

Posted By: M.M. Floors

Basic - 10/10/05 08:40 PM

Okay, I watched this movie...but I simply don't understand anything of it...what a confusing movie:

1) The only person who really died was Styles the colonel?
2) John Travolta was the boss of Section 8?
3) What did the whole story in the jungle had to do with anything (in the end...Samuel L.Jackson wasn't dead etc)

Simply I really don't get it at all. Just tell me the plot and I hope I'll understand.

If you tell spoilers please note that for others who are reading this topic!

Posted By: M.M. Floors

Re: Basic - 10/11/05 03:01 PM

Nobody? Not even RonnierocketAGO?
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Basic - 10/12/05 07:23 AM

I watched it and remember I enjoyed it. But I can't remember the plot at all....which must means something..... :rolleyes:
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Basic - 10/12/05 09:09 AM

BASIC was a decent if forgettable thriller that in ambition wants to be yet another American attempt at retelling the premise of Kurosawa's masterpiece RASHOMON.

Anyway, because I doubt anyone here cares really about the spoilers of this movie, but its like this.

Technically, the only people that actually died was the timid guy that was poisoned in the hospital, his black co-felon involved with the drug ring at the military base, and the base's commander who was Head of it.

Other than that, the others that "died" in the jungle really pull that whole operation to make sure they flush out the bad eggs in the basket, but also for them to technically and legally "disapear" in written Death, then they go on into their drug operation group of Section 8, with Travolta involved.

Not a terrible film from DIE HARD/THE HUNTER FOR RED OCTOBER/PREDATOR director John McTiernan, but nothing really special ultimately. Still, one could find worse ways to spend their time with than this film.

Final Film Rating - **1/2 out of 5
Posted By: M.M. Floors

Re: Basic - 10/12/05 02:08 PM

Okay, thanks it's a more clear now. I searched the internet a bit and with your comments I think I solved the puzzle.
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