
Bill O'Reilly on Letterman

Posted By: Double-J

Bill O'Reilly on Letterman - 01/12/06 02:55 PM

I thought this was an interesting piece, which you can now watch on Bill O'Reilly.com.

O\'Reilly v. Letterman
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Bill O'Reilly on Letterman - 01/12/06 03:23 PM

Wow, two men who are as important and as vital to the political discussion as a male tit.

Really, no wonder COLBERT REPORT is so damn funny...
Posted By: Mad Johnny

Re: Bill O'Reilly on Letterman - 01/12/06 06:35 PM

I actually saw that Late Show episode and Letterman made Bill look like a fool. It was awesome
Posted By: Mr. Baggins

Re: Bill O'Reilly on Letterman - 01/12/06 10:57 PM

Yea, Letterman really took it to him :rolleyes:

I'm not a fan of O'Reilly but he clearly had a better idea of what he was talking about than Letterman did.

In my opinion it was Letterman who actually looked like a fool, with statements such as:

"I’m not smart enough to debate you point to point on this, but I have the feeling, I have the feeling about 60 percent of what you say is crap."

Well, having a "feeling" must mean he's right! Letterman sure showed him!

Or we have this exchange from later on in the show:

Letterman: "Yeah, but I think there’s something, this fair and balanced. I'm not sure that it's, I don't think that you represent an objective viewpoint."

O’Reilly: "Well, you’re going to have to give me an example if you're going to make those claims."

Letterman: "Well I don’t watch your show so that would be impossible."

To be honest I found the whole thing very funny. O'Reilly can really be an idiot sometimes, but this just goes to show that you can always find someone dumber.
Posted By: Mad Johnny

Re: Bill O'Reilly on Letterman - 01/12/06 11:39 PM

Oh, I'm sure the O'Reilly online version has been edited to make himself look better. I saw it on CBS and O'Reilly looked like a foaming jerk.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Bill O'Reilly on Letterman - 01/13/06 12:08 AM

Wait, aren't we forgetting that O'Reilly is just a visual-columnist that speaks in loud booming "key points", but does anything substantial come from it?

Notice how on his program, and many others of that nature, the stories highlighted are those that are designed to piss people off, and get them to watch. Makes me wonder how that whole "Christmas vs. Secularism" debate we had last month was really just a media-churned debate just to get an extra Nielson rating point or two.

David Letterman to me is dead. Hell, the Letterman I know of is the pompous hilarious jerk that was 12:30 AM for years under Carson. That is where you notice that is when he actually was both humorous...and creative about it. Too bad he had to modify it so the midwest and the other conservative parts of America could sorta-understand the jokes. That my folks is why we had Leno giving us for years a nightly buffet of jokes that relate to President Clinton's weight and/or sexual endeavors, that freakish Michael Jackson, who did O.J. Simpson kill this time, and so on.

Screw Letterman. I'm with Conan O'Brien.

"In the year 2000, cows will become disturbed when some start getting into S&M!"
Posted By: Mr. Baggins

Re: Bill O'Reilly on Letterman - 01/13/06 12:32 AM

Originally posted by Mad Johnny:
Oh, I'm sure the O'Reilly online version has been edited to make himself look better. I saw it on CBS and O'Reilly looked like a foaming jerk.
I didn't watch the clip...my quotes are from the transcript of the show.
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