
Hey Check This Out

Posted By: Don Rico

Hey Check This Out - 03/23/06 10:01 PM


Has anyone seen this?

Watch the whole movie.

This is SERIOUS!!!
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/23/06 10:10 PM

What a bunch of trash. Conspiracy theory bullshit.

I guess that the 64 people on flight 77 were all part of the conspiracy along with all of the members of their families. :rolleyes:

It's bullshit like this that desicrates the memory of all those people who were murdered that day. And it's a slap in the face to all the children who lost their mothers and fathers to the horrible tragedy of that day.

There are so many holes in these ridiculous conspiracy theories that it's not funny.

I guess what I saw that day with my own eyes was just a figment of my imagination. :rolleyes:

Shit like this belongs in one place.......the garbage!

Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/23/06 10:27 PM

Ok...if the plane didn't hit the Pentagon where are the 64 people that were on that plane?

You should really think before posting stupid crap like that. When millions of people saw with their own eyes what happened.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/23/06 11:34 PM

There are always going to be geeks out there who get sucked in by crap like this. Those who want to belive in conspiracies and who feed upon anything that will suggest or invoke mistrust of the Gov't.

Of course it's incredibly disrespectful to the victims and their families...but as we've seen, that's not always the primary thought on everyone's mind.

Posted By: Double-J

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/24/06 12:44 AM

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:

Of course it's incredibly disrespectful to the victims and their families...but as we've seen, that's not always the primary thought on everyone's mind.
I reckon that it isn't even an afterthought, Via Apple.

Posted By: Don Rico

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/24/06 02:26 AM

FOX News believers are we?

Open your eyes people.

There is a LOT more to all this than you have made youreslaves willing to believe...
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/24/06 02:40 AM

Originally posted by Don Rico:

Open your eyes people.

Does your last name happen to be Sheen by any chance? :rolleyes:

Don Cardi
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/24/06 02:42 AM

Originally posted by Don Rico:
FOX News believers are we?

Open your eyes people.

There is a LOT more to all this than you have made youreslaves willing to believe...
All we need now is Treuth to come in with yet another "brilliant" one liner about brainwashing the American people, and we might be able to have a convention. :rolleyes:

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/24/06 02:57 AM

After thinking it over I realize that something as disrepectful, ignorant, assenine and disgusting as this doesn't even deserve ANY kind of direct response. These sickos start shit like this because they obviously lack self dignity, self respect, self confidence, knowledge and decency. They thirst for attention because they cannot stand the thought of others, such as the victims and the families affected by these attacks, getting the attention that they so deeply desire.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/24/06 02:59 AM

BTW - the planes that hit the WTC (and even the one the crashed in Pennsylvania) virtually disintegrated. There was pretty much nothing coherently resembling an airplane (save for the jet engine that flew a few blocks away from the plane that hit WTC 2 I believe).

Coincidentally enough, big plane + jet fuel + massive explosion = not so much plane left.

Also - if the people who host that site (or you, true believers!) bothered to research the incident, most of the plane ended up in the basement of the damn Pentagon.

And guess what? They actually did recover a bit of material from the wreckage, enough to, whooah, build more than 2 F-16's in size, more than the mythical, magical one that "did" the dirty deed.

Sorry. No way that much damage could be done by a plane as small (in comparison to a Boeing jet airliner) and have that much wreckage inside and out.

Let's add to this:

1.) They have eyewitness testimony that it happened.
2.) They recovered the black boxes.
3.) They managed to find and identify all but one passenger from flight 77.

Besides - you're implying that we're brainwashed by FoxNews...try looking at the source of the conspiracy. The Voltaire Network/Utopian Asylum are about as left-wing radical as you can get.

So, next time, before you call us "FoxNews believers" (which is, btw, more accurate and legitimate than ANY of the sources listed in this "conspiracy"), you might want to try doing some research.
Posted By: Mad Johnny

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/24/06 03:03 AM

OK its all about physics. When a plane hits the GROUND, it slows down on impact. (Wreckage is visible) When a plane hits a BUILDING, there not enough force to slow it down like on the ground. (Wreckage is hidden with the building) Since a plane is not solid stone, it breaks apart on impact. So when the plane hit the pentagon, it broke up on impact the same way the planes did that hit the WTC.

I don't recall a plane punching though the WTC intact, so why would a plane punch though the pentagon intact? The pentagon was of stronger construction anyways.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/24/06 03:23 AM

Also - that shit about the truck loaded with TNT that drove into the Pentagon (rather than the F-16 I mentioned) also didn't happen. I know, shocking, but true. :rolleyes:
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/24/06 03:27 AM

Originally posted by Double-J:
They actually did recover a bit of material from the wreckage,
Sorry. No way that much damage could be done by a plane as small (in comparison to a Boeing jet airliner) and have that much wreckage inside and out.

Claims that the Pentagon hole is (much) too small for a 757-223, are false.
Claims that witnesses have said they saw a missile, are false.
Claims that witnesses have said they saw a small plane and implying a significant amount did the same, are misleading.
Claims that witnesses have said the plane was quiet were an extreme minority and are brought to the public in a misleading way. As usual, the context has never been addressed. (In the car, windows shut, radio on. One person said it was the shock)
Claims that a Global Hawk or a F-16 hit the Pentagon aren't backed up by any witnesses. So why have these theories been put forward in the first place?
Quotes from the aftermath of the crash site are no proof something else than a 757 hit the building.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Mad Johnny

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/24/06 03:38 AM

Plus a Global Hawk looks like this http://www.strategie.com.pl/teksty/technika/bezpilotowe2/Global_Hawk-1.jpg

Its not a fast plane because it pilots itself and is not aerodynamic. So even if it did hit, it would have bounced off or wedged itself in the building.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/24/06 03:38 AM

I guess that along with the government, various military officers in the pentagon, all of these people were a part of this huge conspiracy :rolleyes: ........

(EDIT) : http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/trade.center/victims/AA77.victims.html

....not to mention all of the familes of these people listed. :rolleyes:

Don Cardi
Posted By: Nice Guy Eddie

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/24/06 04:27 AM

If you think that is bad then you need to check this out.
Posted By: SC

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/24/06 09:46 AM

The current issue of "New York" magazine has a fairly lengthy article giving these conspiracy theories some play.

Don Cardi, I suggest you DON'T buy the issue. :p
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/24/06 10:09 AM

These conspiracy theories are nothing more then bullshit thought up by idiots for gullible people.

Hell, here's proof.

Sheen Airs 9/11 Conspiracy Theory
Actor Charlie Sheen refuses to accept the official explanation behind the terrorist atrocities of September 11, 2001, and believes the US government covered up what really happened. Conspiracy theorist Sheen claims New York City's Twin Towers fell as the result of a "controlled demolition." Talking on US radio program The Alex Jones Show on the GGN network, he said, "It seems to me like 19 amateurs with box-cutters taking over four commercial airliners and hitting 75 per cent of their targets, that feels like a conspiracy theory. It raises a lot of questions. A couple of years ago, it was severely unpopular to talk about any of this. It feels like from the people I talk to, and the research I've done and around my circles, it feels like the worm is turning." Sheen also cast doubt over the plane that smashed into the side of the Pentagon in Washington DC. He added, "Just show us how this particular plane pulled off these maneuvers... It is up to us to reveal the truth. It is up to us because we owe it to the families, we owe it to the victims, we owe it to everyone's life who was drastically altered, horrifically, that day and forever. We owe it to them to uncover what happened."

Blow it out of your ass Sheen, if you want more fame , remake Ghost in Swazy's role.

I've seen the flash video before, and it's hilarious that people believe it. I can make a video right now that claims Bush fucked a grizzly bear in the white house and offer a bunch of rhetoric behind it along with Fight Club music in the background.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/24/06 11:54 AM

Originally posted by SC:
The current issue of "New York" magazine has a fairly lengthy article giving these conspiracy theories some play.

Don Cardi, I suggest you DON'T buy the issue. :p
Damn it! I just bought a subscription for this magazine! Perhaps it would be best served for me to donate this subscription of "New York" magazine to the South Beach Phsyciatric Center and replace it with a subscription to this one http://www.paranoiamagazine.com/. :p

Don Cardi
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/24/06 12:16 PM

Actor Charlie Sheen refuses to accept the official explanation behind the terrorist atrocities of September 11, 2001, and believes the US government covered up what really happened.
Doesn't everybody realize that Charlie Sheen's father Martin is an active member of F.A.G., therefore rendering his opinion null and void based upon the Janene Garofolo quote in my sig?

Conspiracy theorist Sheen claims New York City's Twin Towers fell as the result of a "controlled demolition."
Right. Because you ARE both a demolitions expert and a structural engineer. :rolleyes:

"It seems to me like 19 amateurs with box-cutters taking over four commercial airliners and hitting 75 per cent of their targets, that feels like a conspiracy theory.
Right. Because airport security is VERY efficient and never would make a mistake, and these guys DIDN'T spend years of their lives training for this mission in flight schools and test runs. :rolleyes:

It feels like from the people I talk to
Read: From the blogs I've been reading...

and the research I've done
Read: From what my father Martin Sheen, Alec Baldwin, and George Clooney have been forwarding to my email...

and around my circles
Read: F.A.G.

it feels like the worm is turning.
What the hell does that mean?

"Just show us how this particular plane pulled off these maneuvers... It is up to us to reveal the truth.
But we just did...

...but if you don't believe that there was a plane, how can your make your following statement...

we owe it to the families, we owe it to the victims, we owe it to everyone's life who was drastically altered, horrifically, that day and forever.
...because it basically nullifies your argument. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[quote]Originally posted by SC:
[b] The current issue of "New York" magazine has a fairly lengthy article giving these conspiracy theories some play.

Don Cardi, I suggest you DON'T buy the issue. :p
Damn it! I just bought a subscription for this magazine! Perhaps it would be best served for me to donate this subscription of "New York" magazine to the South Beach Phsyciatric Center and replace it with a subscription to this one http://www.paranoiamagazine.com/. :p

[/b][/quote]Don Cardi - I know who you can send it to!

Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/24/06 02:43 PM

I happened to hear some of Charlie Sheen's ramblings last night...Laura Ingraham was playing his telephone interview on her radio program. What a WHACK JOB!!

As a caller quite accurately said...wonder why Charlie and his daddy didn't consider the 1993 WTC bombings a gov't conspiracy. Maybe because then, there was a different president.

Anyway, back to Flight 77. Barbara Olsen, the writer, journalist and occassional talk show guest...was a passenger on that plane and called her husband when they were first being hijacked. Can the makers of this film explain if that was supposedly not a plane that crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11, then (as Don Andrew says) where IS Ms. Olsen, her fellow passengers, crew as well as the people who took over the plane.

And where's the hijacked plane?

Don Cardi - I think that the crew/passengers list you posted was that of Flight 11, one of the two that crashed into the WTC. Only saying that because I noticed the name of producer David Angell.

Posted By: Mad Johnny

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/24/06 03:00 PM

Yeah, Hollywood sucks ass. I saw Ben Stein last night and, while I don't like him because he's an ass, he made a very good point. Hollywood makes a tons of money for doing nothing! Millions of dollars for what? Smiling on screen? Their opinions aren't based on anything real. They're all fake.
Posted By: Mad Johnny

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/24/06 03:11 PM

Next thing you know, whackos will be saying that the Global Hawk is a stolen Nazi design! :rolleyes: And that its all a secret Nazi global take over :rolleyes: The fist 2 links are for a WW2 German jet, the 3rd is of the Global Hawk.



Posted By: Double-J

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/25/06 02:27 AM

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:

And where's the hijacked plane?

Duh, Apple, you neoconservative nutjob FoxNews junkie. It was a conspiracy. The government fooled us! Stop believing their lies and wake up!
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/25/06 03:27 AM

Duh...of course, Double-J!!! Thanks for setting me straight! And so this leads us to the next question...exactly WHY did the gov't decide to fool us? What was their reasoning behind this conspiracy?

Guess we'll have to await Charlie Sheen's next interview; or Don Rico's next 'link' to find that out.

Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/25/06 05:20 AM

I don't know why actors feel compelled to use their celebrity status for such nonsense. Stand in front of the camera and look pretty. That's what you were hired for.

To hint at any such nonsense is just ridiculous. What about all of the people who stood by helplessly as they watched the planes fly into the buildings? Were they all bought and paid for by the conspirators? Puh-leeze.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/25/06 01:36 PM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
... Stand in front of the camera and look pretty. That's what you were hired for...
Not according to Janine Garofolo.
Or Sean Penn.
Or Barbra Streisand.
Or The Dixie Chicks.

Posted By: Double-J

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/25/06 02:45 PM

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
[quote]Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
[b] ... Stand in front of the camera and look pretty. That's what you were hired for...
Not according to Janine Garofolo.
Or Sean Penn.
Or Barbra Streisand.
Or The Dixie Chicks.

Apple [/b][/quote]...Charlie Sheen
Or Martin Sheen
Or Matt Damon ("Maaaat Daaaamon")
Or Samuel L. Jackson
Or Alec Baldwin
Or George Clooney
Or Danny Glover
Or Ethan Hawke
Or Helen Hunt
Or Tim Robbins
Or Susan Sarandon
Or Liv Tyler
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/25/06 03:06 PM

Or Ed Asner.
Or Mike Farrell.

Or Rob Reiner (although these days he's paid to stand behind the camera & look 'pretty')
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/25/06 03:08 PM

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:

Or Mike Farrell.

Yeah, I forget...I remember seeing footage of him at some big peace conference, I think during the Reagan years. I can't seem to find it anywhere though.

Edit: Nevermind, I just remembered...it was either something for the Human Rights Watch, but more likely when he was busy supporting the Salvadoran terrorist FMLN. :rolleyes:
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/25/06 03:12 PM

Actually, the following is an interesting opine about Mike Farrell's political record.

Mike Farrell: Art of Deception
By Jean Pearce
FrontPageMagazine.com | April 3, 2003

By now, Mike Farrell probably figures he’s got the nation fooled. For over 20 years, the Hollywood actor turned peace activist has flawlessly played the part of the pacifist patriot with America’s best interests at heart. Farrell is quite convincing when he’s in character, as he has been since he propelled himself to the forefront of the Iraq war protest movement. Without batting an eye, Farrell will tell you how much it would pain him to see Iraqi or American blood spilled in the unjust war on Iraq.

Farrell is counting on the fact that no one remembers another part he played one Friday night, 18 years ago in San Salvador. For 2 ½ hours, Farrell, who played a surgeon on M*A*S*H, assisted Dr. Alejandro Sanchez in a real-life operation to restore movement to the arm of Nidia Diaz, a guerilla leader of the Marxist Central American Worker’s Party. Just two months before, the group had claimed responsibility for the slaying of four U.S. Marines, two American businessmen and nine civilians. Diaz is still barred from entering the U.S. for her role in the murders.

"Apparently, it was the most important role in his life," Sandra "Sand" Brim of Medical Aid for El Salvador told the Associated Press at the time. The U.S.-based Medical Aid, which was founded by Farrell’s long-time friend and radical activist buddy, actor Ed Asner, flew in the Los Angeles doctor because there was no surgeon available with the skills to perform the delicate operation. Because he needed someone to assist him, Sanchez asked Farrell, who at the time was in Central America at the behest of Amnesty International, for help on the way to the hospital.

"I know this is going to look like a publicity stunt, but that’s too bad. It isn’t," Farrell told the Los Angeles Times after the operation.

If not a publicity stunt, than what was it? A good-hearted effort to put a Marxist terrorist with American blood on her hands back in the battlefield to prey upon the very civilians Farrell claimed to want to help?

By 1985, Farrell and a small handful of Hollywood actors had become a thorn in the side of the Reagan administration, which spent millions aiding the Nicaraguan Contras in their battle against the Cuban and Soviet-backed Marxist Sandinistas. Farrell and Asner’s group, Committee of Concern for Central America, even went so far as to invite Nicaragua’s Communist Sandinista leader, Daniel Ortega, for a nine-day publicity tour of American cities, the purpose of which, The Washington Post reported, was to counter the Reagan administration’s "disinformation" effort against Nicaragua’s communist government. At the final event, a fundraiser for the Committee of Concern, the Post reported that Ortega raised his fist in the air and shouted "If the United States commits the error of invading us, we know we will struggle with you at our side," which elicited cheers from the audience.

This is the real Mike Farrell – Marxist sympathizer, militant anti-American, selective pacifist with a disdain for the American blood that flows through his own veins.

Like the other Hollywood radicals who spent years "helping" in Nicaragua and El Salvador in direct opposition to U.S. efforts to combat communism at America’s doorstep, Farrell would probably insist that they were merely trying to help Nicaraguan civilians who were suffering at the hands of the Contras the U.S. supported.

But in the1990s, after the people of Nicaragua deep-sixed Ortega’s violent government and voted out the communist Sandinistas, the Hollywood crowd scattered like roaches from the light. When Hurricane Mitch killed 11,000 and devastated Central America in 1998 Farrell and his Committee of Concern were nowhere to be found.

So what exactly was Farrell up to while thousands of Nicaraguan children died of starvation? What could possibly have been more important to the man who once offered himself to the media as Central America’s anti-Contra protector and spokesman?

Apparently, sparing convicted cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal from the death penalty and setting him free took precedence. Farrell’s only public appearance of note in the months after the hurricane was a stint on 20/20 in which Farrell, who once co-chaired the New York-based Committee to Save Mumia Abu-Jamal, was summarily shellacked by ABC newsman Sam Donaldson.

Given his history, it would be easy to brush Farrell off if he weren’t so good at grabbing the limelight when he wants to make a point. Like lesser-known activists with Marxist credentials, Farrell seems to have the formula for using the media to reach the public down pat. He simply creates a protest group, signs up half of Hollywood, then uses their combined star power as leverage to weigh in on an issue. It’s what he did while stumping for the Sandinistas, and what he did again with the help of actor Martin Sheen when he launched Artists United to Win Without War in September.

With about $300,000, a couple of ads and a web site, Farrell and his friends set up a virtual march on Washington to protest the war that resulted in thousands of phone calls and faxes from 80,000 people who signed up online to harass Congress and the White House with anti-war messages.
Once again, Farrell had gotten away if not with murder, then with aiding and abetting it .
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/25/06 04:41 PM

Originally posted by Double-J:
[quote]Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
Or Mike Farrell.

Yeah, I forget...I remember seeing footage of him at some big peace conference [/b][/quote]Uhm, I don't want to ruin the game, but what's so wrong at attending a conference for peace
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/25/06 04:51 PM

Nothing at all, assuming one understands that there are different kinds of 'peace'. Not all of them are necessarily a good.

However the main intent of the game was following up on SB's initial statement.

Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/25/06 04:55 PM

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
there are different kinds of 'peace'. Not all of them are necessarily a good.
Fair enough...
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/25/06 07:31 PM

Originally posted by Enzo Scifo:
[quote]Originally posted by Double-J:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
Or Mike Farrell.

Yeah, I forget...I remember seeing footage of him at some big peace conference [/b][/quote]Uhm, I don't want to ruin the game, but what's so wrong at attending a conference for peace [/b][/quote]Besides what Apple said, look at what he's supported, like the bloody leftist guerrilas in El Salvador (read the article). Does that advocate peace? By supporting these murderers, just because they are socialist-leftists?
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/25/06 09:51 PM

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
Don Cardi - I think that the crew/passengers list you posted was that of Flight 11, one of the two that crashed into the WTC. Only saying that because I noticed the name of producer David Angell.

Yes Apple, you are right. I cut and pasted the wrong passenger list from the site which lists the names of those killed on flight 77, the plane that DID crash into the pentagon.

Here is the correct list of crew and passengers :


Yes, the list of people that I orignally posted were from flight 11, you know, the one that really didn't crash into the WTC either, the one where the passengers and crew were also part of this huge conspiracy and are now living with the passengers from flight 77, and Elvis, on some secret secluded island in the Carribean :rolleyes: .

Thanks for pointing my error out.

Don Cardi
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/25/06 10:06 PM

I love how this conspiracy theory is based on a few people who say it was a missile and not a plane that hit the Pentagon :rolleyes:

The only people I will believe to distinguis a missile from a plane are military personel or missile experts, call me crazy but working at a gas station doesn't exactly qualify :rolleyes:
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/25/06 10:08 PM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
What about all of the people who stood by helplessly as they watched the planes fly into the buildings? Were they all bought and paid for by the conspirators? Puh-leeze.
SB, do you know how much money the government has paid me and all of the other people that I work with to say that we saw what happened? We can now retire for the rest of our lives!

As I said in an earlier post, it must have just been a figment of our imagination. :rolleyes:

Hey, who the hell are we to challenge what Charlie Sheen has said? After all he is an expert on planes and such. He has all that experience and training from his role in Hot Shots! Part Deux!

Charlie Sheen. What a jerkoff.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/25/06 10:32 PM

Not a fan of Platoon?
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/25/06 10:36 PM

Originally posted by Don Rico:
FOX News believers are we?

Open your eyes people.

There is a LOT more to all this than you have made youreslaves willing to believe...
Your story does make sense, I will give you that. I mean the hijackers had bought regular tickets. How did they get into first class to even be able to get near the cockpit?

I guess the only question you would have to answer then is, who opened the drapes
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/25/06 10:49 PM

Don Rico, please, in your own words don't copy and paste from a website or anything. Tell me why the United States did this.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/25/06 10:54 PM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
I guess the only question you would have to answer then is, who opened the drapes
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/25/06 10:55 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[QUOTE]...Hey, who the hell are we to challenge what Charlie Sheen has said? After all he is an expert on planes and such....
I'm still waiting to hear Charlie's explanatin as to WHY the gov't would orchestrate the 'controlled demolition' of the WTC back in September, 2001. Surely he's come up with some sort of theory, based upon '..the people I talk to, and the research I've done and around my circles...'

I sure hope that Charlie's continues his mission to reveal 'the truth'. After all, as he states, "...we owe it to the victims, we owe it to everyone's life who was drastically altered, horrifically, that day and forever. We owe it to them to uncover what happened."

And if he can't, what he owes them is one big fat apology.

Posted By: plawrence

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/25/06 11:35 PM

Well, the logic could go something like this.....

That the Bush administration had foreknowledge of the attack, and rather than trying to prevent it they decided instead to "help it along" so they would have an excuse to embark on a war against Muslim extremism.

I am certainly no believer in those extreme conspiracy theories that involve such ideas as "the airplanes weren't airplanes but holograms", or the like.

But given the lies we've been told by our government over the past forty years or so, and the cover-ups that went along with many of those lies, I certainly wouldn't be shocked or surprised to learn that there is a lot more to the story of the events of 9/11, and that our government was in some way involved in withholding or covering up all or part of the truth with respect to what really happened.

And I quite honestly don't see how or why a legitimate search for the truth - not far-fetched theories with which the "theorists" seek to generate publicity for themselves, but true searches for the truth by those who honestly believe that there is more to the story - in any way disrespects or dishonors the victims or their families.

If anything, in fact, the reverse is true. A real search for the truth honors the victims by refusing to let their memories fade away and get lost in the miasma of yet another government cover-up.

Remember, it was those who initially dis-believed the Warren Commission Report some 40+ years ago who were initially labeled "geeks" and "crackpots" and "publicity seekers", until the reality sunk in - a reality that today is believed by the vast najority of Americans - that the United States Government was indeed responsible or involved in some way in either a conspiracy to assassinate our president, the cover-up following the event itself or, very possibly, both.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 12:37 AM


Way to go, plawrence...you just gave Charlie Sheen and his ilk their talking points. Of course, Howard Dean tried to hint at the Bush admin having foreknowledge and it was one of the things that helped to sink his 2004 campaign.

An 'honest' search for the truth? To 'honor' the victims?

Sounds like a job for ...... (drumroll, please)

*** !!! NEAL PULCAWER !!! ****


By the way - I too once believed in a gov't and/or mob conspiracy to eliminate JFK. Even did a High School oral report professing Oswald's innocence, or at least that he didn't act alone. Over the years though, I've pretty much changed my mind, mostly due to the fact that it was covered by one to many trash tabloid tv shows, including rehearsed testimonials given (or maybe sold) by the old lady who was LBJ's mistress at the time.

The geeks and crackpots like to have reasons to mistrust their government, especially when the opposing party is in power. In many cases these are people with very limited lives, and it helps them feel powerful to pretend they have an upper hand in things, that they're professing you can't put one over on them. They're too smaaaaaatt!!! Not DUMB like everybody SAYS!!!


Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 12:51 AM

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
You suit pom-poms.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 05:02 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:

I certainly wouldn't be shocked or surprised to learn that there is a lot more to the story of the events of 9/11, and that our government was in some way involved in withholding or covering up all or part of the truth with respect to what really happened.

And I quite honestly don't see how or why a legitimate search for the truth - not far-fetched theories with which the "theorists" seek to generate publicity for themselves, but true searches for the truth by those who honestly believe that there is more to the story - in any way disrespects or dishonors the victims or their families.

If anything, in fact, the reverse is true. A real search for the truth honors the victims by refusing to let their memories fade away and get lost in the miasma of yet another government cover-up.

Apples and Oranges Plaw. There is no denying that our government has a history of coverups and withholding truths from the public. And I agree that a true investigation into the events of 9/11 and any intelligence or knowledge that could have possibly prevented those attacks should take place if there is any proof of a coverup or something of that nature. Yes, the truth being revealed is something that the families and all those directly affected by those attacks would be owed by a serious investigation. But you are talking about cover-ups of pre-intelligence, and issues of that nature.

These idiots are talking about the government being a part of the attacks on September 11th and/or "creating" the appearance of a plane going into the pentagon and/or the government setting off bombs to make the WTC collapse. These crackpots are talking about a MAJOR conspiracy taking place, one that would involve people such as Susan Olsen and her husband being a part of this conspiracy. One that would have to incorporate 63 different poeple from different walks of life to make believe that they were killed on a plane that "supposedly" :rolleyes: crashed into the pentagon and then have them all dissapear to another part of the world to live where no one could ever know that they were really still alive. :rolleyes:

What you are talking about in your post is completely different than calling for an investigation to find out if the government blew up the pentagon, blew up the WTC, and convinced the crews, passengers and maybe even some families to join them in creating this false attack and becoming part of this major conspiracy.

So please don't insult our intelligence by mixing apples and oranges together under this topic.

What's being presented by the originator of this topic and the kind of investigation and coverups that you are suggesting may have happened are two totally seprate issues and in no way go hand in hand.

Talk about the conspiracy theory presented here, one that says that there never was a plane that crashed into the pentagon. Don't mix in pre-intelligence coverups by the government before the attacks with this crap.

If you fell the need to discuss a coverup by our government of pre-intelligence, then do us and yourself a favor by starting another topic. Because your injecting those thoughts into this outrageous theory is both unfair and misleading.

Apples and Oranges.

Don Cardi
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 07:07 AM

I beg to differ.

Apples and oranges are both fruits - albeit ones of a different nature - and the complicity of the United States Government in the events of 9/11 is conspiracy and cover-up despite your attempt to make a distinction between crackpot theories about phantom planes and holograms and missing or brainwashed passengers and "cover-ups of pre-intelligence"

Besides, who are you or I or anyone else to decide which conspiracy theories are "worthy" of discussion and which aren't?

I know what you saw with your own eyes that day, and I too do not buy into these whacky theories, but please don't tell me to do myself and everyone else a favor by starting a separate topic to discuss some of the more valid ones, and don't tell me that I'm insulting anyone's intelligence here.

The only people who's intelligence will be insulted by any of this are those who blindly follow the lead of our government and believe everything they are told.

The U.S. Government's possible complicity and participation in the events of 9/11 is the topic of this thread, and I would not be the slightest bit surprised to klearn that it extended far beyond merely knowing that the attacks were coming and doing nothing to prevent them.

What did I say in my first post?

"That the Bush administration had foreknowledge of the attack, and rather than trying to prevent it they decided instead to "help it along" so they would have an excuse to embark on a war against Muslim extremism."

Like maybe help it along with a controled demolition of the buildings?

Is that so far-fetched? Is that such a crackpot of a theory?

Seems to me that if there are people who truly belive that's what happened, then it's worthy of discussion.

I'm not say that that's what happened. I'm simply saying that I wouldn't be shocked or surpised to learn that that was the way it did happen.
Originally posted by Don Cardi:
These crackpots are talking about a MAJOR conspiracy taking place
That kind of made me chuckle.

As if a "minor" comspiracy is in some way more acceptable or believeable?

ANY part, howver small, that our government played in the events of 9/11 constitutes a "MAJOR" comspiracy, don't you think?
Originally posted by Don Cardi:
What's being presented by the originator of this topic and the kind of investigation and coverups that you are suggesting may have happened are two totally separate issues and in no way go hand in hand.
That may be your opinion, but I see it differently.

I believe that the originator of this topic has come to a point where he feels it necessary to question the "official" version of 9/11.

Perhaps he's a bit naive to believe some of the more outlandish and crackpot-like theories, but all of them begin with the same basic premise: That our government was in some way involved.

So we are not talking about "two separate issues" here.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 07:14 AM

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
The geeks and crackpots like to have reasons to mistrust their government, especially when the opposing party is in power
First of all, it has nothing to do with politics, at least from my POV.

The Kennedy assassination and cover-up was engineered while the Democrats were in power and, if anything, i was even more outraged by it because it was my party in power who was responsible for the whole thing.

And I personally hate the idea of having to live in mistrust of my government.

Yes, it's true - "geeks and crackpots like to have reasons to mistrust their government", and many who do are and many who are do.

But let's be sure we make one important distinction here:

Not everyone who mistrusts the government is a geek or a crackpot.
Posted By: Don Rico

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 07:51 AM

You arch-conservative types can slam Charlie Sheen all day long. Go ahead and ridicule him and the other celebrities who speak out and stand up for peace. Point your fingers and label it a "conspiracy theory" if you want. Get bent out of shape if you want.

Look at the bigger picture.

An open mind will seek out information, take the necessary grains of salt, and draw it's own conclusions.

Sometimes it does become necessary to question the "official version" of events, as promulgated by the powers that be and the vested interests they represent.

Are reactionary chest-pounding and herd-mentality posture necessary in order to avoid the legitimate questions being raised here?

Like Don Vito knew very well, the U.S. Government does NOT have yours or my best interests at heart.

The truth, whatever it may be, hurts sometimes.

Now certainly, you far-right-wing nuts have the inalienable right to keep the wool firmly pulled over your own eyes. Go back to sleep. Or should I say go back to watching FOX News. Oink!

As far as "reality" vs. "conspiracy" I can tell you this:

I would not rule ANYTHING out when it comes to the evil gang of criminals who now control the U.S. Government, and their desperate attempts to consolidate and increase their power.

Something to think about...
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 08:11 AM

Originally posted by Don Rico:
You arch-conservative types can slam Charlie Sheen all day long. Go ahead and ridicule him and the other celebrities who speak out and stand up for peace. Point your fingers and label it a "conspiracy theory" if you want. Get bent out of shape if you want.
Sweet - we finally have permission! :rolleyes:

Queen Isabella: Thought the world was flat, and believed it with all her heart and soul and mind, and, had no reason whatsover to NOT believe it...!

Christopher Columbus: Knew better.

Charlie Sheen is no Columbus, that's for damned sure.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 08:36 AM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
Queen Isabella: Thought the world was flat, and believed it with all her heart and soul and mind, and, had no reason whatsover to NOT believe it...!
Anyone that Queen Isabella reminds you of?
Posted By: SC

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 10:56 AM

You mean the world ain't flat???
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 12:56 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:

What did I say in my first post?

"That the Bush administration had foreknowledge of the attack, and rather than trying to prevent it they decided instead to "help it along" so they would have an excuse to embark on a war against Muslim extremism."

Like maybe help it along with a controled demolition of the buildings?

Is that so far-fetched? Is that such a crackpot of a theory?

Seems to me that if there are people who truly belive that's what happened, then it's worthy of discussion.
Except for the fact that the theory is missing, oh, I don't know, evidence?

The people who claim that this happened are not structural engineers. They are not demolitions experts. They have invented a hypothesis based upon no facts, research, or evidence.

So yes, I think it is pretty far fetched, crackpot, as well as being wholly ignorant and irresponsible. Then again, I'm considering the source - Charlie Sheen.

Originally posted by Don Rico:
You arch-conservative types can slam Charlie Sheen all day long. Go ahead and ridicule him and the other celebrities who speak out and stand up for peace. Point your fingers and label it a "conspiracy theory" if you want. Get bent out of shape if you want.
First of all, we're ridiculing him because he opened his mouth and made a jackass of himself by posing a scenario with no factual basis or evidence (similar to what you posted originally from the Voltaire Network).

Secondly, labeling us all "arch-conservatives" and telling us to "get bent" doesn't really help your argument, it simply makes you sound more desperate and unwilling to see the merits of our side of the debate. Essentially, it makes you look pretty foolish. Especially since the theory you are supporting comes from radical French leftists (as if being French and left didn't make you radical enough :p ).

An open mind will seek out information, take the necessary grains of salt, and draw it's own conclusions.

Sometimes it does become necessary to question the "official version" of events, as promulgated by the powers that be and the vested interests they represent.
But unlike the JFK Assassination (in which I believe wholeheartedly that there was some form of conspiracy), in this case, your/Voltaire Network's argument has NO evidence, NO witnesses, and NO logic behind it.

Are reactionary chest-pounding and herd-mentality posture necessary in order to avoid the legitimate questions being raised here?

Like Don Vito knew very well, the U.S. Government does NOT have yours or my best interests at heart.
I don't know what "herd-mentality" is, but I know that this is not a discussion of bovine ranching.

Seriously though, their is no posture, or reactionary chest-pounding, or "herd-mentality." We all disagree with what you posted because it is backed up by no evidence and is refuted by eyewitnesses and evidence.

Now certainly, you far-right-wing nuts have the inalienable right to keep the wool firmly pulled over your own eyes. Go back to sleep. Or should I say go back to watching FOX News. Oink!
Well, so much for serious debate.

Go ahead and keep listening to the Voltaire Network/Utopian Asylum and regurgitate their pathetic leftist theories with no factual merit and believe in them wholeheartedly. FoxNews has more legitimacy and factual basis than the source of this crackpot theory.

As far as "reality" vs. "conspiracy" I can tell you this:

I would not rule ANYTHING out when it comes to the evil gang of criminals who now control the U.S. Government, and their desperate attempts to consolidate and increase their power.
Ooh! (Insert Finger Shaking Scott Hall Impersonation). Why don't you come back with some Illuminati or Masonic theories, and then we'll talk, eh? :rolleyes:

I'd be willing to talk about Majestic 12 all day long.

Something to think about...
You should try that sometime...thinking, I mean.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 01:02 PM

Originally posted by SC:
You mean the world ain't flat???
Actually it really is flat.

The American people were led to believe that it was round by the government. This way they would never realize that the government conspired to allow 9/11 to happen because with the world being flat the government was able to put all of those people that were supposedly on flight 77, which really didn't hit the pentagon, on a ship and make them sail off into the sunset to the edge of the earth so that the ship could dissapear with them on it and then the government could claim that a plane hit the pentagon with all of these people on board.

This all started with the Royal family of Spain, through Christopehr Columbus, who would claim to discover a new land where a government could be put into place who could eventually conspire to stage an attack on the pentagon, claim that an airliner hit it, then orchastrate a rescue attempt and at the same time recruit 63 people along with their families to take part in this conspiracy and make believe that they were on that airliner that hit the pentagon, place fake phone calls to their loved ones, all the while really being on a cruise ship that would sail to the end of the earth and dissapear because the earth was really flat.

The proof of this whole planned conspiracy taking affect since the days of Christopher Columbus and the Queen is in the fact that several of the hijackers were schooled in Spain before September 11th 2001.

As an American citizen I demand that our government form a commission that will eventually expose that the world is indeed really flat and not round as the people of this country have been led to believe for so many years.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 01:06 PM

Pssht, we all know Columbus was really a genocidal prick, and is to blame for all the problems that Indians face today (you know, running multi-million dollar casinos and living tax-free). :rolleyes:
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 01:09 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
[QUOTE]...The Kennedy assassination and cover-up was engineered while the Democrats were in power and, if anything, i was even more outraged by it because it was my party in power who was responsible for the whole thing....
So you're saying that Kennedy WAS assasinated by his own government who then proceeded with the assistance of the Democratic party to cover it up?

(insert Twilight Zone theme here)

But on to the current topic of the 9/11 attacks. It's been four and a half years and there has been ample time for the 'honest' investigations which have taken place. It's been fully documented that the way the World Trade Center was built is what caused the buildings to collapse in the way they did. If Charlie Sheen wants to rant about 'controlled demolition', I guess he can consider the planes a part of that.

Originally posted by plawrence:
[QUOTE]..."But let's be sure we make one important distinction here:
Not everyone who mistrusts the government is a geek or a crackpot."
Fair enough. Whoever mistrusts the gov't when it comes to the planning and investigation of 9/11 attacks is a geek AND a crackpot.

Posted By: Double-J

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 01:20 PM

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
So you're saying that Kennedy WAS assasinated by his own government who then proceeded with the assistance of the Democratic party to cover it up?

(insert Twilight Zone theme here)

Hah! Look at all those mindless crackpots, following the party that assassinated Kennedy (as well as the party that supported slavery, and abandoned LBJ when he initiated Civil Rights legislation)!

I'm sticking with the party of Lincoln.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 01:35 PM

"That the Bush administration had foreknowledge of the attack, and rather than trying to prevent it they decided instead to "help it along" so they would have an excuse to embark on a war against Muslim extremism."

Like maybe help it along with a controled demolition of the buildings?
So that would mean that the government would have had to know that two planes were going to hit the WTC on the morning of September 11th 2001 and would have needed to time everything perfectly and plant explosives strategically within those building at the exact locations of parts of the structure that would make the building implode and crumble at the push of a button. You're sugggesting that the government would allow all of those people to get on those planes, allow those planes to crash into the WTC and allow not only all of those on board those planes to die, but also allow the people in those building to die, allow people to jump out of windows to their deaths, allow the fireman and Policemen to go into those building, wait for them to reach a certain point in those buildings and then set off bombs to kill everyone in those buildings by making them collapse the way they did?

The government would allow all of those people to get onto flight 93, fully knowing that the flight would be hijacked by terrorists, and allow those people to die so that they, the government, could create more hate for the muslim world?

The government, to make it look good, would claim that antoher airliner that had 63 people on board was hijacked, and that it flew into the pentagon? This flight 77 hitting the pentagon was made up by the governemnt?

So according to this theory that you want to entertain, there really was no flight 77 that flew into the pentagon. According to this theory that you want to allow to be heard, flight 77 never really hit the pentagon and therefore flight 77 and all those people on it, all the people who claimed to see it hit the pentagon, were part of this conspiracy?

Or is it that these people never even really existed or they convinced by the government to become a part of this conspiracy?

When I said MAJOR in my other post, I was trying to point out that it would have had to have been a MAJOR conspiracy on a GRAND scale because of how many thousands of people would have to be involved to cover this whole thing up. Not in the sense that some conspiracies are minor and others major. Of course all conspiracies are major. But my use of the world major was to point out the grand scale of how many people would have to be involved.

So answer me this Plaw ; If you seriously think the conspiracy theory presented by the originator of this topic could possibly hold any water, then

1) Explain to us where flight 77 really went or if there even really was a flight 77.

2) Explain to us how tens of thousands of people from high up in government, through the military and right on down to the average citizen could ALL be made a part of this conspiracy and made to be kept quiet.

And again, I'm not talking about the possibility of the government having prior knowledge or intelligence of an attack on our country. Soemthing like that itself is very very possible.

I'm talking about THIS theory here of the government claiming that an airliner hit the Pentagon, when according to people like Charlie Sheen one really did not.

Don Cardi
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 01:39 PM

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
So you're saying that Kennedy WAS assasinated by his own government who then proceeded with the assistance of the Democratic party to cover it up?

(insert Twilight Zone theme here)
You know exactly what I'm saying - we've disussed the JFK assassination here enough times, I think.

I believe that our government was complicit in some way in either the plot itself or the cover-up.

The Democratic party was the party in power at the time, and it was LBJ and his Texas oil-millionaire friends who were just some of those who stood to gain the most by JFK's death, and it was LBJ who appointed the members of the Warren Commission - including Allen Dulles, Director of the CIA, who was certainly anything but an objective and disinterested investigator - and then urged the members of his party and the American people to accept the Commission's finding as the unvarnished truth.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 01:56 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
"That the Bush administration had foreknowledge of the attack, and rather than trying to prevent it they decided instead to "help it along" so they would have an excuse to embark on a war against Muslim extremism."

Like maybe help it along with a controled demolition of the buildings?
Originally posted by Don Cardi:
So that would mean that the government would have had to know that two planes were going to hit the WTC on the morning of September 11th 2001 and would have needed to time everything perfectly and plant explosives strategically within those building at the exact locations of parts of the structure that would make the building implode and crumble at the push of a button. You're sugggesting that the government would allow all of those people to get on those planes, allow those planes to crash into the WTC and allow not only all of those on board those planes to die, but also allow the people in those building to die, allow people to jump out of windows to their deaths, allow the fireman and Policemen to go into those building, wait for them to reach a certain point in those buildings and then set off bombs to kill everyone in those buildings by making them collapse the way they did?

The government would allow all of those people to get onto flight 93, fully knowing that the flight would be hijacked by terrorists, and allow those people to die so that they, the government, could create more hate for the muslim world?
In no way am I suggesting that that's what happened or advancing that as a theory in which I believe.

I'm merely suggesting that it's a possibility, and saying that if it was what happened that I wouldn't be shocked or surprised.

Why is it so hard to believe the possibility?

In 1963 our government was overthrown, which in many ways was a much worse crime except for the fact that far fewer lives were lost.

Do you really thnk that if the worst of what people believe about President Bush is true, a few thousand casualties would stand in the way of his reaching his goals?

The government, to make it look good, would claim that antoher airliner that had 63 people on board was hijacked, and that it flew into the pentagon? This flight 77 hitting the pentagon was made up by the governemnt?

So according to this theory that you want to entertain, there really was no flight 77 that flew into the pentagon. According to this theory that you want to allow to be heard, flight 77 never really hit the pentagon and therefore flight 77 and all those people on it, all the people who claimed to see it hit the pentagon, were part of this conspiracy?

Or is it that these people never even really existed or they convinced by the government to become a part of this conspiracy?

When I said MAJOR in my other post, I was trying to point out that it would have had to have been a MAJOR conspiracy on a GRAND scale because of how many thousands of people would have to be involved to cover this whole thing up. Not in the sense that some conspiracies are minor and others major. Of course all conspiracies are major. But my use of the world major was to point out the grand scale of how many people would have to be involved.

So answer me this Plaw ; If you seriously think the conspiracy theory presented by the originator of this topic could possibly hold any water, then

1) Explain to us where flight 77 really went or if there even really was a flight 77.

2) Explain to us how tens of thousands of people from high up in government, through the military and right on down to the average citizen could ALL be made a part of this conspiracy and made to be kept quiet.
Whoa....slow down here.

None of this baloney about missing planes and missing passengers and all of them being a part of the conspiracy etc. etc. is necessary here.

Where or when did I ever say that was a possibility?

That's a far cry from the government knowing the attacks were coming and deciding to help them along.

They didn't have to do anything to "make it look good".

It looked good enough. they had real planes flying into real buildings. What could look better than that?

How many people would have to be involved in a conspiracy of that nature?

Bush and Cheney, and a few generals maybe, the head guy of some "Black Ops" unit, a few demolition experts - maybe 10 or 20 people at the most.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 01:59 PM

Happiness is a warm gun.

Evidence would be a great thing.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 02:02 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
[QUOTE]... it was LBJ who appointed the members of the Warren Commission - including Allen Dulles, Director of the CIA, who was certainly anything but an objective and disinterested investigator...
Also including Gerald Ford, Republican member of Congress...who to this day stands by the findings of the Warren Report.

But of course Rep. Ford was merely there as 'window dressing' to make it look legit, right? In fact, his unrevokeable compliance was part of a secret deal with the Dems that one day he would be appointed President of the United States without ever having been on the ticket.

Gotta hand it to that LBJ...he sure went to extreme lengths to become President. Who knew that he'd eventually become so bogged down by Vietnam that he'd decline his party's nomination for a second term?

But of course, THAT too may have been part of...


(fade-in to Twilight Zone theme)

Posted By: plawrence

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 02:05 PM

Originally posted by Double-J:
Evidence would be a great thing.
It sure would.

And that's why the search for the truth continues to go one.

What real evidence do we have in the JFK assassination that we can be 100% sure isn't tainted or planted, yet what? 90% or so of the American people - yourself included, if I'm not mistaken - believe that there was some sort of government conspiracy and/or government cover-up.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 02:07 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by plawrence:
[qbThat's a far cry from the government knowing the attacks were coming and deciding to help them along.

They didn't have to do anything to "make it look good".

It looked good enough. they had real planes flying into real buildings. What could look better than that?

How many people would have to be involved in a conspiracy of that nature?

Bush and Cheney, and a few generals maybe, the head guy of some "Black Ops" unit, a few demolition experts - maybe 10 or 20 people at the most.
And again you avoid the theory that was originally presneted here, the one that I am making reference to. The theory that an airliner never hit the pentagon.

Your injecting the possibility of the governemnt having prior knowledge that the attacks were coming. I don't deny that possibility. But you keep going bakc to that.

THIS theory PRESENTED ORIGINALLY in this topic talks about an airliner NEVER really hitting the Pentagon! And on that claim by Sheen and his crackpot theorists, I presented my questions.

So I'll ask you again ;

If we are to consider a theory like this one which claims that an airliner never hit the pentagon, then someone needs to explain where flight 77 really went, what happened to the people on board that flight, if they were a apt of this conspiracy claim, or if they believe that that flight really existed or not.

Not talking about the possibility of holding back PRE-INTELLIGENCE Plaw, talking about what happened to flight 77 and it's people who these theorist claim never hit the Pentagon.

That's the issue at hand here.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 02:12 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
[quote]Originally posted by Double-J:
[b]Evidence would be a great thing.
It sure would.

And that's why the search for the truth continues to go one.

What real evidence do we have in the JFK assassination that we can be 100% sure isn't tainted or planted, yet what? 90% or so of the American people - yourself included, if I'm not mistaken - believe that there was some sort of government conspiracy and/or government cover-up. [/b][/quote]Though you've qualified your statement with words like "tainted" and "planted," the following are still relevant, though I'm sure you'll agree each has their own merits (or lack thereof).

JFK Assassination (only a fraction of evidence):

Lee Harvey Oswald/connections to Soviets/Cuba/OC
Jack Ruby/connections to OC
Magic Bullet
Government Officials (Fletcher Proudy)
Medical Technicians/Doctors
Zapruder Film
Frank Ragano

9/11 Conspiracy:

Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 02:38 PM

Double-J, don't forget to mention JFK's missing brain.

Or the mock-trial of Lee Harvey Oswald that was held in the 1970's I believe.

There was a series presented on A&E some 15 years ago (The Men Who Killed Kennedy) in which everybody and his brother was interviewed who had anything whatsoever to do with the weekend of JFK's death...including the guy who placed the body in the casket. Links all the way to France were supposedly uncovered. While compelling enough for first-time viewing (and something I would actually recommend), when I watched it a second time a few years later, much of it looked like one of the most staged, scripted, stilted, over-rehearsed productions ever created for film.

But plaw, enough of this JFK stuff. Don Cardi is right, while you go on & on about mistrust of the gov't which you HATE to have to profess to having (and the JFK issue was certainly a clever diversion)...you continue to avoid the question of what happened to Flight 777 and it's passengers & crew (not to mention the hijacker's)...if it didn't crash into the Pentagon.

Do you have a theory? Or is it just that you advocate 'honest' investigations, non-tainted evidence and mistrust of the government?

Inquiring minds want to know...

Posted By: plawrence

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 02:45 PM

Lee Harvey Oswald/connections to Soviets/Cuba/OC

There is certainly some connection, but can we be or will we ever be able to separate the fact from the fiction?

Jack Ruby/connections to OC

That's one piece of evidence that I have confidence in. I believe that there is some connection.

But there is always the possibility that the connection was manufactured by the CIA in their effort to point the speculation away from them and onto the mafia, isin't there?

Magic Bullet

There are those who still believe in the "Magic Bullet Theory". I don't, you don't, but it's certainly a possibility, however slim a possibility it may be.


So many different and conflicting versions, though. And we don't really know who to believe, do we? We certainly don't know which of the eyewitnesses may be part of the conspiracy.

Government Officials (Fletcher Prouty)

When it comes to anything having to do with the CIA and their involvement, I have no idea whatsoever what is fact and what is fantasy.

Medical Technicians/Doctors

Again, conflicting reports and observations all the way around. The doctors at Parkland and the doctors at Bethesda seemed to be looking at two different bodies, so different was what they said.

My personal belief is that the doctors at Bethesda who performed the autopsy were the ones who were scared into silence and told what to say and that the observations of the doctors at Parkland are much more reliable since it is far more likely that they viewed the body in an unaltered state - only minutes after the shooting before it could have been altered - and before the cover-up may have been in full swing, but do we really know for sure?

Zapruder Film

Very possibly the least reliable piece of really important evidence of all.

Surely you've heard the questions about the film's provenance and chain of custody...How it was immediately seized by the FBI, how frames might have been switched, how a different frame by frame version of the original was "accidentally" published in Life magazine which supposedly created the impression that the shots came from another direction (I'm a little fuzzy on the details here, but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about).

The point is, how many different versions of the film may be floating around out there, and even if there is only one, how can we be certain of its authenticity?

Frank Ragano

Refresh my memory. He was Trafficante's attorney? Or was it Marcello?

Can we be 100% certain that he's telling the truth?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 02:47 PM

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
But plaw, enough of this JFK stuff. Don Cardi is right, while you go on & on about mistrust of the gov't which you HATE to have to profess to having (and the JFK issue was certainly a clever diversion)...you continue to avoid the question of what happened to Flight 777 and it's passengers & crew (not to mention the hijacker's)...if it didn't crash into the Pentagon.

Do you have a theory? Or is it just that you advocate 'honest' investigations, non-tainted evidence and mistrust of the government?
I believe I answered that question.

Scroll up.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 03:01 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
... will we ever be able to separate the fact from the fiction?

...there is always the possibility that the connection was manufactured by the CIA ...

... it's certainly a possibility, however slim a possibility it may be.

...we don't really know who to believe, do we? We certainly don't know which of the eyewitnesses may be part of the conspiracy.

.... I have no idea whatsoever what is fact and what is fantasy.

...do we really know for sure?

...[b]Zapruder Film
Very possibly the least reliable piece of really important evidence of all.

(editor's note: figures that the one thing that documents the very moment of the shooting, in its entirety...would be considered the 'least reliable' piece of evidence)

...Frank Ragano...Can we be 100% certain that he's telling the truth? [/b]
I see. Evidence and testimony spanning over decades is one thing. But how are we to know FOR SURE...even though we "...personally hate the idea of having to live in mistrust..." of our government.


So anyway, I've scrolled and forgive me, while I'm sure it's in there somewhere I cannot find a specific answer within in any of your posts. Let's just get down to basics.

Do you believe it was Flight 777 that hit the Pentagon?

Yes or no answer. I know you can do it.

Posted By: Double-J

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 04:04 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
[b]Lee Harvey Oswald/connections to Soviets/Cuba/OC

There is certainly some connection, but can we be or will we ever be able to separate the fact from the fiction?

Jack Ruby/connections to OC

That's one piece of evidence that I have confidence in. I believe that there is some connection.

But there is always the possibility that the connection was manufactured by the CIA in their effort to point the speculation away from them and onto the mafia, isin't there?

Magic Bullet

There are those who still believe in the "Magic Bullet Theory". I don't, you don't, but it's certainly a possibility, however slim a possibility it may be.


So many different and conflicting versions, though. And we don't really know who to believe, do we? We certainly don't know which of the eyewitnesses may be part of the conspiracy.

Government Officials (Fletcher Prouty)

When it comes to anything having to do with the CIA and their involvement, I have no idea whatsoever what is fact and what is fantasy.

Medical Technicians/Doctors

Again, conflicting reports and observations all the way around. The doctors at Parkland and the doctors at Bethesda seemed to be looking at two different bodies, so different was what they said.

My personal belief is that the doctors at Bethesda who performed the autopsy were the ones who were scared into silence and told what to say and that the observations of the doctors at Parkland are much more reliable since it is far more likely that they viewed the body in an unaltered state - only minutes after the shooting before it could have been altered - and before the cover-up may have been in full swing, but do we really know for sure?

Zapruder Film

Very possibly the least reliable piece of really important evidence of all.

Surely you've heard the questions about the film's provenance and chain of custody...How it was immediately seized by the FBI, how frames might have been switched, how a different frame by frame version of the original was "accidentally" published in Life magazine which supposedly created the impression that the shots came from another direction (I'm a little fuzzy on the details here, but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about).

The point is, how many different versions of the film may be floating around out there, and even if there is only one, how can we be certain of its authenticity?

Frank Ragano

Refresh my memory. He was Trafficante's attorney? Or was it Marcello?

Can we be 100% certain that he's telling the truth? [/b]
I made it clear that the validity of these sources wasn't necessarily unimpeacheble (I'm sure you'll agree each has their own merits or lack thereof). But my point still remains: there is evidence regarding the alleged JFK conspiracy.

There is no evidence that there was a 9/11 conspiracy, especially in the instances we are discussing here (a missile/unmanned plane/truck filled with TNT hitting the pentagon, the WTC towers exploded from the inside).
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 04:36 PM

Originally posted by Double-J:
[QUOTE]...There is no evidence that there was a 9/11 conspiracy, especially in the instances we are discussing here (a missile/unmanned plane/truck filled with TNT hitting the pentagon, the WTC towers exploded from the inside).
Yes, and let's not forget Sheen's brilliant suggestion that "...19 amateurs with box-cutters taking over four commercial airliners and hitting 75 per cent of their targets, that feels like a conspiracy theory. It raises a lot of questions..."

So if we're to take Mr. Sheen (and others) seriously, then even the plane hijackings and targetings were part of the gov't 'conspiracy', since these '19 amateurs' couldn't have possibly done what they did on their own.

Including instructing passengers with cellphones to call their loved ones to say goodbye.

Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 05:03 PM

The world isn't flat. It's square.

Full of square people.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 05:07 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
again you avoid the theory that was originally presneted here, the one that I am making reference to. The theory that an airliner never hit the pentagon.

Your injecting the possibility of the governemnt having prior knowledge that the attacks were coming. I don't deny that possibility. But you keep going bakc to that.

THIS theory PRESENTED ORIGINALLY in this topic talks about an airliner NEVER really hitting the Pentagon! And on that claim by Sheen and his crackpot theorists, I presented my questions.

So I'll ask you again ;

If we are to consider a theory like this one which claims that an airliner never hit the pentagon, then someone needs to explain where flight 77 really went, what happened to the people on board that flight, if they were a apt of this conspiracy claim, or if they believe that that flight really existed or not.

Not talking about the possibility of holding back PRE-INTELLIGENCE Plaw, talking about what happened to flight 77 and it's people who these theorist claim never hit the Pentagon.

That's the issue at hand here.
The "issue at hand" here is not what you, Don Cardi, or what I, plawrence, or what Apple or Double-J or anyone else says it is in an attempt to control the direction of the discussion.

This is a message board. Someone starts a topic and then people post their opinion,s, ideas, thoughts, comments, etc., that apply to the original topic, and very often the original topic goes iff in any number of different, yet valid, directions.

Yes, the original topic here was what really happened at the Pentagon.

But the much larger question, as implied in the original topic, is "What is or was our gevernment's role in the events of 9/11?"

You make it sound like I'm using this thread to ask about the chances of the Rangers winning the Stanley Cup, or something else totally unrelated.

You don't make any comments about SC sticking to "the issue at hand" when he mentioned the New York Magazine article, and you seem to think that Charlie Sheen's comments about the "controlled demolition" of the WTC are fit enough for dicussion, and it seems to me that I am responding to that when I talk about our government "helping the attacks along".

Then the conversation in the thread went off on what seemed to you to be another acceptable tangent - Hollywood personalities in general expressing their political views and a general bashing of those who do.

Then Double-J mentioned El Salvador, which was seemingly OK, and you yourself, Don Cardi, brought up the WTC with this comment:

SB, do you know how much money the government has paid me and all of the other people that I work with to say that we saw what happened? We can now retire for the rest of our lives

So I will spell it out one more time:

1- Both of the films we are provided with links to in this thread - particularly the one posted by Nice Guy Eddie - raise some very serious and interesting questions about what actually happened at the Pentagon and at the WTC.

2- That the lack of an explanation as to what really happened to the airplane involved in Flight 77 or the people on board does not make the questions any less interesting or valid.

3- Nevertheless, it is the lack of such an explanation that prevents me from "buying" these theories, although I would still like to hear the answers to what I think are the legitimate questions that they raise

4- I would not be shocked or surprised to learn that the WTC was brought down in part by the planes which crashed into them, and in part by a conrolled demolition, the wherewithall to do so having already been put in place prior to 9/11 because our government was fairly certain that the attacks were coming at the time and in the manner in which they did.

5- A discussion of the WTC and 9/11 is fair game for this thread, which should not be limited merely to a discussion about "If it wasn't a plane that hit the Pentagon but a missle, then what happened to the aircraft and people who were aboard flight 77?"
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 05:34 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
[QUOTE]...The "issue at hand" here is not what you, Don Cardi, or what I, plawrence, or what Apple or Double-J or anyone else says it is in an attempt to control the direction of the discussion.
Looks like right now, you're the one attempting to control the direction of the discussion.

Originally posted by plawrence:
[QUOTE]...This is a message board. Someone starts a topic and then people post their opinion,s, ideas, thoughts, comments, etc., that apply to the original topic, and very often the original topic goes iff in any number of different, yet valid, directions..

Originally posted by plawrence:
[QUOTE]...A discussion of the WTC and 9/11 is fair game for this thread, which should not be limited merely to a discussion about "If it wasn't a plane that hit the Pentagon but a missle, then what happened to the aircraft and people who were aboard flight 77?"
True again. A discussion of the JFK assasination is apparently also fair game for this thread.


I will spell it out one more time.

To temporarily divert back to the opening post and link, strongly suggesting that it could not have possibly been a plane, while at the same time agreeing that this can certainly veer off to other related topics and even that all the points raised in your most recent post are...ahem...valid ones, especially when raised by someone who hates to have to mistrust their government.

Do you believe that it was Flight 777 that crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11/01?

Yes or no.

I think many of us would still like to hear the answer to what I think is a legitimate and easy to answer question.

I still have faith you can do it.

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 06:15 PM

I don't understand why PLaw is getting criticized for supposedly going off topic. I don't see it. If there is a rule during our discussions that we can't drift (although I don't think he did)somewhat from a topic, I'd like to know. Don't we "all" do that from time to time?

But on topic, at least I hope, according to the rules of the BB, :p : Although I haven't done a lot of research, I do browse a lot, and I do know of some these conspiracy theories. Some totally off the wall and unbelieveable yes, but some perhaps not so much?????

I don't know if you guys heard or know this, but there is at least one lawsuit (A Federal Rico lawsuit of all things) against Bush & Co. by William Rodriguez, a maintenance worker during 911, who claimed he heard bombs detonate both before and after the planes struck, from the lower floors. The entrepeneur, Jimmy Walter, mentioned in the article, (whom I can't say I've heard of til now) staged a protest or demonstration which turned out to be quite large from what I read, a few months ago, right in Manhatten, although to my knowledge there was no coverage. So, is it wrong and/or out of bounds to simply discuss??? Anyway, read if you wish.

web page

web page

Posted By: Double-J

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 06:28 PM

I don't have any problem with these threads going off-topic, as long as it is somewhat relevant to the original topic, which I think for the most part this has been.

But, I still stand by my point that unlike the JFK assassination, which seemed to contradict itself and contaminate the legitimacy of itself from the very beginning, there has been no such signs or evidence in the wake of 9/11. These conspiracy theories, had they any truth to them, might be intriguing to examine and debate. However, as they currently stand, they are nothing more than (in this case) anti-Bush (or, at best, anti-American) propoganda from a disgruntled socialist-leftist group in France that has a history of radicalism and hatred towards the U.S. and its policies. Similarly, Charlie Sheen has no evidence to back-up his "beliefs" that he has shamelessly promulgated upon the controversy-happy media.

To give merit to either of these "theories" is stupid.

Kind of like Pat Robertson's theory that Katrina happened because of gays and such. It doesn't make any sense, and you have to consider the source.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 06:29 PM

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
Do you believe that it was Flight 777 that crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11/01?

Yes or no.
I believe that I've answered that question one way or another several times already.....

I am certainly no believer in those extreme conspiracy theories that involve such ideas as "the airplanes weren't airplanes but holograms", or the like.
And here:
I too do not buy into these whacky, crackpot theories about phantom planes and holograms and missing or brainwashed passengers
And especially here:
Originally posted by Don Cardi:

The government, to make it look good, would claim that antoher airliner that had 63 people on board was hijacked, and that it flew into the pentagon? This flight 77 hitting the pentagon was made up by the governemnt?

So according to this theory that you want to entertain, there really was no flight 77 that flew into the pentagon. According to this theory that you want to allow to be heard, flight 77 never really hit the pentagon and therefore flight 77 and all those people on it, all the people who claimed to see it hit the pentagon, were part of this conspiracy?

Or is it that these people never even really existed or they convinced by the government to become a part of this conspiracy?

So answer me this Plaw ; If you seriously think the conspiracy theory presented by the originator of this topic could possibly hold any water, then

1) Explain to us where flight 77 really went or if there even really was a flight 77.

2) Explain to us how tens of thousands of people from high up in government, through the military and right on down to the average citizen could ALL be made a part of this conspiracy and made to be kept quiet.
Originally posted by plawrence:

Whoa....slow down here.

None of this baloney about missing planes and missing passengers and all of them being a part of the conspiracy etc. etc. is necessary here.

Where or when did I ever say that was a possibility?

That's a far cry from the government knowing the attacks were coming and deciding to help them along.

They didn't have to do anything to "make it look good".

It looked good enough. they had real planes flying into real buildings. What could look better than that?
But apparently it's necessary that I do so one more time.


Yes. I believe that it was Flight 777 that crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11/01 But only because I can't figure out what the hell else could have happened to the aircraft itself or the people on it.

The two videos raise an awful lot of interesting questions and issues, not the least of which are differing eyewitness accounts, how if the fire/explosion was hot enough to just about completely vaporize the plane they were able to identify body parts, how this guy who could barely fly a single engine Cessena was able to fly a Boeing 747 at 500+ MPH about 30 feet off the ground for the last several hundred yards, if the plane entered the building through the relatively narrow hole it created, why didn't the wings break off outside the building at the moment of impact, etc. etc.

Posted By: Double-J

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 06:40 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:

The two videos raise an awful lot of interesting questions and issues, not the least of which are differing eyewitness accounts, how if the fire/explosion was hot enough to just about completely vaporize the plane they were able to identify body parts, how this guy who could barely fly a single engine Cessena was able to fly a Boeing 747 at 500+ MPH about 30 feet off the ground for the last several hundred yards, if the plane entered the building through the relatively narrow hole it created, why didn't the wings break off outside the building at the moment of impact, etc. etc.
Not really.

"Hunt the Boeing" Answers

by Paul Boutin and Patrick Di Justo

[UPDATE: Agence France-Presse story is here. Patrick and I were also on Toronto's International Connection radio show earlier.]

Paul Boutin is a freelance technology writer and former engineer in San Francisco. Patrick Di Justo is an astrophysics educator at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City who writes for Wired magazine and Wired News.

To be clear: We believe that American Airlines Flight 77 hit the Pentagon on 9/11/2001 because we know far too many friends and colleagues in Washington who saw the plane come in over the freeway - some right over their heads - and felt the earth shake as it disappeared into the Pentagon. And we think people who believe they can uncover the truth about anything by surfing the Web are deceiving themselves in a dangerous way.

But we couldn't help taking up the challenge anyway.

As lifelong propellerheads who firmly believe in asking questions, we found Hunt the Boeing an engaging puzzle, despite its tragic subject matter, but one full of obvious errors and misleading questions. Since many of our friends continue to ask us if we've seen the site, we decided to document our answers to it, which we wrote separately. As might be expected, Patrick focused on the math and science (you may remember his widely circulated napkin math on the WTC attack), while Paul picked apart the wording of the questions.

See the original site for photos that accompany the questions.

Question No 1

The first satellite image shows the section of the building that was hit by the Boeing. In the image below, the second ring of the building is also visible. It is clear that the aircraft only hit the first ring. The four interior rings remain intact. They were only fire-damaged after the initial explosion. Can you explain how a Boeing 757-200, weighing nearly 100 tons and travelling at a minimum speed of 250 miles an hour* only damaged the outside of the Pentagon?

Paul: The question and photos are misleading: Parts of the plane penetrated the ground floors of the second and third rings of the building. These photos show only their intact roofs. Eyewitnesses and news reporters have talked about the twelve-foot hole punched through the inside wall of the second ring by one of the plane’s engines.

More importantly, the question focuses on the plane’s size and weight, making it sound extraordinarily heavy, but leaves out the size and weight of the Pentagon – America’s largest office building with three times the floor space of the Empire State Building - as well as the difference in relative stiffness and energy absorption between a building and an airplane. Each side of the Pentagon contains over 100,000 tons of Potomac sand mixed into the steel-reinforced concrete under its limestome facade. There are nearly 10,000 concrete piles anchoring each side of the building. And in the wake of bombings in Oklahoma City and Saudi Arabia, that portion of the Pentagon had just been reinforced with a computationally modeled lattice of steel tubes designed to prevent it from collapsing after an explosion.

By contrast, the plane is only 100 tons of custom alloys stretched thin enough to fly. It’s not like a giant bullet; more like a giant racing bike. Even so, the plane knocked down 10,000 tons of building material - 100 times its own weight - in the crash and subsequent collapse. Another 57,000 tons of the Pentagon were damaged badly enough to be torn down. The Brobdingnagian scale of the Pentagon makes the total area of damage seem small, but it would hold several Silicon Valley office buildings, or an airport terminal.

Patrick: Watch the videotapes of the planes hitting the World Trade Center. They were traveling at approximately 400 mph, and they hit an aluminum and glass building. An entire plane went in, and hardly anything came out the other side, 208 feet away.

Here we have a plane traveling at nearly 250 mph (just over 1/2 the velocity of the WTC planes, meaning just over 1/4 of their kinetic energy), hitting the ground (which would absorb much of that energy), and only then sliding at a much slower speed into a steel-and-kevlar-reinforced concrete and brick building. Obviously, it's not going to go very far. Still, parts of the plane penetrated into the C ring.

Question No 2

The two photographs in question 2 show the building just after the attack. We may observe that the aircraft only hit the ground floor. The four upper floors collapsed towards 10.10 am. The building is 26 yards high. Can you explain how a Boeing 14.9 yards high, 51.7 yards long, with a wingspan of 41.6 yards and a cockpit 3.8 yards high, could crash into just the ground floor of this building?

Paul: Again the question contains incorrect facts in its setup: As reported in the New York Times, the plane struck between the first and second floors of the building. The high-res version of the photo shows a two story high hole in side of the building. Don't look where the fire truck is directing its water, but towards the center of the photo – two floors out of four are knocked out of the outside wall.

Patrick: The plane hit the ground first, then slid into the building. If the landing wheels were not down and locked, the full height of the plane would extend upwards into the second floor of the building, which is what happened.

Question No 3

The photograph above shows the lawn in front of the damaged building. You'll remember that the aircraft only hit the ground floor of the Pentagon's first ring. Can you find debris of a Boeing 757-200 in this photograph?

Paul: : Yet another leading question ("you'll remember..."), but one looking in the wrong place anyway. At 250 mph, the plane did not stop at the outside of the building. Security camera photos and eyewitness accounts from many credible people, including AP reporter Dave Winslow, agree that the plane completely disappeared into the building. If you’ve seen photos of airline crashes after the fire is out, they often look more like landfill sites than anything recognizable as having been an airplane.

But since the question more literally asks for a photo showing airliner debris on the lawn, here's one. Here's another.

Patrick: The Pentagon burned (or at least smoldered) for several days. Was this photograph taken on September 11? Or was it taken after the wreckage was moved away?

Question No 4

The photograph in question 4 shows a truck pouring sand over the lawn of the Pentagon. Behind it a bulldozer is seen spreading gravel over the turf. Can you explain why the Defence Secretary deemed it necessary to sand over the lawn, which was otherwise undamaged after the attack?

Patrick: My father was a construction engineer. He would only put a crane onto a grass lawn in an extreme emergency, and only after getting indemnified against damages. No, the first thing he would do is to lay down a pathway of steel plates, then cover them with gravel, to prevent his equipment from getting bogged down in the soft earth. When you see in that picture is a roadway being built to bring the heavy equipment across the lawn.

Paul: You don’t have to be a construction worker to recognize a road being built over the lawn, to support the vehicles dismantling the damaged building and hauling away debris. I can’t find any news reports (or people who remember any) about Donald Rumsfeld personally ordering this work done. I suspect the statement is false, and was added to make the activity seem more suspicious.

Question No 5

The photographs in Question 5 show representations of a Boeing 757-200 superimposed on the section of the building that was hit. Can you explain what happened to the wings of the aircraft and why they caused no damage?

Patrick: I'm not certain the models are to scale, and they're certainly not in the correct orientation. Since the plane hit the ground and skidded into the building, enough energy was lost by the initial impact and friction with the ground that the engines probably did not penetrate the building.

Paul: If you’re going to doctor evidence, do it right: Eyewitness accounts say the plane hit from 45 degrees to the side. Adjust the silhouettes properly, and fix the parallax effect in the second photo. The plane fits the impact area pretty well: Don't look at the collapsed upper floors, but at the wider swatch knocked out of the ground floor. I would expect the wings, being weaker than the building, to collapse on the way in. But with no previous crashes of the sort to guide us, we can't possibly predict what should have happened. If there's anything we learned that day, it's that we are poor judges of what is and isn't possible.

Question No 6

The quotations in Question 6 correspond to statements made by Arlington County Fire Chief, Ed Plaugher, at a press conference held by Assistant Defence Secretary, Victoria Clarke, on 12 September 2001, at the Pentagon.

When asked by a journalist: "Is there anything left of the aircraft at all?"

"First of all, the question about the aircraft, there are some small pieces of aircraft visible from the interior during this fire-fighting operation I'm talking about, but not large sections. In other words, there's no fuselage sections and that sort of thing."

"You know, I'd rather not comment on that. We have a lot of eyewitnesses that can give you better information about what actually happened with the aircraft as it approached. So we don't know. I don't know."

When asked by a journalist: "Where is the jet fuel?"

"We have what we believe is a puddle right there that the -- what we believe is to be the nose of the aircraft. So -"

Can you explain why the County Fire Chief could not tell reporters where the aircraft was?

Paul: Quoting people verbatim to make them sound like they are dissembling is an old journalists’ trick, as any Doonesbury reader knows. I think Chief Plaugher answered the question pretty well: There’s a puddle (of melted metal, not jet fuel – he’s not directly answering the reporter’s idiotic question) that was the nose, and a few small pieces visible, but no large sections.

Patrick: Are any government officials telling any journalists anything these days?

Question No 7

The two photographs in question 7 were taken just after the attack. They show the precise spot on the outer ring where the Boeing struck. Can you find the aircraft's point of impact?

Paul: The answer is front and center in the photo, maybe to make us think it can’t be that obvious: The two-story high impact hole (also seen in the photo for Question No 2) is immediately to the right of the fireman, partly hidden by the spray of water from the fire truck. Look at the second high-res photo and you can't miss it. Are we supposed to think it’s a two-story archway of some sort? See pre-crash photos or the surviving sides for comparison.

Patrick: In enlargement #1, the impact hole fits in the rectangle formed from pixel(1232,1088) to pixel(1492, 1545).

After that, I didn’t bother to look at enlargement #2.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 06:47 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
[QUOTE]...Yes. I believe that it was Flight 777 that crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11/01 ...

I never lost faith ...!

Posted By: Double-J

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 06:49 PM

Originally posted by :
Interesting when the tables are turned.

For some reason, I thought this fit your statement perfectly, Apple!

Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 06:53 PM

So cool, Double-J!!

Ashame I had decided to delete that post, but of course your print still applies beautifully!

Posted By: plawrence

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 07:14 PM

No tables were turned, Apple.

The question was asked and answered. Actually, AAMOF, answered before it was ever even asked.

Now, if you don't wish to describe this little diatribe as "criticsm"

Originally posted by Don Cardi:

What you are talking about in your post is completely different than calling for an investigation to find out if the government blew up the pentagon, blew up the WTC, and convinced the crews, passengers and maybe even some families to join them in creating this false attack and becoming part of this major conspiracy.

So please don't insult our intelligence by mixing apples and oranges together under this topic.

What's being presented by the originator of this topic and the kind of investigation and coverups that you are suggesting may have happened are two totally seprate issues and in no way go hand in hand.

If you fell the need to discuss a coverup by our government of pre-intelligence, then do us and yourself a favor by starting another topic. Because your injecting those thoughts into this outrageous theory is both unfair and misleading.

Apples and Oranges.
Then what do you suggest that we call it?
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 07:19 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:

Then what do you suggest that we call it?
A fruit salad? :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 07:24 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
The two videos raise an awful lot of interesting questions and issues......
Originally posted by Double-J:
Not really.

"Hunt the Boeing" Answers

by Paul Boutin and Patrick Di Justo

[UPDATE: Agence France-Presse story is here. Patrick and I were also on Toronto's International Connection radio show earlier.]

Paul Boutin is a freelance technology writer and former engineer in San Francisco. Patrick Di Justo is an astrophysics educator at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City who writes for Wired magazine and Wired News.

To be clear: We believe that American Airlines Flight 77 hit the Pentagon on 9/11/2001 because.......
With all due respect to those who you are quoting here, Double-J, I am no scientist or technologist or aeronautical expert, and am in absolutely no position to comment on the validity of what is being said.

But I'm sure for every scientific expert willing to testify for one side there is an equally expert expert willing to testify for the other.

And besides, again with all due respect, I don't know who these people are or on which side of the political fence they reside.

For all I know they could be bigger crackpots than Charlie Sheen. Or almost as big. Or just plain old ordinary every day run-of-the-mill crackpots.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 07:30 PM

For some, Albert Einstein was a crackpot. He didn't even believe his own theories at first, and tried to prove them false before he would accept them.

Would you disbelieve relativity just because you could find a scientific "expert" who said it wasn't true?

In this case, I chose to quote these two guys because a.) it was a non-technical explanation and b.) one was in the field of astrophysics.

Either way, I think their points are valid, especially when you consider the people suggesting this theory in the first place are anti-American socialist-leftists who have taken a great deal of care to misinform and manipulate their argument to give in some air of legitimacy for those foolish enough to believe their trash.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 07:30 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
...The question was asked and answered...
Well, at least MINE was...

As for claims of imagined 'criticsm'...

You most certainly DID create the opportunity to 'inject' (as DC would say) your own mistrust of the gov't into this thread. You were perfectly free to do it, but others also had a right to address...or 'criticize' , if that is how you and your defenders choose to phrase it.

So, here' ya go...

Anxiously awaiting your new thread on pre-intelligence government coverup...

Apple and
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 07:32 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
[QUOTE]...For all I know they could be bigger crackpots than Charlie Sheen. Or almost as big. Or just plain old ordinary every day run-of-the-mill crackpots.
Yes and I think we've got quite a few right here on the BB.
(Who shall remain nameless, of course...)

Posted By: Double-J

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 07:38 PM

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
[quote]Originally posted by plawrence:
[b] [QUOTE]...For all I know they could be bigger crackpots than Charlie Sheen. Or almost as big. Or just plain old ordinary every day run-of-the-mill crackpots.
Yes and I think we've got quite a few right here on the BB.
(Who shall remain nameless, of course...)

Apple [/b][/quote]Don't say "pot" too loud, Apple. Someone we know might come running! :p
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 07:40 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
I don't understand why PLaw is getting criticized for supposedly going off topic. I don't see it. If there is a rule during our discussions that we can't drift (although I don't think he did)somewhat from a topic, I'd like to know. Don't we "all" do that from time to time?
Originally posted by plawrence:
The "issue at hand" here is not what you, Don Cardi, or what I, plawrence, or what Apple or Double-J or anyone else says it is in an attempt to control the direction of the discussion.

This is a message board. Someone starts a topic and then people post their opinion,s, ideas, thoughts, comments, etc., that apply to the original topic, and very often the original topic goes iff in any number of different, yet valid, directions.

Yes, the original topic here was what really happened at the Pentagon.

Obviously the both of you have totally missed my original point here.

I did not critize anyone for going off topic. The point that I was trying to make, with you Plaw, was that while the original premise of this topic was about a plane NOT hitting the pentagon, and my making a post questioning the validity of such a claim, your reply never addressed my questioning the validy of that SPECIFIC claim that a plane did not hit the pentagon.

Instead you injected a broader and generalized opinion of the government being involved in a cover-up or conspiracy on 9/11 as a whole, be it about pre-intelligence or whatever. And there is nothing wrong with that in itself. I don't question the theory that there is a possibility that our government may or may not have had prior information about the attacks. That is a very legitimate question that needs to be answered for the people.

But what I was looking for, and what you have avoided was a DIRECT answer to my questioning the validity of the claim that an AIRLINER did NOT hit the Pentagon. I posted asking that if there was a possibility of a plane not hitting the pentagon, then where do you think that plane with 63 lives went, or where did those 63 people go, or were they also a part of the grand conspiracy?

But instead you keep posting about the general possibility of the government holding back after recieving pre-intelligence. That is not in question by me. That is not what I am doubting or denying. I am questioning the claim that a plane did NOT hit the pentagon and what your thoughts are on THAT alone which would make you believe that there is a possibility of that!

And TIS, with all due respect, if you could please go back and read ALL of my posts, you would clearly see that I was not chastising Plaw for getting off topic per say, I was chastising his unwillingness to answer the direct question about the so called phantom plane that hit the pentagon and how it would be possible for a plane to dissapear and/or those 63 people to dissapear and be part of this ridiculous conspiracy theory that is obviously full of holes becaue no one has even bothered to answer or refute any of the points that I have brought out about this PENTAGON theory!

Instead Plaw decides to inject his own feelings of the government possibly conspiring to hold back pre-intelligence information. There is abslolutely nothing wrong with Plaw bringing up that point and posting it in this topic. And all I was looking for was a direct answer to my questions, and not looking to tell anyone that they can or cannot post other ideas under this tiopic.

You both really missed the point.

Originally posted by plawrence:

You don't make any comments about SC sticking to "the issue at hand" when he mentioned the New York Magazine article,

:rolleyes: If SC, GEOFF or anyone else had answered my question about the plane with other ideas and theories that had absolutely nothing to do with what I asked, then I would have responded the same way to them as I did you. But You took it as my chastising you for going off topic in general. Again I was trying to point out that you went off the "topic" that I was asking about....THE PLANE HITTING THE PENTAGON! And I apologize if was not not really clear about that in the begining.

So please don't be offended that I picked on you and not SC. Because I still love you too Plaw.

Don Cardi
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 07:43 PM

Your comments, I think, are getting sillier as we go along, Apple, and as you have done so often in the past you are just marching along to the beat of your own personal drummer while paying little or no attention or regard to what anyone else is saying.

But as the "If it's good enough for Bush it's good enough for me" gal, you managed to go pretty far along - in this thread, anyway - before lapsing into your usual tactics.

And now that the conversation with you has degenerated past the point of making any sense, I will bid you a fond au revoir.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 07:45 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
Your comments, I think, are getting sillier as we go along, Apple, and as you have done so often in the past you are just marching along to the beat of your own personal drummer while paying little or no attention or regard to what anyone else is saying.

But as the "If it's good enough for Bush it's good enough for me" gal, you managed to go pretty far along - in this thread, anyway - before lapsing into your usual tactics.

And now that the conversation with you has degenerated past the point of making any sense, I will bid you a fond au revoir.
Does this mean we aren't going to debate any more about the leftist Voltaire Network or the Utopian Asylum?
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 07:45 PM

And still no answer to me about Flight 77 and what happened to the people or if they were a part of this grand conspiracy also. No thoughts or opinions from you on that issue Plaw?

And how about you Don Rico, the originator who posted a link claiming that flight 77 did NOT hit the pentagon. How come you haven't even bothered answering my questions on that or refuting the holes that I pointed out in this theory that you obviously believe in?

Don Cardi
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 07:50 PM

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 07:52 PM

Originally posted by Double-J:
Is that supposed to be someone who's upset because they realized that this whole conspiracy theory started with telling the people that the world was round when it is really flat?

Don Cardi
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 07:54 PM

Originally posted by Double-J:
[QUOTE]...Don't say "pot" too loud, Apple. Someone we know might come running! ...

Too late, Dbl-J...I believe that dog has already run!

Gotta go catch up with my personal drummer

Posted By: plawrence

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 07:58 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
The point that I was trying to make, with you Plaw, was that while the original premise of this topic was about a plane NOT hitting the pentagon, and my making a post questioning the validity of such a claim, your reply never addressed my questioning the validy of that SPECIFIC claim that a plane did not hit the pentagon.

But what I was looking for, and what you have avoided was a DIRECT answer to my questioning the validity of the claim that an AIRLINER did NOT hit the Pentagon. I posted asking that if there was a possibility of a plane not hitting the pentagon, then where do you think that plane with 63 lives went, or where did those 63 people go, or were they also a part of the grand conspiracy?

But instead you keep posting about the general possibility of the government holding back after recieving pre-intelligence. That is not in question by me. That is not what I am doubting or denying. I am questioning the claim that a plane did NOT hit the pentagon and what your thoughts are on THAT alone which would make you believe that there is a possibility of that!

And TIS, with all due respect, if you could please go back and read ALL of my posts, you would clearly see that I was not chastising Plaw for getting off topic per say, I was chastising his unwillingness to answer the direct question about the so called phantom plane that hit the pentagon and how it would be possible for a plane to dissapear and/or those 63 people to dissapear and be part of this ridiculous conspiracy theory that is obviously full of holes becaue no one has even bothered to answer or refute any of the points that I have brought out about this PENTAGON theory!

Instead Plaw decides to inject his own feelings of the government possibly conspiring to hold back pre-intelligence information. There is abslolutely nothing wrong with Plaw bringing up that point and posting it in this topic. And all I was looking for was a direct answer to my questions, and not looking to tell anyone that they can or cannot post other ideas under this tiopic.
Am I missing something here, DC?

In my VERY FIRST POST IN THIS THREAD, before anyone had even asked me, I said

Originally posted by plawrence:
I am certainly no believer in those extreme conspiracy theories that involve such ideas as "the airplanes weren't airplanes but holograms", or the like.
What could be clearer than that?

And then I said

I too do not buy into these whacky, crackpot theories about phantom planes and holograms and missing or brainwashed passengers
And then, when you said

Originally posted by Don Cardi:

The government, to make it look good, would claim that antoher airliner that had 63 people on board was hijacked, and that it flew into the pentagon? This flight 77 hitting the pentagon was made up by the governemnt?

So according to this theory that you want to entertain, there really was no flight 77 that flew into the pentagon. According to this theory that you want to allow to be heard, flight 77 never really hit the pentagon and therefore flight 77 and all those people on it, all the people who claimed to see it hit the pentagon, were part of this conspiracy?

Or is it that these people never even really existed or they convinced by the government to become a part of this conspiracy?

So answer me this Plaw ; If you seriously think the conspiracy theory presented by the originator of this topic could possibly hold any water, then

1) Explain to us where flight 77 really went or if there even really was a flight 77.

2) Explain to us how tens of thousands of people from high up in government, through the military and right on down to the average citizen could ALL be made a part of this conspiracy and made to be kept quiet.
I said

Originally posted by plawrence:

Whoa....slow down here.

None of this baloney about missing planes and missing passengers and all of them being a part of the conspiracy etc. etc. is necessary here.

Where or when did I ever say that was a possibility?

That's a far cry from the government knowing the attacks were coming and deciding to help them along.

They didn't have to do anything to "make it look good".

It looked good enough. they had real planes flying into real buildings. What could look better than that?
But apparently it's necessary that I do so one more time.

So how did I ever avoid answering the question?

And when someone tells me that I am insulting their intelligence with what I post and that I should do myelf and everyone else a favor by starting another topic if I wish to discuss our government's possible foreknowledge about 9/11 because that is not what "this" topic is about, then "Yes", I interpret that as unwarranted criticsm of what I posted.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 08:11 PM

Ha ha!!! Funny you mention that PLaw. I was just going to post the following, when I wanted to go back and copy/paste the same quote you did, and noticed you already posted. Here's what I started:

I picked up from PLaw's first post (I think) that would answer your question to him DC, regarding "no plane", and where are the passengers, etc.:

"I am certainly no believer in those extreme conspiracy theories that involve such ideas as "the airplanes weren't airplanes but holograms", or the like."

Anyway, I know that some crackpots here (and yes, you know who you are)may subscribe to some farfetched theories, but for the most part, I'm going on a limb assuming that most don't believe in disappearing passengers, but that does not mean that there aren't valid questions regarding this topic that can't be asked or discussed. Because one idea is farfetched, doesn't mean that others are.

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 08:12 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
And when someone tells me that I am insulting their intelligence with what I post and that I should do myelf and everyone else a favor by starting another topic if I wish to discuss our government's possible foreknowledge about 9/11 because that is not what "this" topic is about, then "Yes", I interpret that as unwarranted criticsm of what I posted.
I made that statement because it was very obvious that you were looking to inject your own ideas and IMO unfailry mix them in with this bullshit theory which then gives a false impression that there may also be some sunstance to this pentagon theory. Sort of like when our leaders attach a proposed bill to a much larger proposed bill that they know will get passed so that they can get their own proposed bill passed along with the bigger one. That's what happens in a case like this. Someone proposes a crackpot theory that an airliner never even hit the pentagon and that 63 people did not die in that plane, and then you innocently inject another theory, a more realistic one about the holding back of pre intelligence and the possibility of our government being involved in many other conspracies, and what happens is that those who later come on to read this topic may agree that you are right about our government conspiring to hide things from the people and they now believe that you are defending the original theory in the link posted about the plane and the pentagon.

I just felt that it was not fair on your part to inject a legitimate opinion on a generalized conspiracy possibility which might make it appear to others that this pentagon conspiracy is now a real possibility.

Do you need any more tissues?

Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 08:18 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
but that does not mean that there aren't valid questions regarding this topic that can't be asked or discussed. Because one idea is farfetched, doesn't mean that others are.

No it does not! You are correct TIS, no question. And what you say above is exactly what I am trying to say on the other side of the same coin.

It was not fair to attach the legitimate thoughts by Plaw about our government hiding info from us, or not revealing pre intelligence. Because IMO by doing that under this topic, what you've done is attach a legitimate question and thought to a crackpot and unfounded one like this topics original content.

And to some who may have originally been on the fence about this pentagon conspiracy claim and said "Hmmm, I don't know if I should believe this Pentagon theory or not." When they then read a generalized statement about the government possibly holding back information pre-9/11, it then adds some creedance to the original wacko theory in some of these same people's minds.

Don Cardi
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 08:21 PM

You said then I said then you said then I said then...

Of course, one is free to 'interpret' however they like.
But so far in this entire thread, I've seen only ONE post that was undeniably an outright 'criticism' specifically directed at a fellow BB-member. (A typical characteristic of a lib who's been cornered)

Not that anyone's whining over it...

Posted By: plawrence

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 08:46 PM

Those who choose to read know what's going on here.

Those who choose not to don't.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 09:05 PM

Originally posted by Double-J:
[quote]Originally posted by plawrence:
Then what do you suggest that we call it?
A fruit salad? :p [/b][/quote]Yeah...I found it kind of ironic, comparing an apple to an orange.
Originally posted by Double-J:
For some, Albert Einstein was a crackpot. He didn't even believe his own theories at first, and tried to prove them false before he would accept them.

Would you disbelieve relativity just because you could find a scientific "expert" who said it wasn't true?

In this case, I chose to quote these two guys because a.) it was a non-technical explanation and b.) one was in the field of astrophysics.

Either way, I think their points are valid, especially when you consider the people suggesting this theory in the first place are anti-American socialist-leftists who have taken a great deal of care to misinform and manipulate their argument to give in some air of legitimacy for those foolish enough to believe their trash.
All I am saying is that I am eminently unqualified to pass judgement on the plausibility of the statements you quote.

In matters such as this I would much rather defer to those who are more scientifically knowledgable than I am; however, since politics are also involved here, I have to also know the political pedigree of those who are offering the opinion.
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 09:36 PM

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
But so far in this entire thread, I've seen only ONE post that was undeniably an outright 'criticism' specifically directed at a fellow BB-member. (A typical characteristic of a lib who's been cornered)
And that post was...? And made by...?
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/26/06 10:27 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
All I am saying is that I am eminently unqualified to pass judgement on the plausibility of the statements you quote.
But then again, its not really rocket science here. I mean, for instance, they talk about how the diagram is incorrectly scaled (with regards to the wing question you mentioned earlier), I don't think it would take a genius to figure that out.

I see your point, however. But I do think that you certainly can compare what I quoted and what has been spat out by the Voltaire Network and draw conclusions from there. However, should anyone select the Voltaire theory, I pity them.
Posted By: Don Rico

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/31/06 04:07 AM

(By kind permission of:American Free Press - 645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Suite 100 Washington, D.C. 20003)



By Greg Szymanski

Philadelphia lawyer Phil Berg has never tried to climb Mt. Everest. In the past, he’s always attempted “legal mountains” within his reach. But since filing a 2004 federal RICO lawsuit against President Bush and others for complicity in 9-11, the Pennsylvania attorney finally knows what it’s like to try to scale the world’s tallest peak.

“I thought it was going to be tough, but I didn’t think this tough,” Berg told AFP from behind a mountain of legal paperwork in his one-man Philadelphia office. “I am undermanned, overworked and under-financed, but still optimistic that justice will prevail.

“Either our government made 9-11 happen or let it happen. I am going after them for foreknowledge, failure to warn and actively covering up the crimes they committed.

Remember, Nixon was thrown out of office only for a coverup. These people, including Bush, have done much more,” said Berg in an exclusive interview.

“We need to bring these criminals in government to justice for killing over 3,000 Americans [and] the thousands who have needlessly died in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

Without much support or media attention at home, Berg has left on a seven-stop European tour to try and raise money and awareness about the U.S. government’s involvement in 9-11. The speaking tour begins in Amsterdam then continues to Berlin, Paris, Madrid, London and Vienna.

Berg is joining American entrepreneur Jimmy Walter, the tour’s sponsor, who has taken up residence overseas after spending millions here to alert the public about the truth behind 9-11. Berg and Walter together hope to combine efforts to raise needed money for the 9-11 lawsuit, as well as showing Europeans that many Americans disagree with

Bush and his imperialistic foreign policy agenda. AFP correspondent Christopher Bollyn is also traveling with them. Although millions of Americans now agree with Berg about the U.S. government’s complicity in 9-11, Berg said the movement hasn’t gained momentum because the mainstream media together with the government has hidden the truth from the American people.

“Hopefully the foreign press will be more receptive to our cause, and the word will get back home,” said Berg, who claims the American media has purposely ignored his lawsuit against Bush in order to protect the administration against any type of public backlash.

“This is a major lawsuit with worldwide implications, but the media has chosen to ignore it. Why?” asked Berg, saying the lack of public attention has not damped his efforts at getting at the truth behind 9-11.

And the extensive 237-page complaint, filed in November 2004 on behalf of WTC maintenance worker William Rodriguez, attempts to get at the truth while unraveling the complicated fact-scenario involving the government’s hand in 9-11 before, during and after the attacks.

Although Rodriguez doesn’t claim to know everything about the government’s complicity, he is going to testify that he heard strange explosions before and after the jetliner struck one of the towers.

Rodriguez, working at the WTC on the morning of 9-11, claims to have heard detonated bomb explosions. Besides the timing of the suspicious bomb blasts, Rodriguez claims they occurred on lower floors of the high-rise.

Independent investigators said both towers suspiciously fell “like a house of cards,” claiming that Rodriguez probably heard pre-arranged detonated bomb blasts, strategically placed and timed to make it appear that the jetliner was the cause of the collapse.

From the beginning, the government has always held firm to the story that burning jet fuel after impact brought down the towers. However, critics claim the government’s theory is impossible since much more was needed in order to bring the towers down so quickly. They claim it is more likely that explosive devices were placed in the towers and detonated when the jetliners made impact.

Besides trying to disprove the government’s theory behind the WTC collapse, Berg’s suit goes much further, attempting to prove that a 9-11 conspiracy began years before the incident.

“The beauty behind a RICO case is that we are allowed to use as admissible evidence facts and events that occurred many years before and even years after 9-11,” said Berg about his choice to use the federal RICO laws against Bush and his cronies. “The government normally uses RICO for Mafia probes, but in this case it’s a conspiracy within the government itself that the RICO laws can help expose.”

After filing the case, government lawyers were quick to go on the offensive, filing a motion to dismiss on grounds of national security, among a number of other legal maneuvers in order that the case never see the light of day.

“They have tried everything to stop this case from being heard,” added Berg.

The case now is still in the early stages with full-blown discovery and depositions not yet taking place. However, Berg said he “can’t wait to depose” Bush and other higherups regarding the tough questions about 9-11 never asked or answered previously.

“I just got word the judge didn’t dismiss the case, but has changed venue to New York,” said Berg, who finally received notice from the court regarding the hearing to dismiss the case held several weeks ago in Philadelphia.

Asked what motivated him to take on such an enormous challenge, he said:
“I never realized I would get this involved, but the more research I did, the more it became clear that Bush and his cronies knew about 9-11, then actively covered up their participation and foreknowledge.

“Right after 9-11 occurred, I knew something was strange when I saw [Chief of Staff] Andy Card tell Bush about the second plane hitting the towers. There was absolutely no reaction on the president’s face, and it was then I understood he must have known about the plan all along.”

In order to raise money at home for the lawsuit and raise public awareness, Berg operates a web site at 911forthetruth.com, a site where a transcript of the entire RICO complaint can be found as well as updating viewers about
the latest news about the 9-11 truth movement.

Berg’s extensive complaint seeks relief for Rodriguez based on 13 counts, including misprision of a felony, misprision of treason, relief under the Anti-Terrorism Act, relief under the War Crimes Act and relief for and from crimes against humanity.

Specifically, it attempts to show a web of government conspiracy dating back to the late 1970s when the CIA helped Osama bin Laden fight the Soviets in Afghanistan.

Berg claims this web of government deceit and financial backing continues all the way up to the days just preceding 9-11 as witnesses will testify and records will reveal.

The complaint goes on to say that the defendants deliberately concealed the fact that they had ample warnings of terrorist attacks and failed to act on them in order to carry out a full-blown war on terrorism as a means to justify their neo-conservative political goals.

“It is time for a non-violent revolution by the millions of Americans who are tired of their rights being diminished by the Bush administration, tired of the lies of the Bush administration, tired of the lies about Iraq and tired and disgusted with the lies about 9-11,” said Berg.

The Rodriguez action aims to prove that the defendants conspired to allow and did allow the attacks to happen by delaying military interceptions of the hijacked planes. It also seeks to show that the WTC was taken down by explosives in a controlled demolition.

“Now is the time to stand tall together and bring back our freedoms as they stood under the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the United States,” said Berg.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Hey Check This Out - 03/31/06 10:43 PM

(By kind permission of:American Free Press - 645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Suite 100 Washington, D.C. 20003)
Again, I'm going to consider the source when it comes to reading this garbage.

But then again, who would I be if not the Caped Conservader, to punch more holes in his pathetic argument than Carter has liver pills.

1.) Jimmy Walter - now there is an engineering expert. He believed so much in his theories and that the experts in the field are corrupt, that he's offered $100,000 USD to the first engineering student (nay, not a certified professional engineer, but some undergrad from a community college) that can come up with a reasonable explanation as to why the towers fell by the government. Couple that with the fact that he's been linked to anti-Semite groups, and wow, the whole validity of the argument is already down the tubes.

2.) Phil Berg is under the assumption that the U.S. media is pro-Bush:

“Hopefully the foreign press will be more receptive to our cause, and the word will get back home,” said Berg, who claims the American media has purposely ignored his lawsuit against Bush in order to protect the administration against any type of public backlash.
Because, as we know, the NY Times didn't print false information defaming the President's military service record. They also don't do such creative things as placing poll results and Bush speeches next to images of 9/11. :rolleyes:

3.) He is going on one eyewitness. Count them. One. And he didn't see anything. He simply claims to have heard "explosions," which automatically means that government bombed the towers.

Independent investigators said both towers suspiciously fell “like a house of cards,” claiming that Rodriguez probably heard pre-arranged detonated bomb blasts, strategically placed and timed to make it appear that the jetliner was the cause of the collapse.
"Independent investigators" such as whom? No one reputable, I'm sure, or else they would have name-dropped him too. Where is the explosives residue? Can all of the engineering experts who debunked 9/11 as the fault of a massive impact of the jetliner, burning fuel destroying the structural integrity of the building, and the eventual collaps(es) be wrong? :rolleyes:

4.) The argument completely ignores the original 1993 attack on the World Trade Center, which coincidentally, saw Osama Bin Laden and his henchmen try to undercut the towers with explosives. It didn't work.

However, critics claim the government’s theory is impossible since much more was needed in order to bring the towers down so quickly. They claim it is more likely that explosive devices were placed in the towers and detonated when the jetliners made impact.
Again, "critics" is so vague. Charlie Sheen? Obviously qualified to make a structural analysis, because we know actors are also supremely intelligent beings.

5.) President Bush didn't throw a hissy fit, so obviously, he knew there was a planned attack.

“Right after 9-11 occurred, I knew something was strange when I saw [Chief of Staff] Andy Card tell Bush about the second plane hitting the towers. There was absolutely no reaction on the president’s face, and it was then I understood he must have known about the plan all along.”
After all, they didn't secret away government officials minutes after the attack. I wonder how you are going to prove facial movements imply guilt in a court of law?

6.) Berg is blatantly anti-Bush, since though he claims there is a vast plot, he seems to ignore the Clinton and Carter administrations from any wrongdoing.

“It is time for a non-violent revolution by the millions of Americans who are tired of their rights being diminished by the Bush administration, tired of the lies of the Bush administration, tired of the lies about Iraq and tired and disgusted with the lies about 9-11,” said Berg.
Seems like a very impartial, dedicated lawyer we've got here. What happened? They didn't have any openings for public defenders down in Red Hook? :rolleyes:


Don Rico - thank you for this most amusing nugget of pointless "news," it has truly made my day. I do so enjoy giving a good thrashing to such incompetence.
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