
Bob Dylan's "Chronicles Volume One": Who's read it?

Posted By: Cristina's Way

Bob Dylan's "Chronicles Volume One": Who's read it? - 04/02/06 10:33 AM

By all accounts, this book is supposed to be fantastic. The reviews I've read praise it, and it's appeared on a ton of "Best of 2005" lists.

I myself haven't read it yet (I'm on the waiting list for it at the library - it's still not my turn yet ), but I am anxious to know if anyone on these boards has read it. What did you think of it? Is it as good as the critics say?

As I understand it, this is supposed to be Dylan's autobiography; but it's not an autobiography in the conventional sense (as in the chronological account of "I was born in such-and-such place... and then I got my first recording contract... " and so on). He reveals little about himself, yet reveals everything about his soul and his times. (Does that make sense? I'm only going by reviews here, so it's hard to wrap my head around the concepts I've read.)

What I'd also like to know is whether you have to be a Dylan fan to enjoy this book, or does it stand as a good book on its own without the attachment of fandom? Give me your honest opinions. Until then, I remain...

... eagerly awaiting.
Posted By: Scarface.1

Re: Bob Dylan's "Chronicles Volume One": Who's read it? - 04/02/06 10:43 AM

I have had it since Christmas but can't really get into every time I pick it up, from what i've read it's good, he's written it extremly well. He swrites about alot of experiences in it, and it's becomes apparent in the book that he's into alot of history aswell. It's fantastic from a fan point of view but if I wasn't a fan it'd still be such an intersting read.
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