
Hollywierd is at it again.

Posted By: The Iceman

Hollywierd is at it again. - 01/13/06 05:25 AM

I just found out that Matt Damon & Ben Affleck 2 of the worst actors to have ever lived. Will team up and remake the classic western, Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid.


Well no way will I be seeing this. This is a horrible idea on so many levels.

I have an idea for the individual who gave the go ahead for this, and it's not healthy wise if you all catch my drift.

This is a stupid question I know. But just out of curiousity will hollywierd ever learn?
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Hollywierd is at it again. - 01/13/06 05:41 AM

This really pisses me off, although I disagree on Matt Damon, who can act when he needs to. As for Affleck, I only like him in Kevin Smith films.

Not to mention I can come up with many worse actors.

To answer your question. No, they never will.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Hollywierd is at it again. - 01/13/06 06:00 AM

WTF!? Another unecessary remake of a classic with the WORST actor ever (I kinda like Damon) but as Vercetti said, I'd only tolerate them together in a Kevin Smith film
Posted By: svsg

Re: Hollywierd is at it again. - 01/13/06 07:16 AM

IMO Matt Damon is one of the best actors today. I haven't seen any of Ben Affleck's movies except Good Will Hunting, where he plays a supporting role to Matt Damon. I thought he did a very good job in that role. I haven't seen the original, but I look forward to seeing this version.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Hollywierd is at it again. - 01/13/06 07:57 AM

To quote Samuel L. Jackson..."calm the fuck down niggas!"

This was reported by a UK tabloid magazine it seems, and they are as credible as Ted Kennedy on past history of automobile accidents that involve drowning. As well, they make the American tabloids seem more credible, which isn't saying much.

Besides, this is retarded. Remember that tabloid rumor years back when Affleck and J-Ho were supposed to lead a CASABLANCA remake?

Oh and Iceman....I've got a nice Malibu beach house that I believe you will like, and to think its only 5 miles away from Phoenix. How about it? I'm told its a real steal.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Hollywierd is at it again. - 01/13/06 03:23 PM

I like matt damon, also. I'm not much of an Affleck fan

"Butch & Sundance" was possibly the first in the modern genre of buddy comedy-dramas; Films based on the chemistry and repartee between the characters more than anything else.

(You may want to include the Bob Hope-Bing Crosby "Road" films, but I don't consider them to be "modern" in the same sense, and they were pretty much played strictly for laughs anyway.)

Anyway, I don't see how Damon and Affleck could possibly, on their best days, even hope to duplicate the chemistry of Newman-Redford.
Posted By: Silvio

Re: Hollywierd is at it again. - 01/13/06 05:18 PM

No one really likes Affleck. I dont know why he has a job, I really dont. Do they think he makes girls flock to the movies? Hmmm lets ask the people that made Reindeer Games, Paycheck, Surviving Christmas, Jersey Girl, on and on and on....

Affleck sucks, he is in very few good movies, and none of them are good because of him
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Hollywierd is at it again. - 01/13/06 05:26 PM

I cant stand either of them. Matt Damon ruined the movie Syriana. And Affleck...what an overrated pain in the butt!
Posted By: mr. soprano

Re: Hollywierd is at it again. - 01/13/06 10:31 PM

i find that matt damon is a good actor, the same with affleck... ben's problem as we all know is that he picks the stupid scripts. honestly, you think of chasing amy and he gave a very good performance.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Hollywierd is at it again. - 01/13/06 10:41 PM

I gotta agree mr. soprano here. Hell, look at those BOURNE movies, where former Boston Beans-eating Matt Damon surely makes the films work as one hunted super agent. Hell, he was great and underrated in THE TALENTED MR. RIPLEY.

Well, Affleck seems to pick bad scripts, but as well he probably has a lousy agent as well. But don't worry, Affleck's future will simply be him sitting at his home all day on the couch, while his spouse will tell him to be the breadwinner for once.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Hollywierd is at it again. - 01/13/06 10:49 PM

I really wanna see The Talented Mr. Ripley, but I highly doubt Damon can outdo Alain Delon's sociopathic performance in Purple Noon. (first adaptation of the Ripley books)
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Hollywierd is at it again. - 01/13/06 10:52 PM

Does it matter if he can "outdo" the other flick? Ripley plays the part well in that of a nice if manipulative son of a bitch who by the end, is quite a bastard...and he knows it.

I need to review it sometime. Funny enough, Damon's work was named Top 50 Movie Bastards of All Time by CHUD.com...good pick!
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Hollywierd is at it again. - 01/13/06 10:57 PM

I just hear that the newer version changes the character to a more normal type of man, which I wouldn't like. Then again, the original wasn't perfect. Purple Noon suffered from a Hollywood-ized ending.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Hollywierd is at it again. - 01/13/06 11:01 PM

Maybe "Normal" as in Damon's Ripley could disapear and "morph" into whoever or whatever act he needs to play with ease. Perhaps Jason Bourne but 3 years earlier?

Besides, Jude Law as the rich dickheaded-American playboy and Gwyneth Paltrow as his woman that...well, can't ever defeat the quite talented Mr. Ripley.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Hollywierd is at it again. - 01/13/06 11:15 PM

I don't know, but you should see the first one. Imagine a Hitchcockian take on it with Alain Delon in it.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Hollywierd is at it again. - 01/14/06 12:23 AM

How about this? I see NOON, you go rent MR. RIPLEY. Deal?
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Hollywierd is at it again. - 01/14/06 12:27 AM

I haven't rented in probably five or more years, so probably not. :p

There is however a pretty big list of films in my other thread.
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Hollywierd is at it again. - 01/14/06 12:53 AM

I don't agree that Affleck and Damon are "Two of the worst actors to have ever lived" but I do agree that this an incredibly unoriginal, intellectually lazy and just plain bad idea.

I am not a huge fan of Westerns and must admit I have not seen Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid. I do however, know that the movie is universally regarded as a classic and its impact on pop culture has been immense, so much so that even someone like me knows a bit about the film and its importance.

I will most definitely not pay money to see this movie and will only suffer through it if I am forced to.

As for whether Hollywood will ever learn when it comes to making all these remakes. The answer is a very big NO! This answer will remain the same as long as movies like this have an audience and continue to generate a lot of money for Hollywood 'Pezzonovante.' If the public refuses to support amateurish efforts at entertainment and chooses to solely see movies such as Bowling For Columbine, Donnie Brasco, Fahrenheit 9/11, The Interpreter, Mystic River, Road To Perdition, Sin City, Snatch, Syriana and Traffic things might change. But, until then, it looks like we are gonna see movies like "Godfather 2006," "Goodfellas Reloaded," and some sort of prequel to The Untouchables..Oh wait a minute, they're actually gonna do that last one...
Posted By: Tony Love

Re: Hollywierd is at it again. - 01/14/06 02:27 AM

I don't know. I loved Damon's role in Good Will Hunting (Damon was rockin the shit in that one) and Affleck wasn't too shabby. By no means are they my favorite actors, but I like Matt Damon.
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Hollywierd is at it again. - 01/14/06 06:57 AM

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:

Oh and Iceman....I've got a nice Malibu beach house that I believe you will like, and to think its only 5 miles away from Phoenix. How about it? I'm told its a real steal.
Why in the hell would you even ask me a stupid question like that, unless your trying to imply that I'm niave. Which I'm not.

I had no idea some UK paper reported this, and I had no idea how credible/or lack there of they are. Nor did I know that Affleck/J-Lo were planning on a remake of Casablanca before it was shot down.

So pardon me, next time I won't bother posting stuff like this if that's how you're going to reply.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Hollywierd is at it again. - 01/14/06 07:07 AM

Whoa cowboy, whoa.

First off, you seem to not appreciate the lost art of "sarcasm". It was a particular form of humor before it went out of favor in the last 2 decades.

Anyway, there never was a CASABLANCA remake, or any of that nonsense.

Second, I was just telling you that you shouldn't believe everything that you read. If AICN "confirmed" it or CNN did, or its Official as those damn Tax forms, then complain or comment upon it. I mean, if you read that President Bush planned to have his brain functions replaced in a special surgery with that of "Abbey Normal"( ), would you believe it? Of course not.

Third....for a conservative, you are quite soft in the emotional apartment.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Hollywierd is at it again. - 01/14/06 02:17 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
I like matt damon, also. I'm not much of an Affleck fan

"Butch & Sundance" was possibly the first in the modern genre of buddy comedy-dramas; Films based on the chemistry and repartee between the characters more than anything else.

(You may want to include the Bob Hope-Bing Crosby "Road" films, but I don't consider them to be "modern" in the same sense, and they were pretty much played strictly for laughs anyway.)

Anyway, I don't see how Damon and Affleck could possibly, on their best days, even hope to duplicate the chemistry of Newman-Redford.
This I think is the key. I don't particularly like Affleck but I'll happily admit he banthers well alongside Damon. But it's a completely different level of banther as to what they're good at. They don't banther like normal people would it's kind of a corny (forced) intellectual transaction they have. That's certainly NOT what you need for a Butch and Sundance remake.

That's not to say the film should be remade either but if is at least get the casting right.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Hollywierd is at it again. - 01/15/06 02:59 AM

Not to change the subject, but did any of you guys who liked Damon as Tom Ripley ever read any of the Ripley books (there are several) by Patricia Highsmith?

The whole series is excellent, and Highsmith is a greatly underappreciated writer who never really caught on in the U.S.

She wrote the novel, BTW, that Hitchock adapted for Strangers On A Train.
Posted By: Meggie

Re: Hollywierd is at it again. - 01/16/06 12:55 AM

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
I gotta agree mr. soprano here. Hell, look at those BOURNE movies, where former Boston Beans-eating Matt Damon surely makes the films work as one hunted super agent. Hell, he was great and underrated in THE TALENTED MR. RIPLEY.

Well, Affleck seems to pick bad scripts, but as well he probably has a lousy agent as well. But don't worry, Affleck's future will simply be him sitting at his home all day on the couch, while his spouse will tell him to be the breadwinner for once.
Man, Matt Damon was awesome in Ripley. I think he is a much better actor than Affleck.
Posted By: svsg

Re: Hollywierd is at it again. - 01/16/06 01:13 AM

Was Ripley a homosexual? It was not very clear in the movie
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Hollywierd is at it again. - 01/16/06 01:19 AM

I saw the Talented Mr. Ripley when it first came out. I was dragged to it by my brother and his friends and was not impressed at all. Personally, I think that Matt Damon was much better in Rounders and Syriana and should be very good in The Good Shepherd alongside Robert De Niro, Angelina Jolie, Joe Pesci and Alec Baldwin.

As For Ben Affleck, he is not as good an actor as Damon and his only good performances imo were given in Boiler Room and Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back. His career doesn't look like its going any where in particular, and if Smokin' Aces tanks he's gonna find it very hard to find work.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Hollywierd is at it again. - 01/16/06 03:20 AM

svsg, well....wasn't it pretty damn obvious? So ya, if you think what he is, then you are correct.
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