post at exactly midnight, so now that it's past, I'll wish my "official" Happy Easter to everyone!

Hope you all have a blessed day!
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/16/06 11:08 AM

I hope that everyone has a very Happy Easter with their loved ones and wish the same to all those who are celebrating Passover. Enjoy your family and friends on these very holy days!

Don Cardi
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/16/06 11:53 AM

I know we began this thread days ago but since it is now the big morning and my daughter has found all the eggs and inspected all the basket goodies (and even eated a few with my permission)...I'll take the opportunity again to wish EVERYONE who celebrates (and even those who don't) a Happy and Glorious Easter Sunday!

As I once heard John Cardinal O'Connor say at the one and only Easter Mass I attended at St. Patrick's Cathedral some 20 years ago...this is what it's all about.

And now, I'll get started baking those corn & spinach biscuits my niece has requested for today's dinner.

Best to you all,
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/16/06 12:08 PM

I woke up today and forgot it was Easter. Here's me working on assignments like a sucker but I'm off down boozer for 4pm.

I feel like a big proper Easter Sunday dinner now but it's too much effort to cook for one because my parents have buggered off for a few weeks. Pub grub is looking likely.

But lent is over with and now I can have a milkshake. Because, you know, it brings all the boys to the yard. And their like, it's better than yours. Damn right, it's better than yours. I can teach you, but I'll have to charge.

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/16/06 01:27 PM

It doesnt feel like easter to me im not religious but i normally love easter!
Posted By: Beth E

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/16/06 03:39 PM

Happy Easter everyone. My daughter is not a child anymore, so the thrill of seeing the kids in their cute dresses with their hats is gone. But I did go get stuff to make her a homemade easter basket, just to put me in the mood. But then again,that's not the reason for the season anyway. My daughter is working today, so I cooked the ham and will be busy chopping up the stuff for our macaroni salad myself. I got my easter mood started last night dying easter eggs while watching The Ten Commandments.

My daughter's father's family is of polish descent, and I told her it's been awhile since we did the family tradition of standing in line for hours to get our polish sausage. Neither of us are too crazy about it now, so we stopped that. I reminded her of when she was littler her great grandmother and aunts going to the church to get their easter eggs and sausage blessed by the priest. I don't think she's stopped laughing yet.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/16/06 03:45 PM

Have a nice Easter everyone! Beth, I know what you mean. I use to love dressing my girl's up in cute little Easter dresses...until they discovered blue jeans are the most comfortable clothing (I can't really argue with that myself).

I am preparing turkey, dressing, ham and tons of sides and tons of desserts. I always look forward to having my family over. Of course pigging out on the food isn't to shabby either. :p

Have a good day everyone!!

Apple, that Italian dessert you were talking about? Do you remember what it is called? I'm just curious to see if it's something maybe my grandmother made. I still have wonderful memories of how great her kitchen smelled on the holidays. Nevermind, I saw on the BB Convention thread what you meant. I remember having something similar, but it was fried and had oregono, parmesan cheese and pepporoni on it (optional)and it wasn't wheat it was white bread.

Posted By: XDCX

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/16/06 03:46 PM

Ham and cabbage for me tonight!
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/16/06 03:53 PM

Happy Easter everyone,Have a good En
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/16/06 07:37 PM

Ahhh...the first sip (and cup, and several cups...) of coke since Lent began.

Forget koolaid, tea, Gatorade, etc. (which had to tide me over the entire time) - nothing does it for me like that sweet, caffeine-filled, carbonated sin-drink.

I actually drink diet - the taste doesn't bother me, so I might as well - and I wonder if I'm better off with it than the other stuff I was drinking. But I'm truly addicted to coke (the "good" kind... :p ), so it was the perfect sacrifice to make.
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/16/06 07:41 PM

Originally posted by ginaitaliangirl:
Ahhh...the first sip (and cup, and several cups...) of coke since Lent began.

Is that because of the ... uhm, the Christian variant of Ramadan? (don't know the name )
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/16/06 08:14 PM

Yes, I gave up coke for Lent. Lent is sort of like Ramadan, except we don't necessarily fast completely - we just choose to give up something as a sacrifice, to symbolize the suffering that Jesus went through in the desert during his 40 days of temptation. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. Actually, here\'s tons of info on this, if you're interested.

There's also the practice of not eating meat every Friday, but I've noticed that some people follow this and some don't. Lots of interesting things about this holiday and time period, though...

Something that I've been taught and agree with is that it's probably better to do something to better yourself, such as being kind to others, being more forgiving, and such, rather than just sacrificing a type of food...

I think that coke really was a sacrifice for me, because it's something that I truly love, and I did it simply for Lent, but I also try to keep in mind to better myself as a person, which is what it's more so about. Of course, I try to do that year-round.
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/16/06 09:52 PM

Thanks Gina, and it's great that you can bring yourself to do that. I mean, it's not that you have a Spartan life style, but when you like coke that much it must be hard not to drink any for 40 days.

Of course I knew all about this 'ritual' - I'm not that blasphemistic - but I don't participate. And I should have known it was called 'fast', since in my language it is called 'vasten' which is almost the same, with a bit of goodwill.

The season we're in now (spring) is called 'lente' in my language, which resembles 'lent', might be some connection.

Edit: The Wikipedia page confirmed what I thought

The name "Lent" comes from the Germanic root for spring (specifically Old English lencten). Initially the word simply meant spring, but later became associated with the fast.
Posted By: exgigirl

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/16/06 10:02 PM

I don't give anything up for Lent, since my religion does not require it. This year I gave up potatoe chips and french fries and you know what, I really didn't miss them at all. I think I'll just keep on not eating them (for a while, at least.)
Posted By: Mignon

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/16/06 10:37 PM

Happy Easter again everybody
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/17/06 02:25 AM

Partagas...would you believe I recently found out from a good friend of mine that her family NEVER did an Easter Egg Hunt, that they would just leave the colored eggs for Bunny and he'd just take them away!!! This woman is 50 years old and listened in amazement as I told her of hunting for eggs on Easter morning. I felt (and still feel) very sorry for my friend and her sister for not having grown up with that oh, so special holiday tradition. I just took it for granted that every family did this!!

Anyway...lucky thing is at least now she can have her own children grow up with the egg hunt, if she decides to!

Posted By: JustMe

Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! - 04/23/06 01:44 PM

Happy Easter!
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