
Prostitution: Why is it Illegal?

Posted By: plawrence

Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 01:48 AM

Irishman brought this up in another thread.

License it. Tax it. Require that prostitutes undergo a medical exam every month or so. Have the Health Department visit their premises regularly, as they do for restaurants.

But why should it be illegal?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 02:00 AM

Exactly. Other than the fact that Christians denounce it as immoral, what's the big deal? If people want to pay to have sex and get AIDS, buyer beware? I mean, I can understand to a point, the spread of disease, but what about all of these teenagers who have unprotected sex and get diseases that way? I agree with your "testing" procedure plaw
Posted By: Tony Love

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 02:01 AM

I agree with you on some aspects, Plaw.

I have a question, however.

How would they manage all of the prostitutes? You'd have a few who would be pirated, like music.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 02:03 AM

I don't care. Go ahead and get Herpes from some whore who can't work a regular job to feed her damn kids.
Posted By: DonVitoCorleone

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 02:19 AM

Prostitution and marijuana should be legalized and taxed. Don't see why they're not.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 02:23 AM

Originally posted by DonVitoCorleone:
Prostitution and marijuana should be legalized and taxed. Don't see why they're not.
I agree. The argument for marijuana is it "leads to harder drugs." So I guess alcohol doesn't? They should just legalize it just to stop those stupid "anti-drug" commericals that I hate so much
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 02:26 AM

It's called Clark County, Nevada, silly.

Although, I agree. If it can go on legal in Nevada, why not the entire country? If someone is so desperate as to buy sex, that's their deal.
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 02:45 AM

Weed is easier to get for teenagers than cigarettes so although I would back its legalization I'm not even sure it's completely necessary.
City Councilors in Toronto have been talking about creating a red light district in the city for about a year or so now. I would support this move as well, but before it can come to fruition we have to deal with the "Not In My Backyard" mentality of many citizens when it comes to strip clubs, massage parlors, porno shops etc.
The fact of the matter though is that prostitution has been legal across North America for quite some time now in the form of escorts.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 03:06 AM

What would happen to all of the 's?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 03:30 AM

Originally posted by Tony Love:
How would they manage all of the prostitutes? You'd have a few who would be pirated, like music.
Any profession which requires licensing has their "pirates".

When the pirates are caught, they are prosecuted.

If someone is foolish enough to patronize an unlicensed prostitute, there isn't much that can be done about it.
Posted By: Tony Love

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 04:25 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:
[quote]Originally posted by Tony Love:
[b]How would they manage all of the prostitutes? You'd have a few who would be pirated, like music.
Any profession which requires licensing has their "pirtaes".

When the pirates are caught, they are prosecuted.

If someone is foolish enough to patronize an unlicensed prostitute, there isn't much that can be done about it. [/b][/quote]True, it's foolish.

It isn't out of the question. Why pay some licensed chick when you can get nookie over here for cheaper, and the government doesn't benefit?
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 04:31 AM

Ohh boy. The government are turning into Pimps too? That actually sounds pretty bad.
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 04:35 AM

Like a comedian(forget who though) said awhile back "Make prostitution legal and tax it, we'd have the national debt solved in no time."

I find myself agreeing with Plaw(scary thought isn't it? ) on this issue.

I see no reason why it's illegal across the nation, save for a few places in Nevada.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 04:36 AM

Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 04:48 AM

It's illegal?? Damn! Frankie Slick told me it was respectable work when he hired me! Oh, I'm so ashamed...

I agree with Mig though, you guys wanna dump all the pimps out on the street with no job, no place to go? Of all the insensitive, out-of-touch, mean... Why I oughta...
Posted By: goodfellaoggie

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 05:30 AM

they can make it legal its selling like hotcakes!

Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 05:35 AM

In her book, "Brothel - Mustang Ranch and Its Women" (2001), Alexa Albert makes a strong case for legalizing prostitution in the kind of brothel setting that's legal in 10 of Nevada's 13 counties. Albert, who's now a doctor, lived (but didn't work) for time at the Mustang Ranch,doing research while she was a medical student. She claims that, thanks to vigorous regulation by the state and even more vigorous rules of the house, none of the prostitutes or their clients ever got a STD at the Mustang Ranch. But despite her relatively benign description, it's hard to conclude, after reading this book, that prostitution is "victimless"--the girls are the victims in this telling.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 06:16 AM

Originally posted by Turnbull:
it's hard to conclude, after reading this book, that prostitution is "victimless"--the girls are the victims in this telling.
I haven't read the book, but I don't see how the girls are "victims".

It's their chosen profession, and I'd venture to say that they earn more money at it than they'd be able to at anything else, or they wouldn't be doing it.

If you want to say that they're victims of our society and economic system that forces someone to be a prostitute to earn a good living, I'll give you that, but.....

Are they any more victims than hotel maids or dishwashers who work for the minimum wage, or NYC taxicab drivers who work 70 hours a week to earn $500?
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 07:03 AM

There has always been an issue with so-called "victim-less" crimes and how they hurt people. Sure, from an individual perspctive it's just one person hurting their own being. But, it's the "culture of poverty" that these crimes can fuel. They can create an area filled with certain dangers, assosiated with drugs and prostitution.

Legalizing it would provide for it to be regulated, leading it to help end the "culture of poverty", but it's such a touchy issue. More later, I'm tired.

The Doc
Posted By: Liz_85

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 11:04 AM

Here in Melbourne there's a brothel on every corner you turn. Even here in suburbs there are houses everywhere. There's a town called St Kilda that's renowned for its prostitutes. I don't see a problem with it being legal either, there never seems to be much about prostitution in the news and it runs rampant here.
Posted By: Senza Mama

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 02:46 PM

In a small quirk of the law over here, soliciting is the crime i.e if you say to a woman "Have sex with me and I'll give you £50" you have committed the crime. But broadly yes, it should be legalised. It would at the very least give women the protection of employment laws, working practices, conditions etc.
Posted By: The Dr. who fixed Lucy

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 03:03 PM

I haven't read the book, but I don't see how the girls are "victims".

Are they any more victims than hotel maids or dishwashers who work for the minimum wage, or NYC taxicab drivers who work 70 hours a week to earn $500?

Now it all clicks into place ... I always wondered why the likes of Double J and Don Andrew had such contempt for "liberalism" ... me being an ignorant foreignor, I didn't realize that American liberalism extended to this kind of disgusting justification for prostitution.

Can I first of all explain to them that it is possible to be a liberal and also to condemn prostitution as a practice that dispicably equates the human body with a trade good.

The difference between maids and dishwashers on poor minimum pay, and prostitutes, is that the former do not get fucked - literally at least - for money. They sell their meagre servies, not their arses and pussies. It reeks of ivory tower ignorant middle-classness to naively ask "whats the problem" or "what difference there is" between low paid jobs and being a whore.

Let me ask you this plaw, Irishman... how would you feel if a sister or daugher of yours became a whore? How about if she was a really good piece of ass, earning $1000s per month? Would you be proud of her enterprising spirit, or disgusted and ashamed that your daughter/sister was sleeping with strangers for money?

And plaw's comment about health inspectors - like women are restaurant premesis or medical devices - disgusting, displcable, the ugly rear end of what is mistaken as liberlism. Well I would like to make it clear that whenever I have been "liberal" in the sense of anti-Bush or anti-War, it is steeled with a sense of morality that utterly condemns to use of women as trade goods. "Moral liberalism" or "christian liberalism" if you want to call it that, certainly not the amoral ultra-liberal quagmire that the pro-whore camp occupy on this issue.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 03:32 PM

Well, I must ask the question again:

What is it about sex that gets everyone in such an uproar?

And, TDWFL, let me ask you this:

What gives you the right to impose your moral standards on another person?

You're entitled to your opinion, sure, but if a woman chooses prostitution as a way to earn a living, that should be her choice. And she should not be considered to be committing a crime because her moral standards may be different from those belonging to the majority of society.

As far as my sister or daughter being a prostitute, I would answer you this way:

No, I would not be proud of her. But so what? What difference should it make if I'm proud of her or not? It's her choice to make, and the level of my "proudness" with respect to how she chooses to earn a living should not be a factor.

And the only reason I would not be proud of her is beacause of the onus that society places on women who become prostitutes.

If society didn't care, as they shouldn't, then there would be nothing whatsoever to be ashamed of.

I wouldn't be particularly proud to tell people that my sister or daughter was a dishwasher or maid, either.

And, BTW Dr., some of the descriptive terminology that you use above to describe various parts of the female anatomy belies your apparent concern for women.
Posted By: The Dr. who fixed Lucy

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 03:45 PM

Perhaps I was being disingenuous plaw when I suggested that you would "not be proud" of a sister of daughter who became a whore.

Let me say what I really meant: would you not in fact be absolutely disguested and appalled to learn that a loved one was selling her ... or indeed, his ... body for sex with stranger for money? Treating their own body like a commodity because it is the only way they can make enough money? Would you not offer to give them the money rather than see them so reduced?

I'm shocked that a liberal who would consider himself the polar opposite of an advocate of slavery would ally himself with such an opposite in viewing the human body as property! Now if I am "forcing my morals" upon you in assuming that you are opposed to humans being treated as property, I apologize. But the least you can do is declare that that is your position, that you think of the human body as disposible (in the legal sense) property, capable of being hte subject of a contract of lease.

So what is it to be: you think humans are capable of being property (like slaves), or otherwise (in which case, renounce your endorsement of legalized prostitution).
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 04:16 PM

I have no problem with legalizing prostitution as long as it was done in a controlled envirement with permits inspections minimum age limits health inspections and tests. Controlled legalized prostitution would probably help cut down on drug abuse crimes and the spreading of sexual diseases. It would cut down on younger aged girls who run away and become slaves to pimps.

Streetwalking prostitution should never be legal.

Originally posted by plawrence:

I wouldn't be particularly proud to tell people that my sister or daughter was a dishwasher or maid, either.
Should someone who is a dishwasher or a maid be ashamed that they work those jobs to put food on their tables or pay for college? I was a dishwasher when I was going to college and I am not ashamed of it. I don't look down on people who are willing to work for a living instead of robbing or living off the government.

Posted By: plawrence

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 04:56 PM

TDWFL: The human body absolutely is property. The property, in this case, of the woman. And as a prostitute, the woman's body is still her property. She is not being forced into prostitution as were people forced into slavery. She has the option of leaving the profession whenever she wishes to, and selecting her clientele based on whatever criteria she chooses.

She is no different in principle from, say, a Las Vegas showgirl, who is in effect "selling" her body, albeit in a different way.

Originally posted by The Dr. who fixed Lucy:
So what is it to be: you think humans are capable of being property (like slaves), or otherwise (in which case, renounce your endorsement of legalized prostitution).
Neither, I'm afraid.

To compare a prostitute to a slave is silly, IMO.

Don Smitty: My point exactly.

Someone who is a dishwasher or a maid should not be ashamed of the way they earn their living to put food on their table.

Nor should a prostitute.

I would not be ashamed of a daughter or sister working her way through college as a maid or dishwasher, but I would not be particularly proud of her if that wound up being her chosen profession.

Yes, it's an honest living, and there's nothing to be ashamed of. But on the "proudness" scale, I'd be a lot prouder if she were a doctor or a lawyer or another type of professional.

As I said, the only reason I would have for not being proud of my sister or daughter the prostitute is that she'd be breaking the law.

But if it were legal, and she were working her way through college, I'd have no problem.

If she chose to stay in the profession after graduation, my comments above would apply.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 05:49 PM

A boy and his date were parked on a back road some distance from town, doing what boys and girls do on back roads some distance from town. Abruptly, the girl stopped the boy dead in his tracks. "I really should have mentioned this earlier, but I'm actually a hooker and I charge $20 for sex." The boy reluctantly paid her, and they did their thing. After the obligatory cigarette, the boy sat in the driver's seat, staring out the window. "Why aren't we going anywhere?" asked the girl. "Well, I should have mentioned this before, but I'm actually a taxi driver, and the fare back to town is $25."

Don Cardi
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 05:54 PM

But.....If the boy hadn't "stopped dead in his tracks" and paid her $20, but simply continued instead, would he have been guilty of rape, considering that she was a prostitute?

And if he was, should his sentence have been the same as the guy in the first scenario?

Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 06:39 PM

I never understood how it was illegal to sell what you can give away for free.

And what is prostitution anyway? If a hot 30 year old woman marries an 85 year old billionaire for his money isnt that prostitution?

What about women (and I have heard many say this) who will not put out for a guy if he is a cheapskate on a date, but will if he buys her a big dinner or sometnhing.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 06:51 PM

An 80 year old man went to Hollywood to pick up a prostitute and get some action. He noticed one hooker in particular and started flirting with her. The prostitute started becoming annoyed and said, "Get lost old man! You're ruining business!"

"Sure would like to get some action tonight," said the old man.

"You've got to be kidding! You're too old! You're all finished."

"What did you say?" asked the old man.

"You heard me - you're all finished."

"Oh," replied the old man, "how much do I owe you?"

Don Cardi
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 06:56 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
[quote]Originally posted by Turnbull:
[b] it's hard to conclude, after reading this book, that prostitution is "victimless"--the girls are the victims in this telling.
I haven't read the book, but I don't see how the girls are "victims".

It's their chosen profession, and I'd venture to say that they earn more money at it than they'd be able to at anything else, or they wouldn't be doing it.

If you want to say that they're victims of our society and economic system that forces someone to be a prostitute to earn a good living, I'll give you that, but.....

Are they any more victims than hotel maids or dishwashers who work for the minimum wage, or NYC taxicab drivers who work 70 hours a week to earn $500? [/b][/quote]I wasn't expressing my opinion, plaw--I was offering you and others here a book review. The author, who had psychological training in med school, observed that a high percentage of the women she met and got to know at the Mustang Ranch had serious self-esteem problems that led them to prostitution--brought on by grim histories of childhood and adolescent sexual abuse, drug and alcohol problems, violent treatment by husbands, boyfriends and pimps (the main reason those legal brothels in NV have formidable barbed wire fences is to protect the workers against enraged boyfriends and pimps). They often have children who can't visit them because of where they work, and whose custody they lost to foster homes or s**t-heel ex-husbands and lovers for the same reason. The author makes a strong case for legalized prostitution not because she thinks prostitution is victimless, but because she believes that prostitutes are less victimized in legal brothels than elsewhere.
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 10:43 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
or NYC taxicab drivers who work 70 hours a week to earn $500?
500 a month?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 11:04 PM

$500 a week.
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 11:09 PM

That's 2000 a month, that's much.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 11:15 PM

Originally posted by Enzo Scifo:
That's 2000 a month, that's much.
that's 26,000 a year, that is not much.

Even at 40 hours a week it is not much nonetheless 70 hours.
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 11:18 PM

But that's 2000 a month without social security, or what?
If so, then I agree it's not much.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/18/05 11:23 PM

Originally posted by Enzo Scifo:
That's 2000 a month, that's much.
Not if you live in New York City.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/19/05 12:19 AM

Yeah Enzo you've got to consider the difference in the cost of living. If I remember correctly you're a Belgian lad. There must be a large difference in housing costs, food costs, even beer costs from town to town. From say Brugge to Antwerp.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/19/05 02:29 AM

From the movie "The Whore Master"

Somebody comes to them and says, "I have women; if you put up three, four hundred dollars ..... So they can't resist. I want to control it as a business, to keep it respectable
(then, as he slams his hand on the table) I don't want it near schools -- I don't want it sold to children! That's an infamia. In my city, we would keep the traffic in the conservative section. They're animals anyway, so let them lose their souls...

Just one more rung down the ladder. It's more palatable if we say that it can be taxed. And easier to succumb than to resist. Just another way to degrade women and lower societies standards.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/19/05 03:05 AM

I must ask yet again....

What is it about sex that gets everyone in an uproar?

Most hotel maids, working for minimum wage, are women. Doesn't that degrade women as well?

But never do you hear the same hue and cry that you do over prostitution.

And how is a woman, choosing prostitution as a profession of her own volition, degraded?

It seems to me that her customer is the one suffering the degrading experience.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/19/05 03:37 AM

At least the Hotel Maids are making an honest living, and not selling and disgracing themselves.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/19/05 04:25 AM

'If You Don't Take A Job As A Prostitute, We Can Stop Your Benefits.'

A 25-year-old waitress who turned down a job providing "sexual services'' at a brothel in Berlin faces possible cuts to her unemployment benefit under laws introduced this year.

Prostitution was legalised in Germany just over two years ago and brothel owners – who must pay tax and employee health insurance – were granted access to official databases of jobseekers.

The waitress, an unemployed information technology professional, had said that she was willing to work in a bar at night and had worked in a cafe.

She received a letter from the job centre telling her that an employer was interested in her "profile'' and that she should ring them. Only on doing so did the woman, who has not been identified for legal reasons, realise that she was calling a brothel.

Under Germany's welfare reforms, any woman under 55 who has been out of work for more than a year can be forced to take an available job – including in the sex industry – or lose her unemployment benefit. Last month German unemployment rose for the 11th consecutive month to 4.5 million, taking the number out of work to its highest since reunification in 1990.

The government had considered making brothels an exception on moral grounds, but decided that it would be too difficult to distinguish them from bars. As a result, job centres must treat employers looking for a prostitute in the same way as those looking for a dental nurse.

When the waitress looked into suing the job centre, she found out that it had not broken the law. Job centres that refuse to penalise people who turn down a job by cutting their benefits face legal action from the potential employer.

"There is now nothing in the law to stop women from being sent into the sex industry," said Merchthild Garweg, a lawyer from Hamburg who specialises in such cases. "The new regulations say that working in the sex industry is not immoral any more, and so jobs cannot be turned down without a risk to benefits."

Miss Garweg said that women who had worked in call centres had been offered jobs on telephone sex lines. At one job centre in the city of Gotha, a 23-year-old woman was told that she had to attend an interview as a "nude model", and should report back on the meeting. Employers in the sex industry can also advertise in job centres, a move that came into force this month. A job centre that refuses to accept the advertisement can be sued.

Tatiana Ulyanova, who owns a brothel in central Berlin, has been searching the online database of her local job centre for recruits.

"Why shouldn't I look for employees through the job centre when I pay my taxes just like anybody else?" said Miss Ulyanova.

Ulrich Kueperkoch wanted to open a brothel in Goerlitz, in former East Germany, but his local job centre withdrew his advertisement for 12 prostitutes, saying it would be impossible to find them.

Mr Kueperkoch said that he was confident of demand for a brothel in the area and planned to take a claim for compensation to the highest court. Prostitution was legalised in Germany in 2002 because the government believed that this would help to combat trafficking in women and cut links to organised crime.

Miss Garweg believes that pressure on job centres to meet employment targets will soon result in them using their powers to cut the benefits of women who refuse jobs providing sexual services.

"They are already prepared to push women into jobs related to sexual services, but which don't count as prostitution,'' she said.

"Now that prostitution is no longer considered by the law to be immoral, there is really nothing but the goodwill of the job centres to stop them from pushing women into jobs they don't want to do."

By Clare Chapman telegraph.co.uk


Don Cardi
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/19/05 07:10 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:
I must ask yet again....

What is it about sex that gets everyone in an uproar?

... And how is a woman, choosing prostitution as a profession of her own volition, degraded?

It seems to me that her customer is the one suffering the degrading experience.
Maybe that's because how two genders have different views on sex. A woman sees sex mostly from love view point. A man though, I can't speak for, but from what I see, they are more into action than feeling. That's why a woman is deeply hurt to sell what she has to offer in return for love. Sex from a woman's view point is not something you can put a price on. I know I would feel degraded, lost and miserable if I go through that.

You propose that prostitutes be checked on for sex related diseases. Who's there to check the men who are going to hire prostitutes? What if the condom breaks --if there's one to begin with-- and that guy has venereal disease? What about a man who picks up these diseases and brings it to his wife? Is that fair to her?

I'm against drugs and prostitution because they hurt families. It is one thing if you are a single person and you are going to stay that way for ever, otherwise it is truly irresponsible to do this kind of stuff.
Posted By: svsg

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/19/05 07:54 AM

Originally posted by afsaneh77:
[quote]Originally posted by plawrence:
[b] I must ask yet again....
What is it about sex that gets everyone in an uproar?
Maybe that's because how two genders have different views on sex. [/b][/quote]Afsaneh, Rightly said. But it is not just the difference in the "views" between the genders, it is actually the difference between the genders itself. Eventhough we think we have advanced very much from cave-man days, we actually haven't. Some of the rules are hardwired in the genes. There is very little cultural influences can do to change them. One of such rules that got into our genes before the invention of condoms and birth control is that which concerns how each gender views sex. It is a cheap process for a man. It is not costly in resources. Expendible sperms. For a woman, sex is a costly process because (again remember we are talking about cave man, no condoms, right!) it results in child bearing responbilities. That is a BIG drain on resources for a woman. So a woman is always careful whom she chooses to have sex with. And culture always makes sure that some of these primary rules are not violated. So in every culture, indiscriminate sex for a woman is considered bad, whereas it is not such a big taboo for a man.
PLAW... So does this brief glimpse on evolution answer your question as to what is it about sex that people get into uproar? Genetics. modern man is a myth.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/19/05 11:17 AM

Originally posted by afsaneh77:
A woman sees sex mostly from love view point. A man though, I can't speak for, but from what I see, they are more into action than feeling. That's why a woman is deeply hurt to sell what she has to offer in return for love. Sex from a woman's view point is not something you can put a price on. I know I would feel degraded, lost and miserable if I go through that.
As you correctly point out, you can't speak for men, but please keep in mnd that you can't speak for all women, either.

I would agree that for the most part men and women view sex differently, although I believe that their attitudes have been evolving and changing over the years so that now there are a vast number of women who regard sex in exactly the same light as men do: As "no big deal."

You say that "Sex from a woman's view point is not something you can put a price on. I know I would feel degraded, lost and miserable if I go through that."

Well apparently there are women who can put a price on it, just as there are women who have frequent sex - and sex simply for the enjoyment of it, with no love attachment involved - who are not prostitutes.

I understand perfectly that you would feel degraded, lost, and miserable as a prostitute, and I imagine that that 99.99% of the world's women would share your feelings.

And I would even agree that many women who work as prostitutes feel exactly the same way.

But the fact remains that presumably there are many who don't share those feelings, that becoming a prostitute is a choice, and the only rationale for prostitution being illegal is the attempt by some to impose thier moral standards on others.

You propose that prostitutes be checked on for sex related diseases. Who's there to check the men who are going to hire prostitutes? What if the condom breaks --if there's one to begin with-- and that guy has venereal disease? What about a man who picks up these diseases and brings it to his wife? Is that fair to her?
That's a fair point, and one that hadn't occured to me.

Yes, the prostitute deserves protection from her client, just as the client deserves protection from the prostitute. And if I could think of a solution, I'd offer it.

But there are "occupational hazards" associated with many jobs, and the person taking such a job assumes the risks associated with it

It's the government's job to "protect the public" from those who offer various products and services. That's why in the U.S. we have a Food & Drug Administration, and there are a myriad of professions - from doctors and lawyers to manicurists and hairdressers - that require the licensing of their practicioners.

It is not, however, the job of the government to protect these people from their customers.

Bcause of the health risks associated with prostitution, however, I would agree that the prostitute needs some sort of protection. I'm just not sure how to go about it.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/19/05 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Don Andrew:
At least the Hotel Maids are making an honest living, and not selling and disgracing themselves.
The only reason protitution is not an "honest living" is because it's illegal in most parts of this country.

In parts of Nevada and parts of the rest of the world where it is legal, it is regarded as a perfectly honest way to make a living.

As far as the "women disgracing themselves" argument goes, that's your opinion.

Your view of morality is not shared by everyone.

Everybody who works at a job is "selling" themselves in one form or another. We're not talking about slavery, after all. It's just a question of what they are selling.

Isn't a brilliant author who can write great books that are not commercially successful "selling" himself if he goes to work writing scripts for stupid TV sitcoms?

Isn't a brilliant college athlete who could excel as a medical researcher "selling himself" if he decides to play professinal sports instead?

I personally know a woman who paid her way through Graduate School working as a topless dancer in NYC. She earned a Masters Degree in Finance, and today is a Vice President at a major international investment bank and earning a rather large six figure salary.

Why is it OK to sell one's mind, but not one's body?

You know, I have often thought that anti-prostitution laws - bearing in mind that in the U.S. at least, they go back hundreds of years - rather than being designed to protect women from "degrading and disgracing" themselves were actually designed to keep women from attaining the degree of financial independence that they might, and keeping them in the home to take care of men.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/19/05 11:42 AM

Originally posted by svsg:
PLAW... So does this brief glimpse on evolution answer your question as to what is it about sex that people get into uproar? Genetics. modern man is a myth.
That actually makes a great deal of sense, since I can think of no other logical reason.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/19/05 11:51 AM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
A 25-year-old waitress who turned down a job providing "sexual services'' at a brothel in Berlin faces possible cuts to her unemployment benefit under laws introduced this year.......

Seems like a case of the beaurocracy running amok here.

Every job has its own set of unique qualifications and criteria. Obviously, one of them should be that no one is forced to take a job that they would have moral, religious, or other legitimate objections to performing, or jobs that may be injurious to their mental or physical well being.

For example, no one should be forced, if they don't want to, to take a job in an animal shelter euthanasing dogs and cats.

And no one should be forced to work in the sex industry if they choose not to.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/19/05 12:15 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
... no one should be forced to work in the sex industry if they choose not to.
Yes, no one should be forced to, however when the requests for a simple job as being a maid is a lot and demand is less, you have to keep your job by all means. If prostitution is illegal, it is easier to protect your rights than when it is not. They can easily lay you off and hire someone who agrees with their terms, which is totally legal.

One more thing to add, HIV tests wouldn't recognize an infected person up to six months from their first exposure to the virus. That's why someone who deals with this kind of stuff would put his/her life and that of his/her partner in danger. So bottom line is, no test can protect people from venereal diseases. When something is so risky, it should be illegal in my opinion.
Posted By: The Dr. who fixed Lucy

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/19/05 07:07 PM

I personally know a woman who paid her way through Graduate School working as a topless dancer in NYC. She earned a Masters Degree in Finance, and today is a Vice President at a major international investment bank and earning a rather large six figure salary.
Well, if a corrupt alcholic can become President ...
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/19/05 07:14 PM

In Singapore, Uruguay, Netherlands, France ... sex-workers must carry a sort of identity card that certifies them as being registered, as well as having passed their medical check-ups and can only work in certain areas designated as red light areas. That all sounds OK.

But Prostitution sucks. Prostitutes frequently become robbed, raped, beaten and battered. They rarely go to the police, partly because they're rarely taken seriously. It isn't always about a "career" choice, MANY people are forced forced into the sex industry and exploited when they're there.

Without any cites, I am willing to theorize that prostitution in its illegal form causes or contributes to considerably more social ills than prostitution in its legal form. However, given that our politics work on the plank of family values, legality would be perceived as being supportive of a lascivious lifestyle, so all we can do is theorize it for the US now.
Posted By: Obsessed With The GodFather

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/19/05 08:11 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
A boy and his date were parked on a back road some distance from town, doing what boys and girls do on back roads some distance from town. Abruptly, the girl stopped the boy dead in his tracks. "I really should have mentioned this earlier, but I'm actually a hooker and I charge $20 for sex." The boy reluctantly paid her, and they did their thing. After the obligatory cigarette, the boy sat in the driver's seat, staring out the window. "Why aren't we going anywhere?" asked the girl. "Well, I should have mentioned this before, but I'm actually a taxi driver, and the fare back to town is $25."

Don Cardi
ROTFL Love It Don!
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/19/05 08:21 PM

Originally posted by Saladbar:
But Prostitution sucks. Prostitutes frequently become robbed, raped, beaten and battered. They rarely go to the police, partly because they're rarely taken seriously.
That's because prostitution is illegal, and you're describing something that I imagine happens mostly to streetwalkers.

I'm certain that nothing like that ever happens in Nevada's legal brothels

It isn't always about a "career" choice, MANY people are forced forced into the sex industry and exploited when they're there.
That could happen in an environment in which prostitution was legal, I suppose.

I guess there would be illegal establishments that charged lower prices and skirted the law in some way.

But there are illegal "after hours" drinking establishments, and illegal gambling parlors as well. That's no argument for drinking and gambling to be made illegal.

And it would always be a career choice for those who chose to enter the business legally.

Without any cites, I am willing to theorize that prostitution in its illegal form causes or contributes to considerably more social ills than prostitution in its legal form. However, given that our politics work on the plank of family values, legality would be perceived as being supportive of a lascivious lifestyle, so all we can do is theorize it for the US now.
And therein lies the problem, IMO.

Those who would attempt to impose their moral standards on everyone by determining that laciviousness is wrong.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/19/05 09:22 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
Those who would attempt to impose their moral standards on everyone by determining that laciviousness is wrong.
It is not just moral standards. It is more of a health issue. I don't want my husband to go and bring HIV virus souvenir for me and all that's been done legally. It is interesting that we expect our dentist to change all his devices for each patient because we fear AIDS, but when it comes to sex we throw the caution out the window.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/19/05 09:32 PM

Well, you can't replace your dick every time you have sex. It's not like the dentist. You cannot make that comparison.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/19/05 09:41 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:
Well, you can't replace your dick every time you have sex.
If you can't, then please either stay single or consider keeping it in your pants. When you talk about everyone's rights, you should consider those who would suffer the consequences of your actions as well. The freedom and liberty only goes as far as not hurting other's rights.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/19/05 09:50 PM

Am I right to assume that you believe in abstinence until marriage?
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/19/05 09:56 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:

Those who would attempt to impose their moral standards on everyone by determining that laciviousness is wrong.
Unfortunately, there are plenty of people that believe the government is not around merely to protect its citizens, but to save their souls (much like a theocracy).
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/19/05 09:57 PM

No, I just think promiscuous behavior and considering sex a hobby is wrong. All the venereal diseases are just to prove that point. For me sex is the ultimate stage of intimacy and love in a long and stable relationship.
Posted By: SC

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/19/05 10:03 PM

Originally posted by afsaneh77:
No, I just think promiscuous behavior and considering sex a hobby is wrong.
Sex is a wonderful hobby.

One of these days I plan to share my hobby with somebody else.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/20/05 01:01 AM

...and for the non-intellectual argument. In the Judeo-Christian world there are the Ten Commandments. One of which is "Thou Shall Not Commit Adultery." By legalizing prostitution our government would be condoning Adultery.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/20/05 01:04 AM

Originally posted by The Dr. who fixed Lucy:
Let me ask you this plaw, Irishman... how would you feel if a sister or daugher of yours became a whore? How about if she was a really good piece of ass, earning $1000s per month? Would you be proud of her enterprising spirit, or disgusted and ashamed that your daughter/sister was sleeping with strangers for money?
Whether it's legal or not she still could become a whore. I would be ashamed of course but that still doesn't dismiss the fact that making it illegal is stupid. You may not agree that women sell their p*ssies, but isn't that there decision? It seems you are really against this issue. let me pose the question now, should strip clubs be made illegal as well?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/20/05 01:53 AM

Originally posted by MaryCas:
...and for the non-intellectual argument. In the Judeo-Christian world there are the Ten Commandments. One of which is "Thou Shall Not Commit Adultery." By legalizing prostitution our government would be condoning Adultery.
I know most Christian religions denounce drinking or at least the act of being drunk but does that stop the government from OKing the sale of alcohol here in the US? No. All we have are the "drink responsibly" ads. Well, if they legalized or "condoned" as you put it, prostitution, they could be really clever and say "have sex respnsibly"
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/20/05 02:35 AM

OK, forget these goddamn fundamentalist assholes for a moment. Christians believe adultery is a sin. Does that mean it should be illegal? No. It should be a choice. God gave us free choice, so it's OUR decision whether we want to sin or not, not the government's. I see nothing wrong with legal prostitution. It's the person's choice if they want to be a whore or a whore-user.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/20/05 02:38 AM


I really goofed with that last post. I can't say that the government would be condoning Adultery because there is a separation of church and state. So I'll just have to stick to the Judeo-Christian perspective. And it is Ok to drink, just not to excess like you said. And it is Ok to have sex, but that's suppose to be between heterosexual, married folks.

I hope that clears up any misconceptions. Pretty simple rules if you think about it. But for some reason most people find them so hard to follow.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/20/05 02:44 AM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
OK, forget these goddamn fundamentalist assholes for a moment. Christians believe adultery is a sin. Does that mean it should be illegal? No. It should be a choice. God gave us free choice, so it's OUR decision whether we want to sin or not, not the government's. I see nothing wrong with legal prostitution. It's the person's choice if they want to be a whore or a whore-user.
Is it OK to boink little boys too? If the little boy wants too? Why should 18 be the "legal" age. Of course I'm being facetious, but the point is you have to draw the line somewhere and when man starts making arbitrary decision about where the line should be...well you get in a moral quandry and start slipping down that slope. It's prostitutes now, then what......how long before little boys.....
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/20/05 02:59 AM

I'm not going to lay out an entire law regulation for you now, but I think an age limit goes without saying.
Posted By: SC

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/20/05 03:47 AM

That wasn't nice, DVC.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/20/05 04:32 AM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
OK, forget these goddamn fundamentalist assholes for a moment. Christians believe adultery is a sin. It's the person's choice if they want to be a whore.
A nun at a Catholic school asked her students what they want to be when they grow up.

Little Suzy declares, "I want to be a prostitute."

"What did you say?!" asks the nun, totally shocked.

"I said I want to be a prostitute," Suzy repeats.

"Oh, thank heavens," says the nun. "I thought you said 'a Protestant!'"

Don Cardi
Posted By: DonVitoCorleone

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/20/05 05:10 AM

Originally posted by SC:
That wasn't nice, DVC.
My bad. The Pistons got their asses handed to them by the Mavericks tonight and I was a little angry. Post deleted.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/20/05 05:21 AM

Bad night for both of our teams. Fucking Sixers blew a 16 point lead at home.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/20/05 05:25 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
Bad night for both of our teams. Fucking Sixers blew a 16 point lead at home.
I'm happy about that. I like Cleveland, love LeBron, and hate the 76ers. Sorry Patrick, I like you as a member but hate Iverson
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/20/05 06:24 AM

Originally posted by SC:
[quote]Originally posted by afsaneh77:
[b] No, I just think promiscuous behavior and considering sex a hobby is wrong.
Sex is a wonderful hobby.

One of these days I plan to share my hobby with somebody else. [/b][/quote]SC, he asked about my morals, and that's the way I think.

Okay, without letting morals into this and just considering our health, I'm still trying to get an answer here:

1-How do you expect a health check up for prostitutes while it is impossible to determine an infected person with HIV virus who is contagious in the six month window period?

And why should such industry pay taxes for a health guarantee government can't provide?

2-How do you argue that maid's right to not become a prostitute would stay in tact when prostitution is legal?
Posted By: SC

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/20/05 06:27 AM

Originally posted by afsaneh77:
Originally posted by SC:
Originally posted by afsaneh77:
No, I just think promiscuous behavior and considering sex a hobby is wrong.
Sex is a wonderful hobby.

One of these days I plan to share my hobby with somebody else.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/20/05 06:54 AM

Oh, I'm so sorry SC. You see, this somehow has become a very touchy issue to me and I get quite stupid to get a joke when I'm passionately arguing.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/20/05 04:36 PM

Originally posted by The Dr. who fixed Lucy:
[b]I personally know a woman who paid her way through Graduate School working as a topless dancer in NYC. She earned a Masters Degree in Finance, and today is a Vice President at a major international investment bank and earning a rather large six figure salary.
Well, if a corrupt alcholic can become President ... [/b][/quote]I fail to see the connection.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/20/05 04:41 PM

Originally posted by MaryCas:
Is it OK to boink little boys too? If the little boy wants too? Why should 18 be the "legal" age. Of course I'm being facetious, but the point is you have to draw the line somewhere and when man starts making arbitrary decision about where the line should be...well you get in a moral quandry and start slipping down that slope. It's prostitutes now, then what......how long before little boys.....
Let's head down the slope in the other direction.

Prostitution is illegal...why not make heterosexual sex between unmarried adults illegal as well?

Or consenting homosexuals?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/20/05 04:44 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
A nun at a Catholic school asked her students what they want to be when they grow up.

Little Suzy declares, "I want to be a prostitute."

"What did you say?!" asks the nun, totally shocked.

"I said I want to be a prostitute," Suzy repeats.

"Oh, thank heavens," says the nun. "I thought you said 'a Protestant!'"
Good one, DC.

A Priest and a Rabbi are walking down the street, and they pass an orphanage for boys.

The Priest says "Look Rabbi, a boys home. Lets go in and f**k some litttle boys."

So the Rabbi says "Out of what?"
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/20/05 08:22 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
A Priest and a Rabbi are walking down the street, and they pass an orphanage for boys.

The Priest says "Look Rabbi, a boys home. Lets go in and f**k some litttle boys."

So the Rabbi says "Out of what?"
Me no comprendo. Can you explain the joke?
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/20/05 11:58 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:

Prostitution is illegal...why not make heterosexual sex between unmarried adults illegal as well?

Or consenting homosexuals? [/QB]
In my best Curly Howard voice..."Oh, a wiseguy heh?"

Why not? I think the government would make a lot of money from the fines.

A scenario:

At noon a man burns a flag on Main St. and claims that he is exercising his freedom of speech. On the way home he buys an ounce of marijuana, rolls a joint and gets high. He comes to a house of prostitution and goes inside to partake of the offerings. Smokes another joint before going home. Goes home, hugs his 3 year old daughter kisses his wife and asks her what's for dinner. His wife asks, "Honey did you buy that book for our daughter." He says, "no, I didn't have enough money."

That's a sad society; and that's without legalizing marijuana and prostituion.
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/21/05 09:04 AM

Sorry, I'm going to be extremely straightforward. Some statements in this discussion are frankly nauseating to me. No wonder this world is going rotten. No morals, no distinction between good and evil. Free suicide, free prostitution, free drugs. C'mon, there's some room left....what's coming next?
Posted By: svsg

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/21/05 09:10 AM

Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:
Sorry, I'm going to be extremely straightforward. Some statements in this discussion are frankly nauseating to me. No wonder this world is going rotten. No morals, no distinction between good and evil. Free suicide, free prostitution, free drugs. C'mon, there's some room left....what's coming next?
Murder, rape and torture.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/21/05 09:52 AM

Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:
Sorry, I'm going to be extremely straightforward. Some statements in this discussion are frankly nauseating to me.
No more nauseating, I'm sure, than I find it that some members of society would impose their moral standards on everyone if they could.

The idea of some people being allowed to think for others and impose their will in matters of morality is a far larger and more important issue, IMO, than prostitution, suicide, or drugs.

But to be specific....

To have someone tell me, for example, that if I were sick and dying and in pain and was not permitted to end my own life and die in a dignified way, at a time and in a place of my own choosing - perhaps at home with my loved ones present, rather than in an anonymous hospital room - that I can't because it's immoral is nauseating.
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/21/05 10:24 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:
The idea of some people being allowed to think for others and impose their will in matters of morality is a far larger and more important issue, IMO, than prostitution, suicide, or drugs.
Would you mind to elaborate what a legal system should be based upon if not upon common moral values? Why your and my (and many others') political systems consider, say, terror to be a crime? Don't forget in some other contexts what we consider (and rightly so) to be an act of terror is considered to be an heroic gesture. What you and I consider to be a terrorist is considered to be a patriot by some other peoples in some other places with some other moral values. It's our common values which make us - me and you and many many many others - sick of terror. I understand your point of course, but if we push it to the limit, we'd get to the point where NO MORAL is left anymore and the only criteria for action is personal will and pleasure.

Originally posted by plawrence:
To have someone tell me, for example, that if I were sick and dying and in pain
It seems to me that it was not euthanasia we were talking about in the other thread. It was suicide tout court.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/21/05 10:59 AM

Legal systems, IMO, should be based upon the the protection of everyone's rights from the infringement upon those rights of others.

An act of terror should be considered a criminal act because it infringes upon the right to life of those who are killed by the terrorst.

And, in general (I'm sure someone will provide an exception or two) if a person's "personal acts of will and pleasure" do not infringe upon the rights of others, I see nothing wrong with that.

As far as suicide and euthanasia go....

You brought up suicide. The example I provided is an example of suicide.

Euthanasia, on the other hand, as I understand it is the action of one person killing another for merciful reasons.

In other words, the decision may be placed in the hands of someone other than the person being euthanized.

The consent of the person being euthanized may not necessarily be required.

A slight distinction perhaps, particularly in the cases of "assisted suicides", but an important one none-the-less.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/21/05 11:00 AM

It seems to me that right now, if you take a stand that is by coincidence moral, makes you the one imposing your golden standards on others.

IMHO, the moral that is not based on reasoning is destined to fade away. You can not quote form Bible for a person who does not believe in God in the first place. If your moral values have been passed down to you and you follow them with no logical explanation, it is likely that you get rid of them sooner or later.

Living in a theocracy that has made it its business to get me to heaven (!); I'd be the last one who imposes her morals on others. I make my case based on reasoning and what everyone can comprehend which is the quality of our health including mine in life. I don't see how you committing suicide is any of my business, but if you come to me and say what you have in mind, I'll try to talk you out of it. Rest is not going to be my responsibility to impose my morals on you. But I certainly can't sit and see government is getting rich of something that's hazardous to people's lives, which is government's first priority to protect.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/21/05 11:07 AM

You are right, afasaneh.

I retract my previous statement:

"the only rationale for prostitution being illegal is the attempt by some to impose their moral standards on others."

You can make an argument that prostitution should be illegal in order to protect the general physical health of society.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/21/05 02:00 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
You can make an argument that prostitution should be illegal in order to protect the general physical health of society.
I can make an argument? Just that? Wouldn't a public defender win this case in a court based on the case of endangering the public health?

I'm still amazed to see, how these establishments continue to work in other countries with AIDS statistic going higher and no cure's been found yet; but then probably they don't have the US's jurisdictional system.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/21/05 02:37 PM

Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:
Sorry, I'm going to be extremely straightforward. Some statements in this discussion are frankly nauseating to me. No wonder this world is going rotten. No morals, no distinction between good and evil. Free suicide, free prostitution, free drugs. C'mon, there's some room left....what's coming next?

Amen to that Lavinia! And to you too Afs!

Up until this point I have remained pretty quiet on this issue. Wanting to see what others felt about this and what their views were.

I must say that I am a bit surprised at how, for the most part, many think that this is a black and white, cut and dry issue. Not the case. There are many grey areas with this issue.

For the most part, I feel that if done in the proper manner, legalized prostitution would be better for society than illegal prostitution is now. But of course one cannot just say "ok it's now legal." There are many different issues that would need to be addressed, many valid ones that have already been pointed out throughout this topic.

But there are also some analogies and examples that were made that also nauseate me. The comparisons that have been made between prostitution and, what some in society consider menial jobs, is outright degrading.

Overall I would think that if legaliazing prostitution was done in the right way, the crimes that accompany illegal prostitution as well as the medical risks and the diseases that accompany illegal prostitution would probably decline a substantial amount. Many prostitutes are underage runaways that wind up becoming slaves to their pimps, who abuse these young girls, transform them into drug addicts, and basically become their masters. This is a major reason, in my opinion, that I tend to lean towards the legalization of prostitution. The legalization of it may just reduce these kinds of situations which involve young runaway underage girls becoming victims of the trade.

But the overall sentiment that I've derived from many that posted here is an " if it doesn't hurt me it's ok" attitude.

I agree with you Lavs, it's becoming a matter of morals being thrown right out the window. Maybe it starts with Drugs, then goes onto an outsider teaching young 6 year olds about sex without the knowledge of a parent, and then graduates to the attitude that because a girl may have been loose with five other men, she was asking for it and deserved to be raped by the 6th one! :rolleyes:

Maybe if some old fashioned ideals were taught by parents to their children, drug abuse and teenage preganancy wouldn't be as high as it is these days.

And if anyone wants to accuse me of being a neo-con who is forcing his personal beliefs on others, well I'll do it for you right here. However I'm just using my freedom of choice to live by the standards and morals that I feel pertain to me and my family's lives. After all, I do have the same right to choice as the the others do. And I do have the right to make my opinions and feelings known, if you agree with them or not. Yep, I may be a bit old fashioned, but I am not ashamed to admit it.

Don Cardi
Posted By: The Dr. who fixed Lucy

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/21/05 02:49 PM

Don Cardi
And if anyone wants to accuse me of being a neo-con who is forcing his personal beliefs on others, well I'll do it for you right here.
No, you're just talking common sense. Sometimes people forget that a moral code exists to maintain the integrity of society, and not to be prudish and oppressive.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/21/05 02:54 PM

I think a point that some people here are missing is that they seem to think that women WANT to be prostitutes. There's undercover movies on hbo sometimes about prostitution and you hear the 18 year old girls saying I'm just doing this for 2 years to get enough money for whatever, then they cut to the 40 year old saying how she was just like that girl at 18 and she's still a prostitute and no way to get out.
Rather than worrying about tax revenue why don't you look at the fact that they are WOMEN not just whatever word you choose to refer to them or their body parts by.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/21/05 03:23 PM

Originally posted by The Dr. who fixed Lucy:
[quote]Don Cardi
[b]And if anyone wants to accuse me of being a neo-con who is forcing his personal beliefs on others, well I'll do it for you right here.
[/b][/quote]WOW! There's a shocker!
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/21/05 03:38 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
Yep, I may be a bit old fashioned, but I am not ashamed to admit it.
You are not old fashioned. You are morally concerned! And BTW, if being up-to-date means to have no morals, well I personally choose to be morally jurassic
Thanks for being here, DC.
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/21/05 03:54 PM

Well said Don Cardi.

Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/21/05 04:10 PM

As a social issue they say it is the "oldest profession," whatever that means. As a moral issue, the whole thing reminds me of the egospel story of the adulterous woman they were going to stone to death when Jesus came along and saud " let he who is without sin cast the first stone," and everyone dropped their stones.

I am not sure if prostitution is a sign of decay in our society or not, but from a personal standpoint I find the idea idiotic. I have never been with a prostitute, and I cannot comprehend a guy going out and paying money to some stranger to have sex. It is just beyond my comprehension. What could possibly be enjoyable about it?
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/21/05 06:47 PM

Originally posted by dontomasso:
I cannot comprehend a guy going out and paying money to some stranger to have sex. It is just beyond my comprehension. What could possibly be enjoyable about it?
What about paying for a maid or a dishwasher?

Posted By: plawrence

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/21/05 06:50 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
I must say that I am a bit surprised at how, for the most part, many think that this is a black and white, cut and dry issue. Not the case. There are many grey areas with this issue.
What are the grey areas?

Of course there should be strict governemnet controls just as there are, as I said earlier, for every profession, ranging from doctor and lawyer to hairdresser and manicurist.

There should be licensing requirements, age requirements , health requirements, etc.

I think everyone who favors legalized prostitution would agree with that, so I don't see what the grey areas are.

The comparisons that have been made between prostitution and, what some in society consider menial jobs, is outright degrading.
You missed the point of my comparison.

It only came up because someone asked if I would be ashamed if my sister or daughter were a prostitute, and I said something like

--Yes, but only because she was doing something illegal, and
--No more ashamed that if she was a hotel maid or something similar.

If prostitution was an honest and legal living, there's no reason to be ashamed of someone who is a prostitute or a hotel maid.

But the overall sentiment that I've derived from many that posted here is an "if it doesn't hurt me it's ok" attitude.
When it comes to an individual's freedom of choice in certain areas, then that's how I feel.

But let's make some distinctions here:

For example, someone who never rides in a car can't be hurt in an accident by a drunk driver, but that doesn't mean that they should feel that driving while intoxicated is OK.

Or to put it on a more personal level as it pertains to me, if a complete stranger to me murders another complete stranger, I don't think it's OK because it didn't hurt me.

I agree with you Lavs, it's becoming a matter of morals being thrown right out the window. Maybe it starts with Drugs, then goes onto an outsider teaching young 6 year olds about sex without the knowledge of a parent
And here I thought we'd settled that one.

It was not OK. The fact that the children in question were to be surveyed about there sexual attitudes absolutely should have been included on the consent form.

then graduates to the attitude that because a girl may have been loose with five other men, she was asking for it and deserved to be raped by the 6th one! :rolleyes:
Who said that?

I can tell you what I said, though......

She absolutely was raped and did not "deserve it", but in a case where she was loose with five other men in public view before inviting a sixth to the bedroom and then saying "no", that the penalty for the rapist should not be the same as it is for one who pulls a woman off the street, drags her into an alley, beats her into unconsciousness, and then rapes her.

I'm just using my freedom of choice to live by the standards and morals that I feel pertain to me and my family's lives. After all, I do have the same right to choice as the the others do. And I do have the right to make my opinions and feelings known, if you agree with them or not.
Who ever said that you didn't?

For the most part, I feel that if done in the proper manner, legalized prostitution would be better for society than illegal prostitution is now......

Overall I would think that if legaliazing prostitution was done in the right way, the crimes that accompany illegal prostitution as well as the medical risks and the diseases that accompany illegal prostitution would probably decline a substantial amount. Many prostitutes are underage runaways that wind up becoming slaves to their pimps, who abuse these young girls, transform them into drug addicts, and basically become their masters. This is a major reason, in my opinion, that I tend to lean towards the legalization of prostitution. The legalization of it may just reduce these kinds of situations which involve young runaway underage girls becoming victims of the trade......

Maybe if some old fashioned ideals were taught by parents to their children, drug abuse and teenage preganancy wouldn't be as high as it is these days.
I absolutely agree.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/21/05 07:21 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
You missed the point of my comparison.

It only came up because someone asked if I would be ashamed if my sister or daughter were a prostitute, and I said something like

--No more ashamed that if she was a hotel maid or something similar.

Actually you said :
Originally posted by plawrence:

Are they any more victims than hotel maids or dishwashers who work for the minimum wage, or NYC taxicab drivers who work 70 hours a week to earn $500?
And my answer to that is Yes, they are more victim to prostitution than those other professions.
Prostitution can bring on the spread of disease. Prostitues are slaves to their Pimps. They are beaten and abused by their pimps, and many times killed. There are many cases of underage prostitutes who fall under the thumb of a pimp, and along with the abuse and the diseases, they fall victim to drugs, provided by their masters to keep them working for them.

I don't really know of any cab drivers who are under age, any maids or dishwashers that are beaten and abused, or any maids, diswashers or cab drivers who are made to be slaves through physical abuse or drugs so that they stay loyal to their pimps.

So yes, to answer your question, Prostitutes are more of a victim than those other proffessions.

Don Cardi
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/21/05 07:50 PM

OK, DC, I see where the confusion is....

I was making that statement in response to Turnbull's post, which was discussing legalized prostitution in Nevada.

Those prostitutes are not "victims" of anything, IMO.

And yes, I would agree with you that in many cases illegal prostitutes are victimsin the scenarios which you describe, more so than hotel maids, for example.
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/21/05 08:46 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:

Those prostitutes are not "victims" of anything, IMO.
I beg to differ... Have you seen their clothes?? No one's a bigger fashion victim than a Vegas hooker.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/21/05 09:00 PM

Well, they do go for a certain, um, "look" I guess, don't they?

Altho you can't always tell.

A few years ago I was there with some friends, and I see my pal Freddy walking through the casino with a very wholesome looking young lady in tow, to whom he introduces me.

We chat for about two minutes, and then I take him on the side and try to explain to him that she's a pro.

Of course he insists that she isn't, and that she picked him up because she was "attracted to him" (You have to see Freddy to know what bullshit that had to be. The only thing that attracted her to him was his $100 bets at the craps table).

Anyway, needless to say...... :rolleyes:
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/21/05 09:24 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Andrew:
[b] At least the Hotel Maids are making an honest living, and not selling and disgracing themselves.
The only reason protitution is not an "honest living" is because it's illegal in most parts of this country.

In parts of Nevada and parts of the rest of the world where it is legal, it is regarded as a perfectly honest way to make a living.

As far as the "women disgracing themselves" argument goes, that's your opinion.

Your view of morality is not shared by everyone.[/b][/quote]I know this. Almost everything I post is MY OPINION.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/21/05 09:26 PM

Gone for a few days, and what do I come back to? The fashion faux pas of prostitutes, etc. Personally, I see no reason if a woman (freely and without duress, mind you, not some Chinese immigrant who is sold into sexual slavery to pay off the cost of her passage to the US, for example) decides to charge for sex, if she can find willing customers. Why not? If she views her body as a commodity, then let her do so. And it should be regulated, with required physicals, and so on.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/21/05 09:29 PM

I agree with you in priniciple SB. I just don't get it.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/21/05 11:57 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
OK, DC, I see where the confusion is....

I was making that statement in response to Turnbull's post, which was discussing legalized prostitution in Nevada.

Those prostitutes are not "victims" of anything, IMO.

And yes, I would agree with you that in many cases illegal prostitutes are victimsin the scenarios which you describe, more so than hotel maids, for example.
Ok. I'm glad to see that we are now on the same page.

Don Cardi
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/22/05 05:59 AM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
Gone for a few days, and what do I come back to? The fashion faux pas of prostitutes, etc. Personally, I see no reason if a woman (freely and without duress, mind you, not some Chinese immigrant who is sold into sexual slavery to pay off the cost of her passage to the US, for example) decides to charge for sex, if she can find willing customers. Why not? If she views her body as a commodity, then let her do so. And it should be regulated, with required physicals, and so on.
SB, I'm quite surprised to see you saying so. God forbid this scenario, but I'm wondering how you feel about this:

Your husband has unprotected sex with a prostitute who has been infected with HIV, three months ago. Her check ups didn't show anything, because in most cases it is impossible to determine an infected person up to six months from their first exposure to HIV.

I'm asking all women, are you all still okay with this? Hey, it wouldn't be just hurting women, you men are only a toothbrush away from this virus, imagine your promiscuous friend having the same attitude toward toothbrushes, using yours and you use it within 24 hours of the time he used it.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/22/05 08:08 AM

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe that the HIV virus can survive on a toothbrush.

Anyway, here's a scenario for you, afs:

Your husband has an adulterous affair with a co-worker who, unbekownst to him, is rather promiscuous and has been infected with HIV three months ago. She does have regukar check-ups, but didn't show anything because in most cases it is impossible to determine an infected person up to six months from their first exposure to HIV.

Should adultery be illegal? Should all sex outside of wedlock be illegal? Should all unprotected sex be illegal?

Should sex between homosexual men - probably the biggest single cause for the spread of HIV in the United States - be illegal?

The fact is that prostitution in the U.S. is illegal, and, as a result, the prositutes are not tested for STDs.

If it were made legal, I believe that the subsequent checking of prostitutes, regardless of the fact that such testing would not be 100% effective, would decrease rather than increase the spread of STDs, just as the testing of everyone would.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/22/05 08:52 AM

You can get AIDS through sharing razors, toothbrushes and needles. Better cover your open wounds because if you touch anything that has blood stains and/or salvia that is less than 24 hours old, chances are high that you get AIDS as well. There are a lot of resources on the Internet, go see for yourself.

The scenario of my husband committing adultery is quite different. First of all, an infected prostitute would pass it to many people considering it is her business to deliver sex services. Secondly, having random relationships make the risk rate higher than two people having an affair.

People who are committing adultery don't pay taxes, and government isn't responsible for what they do. However, my biggest problem is that government knows their health check up is bogus, and they are profiting from such a business that could spread the virus in great numbers. Making it legal, would draw this picture in mind that it is also safe.
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/22/05 09:51 AM

Is it me or almost everybody here is sort of afraid to consider it also a moral issue? Ok, we got the sanitary issue (Afi, I totally understand why you stress the point, since it seems to be the only one to have a chance of being taken into consideration), the social one, why shouldn't we consider prostitution a moral problem as well? Do you really consider it a respectable profession as any other one, the only problem being that it is still illegal in most of the United States? SB, what if your daughter would choose to be a prostitute? Do you really agree with what Plaw said that he wouldn't mind if his daughter/sister prostitute herself to make a living, the only trouble being that it is an illegal profession? If I'm not mistaken, the message has passed here that if it were legal it would be considered "honest" as well. It is my opinion that even if there were such a law, prostitution would remain a great moral problem. Legal doesnt' mean automatically honest. As a woman, I consider it highly miserable and self-destructive to sell one's body. It is true that there are many forms of prostitutions, but I stigmatize them all. I think only a few women actually choose to be a prostitute (and I consider it to be the worst case, since they do it to gain a lot of money in the fastest way), the vast majority are indeed victims, who would run away from it if they only could. The government should help all these girls and set them free, not impose taxes on them. Still today, when sex is unfortunately trivialized and considered some sort of gym, I'm positive most women would never make a business out of it.

Last thought: it's been sort of shocking to me to read some posts here. An immense sadness to see so few women taking seriously part to the thread and a sickening feeling to realize that for many prostitution is just a matter of tax incomes.
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/22/05 10:20 AM

Originally posted by dontomasso:
What could possibly be enjoyable about it?
Once it was said that men could ask a prostitute some sexual performances they would never dare ask their wives or fiancees. But today? There must be some sort of pervertion. Or one must be so nerdy he cannot have a woman for free!
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/22/05 11:33 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:

Should adultery be illegal? Should all sex outside of wedlock be illegal?
In the United States, laws vary from state to state. For example, in the State of Pennsylvania adultery is technically punishable by 2 years of imprisonment or 18 months of treatment for insanity. That being said, such statutes are typically considered blue laws, and are rarely, if ever, enforced.

In Canadian law, adultery is defined under the Divorce Act. Though the written definition sets it as extramarital relations with someone of the opposite sex, the recent change in the definition of marriage gave grounds for a British Columbia judge to strike that definition down. In a 2005 case of a woman filing for divorce, her husband had cheated on her with another man, which the judge felt was equal reasoning to dissolve the union.

In many jurisdictions (e.g, Austria, Greece, Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan), adultery is still illegal, but enforcement of the laws is often uneven. In places where adultery laws are actually enforced, women are often punished more harshly than men, in some cases being considered guilty of adultery even when they have been raped. This has been alleged to happen in Nigeria.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/22/05 12:13 PM

OK, so many points to consider. First of all, I don't think of this as a moral issue. If a woman is free to have sex with whoever she wants, then, if she wants to get paid for it, why not?? Don't you see that regulating it would reduce the number of STD's AND the number of victims. As far as I'm concerned, the physical abuse, etc. that women come into contact with as prostitutes, either from their pimps or their customers, is far worse subjugation than the sexual aspect of the business. Making it legal would change all that.

As for adultery, it is ridiculous to legislate it. You can't legislate morals, can you? People have insecurities that they need to feed, and sexual encounters are one way that they do it.

As for my daughter, no, of course I wouldn't be happy if she became a legal prostitute. However, I would rather that happen, than she becomes a runaway at 16, turns to prosititution through one way or another, and becomes the victim of a pimp that beats her or a serial killer that picks her up in a seedy area. Those are alternatives that would be greatly reduced if prosititution were legalized.
Posted By: svsg

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/22/05 12:27 PM

Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:
why shouldn't we consider prostitution a moral problem as well?
Because morals are personal and laws are for everyone.
I don't think it as a moral issue, but if you ask me if I would be comfortable if my sister/daughter was a prostitute, my answer would be NO. Not becasue it is immoral, but becasue I have been conditioned by the society to feel ashamed in such a situation. If my sister/daughter were to lie or cheat innocent people, I would feel bad, but not as much as if they were prostitutes. See, even my morals are not consistent. And my morals change with age and circumstances. So might the morals of others.
In short, it is better to stick to legal, economic and health issues rather than the moral ones. And I think Afsaneh is making an excellent argument here. I think that legalizing prostitution will increase the number of prostitutes. I also think that the number of clients will increase. With AIDS being a fatal disease, the idea of more prostitutes and more clients is a real danger. It will be a cascading effect and might become an epidemic. Who knows? When AIDS and other sexual diseases are eradicated fully, one can even imagine discussing about the possibility of making it legal. Now it is pre-mature and I don't think that the answer is grey. It is black and white. NO prostitution for now. What about later? Well, after a few years, my morals won't be what they are today. I might argue one way or the other. Even I don't know :p
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/22/05 12:58 PM

I totally agree there svsg. To be honest, if it wasn't because of AIDS, I'm not sure if this discussion would've gotten this hot for me. Selling one's body for sexual services is awfully low to me but who am I to talk about morals? I'm pro-choice. My morals have reasoning on the background.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/22/05 02:11 PM

Originally posted by svsg:
In short, it is better to stick to legal, economic and health issues rather than the moral ones.
If we are discussing only the legal aspect and were determining what laws should be made and what kinds of language should be included in those laws, then you would be right. One's personal feelings are irrelavant when determining or making laws.

But we are not lawmakers here, we are everyday mothers/fathers/etc. having a discussion about a topic. So why shouldn't I, or anyone else here have the right to talk about the moral aspect of an issue? Why should we be limited to speaking only about the legal part of an issue?

After all we are not making a law here and "after all, we are not communists."

IMO that is the problem with society in general today. Common decency and morals are just thrown out the window by many people. It's almost as if people are afraid of what others may think of them if they reveal thier feelings based on their own moral beliefs.

Don Cardi
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/22/05 02:23 PM

In fact despite what passes off as conventional wisdom, you cannot entirely seperate morality from what is allowed by law and what is not allowed by law. It is more a question of what degree of morality will allow the social conpact to remain intact. For instance, enough people thought that drinking was immoral, so they passed a constitutional amendment banning alcohol. The law, called Prohibition, failed, however because there was no social consensus to follow it, and eventually it was repealed. This is not to say that other matters regarding the abuse of alcohol, things like underage use and driving drunk, cannot be and are not legitimate subjects for legislation. That said, you cannot legislate basic decency, and there is where DC and others, including myself, see a decline in society. The notion that something is moral because "everyone does it" is dangerous. Likewise the kinds of personal smears people level at one another for simply stating an honest opinion diminishes our moral right to free speech.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/22/05 02:27 PM

DC, we are discussing why something here is illegal. In order to collaborate why one thinks so, they should stick with the facts rather than their feelings or morals.

Of course you always could say how you feel and if something is according to your morals or not, but that wouldn't change a mind. A feeling wouldn't change a mind, a fact would.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/22/05 02:43 PM

Originally posted by afsaneh77:
DC, we are discussing why something here is illegal. In order to collaborate why one thinks so, they should stick with the facts rather than their feelings or morals.
Originally posted by dontomasso:
In fact despite what passes off as conventional wisdom, you cannot entirely seperate morality from what is allowed by law and what is not allowed by law. It is more a question of what degree of morality will allow the social conpact to remain intact.
Well DonT, an expert in the legal field, has already answered you for me. :p

But to add to what he said, this was NOT solely a LEGAL discussion or issue. There are many posts in this topic that address the morals of others through questions that were asked like " what if your daughter..." etc. Example:

SB, I'm quite surprised to see you saying so. God forbid this scenario, but I'm wondering how you feel about this:

Your husband has unprotected sex with a prostitute who has been infected with HIV, three months ago.
If it was a case of this being soley a discussion about the legality of the issue, then questions like that along with the answers should not, by what you have said above, be taken into consideration because those questions and answers address one's personal feelings.

Anyway, when did we become the Senate floor on here that requires that we stick to the legalities and laws only in these discussions?

Don Cardi
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/22/05 02:48 PM

To answer DT, I only believe in wisdom, that's where I get my morals.

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
Anyway, when did we become the Senate floor on here that requires that we stick to the legalities and laws only in these discussions?
Since Plaw started this thread. Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? :p
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/22/05 03:02 PM

Originally posted by afsaneh77:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[b] Anyway, when did we become the Senate floor on here that requires that we stick to the legalities and laws only in these discussions?
Since Plaw started this thread. Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? :p [/b][/quote]Ok, SVSG and AFS have spoken. We can only discuss the LEGAL aspect of this thing, and according to SVSG it's final, NO PROSTITUTION!


Don Cardi
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/22/05 04:16 PM


The original question was "Why is it illegal?"

And I am of the mind that it's illegal almost solely because of the moral questions involved, so voicing an opinion about the morality issue is certainly germane to the question.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/22/05 04:28 PM

DC, I never said you couldn't voice your feelings or your morals. I wouldn't repeat myself again; my post is on the same page a few posts back.

Originally posted by plawrence:
voicing an opinion about the morality issue is certainly germane to the question.
So that you could say we are imposing our morals? No sir. Sounds tempting but no thanks. I argue with you with your own language. I thought you like arguments based on facts rather than feelings. :p
Posted By: svsg

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/22/05 11:24 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[quote]Originally posted by afsaneh77:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[b] Anyway, when did we become the Senate floor on here that requires that we stick to the legalities and laws only in these discussions?
Since Plaw started this thread. Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? :p [/b][/quote]Ok, SVSG and AFS have spoken. We can only discuss the LEGAL aspect of this thing, and according to SVSG it's final, NO PROSTITUTION!


Don Cardi [/b][/quote]okay, DC and Lav, I don't quite say that you shouldn't discuss morals here. I know my post sounded that way, but I didn't intend that. What I am saying is that to ME, the practical dangers in legalizing prostitution are far more important than the moral ones. These practical dangers have been more than adequately described by AFS. So, Plaw, I don't agree with you when you say that it is illegal "solely" based on moral grounds. As far as the morals go, let us discuss them. Maybe in a separate thread called "BB poll: what is immoral for you?" :p
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/23/05 11:15 AM

Originally posted by svsg:
Maybe in a separate thread called "BB poll: what is immoral for you?" :p
WOW!! Great idea!! I'd be MORE than curious to know!!!
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/23/05 11:23 AM

Originally posted by svsg:
So, Plaw, I don't agree with you when you say that it is illegal "solely" based on moral grounds.
I retracted that statement (see page 3)

Originally posted by plawrence:
You are right, afasaneh.

I retract my previous statement:

"the only rationale for prostitution being illegal is the attempt by some to impose their moral standards on others."

You can make an argument that prostitution should be illegal in order to protect the general physical health of society.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/23/05 05:43 PM

Originally posted by afsaneh77:
You can get AIDS through sharing razors, toothbrushes and needles. Better cover your open wounds because if you touch anything that has blood stains and/or salvia that is less than 24 hours old, chances are high that you get AIDS as well. There are a lot of resources on the Internet, go see for yourself.
No you cannot. The HIV virus dies when it comes in touch with air. Also, you would need to consume gallons upon gallons of someone's saliva to get it. I learned this in health class. You can get it from sharing needles though.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/23/05 08:16 PM

Yes, you can. It only dies when it dries up completely which varies based on temperature and humidity, however blood traces or salvia on toothbrush, has a long time before completely dries up. There is even a documented case of a child getting AIDS through using his infected parent's toothbrush.

Drinking salvia or deep kissing is not that risky, unless you have a cut in your mouth. The body fluids of an infected person when comes in contact with your blood through sex, wounds, etc. is the way this virus transmits.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/24/05 05:01 AM

Originally posted by afsaneh77:
Yes, you can. It only dies when it dries up completely which varies based on temperature and humidity, however blood traces or salvia on toothbrush, has a long time before completely dries up. There is even a documented case of a child getting AIDS through using his infected parent's toothbrush.

Drinking salvia or deep kissing is not that risky, unless you have a cut in your mouth. The body fluids of an infected person when comes in contact with your blood through sex, wounds, etc. is the way this virus transmits.
You cannot get the HIV virus through saliva. I'm telling ya. It's in it yes, but one would have to consume so much saliva to get it.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Prostitution: Why is it Illegal? - 11/24/05 06:27 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
You cannot get the HIV virus through saliva. I'm telling ya. It's in it yes, but one would have to consume so much saliva to get it.
What do you mean by consuming? Drinking? I don't think you read my post, as I said before you wouldn't get it by drinking hundred gallons of saliva, unless you have a cut in your mouth. The saliva of an infected person if reaches your open wounds is going to infect you as well.

The toothbrush usually cuts gum and that's why you shouldn't share it with others.


Disclaimer: I don't know anyone who has tried hundred gallons of infected saliva and stayed safe, I thought you should know. :p
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