
Anyone belong to a gym?

Posted By: Patrick

Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/12/06 10:02 PM

I joined the gym back in the first week of January and have been going once a day since. I've definitely seen a difference. I feel pretty good after working out too. Makes me feel like I accomplished something. Anyone else work out or belong to a gym?
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/12/06 10:10 PM

Pat I suggest talking to some of the older people at your gym or joining a website about body building and/or fitness. Once a day is way too much, you will see minimal to no gains and will hit plateaus at every turn. The overall consenus is either 4 days doing 2 body parts per day or 3 days at the gym doing a full body workout everyday. Your muscles need 72 hours to recover, you probably can't feel any negative side effects because you are young (which is very dangerous I might add).
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/12/06 10:54 PM

Does anyone know how I can work out at home?
I just want some exercise (and for the muscles visible of course :p ) but I don't want to go to a gym...
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/12/06 10:57 PM

Originally posted by Enzo Scifo:
Does anyone know how I can work out at home?
I just want some exercise (and for the muscles visible of course :p ) but I don't want to go to a gym...
Buy free weights and a bench. they are maybe all total $200 U.S. I don't know how old you are though so that would is a major factor. There is no point in working on visible muscles, you work the stabilizer muscles which then allow you to work the "visible muscles" more effectively.
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/12/06 11:00 PM

Hmm, I don't know what stabilizer muscles are.

I'm just someone who wants to look a bit bigger at the chest.
And I have weights already.

Same age as Patrick, btw.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/12/06 11:08 PM

Originally posted by Enzo Scifo:
Hmm, I don't know what stabilizer muscles are.

I'm just someone who wants to look a bit bigger at the chest.
And I have weights already.

Same age as Patrick, btw.
it's been a while so I can't give you real advice but to put you on the right track you need to work triceps, shoulders, biceps, (even forearms) and back so that you can lift the necessary weight to make a visible difference on your chest. But just my own advice do a full body workout, you can and will not get the same results by doing just visible muscle exercises and if you are only doing it because you want to look bigger in the chest you are doing it for all the wrong reasons and motivation will come into play.

That's my 2 cents lol
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/12/06 11:21 PM

I joined in January, too... of last year. I guess I should start going back after my 9 month vacation from it. :rolleyes:

And guys - listen to DMC! Even though he's probably all of 120 lbs soaking wet, I think he knows what he's talking about.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/12/06 11:27 PM


I was into body building for 3-4 years but after arthritis and mono I became what I am today
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/12/06 11:38 PM

How can it be bad for me? I love working out and I know that if I only go four times a week instead of every day, I'm gonna eat less and that's even worse for me.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/12/06 11:43 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:
How can it be bad for me? I love working out and I know that if I only go four times a week instead of every day, I'm gonna eat less and that's even worse for me.
It's bad because your muscles need 72 hours of rest to heal properly. When you are exercising you are tearing the fibers in your muscles, by not allowing them the proper time to heal (and grow) you are hurting yourself, your muscles and your body. I don't understand how not going to the gym everyday would cause you to eat less. Eating is 95-97% of body building and fitness, a good workout plan with a bad diet is useless but a good diet with a decent workout plan will still see huge gains.

Like I said you are young and have only been doing it for 6 weeks, so you will not see the negative side effects of it. A more practical reason that you shouldn't go everyday is muscle memory. Your muscle easily adapt to changes in your daily routine (muscles are lazy they want to do things the easiest way) so by doing the same routine, same exercies or just working them everyday you do not get the same return for the effort that you put in. I would bet that there are probably "resident pros" at your gym and if you are there everyday you will not see them there everyday (at least not working out everyday).
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/12/06 11:48 PM

Just to add to that, I knew someone a few years ago who told me a story which I think relates to you. He was a football player in high school back in the 70's I think. Well bodybuilding was becoming a big thing and the coach said he wanted everyone in the gym doing bench presses everyday to build up their chest and give them an advantage over the people they would be facing. The first 3-4 weeks they saw huge gains then nothing, then they noticed they couldn't put up the same amount of weight, then they kept getting injured and were in constant pain. They didn't know back then that muscles need time to heal.

I don't know any good examples to demonstrate to you but basically think of your muscles as millions of fibers, when you exercise you break the fibers it takes 60-72 hours for them to come back together, fully repaired (and technically bigger) if you keep working them they NEVER have a chance to come back together and eventually you will start having serious injuries.
Youth is a very bad thing when it comes to body building, you don't understand your body and your muscles are able to cover up the warning signs that a 30-40 year old man would spot right away.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/12/06 11:55 PM

As DMC said, your muscles need time to recover - that's where the growth comes from. You can actually hurt yourself doing it your way.

You really shouldn't go to the gym every day, but if you do, it'd be better to follow something like this:

Day 1 - Lower body workout / stretching
Day 2 - Upper body workout / stretching
Day 3 - Treadmill (or other aerobics) (60 min)
Day 4 - OFF, or: Swimming / sauna / hot tub, etc
Day 5 - Lower body workout / stretching
Day 6 - Upper body workout / stretching
Day 7 - Treadmill (or other aerobics) (60 min)

If you have the time, do the treadmill every workout day for 30 mins afterwards. (I think you're suppose to do the aerobics after lifting if I remember correctly...?)

And I think you're suppose to do your real stretching after the workout, but must warm-up before.

As I said, it's been a while for me, but listen to DMC - and if you don't trust people on this board, then go to a board devoted to fitness. Or google some fitness sites. :p

You'll eat more if you're working out - your body needs it. That's normal, healthy, and not a problem.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/12/06 11:56 PM

This is just an example of one of the few 6 day workouts I was able to find on the inernet. Please notice the 6 days, that means you have 1 day off, also there are 3 sets of exercise. M-1 tu-2 we-3 THUSDAY-1 AGAIN etc..
It is giving the group it worked 72 hours to recooperate.

A normal high school/college kids schedule should be:

Fri,Sat,Sun- off. The reason being weekends are private time and/or homework time. Obviously when you get to college you night have to change the days depending on your school schedule.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/12/06 11:59 PM

Way to confuse him (and me) with that "schedule", DMC! Mine makes sense, right?
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/13/06 12:01 AM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
(I think you're suppose to do the aerobics after lifting if I remember correctly...?)

And I think you're suppose to do your real stretching after the workout, but must warm-up before.

The first part depends on your goals, if its for body building then its cardio after, cardio burns energy and would decrease from energy and usefulness of your workout. If you are doing it for overall fitness I don't think it matters.

Stretching before workouts showed no difference in injury risk compared to not stretching. Everything in terms of weight, stretching, cardio etc. all has to deal with your goals. I THINK stretching before hand is for fitness because there is more blood flow through the muscle (think of your muscle like a ball of dough, stretching it causes it to be flat) if you area looking to just get "huge" then I don't think stretching is advised. Again my views are 4-5 years old and there may be new thought processes since then. I suggest going to muscleandfitness.com message board and looking up any post by a guy named "rev" or going to bodybuilding.com to look for exercise and diet plans.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/13/06 12:05 AM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
Way to confuse him (and me) with that "schedule", DMC! Mine makes sense, right?
I tried posting a link with that example but it didn't work

Basically what I was saying is that say you do chest exercise 1, biceps/triceps exercise 2 and legs exercise 3 (please don't but you get the idea) it would go 1,2,3 then on the 4th day you repeat exercise 1 so that its still 3 days in between

The workout you gave goes back to muscle memory, you always have to switch it up to get the best gains. Every 12 weeks you should change your workout routine so for 3 months you might do a 4 day different body part split, the next 3 you go 3 days a week doing full body, the next 3 you do one like JG did, the next time you might do a 5 day split with high and low energy on different days for different body parts.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/13/06 12:06 AM

I do the same exercises every other day though, except for the ab machine and treadmill. I do those every day.

Example of a week:

Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday - 15 minutes on the treadmill, 3 sets of 12 working out the neck, 2 sets of 15-20 on a bicept machine, 2 sets of 15-20 on a chest machine, another 2 sets of 15-20 on a chest machine that works only the bicepts and chest, 2 sets of 12 on a bicept machine, 1 set of 20 on a different bicept machine, 1 set of 30 for my abs, then 1 set of 15 on both the left and right sides of my abdomen, and then 15 more minutes on the treadmill.

Monday/Wednesday/Friday - 30 minutes on the treadmill, 3 sets of 12 working on the arms, 2 sets of 20 working out the chest, 2 sets of 20 working out the back, 2 sets of 12 working out the shoulders with dumb bells, 1 set of 30 for my abs, then 1 set of 15 on both the left and right sides of my abdomen, and then 15 more minutes on the treadmill.

Though I exercise the some of the same muscles both days, the only 2 machines that I use everyday are the treadmill and abs. When I work the same muscle the next day, it's on a different machine.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/13/06 12:11 AM

Different machines don't matter, its still working the same muscles. I don't like the amount of reps you are doing either. For mass building you want to stay between 6-8 reps for 3 sets. For cutting (fat loss) or fitness you want to stay between 10-12. 20 reps is too much and only 2 sets is not enough. You want to stick to 3-4 different exercises (so 9-12 sets) for each body part.

Working your abs does nothing, the only way to get a 6pack is to lose fat which comes from either cardio or more importantly your diet. Crunches will strengthen your abs (I think that is mostly for stunt people and athletes though) but will not help with actually showing a 6 pack.

I personally do not like machines, they sometimes allow for too much cheating. I would rather see more dumbbells and barbells in your exercises because they work the muscle more. Machines IMO should be used for rehab because they work the muscle with weight but there is little to no risk of injury.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/13/06 12:14 AM

Wanna work out with me when you come out to Philly this summer?
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/13/06 12:14 AM

Also Pat, I don't know what you mean by working "arms" you should target biceps and triceps differently. And there are no leg exercises on your workout. Leg extensions and leg curls, lunges and squats should be a staple for most workouts.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/13/06 12:16 AM

Yeh, I'm not really worried about the legs. I guess I could start working them out in school, but ehh, more concerned about upper body.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/13/06 12:16 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
Wanna work out with me when you come out to Philly this summer?
In all honesty if you have questions just ask. Anyone at the gym or online or anything that laughs at you for asking questions is a moron themselves. you really have no idea how seriously injured you can become by doing exercises wrong. I suggest lookin up sites that have videos you can download of people doing the exercises correctly.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/13/06 12:17 AM

If you want to look good, diet's a must. PLenty of protein. Fish, chicken, eggs, milk, cheese.

I must say, though; I have a Kurdish friend in Turkey who served in the Army, and he's really, really lean. He is also the strongest guy I ever met. He used to always give much bigger, bulked up guys arm wrestles and beat them every time.

I'd much rather feel as if I could take on the world than look. Though I understand that some people feel good by looking good.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/13/06 12:18 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
Yeh, I'm not really worried about the legs. I guess I could start working them out in school, but ehh, more concerned about upper body.
Oh don't say that. Do you ever see guys coming out of the gym with huge upper bodies and little chicken legs From a anatomy (?) point of view legs are much more important than upper body. Most guys work biceps and chest because everytime somone says I work out the first thing a person says is let me see your bicep.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/13/06 12:25 AM

Is it bad for me to do the treadmill every day?
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/13/06 12:31 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
Is it bad for me to do the treadmill every day?
depends on your goals, I'm jogging my memory here so this could be a little off but if you are looking to lose weight and fat then I think 5 days is the cardio you should do (you should have at least 1 day of no working out)*from here on I know* if you are looking to gain mass then you want to do 1 MAYBE 2 days of cardio.

The thing to remember is that you can't gain muscle without gaining fat. That is why there are "mass building phases" and "cutting phases", when you build mass you gain muscle and fat, when you cut you lose weight, muscle(very little) and fat. You can't gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. And incase you are wondering there is no way to spot reduce, in other words a lot of people will say I want to lose weight but only in my legs (sorry to be sexist here but this is mostly from women, a lot of women like their breastst and butt but don't like their legs so they want to lose fat in their thighs while keeping their butt and breast the same size) so there is no way to just lose fat in one particular part of your body while keeping all others constant.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/13/06 01:21 AM

DMC apparently knows his shit, but he's not there with you. Probably the best advice for a beginner at a gym -- since they're already paying to be there -- is to hire one of the trainers for a couple/few weeks. He'll tell you what you need to do to meet YOUR personal goals, and more importantly, he'll make sure you are doing everything correctly to minimize injury. That's what they're there for.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/13/06 01:24 AM

As for cardio, you really need to do it correctly. Get a heartrate monitor if the treadmill doesn't have one, and pay attention to the HR charts on the machine. Start slowly and work your way up (warm up!) and STICK WITH the cooldown period at the end - they made that for a reason. If you just STOP, you're putting incredible strain on your heart. You really should get medical clearance before starting a serious cardio regimine...
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/13/06 01:27 AM

Yo mang, I got some flaxseed oil and shit that will get you big in no time.

Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/13/06 01:36 AM

Oh yeah being that D-J posted that picture, don't start taking any kind of supplements (whey protein, creatine etc..) until you are at least 20 or talk to a doctor.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/13/06 03:06 AM

Why? My one friend has been telling me to start taking creatine, but I haven't taken anything yet.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/13/06 03:14 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
Why? My one friend has been telling me to start taking creatine, but I haven't taken anything yet.
It's been too long for me to tell you the specifics of it but ALWAYS talk to your doctor before taking any supplements. Creatine is very easy to overdose on, which can lead to heart problems down the road. Being that there are no side effects of it you will never know if you are taking too much of it.
I don't know your friend but most people who start body building want to take creatine and whey protein but they don't know how to use it properly. You are what 17/18? All supplements like that do are make up for what you are not getting from your diet, you are young so you should not have that many defincies (depending on your diet). Whey protein is fine (again talk to your doctor first) but Creatine is more advanced than Whey Protein and your friend should be talking to a doctor too. Don't ever put anything into your body unless you know everything it does, side effects, and you have had it okayed by a doctor.

edit: not heart problems I think it's kidney and liver problems. Also, about 99% of the studies done on supplements are done through the companies that make them. So yeah as I've said talk to a doctor and make sure you undrestand everything about it and what side effects to look for etc.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/13/06 03:17 AM

Patrick...don't take ANY supplements. You're too young.

It's nice to see that you want to take care of and discipline your body...just do the excersize and eat right for now. A multi-vitamin might be fine too if you absolutely feel you have to take something. But that's all you need.

Don't start with the supplements...for reasons already pointed out.

Posted By: fathersson

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/13/06 03:43 AM

Golds Gym. Get yourself a trainer! You will never regret it.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/13/06 10:30 PM

DMC - What about this schedule?:

Sunday - All upper body plus 15 minutes walking on treadmill
Monday - 45 minutes walking on treadmill
Tuesday - All lower body plus 15 minutes walking on treadmill
Wednesday - All upper body plus 15 minutes walking on treadmill
Thursday - 45 minutes walking on treadmill
Friday - All lower body plus 15 minutes walking on treadmill
Saturday - All upper body plus 15 minutes walking on treadmill
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/13/06 11:10 PM

How long would it take to see noticeable difference on abs and arms if I were to start something next week? I don't go to a gym but I have exercising equipment in my house.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/13/06 11:13 PM

No matter how much you exercise DV, those veins will still be popping out of your ass.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/13/06 11:29 PM

DV as I said to Enzo doing arms and abs is pretty useless without doing the rest of your body. Abs only comes from dieting. You want to work your entire body because different exercises hit different muscle groups in different ways. Doing "arms" without working chest and back will leave your biceps and/or triceps looking worse than they do now (I have no idea what yours look like but hopefully you understand what I mean)

Pat, I didn't have a chance to really look at your schedule I will look at it later but I saw 7 days doing SOMETHING so I will say not good. I'll look at it later and give you pointers.
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/13/06 11:44 PM

"Gym??" What's a "gym?"
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/14/06 12:04 AM

Used to be be a few years ago but stopped going
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/14/06 12:24 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
DMC - What about this schedule?:

Sunday - All upper body plus 15 minutes walking on treadmill
Monday - 45 minutes walking on treadmill
Tuesday - All lower body plus 15 minutes walking on treadmill
Wednesday - All upper body plus 15 minutes walking on treadmill
Thursday - 45 minutes walking on treadmill
Friday - All lower body plus 15 minutes walking on treadmill
Saturday - All upper body plus 15 minutes walking on treadmill
As I said before you need at least 1 day of doing nothing. I personally do not like all lower body and all upper body splits, you can't put the same intensity into every body part, so they aren't as useful (they are useful for getting over plateaus though)

Here is a sample of a good one:

Day 1: Back, Traps, Abs
Day 2: Quads, Delts, Calves
Day 3: Chest, Hamstrings, Abs
Day 4: Biceps, Triceps, Calves
Day 5: Off

Here is an example of one that uses light and heavy days (this is a Ronnie Coleman split who is a freak of nature so I wouldn't advise doing this one but it is an example):

Monday Chest, triceps, calves, abs
Tuesday Quads, hams
Wednesday Back, biceps, calves, abs
Thursday Chest, delts, triceps
Friday Quads, hams, abs
Saturday Back, biceps, delts, calves
Sunday Rest

Here is another (although I don't like bi's and tri's on the same day):

day 1 - biceps, triceps, forearms, abs
day 2 - quads, hams, calves
day 3 - off
day 4 - chest, delts, calves
day 5 - back, traps, forearms, abs
day 6 - off
day 7 - off

There are also Push and Pull workouts where you work Chest and Bi's on the same day and then Back and tri's on another day.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/14/06 12:38 AM

Here is a sample of a good one:

Day 1: Back, Traps, Abs
Day 2: Quads, Delts, Calves
Day 3: Chest, Hamstrings, Abs
Day 4: Biceps, Triceps, Calves
Day 5: Off
Does that mean I'd have off days six and seven too?

And do you know a site that labels all the muscles so I know what you are talking about? :p
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/14/06 12:47 AM

No Pat not necessarily. You could do a 6 day split, where you would have 2 days off in between and would start "day 1" on "day 7" hopefully that makes sense. I realize you want to train everyday but you REALLY need to realize that training 7 days a week is VERY VERY VERY bad for you. The ONLY reason you are seeing results right now is because you just shocked your system. It was not used to moving weight and all of a sudden it is so it has to work to compensate for that. You will never again in your life see the same gains you got the first 2 months of training. Muscles do not grow when they are being trained, they grow when they are resting.
I will give this break down (my own breakdown others can disagree but I'm sure they won't by that much) Your overall look and health are determined by:
72% Diet
10% genetics
10% rest
8% training

There is nothing/very little you can do to overcome genetics (symetry of your 6 pack, peak of your bicep is all genetics) Diet is the most important thing, if your muscles do not get the proper nutrition they will not grow. REST as I've been saying and training is very very little (8% is being very generous) Not talking Mr. Olympia's here but most normal/enthusiastic body builders will say something like "I can miss a workout but NEVER a meal"

The Lines from Top to Bottom
Traps (trapezius)
Shoulders (deltoids)
Chest (pectoralis)
Triceps (triceps brachii)
Biceps (biceps brachii)
Forearm (brachioradialis)
Abs (rectus abdominis)

Lines from top to bottom:
Forearm (brachioradialis)
Biceps (biceps brachii)
Shoulders (deltoids)
Triceps (triceps brachii)
Traps (trapezius)
Lats (latissimus dorsi)
Middle Back (rhomboids)
Lower Back
Glutes (gluteus maximus and medius)
Hamstrings (biceps femoris)
Calves (gastrocnemius)
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/14/06 01:00 AM

Also Pat, being that before you were (I brought it up) talking about supplements. 1) supplements are just that, they should be taken to supplement your already existing diet. The ONLY supplement that you COULD need at your age is whey protein (TALK TO A DOCTOR!) you need 1-2 grams of protein per pound of body weight of protein (thats for say an amateur body builder), which is very hard to do on diet alone. Whey will give you 45-50 grams of protein in one serving. Whey protein is found in tuna fish and I want to say steak (not at all sure about either though) tuna fish and skinless/boneless chicken are the best sources of protein though (which at your age you should get enough protein in your diet in ratio to your goals and gains).

Now something I know you don't want to hear but you are going to hear it anyway :p I would ask your friend number one if he has any idea what creatine does and the side effects of it. But WHEN you talk to your doctor about taking supplements you MUST tell him that you drink, whether it is once a day, once a week, once a year. You need to know how every supplement reacts with alcohol and how to either not drink or how to cycle your supplements when you plan on drinking (i.e. don't take it 2 hours before, 12 hours before, or 2 days before drinking). Supplements are tested on people and in studies to react with normal bodies, alcohol is not part of the normal body so these supplements are approved and all it will say is "don't take with alcohol" but you need to know the side effects and what it can lead to. Especially if you are at a party and pass out and the paramedics say what did you take and all you say is "supplements" you need to know what supplements, the ingredients and the amount you took.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/14/06 01:32 AM

Alright, I think I'm going to start working with your:
Day 1: Back, Traps, Abs
Day 2: Quads, Delts, Calves
Day 3: Chest, Hamstrings, Abs
Day 4: Biceps, Triceps, Calves
Day 5: Off
Day 6: Off
Day 7: Repeat from Day 1

How many reps do you suggest each day for such? Surely it will be more than I was doing since I'll be doing much less each day? Also, can I still walk on the treadmill each day?
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/14/06 01:45 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
Alright, I think I'm going to start working with your:
Day 1: Back, Traps, Abs
Day 2: Quads, Delts, Calves
Day 3: Chest, Hamstrings, Abs
Day 4: Biceps, Triceps, Calves
Day 5: Off
Day 6: Off
Day 7: Repeat from Day 1

How many reps do you suggest each day for such? Surely it will be more than I was doing since I'll be doing much less each day? Also, can I still walk on the treadmill each day?
I'd rather see a:

Day 1- on
Day 2- on
Day 3- off
Day 4- on
Day 5- on
Day 6- off
Day 7- off

But your body will dictate how you can do it. If you are in pain do NOT train. Pain after a day is your body's way of telling you to stop.

No do not use the treadmill everyday, your body needs at least 1-2 days of flat out REST, that means no intense work thats when your muscles heal, grow and get stronger.

For each body part such as biceps and triceps you can do 3 exercies, 3 sets of 6-8 reps for growth or 10-12 reps for strength and fitness. You should be using a weight that only allows you to do 6-8 or 10-12. Larger muscle groups like back and chest you can do 4 exercises, 3 sets 6-8 reps or 10-12.

1) There was a saying when I was into it "check your ego at the door" Yeah bench pressing 300 pounds looks impressive, but its not so impressive when you drop it on your chest. You should start out with very low weight until you learn the proper motion of the exercise (ever see Karate Kid? Forearm and hand together make hammer and its more power or something like that) if you don't do the exercise right it will not give you gains and will injure you. There are probably 50 guys at your gym benching 400 and curling 100 but they too started out benching 100 and curling 20.

I really suggest you talk to the "resident pro" at the gym or even a trainer and maybe they can do a better job of getting you to believe in a 4 or 5 day split with 2-3 days off I don't think you truly understand how commited I am to 2-3 days of Rest, as are most bodybuilders. Just so you know, the Ronnie Coleman exercise routine was right before Mr. Olympia (they go all out for that) The first workout was Jay Cutler's after Mr. Olympia (you can not just go from training everyday back down to 4, thats why its a 5 day split it lets your body gradually go back). The third was the normal workout schedule of Lee Priest. Those 3 are World Class body builders.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/14/06 01:59 AM

Day 1- Back, Traps, Abs
Day 2- Quads, Delts, Calves
Day 3- off
Day 4- Chest, Hamstrings, Abs
Day 5- Biceps, Triceps, Calves
Day 6- off
Day 7- off

I can try this, but can I still do the treadmill on the days I'm already at the gym?

And what do you mean that I can't just go from everyday training down to 4 or 5? I actually took today off. So would it be bad if I started my 'Day 1' tomorrow?
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/14/06 02:13 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
Day 1- Back, Traps, Abs
Day 2- Quads, Delts, Calves
Day 3- off
Day 4- Chest, Hamstrings, Abs
Day 5- Biceps, Triceps, Calves
Day 6- off
Day 7- off

I can try this, but can I still do the treadmill on the days I'm already at the gym?

And what do you mean that I can't just go from everyday training down to 4 or 5? I actually took today off. So would it be bad if I started my 'Day 1' tomorrow?
It was good to take today off . Every few weeks, I think I said 12 but that could be wrong (old age) you want to take either a few days or a week off. That gives your body time to rest and you can go into your full routine with as much energy as possible.

On to your questions: 1) yes you can do Treadmill on the days you are there. Depending on your goals though, if you are looking to gain mass/muscle then only 1-2 days of treadmill because you want to keep as many calories as possible. if you are looking to lose weight and fat then 4-5 days of treadmill (doing treadmill for 5 days is okay as long as its not weight training 5 days) I would also see how treadmill fits into your leg exercises, you will have to decide whether to do it first or last depending on how well your exercises go.

2) when I said everyday training I meant the Mr. Olympia everyday training, those guys go ALL OUT before a major competition and what happens is your body creates enough energy to fuel you for those 7 days (although as I've said you increase risk of injury) your body does not just "shut off" when you decide to go down to 4 days. You will still have all of that excess energy so depending on how long the competition is (if its a week long that might be enough of a break to go back to 4 days) if its only a weekend competition then they will go to a 6 or 5 day split to allow their body time to readjust.

Now when you get your training schedule together (exercises you are going to do) you might want to switch those up during your 12 week cycle. Read back about what I said about muscle memory, if you keep doing bench press, declined barbell pres and then inclined fly's your body will adapt. You might want to do fly's first so that your body doesn't know and can't adjust to which way you are training them.

Overtraining is very serious, it is always better to start off slow and then increase to say a 6 day split after a few months if your body can handle it. If you've ever been bowling before you know the ball has a thumb hole (sorry I was into bowling as well ) so we had a saying when drilling those holes "you can always take more out, you can't put back in" It's sort of the same thing, you can INCREASE your workload as your body tells you but you can't necessarily decrease because the only way to know you have to decrease is usually an injury and that's no fun.

I'm sure there is more I could say (could you tell?) but if you have any questions just post them here.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/14/06 02:27 AM

Thanks dude. Can't wait to hit the gym tomorrow.

Oh yeh, I guess another thing I should have told you: I fractured my back when I was in second grade and it will never fully heal, so I try not to work it out that much, but I was definitely feeling some pain in my lower back area where I fractured it, when I was working out my neck last week.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/14/06 02:35 AM

I still don't understand what you mean by working out your neck
I have no idea what to tell you about your back, if you feel pain you should always stop. Definitly talk to a doctor about that though, just because a bone was broken doesn't mean it CAN'T be worked theres just DIFFERENT ways of working it. I would say to leave back off of your workout until you talk to a doctor and you know exactly what you can and can not do.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/14/06 03:14 AM

I've been working out for several decades. I'll add some straightforward advice:
1. If it feels good, do it! The biggest boost you get from working out is mental. Your body will soon tell you if you're overdoing it, and your mind will process that info into a program that you feel comfortable with.
2. But, be disciplined! If working out is important, don't find excuses not to work out. I knew plenty of people who joined the company gym at work, but always found a reason not to go--usually because someone wanted to go out to lunch. If it's important, blow off the lunch and do the workout.
3. There's a real tradeoff betweem joining a gym vs. acquiring equipment and using it at home. Joining a gym provides an incentive to use your membership, but a disincentive if you have to travel to get to the gym. Having equipment at home solves that problem, but makes another: How do you get past the fridge and the TV to use your equipment? I can't answer those questions for you, except to say that, if you join a gym, make sure it's very close (less than 5 minutes) from your home or workplace.
4. If you decide to acquire your own equipment, put an ad in the local paper saying, "weights and exercise equipment wanted." You will soon get plenty of calls from people who invested in equipment and never used it, or have kids who were on high school teams and went off to college, leaving parents with dust-collecting, space-consuming stuff. They'll probably give it to you if you take it off their hands.
5. Yes, you can, and should, work out every day--as long as you vary your workout so you're not using the same muscles every day in the same way. You should do some form of aerobic workout every day (running, swimming, stationary or road bicycling, stairmaster, treadmill). You can weight-lift muscle groups on alternate days--e.g., biceps and shoulders one day, abs and thighs next day, etc. Just avoid lifting the same type of weights for the same muscle groups every day.
6. The single most important factor in a successful workout program is repeatibility: can you do it when you want, where you want it? Study after study has proven that the farther or more difficult it is to get to your workout location, the less likely you'll do it. Same is true for type of exercise. For example, don't choose road bicycling if you live in places with lots of bad weather; or swimming if the local pool is constantly taken over by kids and swim teams.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/14/06 03:28 AM

Sorry Turnbull I have to disagree with #5. I think you increase risk of injury too much by working out everyday and don't give your muscles time to heal.

This is from Trish Stratus' website:

Do a minimum of 3 days a week of training or up to 5 days as your fitness level progresses. It is important to take days off for muscle growth, recovery and to prevent burn out.
This is about Ronnie Coleman

He typically trains 6 days a week in the on-season
Was this posted in the real-life mafia thread? :p All in good fun TB
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/14/06 07:13 AM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
This is from Trish Stratus' website:
Sorry, Pat... disregard everything DMC has said... I really thought he had a reliable source.... :p
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/14/06 07:15 AM

Originally posted by Turnbull:
How do you get past the fridge and the TV to use your equipment?
Well, that's easy!

Put the gear in front of the TV.

Wanna watch Oprah? Fine! Do it while on the treadmill... watch for as long as you can walk!
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/15/06 02:07 AM

Alright DMC, I took your advice and talked to a lady who works at my gym tonight. She recommended taking 2 days in between working muscles, saying that if I worked biceps tonight (Tuesday), that I should not work them out again until atleast Thursday night, so this is what I think I'm gonna do.

I'm definitely gonna take one day off a week and I'm going to switch between upper body and lower body workouts each day, so it will give my muscles the 48 hours rest. Whaddya think?
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/15/06 02:15 AM

48 hours is fine, it's still a break in between.

I don't like Upper Body and Lower Body workouts because of intensity levels. I also think that constantly giving your muscles only 48 hours rest (or 72 or would it be 96 for the one day you take off) will lead to problems. If you talk to this woman again tell her what you plan on doing, to me it's too much. If you can put the same intensity into everyone of your exercies for an upper body day then you aren't getting an effective workout.

I can tell from your wording that you really want to train everyday and we definitely (plaw?) differ on that, what I will say is be careful.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/15/06 02:19 AM

I love it. Actually gives me a reason to not drink and smoke cause I look at the calories in booze and I'm like fuck that after just burning them all off. And I'm staying away from the supplements too.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/15/06 02:24 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
I love it. Actually gives me a reason to not drink and smoke cause I look at the calories in booze and I'm like fuck that after just burning them all off. And I'm staying away from the supplements too.
you should be keeping track of your diet as well. McDonald's, Burger King and the like should quickly be cut out of your diet. Tuna Fish and Boneless/Skinless chicken breast should be added.

Next time you go to your doctor ask about Multivitamins. They make multivitamins + (blank) in almost everything now a days. A good example is + iron, because some people have iron deficiences. You can't go wrong with a multivitamin because most of what your body doesn't need it will excrete. But DON'T buy anything with a + after it unless you talk to your doctor (better to talk to your doctor before taking anything though)
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/15/06 02:30 AM

Word. My diet is pretty good. The only fast food I ever eat is Arby's and that's usually only once a week. For breakfast, the only cereal I eat is Special K and a few days a week I might have eggs instead of cereal. I eat a load of tuna. I eat that about three or four times a week. So good.
Posted By: Fame

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/16/06 12:37 PM

Mmmmm....interesting thread....here are my 2 dead presidents :

1) First of all, you must make a distinction - that is to say, what are you going to the gym for?- only then can you build your plan appropriately. You say you want to 'grow' chest? - then you're in for "expanding" your body....which in many cases is not THAT fruitful, since it really depends on the person....if you've got a very thin upper body, you could shape it, of course, make a nice traingle, muscles here, muscles there, but dont expect it to expand that much...many have dreamt that, only to be dissapointed. (Bruce Lee, for example, I guess you've seen him shirtless here and there, he's the example of a thin body with lots of muscles....if thats what youre after, then build a program specifically for muscles...or you can combine both "muscles" and "expansion" but you have to make that choice before you make the plan.

2) As DMC mentioned again and again, rest is OBLIGATORY. Theres no need for 72 hours but 48 is a must - that is to say you must work on ALTERNATE days. NEVER 2 days in a row.
That should give you 3-4 days a week to work out. Why must you rest every 2nd day you ask? because if you dont, you might as well skip the entire idea of working out. You want muscles? well muscles do not develop while you're making the exercises. Its while youre RESTING that muscles build themselves. You go to work daily at the gym - you'll achieve less than someone who works on alternate days. That is a fact, not a suggestion I make.

3) Gym is good; however, it is the extra. The most important muscle you should develop is the heart, that is to say- getting in shape should be the first priority, more important than any muscles you work on at the gym. Whats that I hear? TREADMILL??? - avoid that crap as soon as possible...people go on and say "man, im in shape, been running/walking on the treadmill for 2 hours dude, im in such a great shape!" -- well, i've been taking a few of these "athletes" for a little run outside...they barely made 2 miles before they puked their hearts out. Treadmill is good for 1 thing : to warm up before you exercise your muscles....but dont think for a second thats its any replacement for running / swimming/ etc....you must seek fitness outside the gym.
Considering what you wrote about the back problem...I HIGHLY recommend swimming. Swimming is the most profitable sport you get...not only will it get you in good shape, but it will also build your body and expand it, and its the best cure for back problems, better than any belts, exercises, or whatever methods you know of.

4) Nutrition. Fish is great. A good proportion of meat is also good. You must eat fruits and vegetables as well. Do I sound like your mother? maybe because sometimes mothers are right.
Llisten to me : make that a plan of at least 2 fruits & 2 veggis per day. A good one is :
Orange/Kiwi (vitamin C - ESSENTIAL)
carrot/green pepper (iron/b12)

Perhaps the most important food for gym nuts is...potatoes. Yes, potatoes. Eat it, again and again - and I dont mean french fries. You must get the carbo's (carbohydrates) and potatoes will preserve them in your body for quite a while. Other products like spaghetti are also recommended, however, spaghetti's carbo's will burn themselves, so the result is not as satisfactory as potatoes.

Eggs - 1 or 2 per day - and make that HARD-BOILED. I know, I know, you probably prefer the omelette, or the fried egg, sunny and everything, but I must tell you that the best you could get from the egg is by eating it hard-boiled - thats again a fact, and not a suggestion. Yes, I know Rocky swallows his eggs directly from the fridge, and I still say hard-boiled.

Of course, you probably eat sweets and sugars n stuff - my recommendation is to eat them AFTER your work-out session, your body will need the sugar then. If you wonder what to eat before, and before should be at least 2 hours before, I suggest a yoghurt & banana.
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/16/06 02:39 PM

I've been to a gym twicw in my life, if that counts.
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/16/06 02:46 PM

Originally posted by JustMe:
I've been to a gym twicw in my life, if that counts.
once more than I.
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/16/06 03:27 PM

Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:
[quote]Originally posted by JustMe:
[b] I've been to a gym twice in my life, if that counts.
once more than I. [/b][/quote]We're a team, Lavi.
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/16/06 03:41 PM

Originally posted by JustMe:
We're a team, Lavi.
gimme five, sister!
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/16/06 10:25 PM

Originally posted by Double-J:
No matter how much you exercise DV, those veins will still be popping out of your ass.

I have belonged to a gym for years. LOVE IT.

Pilates 2x a week
Power yoga 2x a week
Weightlifting 1x a week (Pilates/Yoga has a lot of strength training)
Run 4x a week (sometimes indoors, sometimes outdoors +30 miles a week).
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/19/06 01:29 AM

Mini chocolate donuts have been on my training table since I was a kid.

Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/19/06 01:30 AM

Originally posted by Don Smitty:
Mini chocolate donuts have been on my traing table since I was a kid.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/19/06 01:34 AM

Originally posted by Don Smitty:
Mini chocolate donuts have been on my training table since I was a kid.
Man, I'd hate to smell those!
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: Anyone belong to a gym? - 02/19/06 01:35 AM

Remember the old SNL skit with Belushi?

Seriously though I go to a Golds Gym by my house.

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