
For good memory and fast fingers!

Posted By: JustMe

For good memory and fast fingers! - 03/06/06 04:03 PM

This is a Pacino Puzzle Game.

Step one - you click on this link and the game loads.

Step 2 - you choose level. 4 is set by default.

Step 3 - you see 16 closed fields. Under each is a picture from Al's movie. There are 8 pairs of identical pics. when you click on a picture, it opens. Then you click on another picture. If it is the same picture, they both stay open. If it is a different pic, they both close again. Your goal is to open the whole field, pair by pair, as fast as you can, and using as little attempts(clicks) as possible.

Good luck! I advise you to buy a new mouse beforehand. It's addicting.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: For good memory and fast fingers! - 03/06/06 07:30 PM

That was fun JM. That's another game I can play when I can't sleep at night.
Posted By: JustMe

Re: For good memory and fast fingers! - 03/08/06 10:04 PM

Yeah. And I just noticed, switching the sound on, that it has Al's voice in the end, shouting something like "Good game, what thw f**k!" or something like that. Maybe from AGS?
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