
My cousins were killed in Venezuela

Posted By: DonVitoCorleone

My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/05/06 08:11 PM


CARACAS, Venezuela Apr 5, 2006 (AP)— Venezuelan authorities found the bullet-ridden bodies of three Canadian boys who had been kidnapped more than a month ago in the South American country, the justice minister said.

The bodies of 17-year-old John Faddoul, along with his brothers Kevin, 13, and Jason, 12, were found Tuesday afternoon near an electrical tower in Yare, about 30 miles west of Caracas, Justice Minister Jesse Chacon said.

The body of the boy's driver, 30-year-old Miguel Ribas, also was found with them, Chacon said.

"We lament, despite the efforts that were made 24 hours a day since this started, we have not been able to prevent this abominable homicide," Chacon said. "The three boys were identified by a relative."

Police have said that the brothers were abducted Feb. 23 when unidentified men dressed as police stopped their car at a roadside checkpoint in Caracas as the boys were on their way to school.

Authorities have not ruled out the possibility that the kidnappers could in fact be police officers.

"We really do not have words to express our pain to the Faddoul Diab family and the Ribas Guerra family for the abominable and lamentable event today," Chacon said.

Officials have not revealed exactly how much in ransom the kidnappers demanded, but they have said it was more than $4.5 million a figure circulated in the Venezuelan media. A lawyer for the boys' family, Santiago Georges, said recently that the family was not in a position to pay the sum.

The boys' parents were both born in Lebanon, and their father, John Faddoul, is a naturalized Canadian who has been a businessman in Venezuela for more than 20 years.

The victims were found with gunshot wounds in the head and neck area, and it appeared they had been shot to death at least two days before their bodies were found, judicial police chief Marco Chavez said on state television.

"We're certain that the evidence and the advancements already made in the investigation will allow us to conclude this investigation," Chacon said.
The 3 boys are my 2nd cousins, and we spent time with them just this past Summer when they came to Michigan. When they were kidnapped, a witness said he saw government officials at the scene. Fucking scum.

My family and I are absolutely devastated, but I'm more than devastated. I'm fucking pissed. If these filthy scumbag cocksucking roaches aren't found and tortured...
Posted By: DonVitoCorleone

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/05/06 08:14 PM

Looks like we're not the only ones distraught over this...


Demonstrators Wednesday voiced rejection and repudiation against the murder of brothers Jason Faddoul Diab (12), Kevin Faddoul Diab (13) and Bryan Faddoul Diab (17), and their driver Miguel Rivas (30) after they were kidnapped for 41 days. Dozen people demonstrated outside the Ministry of the Interior and Justice in Urdaneta Avenue, downtown Caracas, and demanded authorities to take the relevant decisions to face crime nationwide.

Protesters blocked roads in several areas of the Venezuelan capital, while motorists wrote "Mourning" and "Justice Now!" on their car windshields.

Opposition leaders took part in the demonstrations. Baruta Mayor Enrique Capriles Radonski claimed the murder shows that "life is worthless" in Venezuela.

He lashed out at Hugo Chávez' Government, saying that the Venezuelan administration constantly talks about imperialism and asymmetric war, rather than waging war against crime.

He stressed that 100,000 people have been killed in the last seven years in Venezuela. Capriles added that the citizens' security plan implemented by the Ministry of the Interior and Justice has failed.
Posted By: DonVitoCorleone

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/05/06 08:16 PM

Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/05/06 08:17 PM

I'm so sorry for your loss...
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/05/06 08:19 PM

I'm sorry to hear that, bro... it's awful, always, but especially so when they're so young. WTF?

I haven't been following what's going on down there - what's with the "100,000 people have been killed in the last seven years in Venezuela"?????

Again, tho, my heartfelt sympathies for you and your family -- and I hope justice is served!
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/05/06 08:23 PM

I read about this in the paper. That is horrible. I'm very sorry for your loss and I hope and pray that you and your family get through this very difficult time. May your cousins Rest In Peace.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/05/06 08:31 PM

Sorry about your loss.
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/05/06 08:36 PM

I'm sorry to hear this, DVC.
Posted By: DonVitoCorleone

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/05/06 08:37 PM

The thing is, when I found out they were kidnapped, I was sad, but didn't worry too much about because I thought my uncle had enough money to bring them back. I thought everything would work out alright, and it'd all be over in a matter of months. Then I hear about this...just a total fucking shock.

My family has been trying to get my uncle to move to the States for quite awhile now...and this is exactly why. If only he had moved here...fuck.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/05/06 08:38 PM


100,000 people have been killed in Venezuela in the last 7 years? VIVA CHAVEZ! :rolleyes:
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/05/06 09:20 PM

What a terrible loss. How very sad. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/05/06 09:57 PM

I'm so sorry DVC. I offer you and your family my most genuine and heartfelt condolences.
Posted By: DonVitoCorleone

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/05/06 10:04 PM

I completely lost it when I saw these pictures for the first time...I still can't believe this is happening. I can't believe it's real.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/05/06 10:09 PM

Prayers and sympathies to you and your family. Such a tragedy. What a screwed up world.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/05/06 10:13 PM

This is too horrible for words. My deepest condolensces.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/05/06 10:32 PM

Sorry to hear about your loss.
Posted By: Toni_corleone

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/05/06 10:43 PM

I'm so sorry to hear about this what the fuck is this world coming to
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/05/06 11:21 PM

So sorry to hear about this...how terribly sad.

Stay strong.
Posted By: svsg

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/05/06 11:57 PM

DVC, very sad, they are dead for no reason
My condolences.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/06/06 12:13 AM

So sorry for your family's loss...and in such a horrible way!! I wish you hadn't had to have seen those photos. And I have to admit...I also with you hadn't shared them with us.

I've been wondering for months why Cindy Sheehan chose to stand with Chavez. I hope the protests and rage brought on by this case serves to bring his government down.

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/06/06 12:18 AM


I'm so sorry. What a horribly devastating ordeal. I don't have the right words to say, except to agree with the others and extend my heartfelt sympathy. I can not even imagine what the family must be going through.

Posted By: MafiaJ

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/06/06 12:21 AM

That's too bad man, I feel for you though, I know how that can be, when someone close to you dies.

And you said government was involved? Then I'm guessing they knew something they weren't supposed to, but the goverment officials are assholes like that, I hope you find out what really went down... I know I'd be pissed.
Posted By: bogey

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/06/06 12:33 AM

Wow, DVC, I'm really sorry to hear about that
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/06/06 01:16 AM

How horrible! I'm really sorry for your loss, DVC. My condolences to you and your family.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/06/06 01:28 AM

I still am truly sorry for you, DVC. How something as personal as the death of a loved one can be turned into such a crude public thing really stinks.

Hugo Chavez and his f*cking government.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/06/06 01:42 AM

Sorry for your loss, bro.
Posted By: don illuminati

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/06/06 02:14 AM

Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/06/06 02:15 AM

I know nothing is probably much comfort to you now, but I'm really sorry for what happened to you.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/06/06 02:23 AM

I am so sorry to hear about this DVC. God speed to you and your family.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/06/06 02:28 AM

Theres nothing that anyone can say to make you feel any better, but Chirst, thats horrible. Sorry you and your family had to go through this.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/06/06 08:11 AM

Sorry for your loss. RIP.
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/06/06 08:49 AM

Sorry to hear of your tragic news
Posted By: Double-J

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/06/06 11:39 AM

Hmm...I thought Hugo Chavez was a great man? :rolleyes:

Yet more proof that Latin America is falling deeper and deeper into despair, and unfortunately, pretty much the entire world (including the U.S.) is largely ignoring the problem. Then again, we'd probably have massive protests if we even hinted at ousting Chavez... :rolleyes:
Posted By: exgigirl

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/06/06 11:43 AM

You have my deepest sympathy.
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/06/06 12:21 PM

I'm so sorry for your terrible loss, DVC. I've been hearing of so many horrible events lately, also here in Italy, I can hardly stand it.

I'm feeling for you and your family, may God help you all.
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/06/06 03:15 PM

I don't want to take away from the tragedy and the unbelievably tough times D.V.C. must be going through but JJ how exactly is Latin America "falling deeper and deeper into despair?" I mean Mexico is not exactly an economic or political powerhouse but it is relatively peaceful and I think it has a decent future. Puerto Rico is under the umbrella of The United States of America and is therefore untouchable. The Dominican Republic is a poor country, but Dominicans are a proud hard working people. They have a great tourism industry and produce some of the best Baseball players in the World. Brazil and Argentina are the two major powers of the region (excluding Mexico) and have some clout on the international stage. Their economies are not really booming but Brazil in particular looks pretty bright and maybe it's just me but I think that Brazil and Argentina will be alright. The problem cases I think are Cuba, Colombia and Venezuela. Cuba has been a thorn in the side of The U.S.A. and the rest of the free World for a long long time and until Fidel Castro dies, will continue to be. Colombia has the potential to be one of the most prosperous countries in the world but cocaine and near civil war don't exactly provide for a fertile business climate. This brings us to Venezuela. Venezuela is one of the leading producers of oil in the World and is the only non Middle Eastern member of OPEC I believe. Hugo Chavez is a bastard but I am not sure what could or should be done to deal with him. As for Chile, Bolivia, Peru and the countries of Central America they are pretty much under the sway of the larger powers and what's good for the larger powers is normally good for the smaller countries as well.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/06/06 03:17 PM

I'm sorry for your loss, DVC. Shows once again what a plague terrorism is, everywhere in the world. F*****g swine.
Posted By: FortunatoParadise

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 04/07/06 03:14 AM

I am sure, my friend, they're now in a better place; next to God, I'll pray for you and them.

Re: My cousins were killed in Venezuela - 05/02/06 04:01 PM

Were you very close to your cousins?
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