
Are you straight, bi, or gay?

Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/25/06 04:51 PM

When reading States restrict Anti-Gay protests at soldier's funerals after uproar in Kansas I suddenly got the idea of doing this poll, to look how what the sexual view of the people here is.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/25/06 04:54 PM

I'm straight, but here's my view on trying to ban gay marriage, and etc. Re-post from the other thread.

It's sickening in the United States of America how we continue to trample upon these people's civil and human rights, all because they have different lifestyles. Isn't this the land of the free, the home of the brave? Where you should be free to be with whoever you want to be and life your own life? Doesn't the preamble of the ultimate law of the land state "We the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect Union...secure the blessings of liberty"? How about the Declaration of Independence, in which it states "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among those are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Now what the f*ck was that supposed to mean? How dare we, in our free democracy, persecute homosexuals? There is no logical reason why. It is simply a violation of total human rights to the 93rd degree.
Posted By: Don Pappo Napolitano

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/25/06 05:12 PM

What an idea you have Enzo! As far as I know I am straight...
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/25/06 05:16 PM

Posted By: Tony Love

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/25/06 08:01 PM


And finally found a partner..
Posted By: DonVitoCorleone

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/25/06 08:06 PM

I'm straight, despite what Capo says.
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/26/06 03:37 AM


In love acctually with the greatest dame in the world. Gotta post a photo one of these days.
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/26/06 05:31 AM

Posted By: Patrick

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/26/06 06:02 AM

I am straight and do not have a problem with gay people. I actually consider myself to be a metrosexual. I care very much about fashion and how I look. I enjoy pissing my homophobic best friends off too.

Example: They'll see some kid in the mall and make fun of him and call him gay. I'll be like, "Aww, he's cute!" :p
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/26/06 07:35 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
I actually consider myself to be a metrosexual.

Example: They'll see some kid in the mall and make fun of him and call him gay. I'll be like, "Aww, he's cute!" :p
I don't think that's the definition of metrosexual... :p

But in any event, yeah, my friends and I do the same thing all the time.

Damn, guess we're all gay then!
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/26/06 09:36 AM

Enzo, what does the "sexual view" of the board tell you? Is this a curiosity or will the results be published somewhere?

I'm curious; what is a homophobe? Is there such a thing as a heterophobe? It seems the homosexual community accuses people of being homophobes if they don't agree with homosexual views, so does that mean that homosexuals are heterophobes if they don't agree with heterosexual views? Inquiring minds want to know.
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/26/06 09:54 AM

Originally posted by MaryCas:
Enzo, what does the "sexual view" of the board tell you? Is this a curiosity or will the results be published somewhere?
Just out of curiosity. And also, to see if these boards represent the whole society.

Until now, I see 1 gay, 3 bi, and 30 straight. That's kind of representative, I guess.

Originally posted by MaryCas:
if they don't agree with homosexual views
Uhm, what do you mean by homosexual views?

I'm straight, btw.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/26/06 10:14 AM

Originally posted by MaryCas:
Enzo, what does the "sexual view" of the board tell you? Is this a curiosity or will the results be published somewhere?
It's actually interesting to see if the BB represents society as a whole... and at this point, 3% seems rather low... especially since it's only 1 person out of 34.

Originally posted by MaryCas:
It seems the homosexual community accuses people of being homophobes if they don't agree with homosexual views
I think the word would/should be "tolerate" rather than "agree with"....
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/26/06 11:13 AM

I've not found out what I'm. I'll let you know when I do.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/26/06 11:17 AM

Try the first and the third, and then you'll know about the second.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/26/06 11:27 AM

Haven't had the chance to try the third. That's why I can't say.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/26/06 11:41 AM

Well, first chance you get, please let us know.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/26/06 12:09 PM

Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/26/06 04:19 PM

Partagas...not only are you straight and gay, but you happen to be a real 'hoot' as well!

Happiness always,

Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/26/06 05:40 PM

Originally posted by Don Pappo Napolitano:
What an idea you have Enzo! As far as I know I am straight...
Yeah... A-heh... "As far as you know"... Mmmm... But then again, you seem to have a history of blacking out whenever you drink. :p

I'm straight... But, I'm completely for gay marriage.
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/27/06 09:22 AM

I'm straight. Unfortunately. If I were gay or at least bi, I could have helped Afi to find out what she is.....
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/27/06 09:42 AM

Lav, you mean you tried being gay and it wasn't good? :p Because before I try fish, I always thought it stinks, but then I realized it depends on how you get it done and what sort of fish that is.
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/27/06 10:06 AM

Originally posted by afsaneh77:
Lav, you mean you tried being gay and it wasn't good? :p
no, I never tried. I've always found myself ok with guys and never felt like trying something different....I'm a creature of habit, I guess...

Originally posted by afsaneh77:
Because before I try fish, I always thought it stinks, but then I realized it depends on how you get it done and what sort of fish that is.
Uhmmmmm....you have a way to put things.....one cannot help agreeing even when actually disagrees! Anyway, fish is good. I cannot cook it and am afraid of bones, but if the fish is boneless, has a great smell and someone had it cooked for me, why shouldn't I taste it? It'd be badmannered!
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/27/06 10:19 AM

Lesbian talk in this thread... Carry on, ladies!
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/27/06 10:25 AM

Originally posted by Enzo Scifo:
Lesbian talk in this thread... Carry on, ladies!
aroused a bit? Seriously, watching or talking of lesbian sex is not at all exciting for me. On the contrary, while watching Brokeback Mountain I was a bit turned on.....
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/27/06 10:30 AM

There you go girl, that's very ill-mannered and it is not like you to do such a thing. Plus, if turns out to be a more pleasurable experience than straight relationship, then your reward as someone who forsakes it due to the religious matters is tenfold. It is harder to hold back from something you know is good, rather than something you have no idea how that is.

I'm a little devil, aren't I? I always thought I'd have made a good lawyer. :p

BTW, I always get my fish done myself. Never trust anyone with your fish. Hear y'all: If anyone touches mine, he/she is gonna sleep with the fishes forever.
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/27/06 10:42 AM

Originally posted by afsaneh77:
I'm a little devil, aren't I?
Sure, if I were slightly interested in homosex experiences!

Originally posted by afsaneh77:
I always thought I'd have made a good lawyer. :p

Originally posted by afsaneh77:
BTW, I always get my fish done myself.
sometimes you have to be selfsufficient....
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/27/06 06:44 PM

Some of the boys are playing Fantasy Fishing in the Sports area, but it seems we should be doing that right here!

Afs - After all we've been thru... did I turn you lez?? Ahh, wouldn't be the first time....
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/27/06 07:09 PM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
Some of the boys are playing Fantasy Fishing in the Sports area
Yeah, but I don't think that any of us are fishing for anyone else's trouser trout.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/28/06 06:09 AM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
Some of the boys are playing Fantasy Fishing in the Sports area, but it seems we should be doing that right here!

Afs - After all we've been thru... did I turn you lez?? Ahh, wouldn't be the first time....
No dear, I'm pretty sure that I'm straight. But I don't bend out of shape to think about women. So I'm not sure that I couldn't be bi.

An innocent word such as "fish" and all these fishy innuendos. Who would've thought?!
Posted By: suspect_5

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/28/06 08:07 AM

I’m with Patrick on this one kind-a I do try to freak out my homophobe friends. (And I mean homophobic like can’t watch two guys kiss without making some kind of groan)

Say like when someone accidentally touches my thigh or something they always say “I’m sorry” to witch I reply “Don’t be” and shit like that. In fact if the subject of my sexuality ever comes up I refuse to seriously answer the question, because if the answer to that question will affect what you think of me then I’m not all that concerned about offending you.

Now...I believe there was some chatter about fishing going on...by all means continue
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/28/06 08:30 AM

Apparently the BBs are very straight. It doesn't surprise me...... Have you ever seen a gay mafioso? Aside from Fredo, of course....
Posted By: goodfellaoggie

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/28/06 08:36 AM

i'm a Straight Gay!

Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/28/06 09:00 AM

Originally posted by goodfellaoggie:
i'm a [b]Straight Gay! [/b]
you mean you are a gay-gay or a wannabe gay straight?
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/28/06 09:47 AM

He's as gay as the ocean is deep...
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/28/06 01:02 PM

I've always been ambiguous with my sexuality and will continue to be.
Posted By: The Dr. who fixed Lucy

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/28/06 03:10 PM

I am gay. I have always been a very happy person.
Could you give a man a lethal blow?
Posted By: goodfellaoggie

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 02/28/06 05:49 PM

Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:
[quote]Originally posted by goodfellaoggie:
[b] i'm a [b]Straight Gay!
you mean you are a gay-gay or a wannabe gay straight? [/b][/quote]any of the two!
> "i'm a Straight Gay! " i don't mean anything to this reply. no offense meant, i respect them.

Posted By: The Dr. who fixed Lucy

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/01/06 02:09 PM

Yes and would do so very happily
You're keen!
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/02/06 04:56 AM

Ok, I wasn't being completely honest when I said I was straight. I am straight for the most part but I also find myself attracted to animals and have on occasion fooled around with a couple. Horses, cats, dogs, chickens, birds, donkeys, pigs, sheep, cows and iguanas especially. Hey we all have needs right?? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :p
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/02/06 08:03 PM

Originally posted by Don Jasani:
Ok, I wasn't being completely honest when I said I was straight. I am straight for the most part but I also find myself attracted to animals and have on occasion fooled around with a couple. Horses, cats, dogs, chickens, birds, donkeys, pigs, sheep, cows and iguanas especially. Hey we all have needs right?? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :p
Horses? Ok, let's say a guy was hung like a horse? Could you work one out to that?

I'm straight unless there are dwarfs involved. They're just so cute. I like to rub myself down in cocoa butter and watch Snow White three times through.
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/02/06 09:59 PM

l_l_c, nothing can replace the feeling of satisfaction you get from some sweet horse love. Of course it can't just be any horse, you should be discerning in your quest for horse love, but in the end you will be rewarded. :p
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/02/06 11:35 PM

I think you should all be banned for this. A shame Geoff has the same interests as you guys, cause otherwise...
lifetime ban.

Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/03/06 08:39 AM

I knew this place was full of pervs. That's why it's so fun!!!
Posted By: svsg

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/03/06 08:54 AM

Originally posted by Don Jasani:
but in the end you will be rewarded.
Nice pun on the word "end". That's right, I am a pervert
Posted By: The Dr. who fixed Lucy

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/03/06 06:54 PM

Interesting that this thread, dominated by US southerners, quickly equates homosexuality with the worst forms of perversion.

Interesting that many US states than outlaw "sodomy" infact only outlaw gay sex. Other forms of sodomy* ... for example, not begatting your neighbour's wife or your own cousin ... are not punishable by law.

Kind of undermines the Biblical basis for anti-sodomy laws doesnt it.

* Sodomy does not mean anal sex... it includes any of the many sins ascribed to the Sodomites... most of which are heterosexual in nature
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/03/06 07:49 PM

Originally posted by The Dr. who fixed Lucy:
Interesting that this thread, dominated by US southerners, quickly equates homosexuality with the worst forms of perversion.
I don't know where you get the impression that this thread has been "dominated by U.S. Southerners", and where you get the idea that homesexuality is being "equated with the worst forms of perversion"?

Yeah, a few people were kidding around about having sex with animals, but where does it follow that they are equating that with homosexual sex?

And besides, who decides what is perversion and what isn't?

AFAIC, if both parties consent, there's nothing perverted going on.

All of these "anti-sodomy" laws are just plain stupid anyway, IMO.

Why have them? Because the Bible says that sodomy is wrong?

Whose business is it what consenting adults do among themselves?

I believe that our constitutional right to privacy does and should supercede anything that the Bible may say.

What I do in the privacy of my own home with someone else, as long as we're not infringing upon the rights of others, should be up to me and the other person.

I'm not suggesting that you believe otherwise, TDWFL. I just got a little carried away there when you mentioned sodomy laws.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/03/06 08:52 PM

Originally posted by Don Jasani:
l_l_c, nothing can replace the feeling of satisfaction you get from some sweet horse love. Of course it can't just be any horse, you should be discerning in your quest for horse love, but in the end you will be rewarded. :p
When I read this the thing that came to mind was the horse from the tv show back in the day 'Mr.Ed' :rolleyes: :p
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/03/06 10:59 PM

Originally posted by The Dr. who fixed Lucy:
Interesting that this thread, dominated by US southerners, quickly equates homosexuality with the worst forms of perversion.

The only U.S. southerners to post in this thread were Suspect 5 and Partagas (who you joked around with). It is very obvious you have problems with Southerners in the United States but to flat out lie to try and prove a point is really disgusting.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/03/06 11:04 PM

I'd watch it there, DM.

Aren't you from South Jersey?
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/03/06 11:05 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
I'd watch it there, DM.

Aren't you from South Jersey?
Central Jersey
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/03/06 11:17 PM

I will make a new post so that it is not lost in my other one:

Of the 48 posts made before yours:

Enzo 5 - Argentina (I think, but not U.S.)
Don Andrew 1 - no state listed
Don Pappo 1 - Argentina
Don Jasani 3 - Canada
Tony Love 1 - Chicago
Don Vito Corleone 1 - Michigan
Mike Sullivan 1 - no state listed
Iceman 1- no state listed, I believe he is from the South but all he said was "straight" so his post doesn't even matter
Patrick 1 - Pennsylvania
J Geoff 3 - new Jersey
Mary Cas 1 - New York
Afsanah 6 - Iran
Plaw 3- New Jersey
Partagas 3 - Kansas
Suspect_5 1 - Texas
Appleonya 1 - New Jersey
Long Lost Corleone 2 - No state listed
Lavinia 7 - Italy
Goodfella oggie 2 - no state listed
Turi 1 - England
TDWFL 2 - England
SVSG 1- Texas

So of the 48 posts, giving you the benefit of the doubt on all with no state listed: 11

So 11 posts out of 48 is dominated? 8 out of 22 posters is dominated?

There is no way for you to know where people with out a state listed are from, so even allowing those people to be from the South your position is still false.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/04/06 12:01 AM

Count me as a 'Southerner', DMC. From Miami, FL.

And no, I didn't associate homosexuality with the worst forms of perversion.

I think Enzo is from Belgium, BTW.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/04/06 12:11 AM

Nice job, DM.

Now I think you should put that whole thing in "code" format.
Posted By: The Dr. who fixed Lucy

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/04/06 01:17 PM

AFAIC, if both parties consent, there's nothing perverted going on
Even if the consenting parties were parent and offspring, and both of age?
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/04/06 02:48 PM

DMC, I've to say that Part has made fun of me and has called me a redneck on a few occasions because of the time I spent in Alabama. Dunno how that affects your study...

But for those who conclude from my response that all Iranians are bi, I've to say in Iranians defense that I'm a rare breed...
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/04/06 03:03 PM

Originally posted by The Dr. who fixed Lucy:
[b]AFAIC, if both parties consent, there's nothing perverted going on
Even if the consenting parties were parent and offspring, and both of age? [/b][/quote]Hmmm....

If they're both of age......

OK....lemme re-state my position:

Everyone has their own idea of "perverted".

Eveything sexual that falls outside the realm of what most people do - let's say, for the sake of argument, heterosexual intercourse and heterosexual oral-genital contact - can fairly be labeled as "abnormal", since it falls outside the "norm" (again, what most people do), and you could day that "abnormal" and "perverted" are basically the same thing.

I've done some wild things in my time, but I've personally drawn the line at beastiality, for example.

So, yeah, I guess I think that sex with animals is perverted.

But it's none of my business if some guy wants to have intercourse with a sheep. He's not hurting me or interfering with my rights.

Now, there are also degrees of "abnormality" - and I'm gonna use that word instead of perversion.

So while I may consider homosexual activity to be abnormal (yet again, because I believe that it's outside the norm since I believe that most people don't engage in it), it's not anywhere nearly as abnormal as I would consider intercourse with a sheep to be, but only because there would seem to be many more homsexuals than sheep-lovers around.

But no matter, really.

Any activity between consenting adults that does not interfere with my rights or the rights of others is OK with me.

Whether or not I consider it to be abnormal or perverted, or to what degree, makes absolutley no difference to me whatsoever.

There happens to be an area in my own sexuality that I find enjoyable and like to indulge in (No, I'm not gonna tell) that definitely falls outside of the norm. Not tremendously so, like beastiality, but definitely an area in which I don't believe that the average person goes.

And if someone wants to call me a "pervert" or tell me I'm "abnormal", well, if by their standards (and my own) I am (because, again, it's outside of the norm because most people don't do it), I really don't care.

What I do does not interfere with the rights of anyone else.

So, as to your original question:


If the consenting parties were parent and offspring, and both of age, then sexual relations between them is abnormal (only in the sense that it's outside of the norm because most people don't do it) and, if you like, I'll label it as perverted.

But, since they're both of age and not interfering with my rights or the rights of others, I have no objection at all to it.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/04/06 04:02 PM

But it's none of my business if some guy wants to have intercourse with a sheep. He's not hurting me or interfering with my rights.

While it's true I guess. He's not hurting anyone, it goes beyone abnormal or perverted and seems more "sick".

Imgagine going out with someone, not knowing of this "animal attraction." :p Who'd ever think they'd have to compete with their pet in the dating field?

Btw, wasn't a Sheep Woody Allen's "love" in "Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex But Was Afraid To Ask?" (I think that's the right movie)

Posted By: Mignon

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/04/06 04:14 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:

Btw, wasn't a Sheep Woody Allen's "love" in "Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex But Was Afraid To Ask?" (I think that's the right movie)

I believe you are right about that TIS. Wasn't Burt Reynolds in that movie also? I haven't seen that movie since I was a teenager :rolleyes:
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/04/06 04:21 PM


I don't think I've seen that movie since it's release. There were a lot of stars in it I believe. Burt Reynolds may have been.

Back to Woody...didn't he get a hotel room for he and the sheep???? And wasn't he sweet talking to her? Pretty risque at the time, but still very funny.

Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/04/06 05:16 PM

Part I figured you were more South than North
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/04/06 09:18 PM

So my wife tells me
Posted By: suspect_5

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/05/06 03:45 AM

Originally posted by Partagas:
So now Missouri (the state I live in) and Kansas (the state that my office is located) are considered to be a part of "The South"? :rolleyes: [/QB]
Well I've never thought about Kansas, but I always considered Missouri as part of the south. (I’m sorry for all you proud Southerners…the South). I guess just because of the whole Missouri Compromise thing, though I have gone up there for a concert thus meaning that you are geographically north of me. Now that I think about it, I suppose you are more of a middle Great Plains state(s), but I’ve already typed this much and don’t feel like deleting it.

As far as the bestiality thing, I heard the thing to do when screwing a sheep is to take them up to the edge of a cliff or something that way they push back…or so I’ve HEARD.
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/05/06 05:02 AM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
I will make a new post so that it is not lost in my other one:

Of the 48 posts made before yours:

Enzo 5 - Argentina (I think, but not U.S.)
Don Andrew 1 - no state listed
Don Pappo 1 - Argentina
Don Jasani 3 - Canada
Tony Love 1 - Chicago
Don Vito Corleone 1 - Michigan
Mike Sullivan 1 - no state listed
Iceman 1- no state listed, I believe he is from the South but all he said was "straight" so his post doesn't even matter
Patrick 1 - Pennsylvania
J Geoff 3 - new Jersey
Mary Cas 1 - New York
Afsanah 6 - Iran
Plaw 3- New Jersey
Partagas 3 - Kansas
Suspect_5 1 - Texas
Appleonya 1 - New Jersey
Long Lost Corleone 2 - No state listed
Lavinia 7 - Italy
Goodfella oggie 2 - no state listed
Turi 1 - England
TDWFL 2 - England
SVSG 1- Texas

So of the 48 posts, giving you the benefit of the doubt on all with no state listed: 11

So 11 posts out of 48 is dominated? 8 out of 22 posters is dominated?

There is no way for you to know where people with out a state listed are from, so even allowing those people to be from the South your position is still false.
Oh, I'll come out and say it. New York. What now, honkey? (Yes, that was uncalled for. But I feel better having done it.)
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/05/06 05:17 AM

Originally posted by Partagas:
Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
Part I figured you were more South than North
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/05/06 05:29 AM

DMC you would be wrong about me being from the South, I'm in fact from the Cornhusker state.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/05/06 05:36 AM

Ok, I'll update my statistics so that The Doctor Who Fixed Lucy can respond about his accusations:

8 out of 48 posts (16.6%) is dominated?
6 out of 22 posters (27.2%)is dominated?
Posted By: The Dr. who fixed Lucy

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/05/06 07:10 AM

So, yeah, I guess I think that sex with animals is perverted.
Um... no kidding


But it's none of my business if some guy wants to have intercourse with a sheep. He's not hurting me or interfering with my rights.
Actually, this would fail your own rather loose (pardon the pun) criterion that the parties to the intercourse are "consenting". The sheep cannot consent because it doesn't understand the nature of the act. Unless you're now going to argue that the sheep would understand it because it has sex with other sheep - in which case I think I'll leave this argument in order to retain my sanity.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/05/06 01:05 PM

I'm still wondering how everyone here is from the South :p
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/06/06 09:19 PM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
Ok, I'll update my statistics so that The Doctor Who Fixed Lucy can respond about his accusations:

8 out of 48 posts (16.6%) is dominated?
6 out of 22 posters (27.2%)is dominated?
Well Doc, what have you got to say?
Posted By: don vencent

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/06/06 09:24 PM

straight!!! and stop with the jokes you guys are corny
Posted By: Associate

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/06/06 09:41 PM

I'm bi, but I'm generally more attracted to men than women. At least where I come from, the majority of people don't give a secondhand toss about your sexual orientation. Enzo, you have my permission to use my data to black-mail me later.
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/06/06 10:56 PM

OK, I'll certainly use this opportunity.
Posted By: svsg

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/06/06 11:04 PM

Originally posted by Associate:
I'm bi, but I'm generally more attracted to men than women. At least where I come from, the majority of people don't give a secondhand toss about your sexual orientation. Enzo, you have my permission to use my data to black-mail me later.
Ofcourse when you are tied up in the trunk of a car, no one cares about your sexual orientation. That's where you are from, right?
Posted By: AngelaMarie

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/06/06 11:23 PM

Speaking of gays and such.....I really want to see Brokeback Mountain. I've seen some clips and it actually looks really good! Heath and Jake are both really umm..... good looking men! They look so cute together. Kinda snuggly. I'm surprised it didn't win any awards last night.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/06/06 11:30 PM

Originally posted by Don Andrew:
[quote]Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
[b] Ok, I'll update my statistics so that The Doctor Who Fixed Lucy can respond about his accusations:

8 out of 48 posts (16.6%) is dominated?
6 out of 22 posters (27.2%)is dominated?
Well Doc, what have you got to say? [/b][/quote]Don Andrew, it seems no one wants to answer my questions anymore
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/07/06 09:30 AM

Originally posted by AngelaMarie:
Speaking of gays and such.....I really want to see Brokeback Mountain. I've seen some clips and it actually looks really good!
AngelaMarie, I'm in love with this movie. It really gave me chills. I don't even remember last time a movie gave me such a deep emotional turmoil. Yes, go watch it ASAP!!

Originally posted by AngelaMarie:
Heath and Jake are both really umm..... good looking men! They look so cute together. Kinda snuggly.
what does snuggly mean, exactly? Cuddleable? If so, I TOTALLY AGREE!!!!

Originally posted by AngelaMarie:
I'm surprised it didn't win any awards last night.
ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I'm not surprised. I'm FURIOUS!! But that's another thread!
Posted By: exgigirl

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/07/06 10:04 AM

My policy is the same as the military: Don't ask, don't tell. Who cares, it's none of my business.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/09/06 01:57 AM

Originally posted by don vencent:
straight!!! and stop with the jokes you guys are corny
Man, do you idolize Tony_Kyprianou or something? Go to hell.
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/09/06 02:16 AM

Ahh...Tony_K. Whatever happened to our Greek-Cypriot-Sicilian-whatever the fuck he was, friend?
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/09/06 02:22 AM

Originally posted by Don Jasani:
Ahh...Tony_K. Whatever happened to our Greek-Cypriot-Sicilian-whatever the fuck he was, friend?
Banned...again. Last year.
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Are you straight, bi, or gay? - 03/09/06 02:26 AM

lol! Maybe he'll grace the boards with his presence again in the near future. I'll say this about the guy, he certainly was a character. Although we don't really need him I think, cuz we've got Don Napolitano. Just kidding Don N.! :p
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