
Pentagon Probes Tape of Burning Taliban Fighters

Posted By: Double-J

Pentagon Probes Tape of Burning Taliban Fighters - 10/22/05 01:16 AM

Pentagon probing taped burning of bodies
WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. military said Thursday it is investigating the videotaped burning of the corpses of two alleged Taliban fighters to see whether troops violated the Geneva Conventions.

The Army's Criminal Investigation Division is examining whether troops violated the conventions on wartime treatment of corpses or other laws and regulations.

Although U.S. officials didn't question the tape's authenticity, part of the investigation was to determine whether the troops in the video are Americans.

"This command does not condone the mistreatment of enemy combatants or the desecration of their religious and cultural beliefs," Maj. Gen. Jason Kamiya said.

Islam forbids cremation. Stephen Dupont, an Australian cameraman who shot the video, said the troops who burned the bodies were U.S. Army paratroopers he joined during combat missions. He said that other American soldiers used a loudspeaker later to goad Taliban members, calling them "cowardly dogs" and "lady boys" for not retrieving the bodies.

Australia's SBS network first aired the footage, which then was picked up by U.S. cable outlets.

The State Department alerted diplomats worldwide about the incident and told them to stress that it did not reflect American values.

That directive was part of U.S. efforts to improve its image with Muslims, State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said.

Muslim clerics in Afghanistan denounced the burning of the two corpses. Faiz Mohammed, a top cleric in northern Kunduz province, said the incident was "against Islam. Afghans will be shocked by this news. It is so humiliating. There will be very, very dangerous consequences from this."

Americans' actions during the global war on terrorism have inflamed Muslims before.

Images of U.S. troops humiliating and abusing Iraqis at the Abu Ghraib prison had set off widespread protests. So did a report in Newsweek — since retracted — that said guards had flushed a copy of the Quran down a toilet at the prison for terror suspects in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Protests over that report sparked riots that left 15 people dead in Afghanistan in May.

Although a U.S. military investigation found no evidence a Quran was flushed, it documented five cases of improper treatment, including one where a guard's urine accidentally splashed on a copy of Islam's holy book.

Burning corpses offends Afghans, but memories of the Taliban's brutal rule may blunt anger over the incident, said Humayun Hamidzada of the Center on International Cooperation at New York University. "In Islam, even with the bodies of your enemies, you don't disrespect the human flesh," said Hamidzada, who has worked in Afghanistan for the United Nations and private aid groups.

"But the fact that they are Taliban bodies, that's not going to provoke people," Hamidzada said.

Dupont told SBS that the incident happened Oct. 1 at the village of Gonbaz near Kandahar. He said the suspected Taliban fighters were killed during an ambush in which one American and one Afghan soldier also were killed.

Dupont said the troops burning the bodies said they were doing so for hygienic reasons. Later, Dupont said, psychological operations troops gave the taunting statements over loudspeakers to anger and flush out other Taliban.

Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Hmm. Whether or not they burned the bodies for hygenic regions, I think that it actually was a decent way of using psychological warfare to draw out the terrorists.

The article says that cremation is taboo in Islam. I wonder if the terrorists will take these photos the same way we take the beheadings (though certainly burning a dead body isn't even comparable to the inhumane beheadings of living soldiers and civilians).

Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Pentagon Probes Tape of Burning Taliban Fighters - 10/22/05 04:08 AM

I really don't have a problem with this.
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: Pentagon Probes Tape of Burning Taliban Fighters - 10/22/05 09:31 PM

Originally posted by Double-J:
Hmm. Whether or not they burned the bodies for hygenic regions, I think that it actually was a decent way of using psychological warfare to draw out the terrorists.

The article says that cremation is taboo in Islam. I wonder if the terrorists will take these photos the same way we take the beheadings (though certainly burning a dead body isn't even comparable to the inhumane beheadings of living soldiers and civilians).
Look, you're right about the beheadings being worse then burning corpses.
But look at it this way... The USA aren't popular in the world today. I know you and many Americans don't care about that. But burning bodies, which is something 'not-done' in the Islam and calling them wussies, isn't going to help end terror.
This is provocation, agressing them. And that radicalizes many people in the middle-east and makes them willing to turn into terrorists.
To them, this incident is yet another proof of what "a rotten country without morals" the USA are. Even when it's only some small incidents like this...
And the perception the people have of the USA, turns radicals into terrorists, and it makes normal people agree with the terrorists, or at least not condemn what the terrorists do.

BTW, the line "a rotten country without morals" is not my opinion, it's just how I think many Muslims feel about the USA.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Pentagon Probes Tape of Burning Taliban Fighters - 10/22/05 10:38 PM

I think you're pretty fucking nasty if you don't have any problems with this.
Posted By: marlon

Re: Pentagon Probes Tape of Burning Taliban Fighters - 10/23/05 05:42 AM

The question I have about this is why was this tape published? Why would an Australian journalist put this out? What possible purpose can it serve except to give ammunition to the Islamic murderers?
Posted By: Don Zadjali

Re: Pentagon Probes Tape of Burning Taliban Fighters - 10/23/05 07:19 PM

Originally posted by marlon:
The question I have about this is why was this tape published? Why would an Australian journalist put this out? What possible purpose can it serve except to give ammunition to the Islamic murderers?
What do you mean with ISLAMIC MURDERERS ???
You don't know nothing about Islam...

Islam has nothing to do with Bin Laden or any the other Terrorists in the world...

Islam never said: go kill...
as a matter of fact muslims and christans were living more than 1000 years together same as brothers in jerusalem and many other parts of the world...

Alot of people are blaming Islam for what's happening around the world today...
That's wrong...

Bin Laden and his men are SICK MINDS...
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Pentagon Probes Tape of Burning Taliban Fighters - 10/23/05 08:22 PM

Originally posted by Don Zadjali:
[quote]Originally posted by marlon:
[b] The question I have about this is why was this tape published? Why would an Australian journalist put this out? What possible purpose can it serve except to give ammunition to the Islamic murderers?
What do you mean with ISLAMIC MURDERERS ???
You don't know nothing about Islam...

Islam has nothing to do with Bin Laden or any the other Terrorists in the world...

Islam never said: go kill...
as a matter of fact muslims and christans were living more than 1000 years together same as brothers in jerusalem and many other parts of the world...

Alot of people are blaming Islam for what's happening around the world today...
That's wrong...

Bin Laden and his men are SICK MINDS... [/b][/quote]Bin Laden and his sick butt buddies happen to be Islamic.
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: Pentagon Probes Tape of Burning Taliban Fighters - 10/23/05 09:34 PM

Originally posted by Don Andrew:
Bin Laden and his sick butt buddies happen to be Islamic.
They also happen to be men, and between 20 and 40.
Then why don't they say: "The murdererous men between 20 and 40"

By saying Islamic, it is implied that the Islam is the cause of it, and that the Islam justifies it.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Pentagon Probes Tape of Burning Taliban Fighters - 10/23/05 10:28 PM

Originally posted by Enzo Scifo:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Andrew:
[b] Bin Laden and his sick butt buddies happen to be Islamic.
They also happen to be men, and between 20 and 40.
Then why don't they say: "The murdererous men between 20 and 40"

By saying Islamic, it is implied that the Islam is the cause of it, and that the Islam justifies it. [/b][/quote]I agree. But just because they are, that's why it will be refered to as "Islamic Terror".
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Pentagon Probes Tape of Burning Taliban Fighters - 10/24/05 12:12 AM

Last time I checked, Bin Laden and his crew were Islamic fundamentalists, or radicals, or whatever you want to call them.

Therefore, I wouldn't get all huffy about someone calling them Islamic murderers, since much of the rationalization for their actions derives from the religion, despite what the actual religion teaches.
Posted By: Nice Guy Eddie

Re: Pentagon Probes Tape of Burning Taliban Fighters - 10/24/05 06:04 AM

Can I be the guy who sprays the bodies with gasoline?
Posted By: Don Zadjali

Re: Pentagon Probes Tape of Burning Taliban Fighters - 10/24/05 09:39 AM

Originally posted by Nice Guy Eddie:
Can I be the guy who sprays the bodies with gasoline?
so you think this is funny...

What IF theres an innocent man between them???
Posted By: Don Zadjali

Re: Pentagon Probes Tape of Burning Taliban Fighters - 10/24/05 09:42 AM

Originally posted by Enzo Scifo:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Andrew:
[b] Bin Laden and his sick butt buddies happen to be Islamic.
They also happen to be men, and between 20 and 40.
Then why don't they say: "The murdererous men between 20 and 40"

By saying Islamic, it is implied that the Islam is the cause of it, and that the Islam justifies it. [/b][/quote]call them Terrorists, The Outsiders, The sick bastards...

Just don't call them Islamic or muslims...
Islam is a religon and has nothing to do with these sick bastards...

*I'm a muslim I hate bin laden and his sick bastards...
Islam doesn't call for Terror...
Posted By: don illuminati

Re: Pentagon Probes Tape of Burning Taliban Fighters - 11/05/05 06:55 AM

Iraqis had no problem burning the bodies of the security operatives who were killed in ambush and hanging the burned bodies from a bridge sometime back.

Nor did they have a problem with burning a man to death recently, news reports described children throwing straw on the screaming man, apparently an American and apparently this story was suppressed by the media while the Afghan story was played up.

Where were the offended clerics when bodies were desecrated and hung off bridges or men were burned alive or Nepalis were tricked into working in Iraq and then murdered brutally?
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Pentagon Probes Tape of Burning Taliban Fighters - 11/05/05 01:38 PM

Excellent point, Don Illuminati. Atrocities are oftentimes exaggerated and, even if they aren't, pushed by the media to show how evil the American forces are. Everyone condemns their actions, and it makes us look like animals.

Yet, as you said, no one in the international community is standing up with the same fervor they had over Abu Gharaib. Such acts, as you've mentioned, are just "facts of life." :rolleyes:
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