
Gangster BB Hall of Fame

Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/05/05 08:48 AM

I had an idea to create a Hall of Fame of sorts for this board. We would elect one new member into the hall of fame once and a while, maybe once every week or every two weeks.

The members would be voted in based on certain criteria including...

- overall knowledge of The Godfather Trilogy and other mob films
- continuing contribution to board discussion
- tenure here on the board, aka how long theyve been here
- personality, whether they are a likeable person, friendly, helpful, etc.
- and if we need to, we can just revert back to the numbers, and go by number of posts

So at the beginning of each new election to the Hall of Fame, someone, maybe me for every one or perhaps the job could rotate, could nominate 4 people. Over the allotted time period, 1-2 weeks or so, people could vote, and who ever has the highest percentage at the end is formally inducted.

If people dont agree that any of the people being nominated should be in the Hall of Fame, they can abstain from voting. Perhaps if none of the nominees reach a certain amount of votes, then no one is inducted and new nominations are posted.

Just a fun little idea, people can participate if they like. I wont post a required amount of votes for this one, we'll see how many vote. Hey, maybe itll catch on.

So, for our initial induction, why dont we try a 2 week period. Ill make the first 4 nominations, and we'll go from there.
Posted By: SC

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/05/05 09:28 AM

Originally posted by MistaMista Tom Hagen:
Hey, maybe itll catch on.
Hopefully it won't.

These kinds of things almost always create hard feelings.
Posted By: Don Zadjali

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/05/05 09:52 AM

Originally posted by SC:
[quote]Originally posted by MistaMista Tom Hagen:
[b]Hey, maybe itll catch on.
Hopefully it won't.

These kinds of things almost always create hard feelings. [/b][/quote]Your are right Consigliere SC...
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/05/05 09:57 AM

My apoligies, I kind of figured every 2 weeks, youll eventually get your turn.

But if its gonna be a negative thing you can just take it down.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/05/05 10:35 AM

Man I'm a first ballot HoFer, surely.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/05/05 11:16 AM

This was already done.

Wait 'till April of next year.

GangsterBB.NET Hall of Fame
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/05/05 03:02 PM

I hereby dissolve the old GangsterBB.Net Hall of Fame, since the BB.Net member voted in never accepted the award.

Mista, go ahead with your new and hopefully longer-lasting HOF....and I voted for Vercetti!
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/05/05 03:23 PM

Plaw for me!

Aren't there any wordjokesadepts who vote for Irishman?

Come on, a zillion posts deserve some votes!!
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/05/05 05:52 PM

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
I hereby dissolve the old GangsterBB.Net Hall of Fame, since the BB.Net member voted in never accepted the award.

Mista, go ahead with your new and hopefully longer-lasting HOF....and I voted for Vercetti!
What is wrong with our old good hall of fame, Ronnie?
That would be a great pity, I voted there...
I hope, anyway, you'll continue the BB nomination, where we voted for best topic of the year, and favorite member, and so on.
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/05/05 07:38 PM

Im open to anything really. I was told that this was a bad idea because it ends up all being about negativity and not about fun, so I assumed it would be taken down, but I guess if theres enough to public sentiment to continue doing a Hall of Fame, whether it be this one or Ronnie's or a combined form of the two, Im up for whatever.

My idea was just to be electing members, not also voting for favorites, such as Ronnie did, but if people liked that better, then can be done also. Maybe we could give this a shot and if it ended up descending into negativity as predicted, we could just dismantle it before it got out of hand.

And again, Id like to express my apoligies for reposting old topics. Im sure someday I will have seen enough that Ill stop doing this. I guess all BB members think alike.

Anyway, unless theres any major objection, Id like to try to do this, but again, I dont want it to become a bad thing. So how does everyone else feel?
Posted By: *+*Magic Merlin*+*

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/05/05 07:38 PM

Why does everyone have to think violent you can resolve a problem without violence
Posted By: *+*Magic Merlin*+*

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/06/05 10:35 AM

I'm new here so I don't know anyone I can't vote sorry I don't judge:D
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/06/05 03:05 PM

Well, as to the idea that its a "pity" that my unsuccessful initial Hall of Fame was being scrapped...c'mon, its not the first time your democratic vote was wasted, right?

Anyway, I say one step at a time folks. Lets vote and induct our first member, then maybe in the future we create new topics, new categories, that sort of thing. You know?
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/06/05 06:35 PM

I voted a couple days ago and my vote went to Don Geoff. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have had the pleasure of meeting some of the BBer's over the Summer.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/06/05 06:46 PM

I'm not on the ballot because I'm black, right? :p
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/06/05 06:47 PM

No, its because you bet your lot with the 1-3 Buffalo Bills. While Irish, he stuck with the tough surprise choice of the Yankees.

Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/06/05 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Double-J:
I'm not on the ballot because I'm black, right? :p
Don't worry when your name hits the ballot box I will vote for ya.
Posted By: MobbingForMoney

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/06/05 08:19 PM

I voted for the Gangster BB god himself, JGeoff. This man makes some people repent for not being as smart and genuine as he is. I admire this man as a leader, genius, and all around man. He makes me strive for better things, and I hope one day I can look in the mirror, and say,"I have led the path that JGeoff has taken and it makes me feel good." JGeoff has left an everlasting memory in my brain, and as creator deserves more than anyone, a place at the top of the echelon. I hope he lives for 60 more years, so that I could mold my great, great, great grandchild into individual JGeoffs, roaming the world to make society's life cleaner and healthier. We could all learn a thing from this man, and I hope we all do.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/06/05 08:26 PM

Originally posted by MistaMista Tom Hagen:
...and if we need to, we can just revert back to the numbers, and go by number of posts
That would be quite...stupid. There are many members here who have 2,000 [b]quality[/i] and others who have 17,000 posts.

We should be able to have a say in the nominations...
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/07/05 11:42 PM

So at the beginning of each new election to the Hall of Fame, someone, maybe me for every one or perhaps the job could rotate , could nominate 4 people.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/07/05 11:43 PM

I like that idea.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/07/05 11:52 PM

Originally posted by MobbingForMoney:
I voted for the Gangster BB god himself, JGeoff. This man makes some people repent for not being as smart and genuine as he is. I admire this man as a leader, genius, and all around man. He makes me strive for better things, and I hope one day I can look in the mirror, and say,"I have led the path that JGeoff has taken and it makes me feel good." JGeoff has left an everlasting memory in my brain, and as creator deserves more than anyone, a place at the top of the echelon. I hope he lives for 60 more years, so that I could mold my great, great, great grandchild into individual JGeoffs, roaming the world to make society's life cleaner and healthier. We could all learn a thing from this man, and I hope we all do.

Thanks, M4M, but I can't help but...

Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/08/05 12:23 AM

J Geoff, the patriarch of GangsterBB.

Some samples of the master's posts:

I bet you didn't need a Viagra during that, either...
Eat me then.
OMG, that is sooooo sweet of you! Do you have any idea what it's like to find a "babe" here willing to feed me my prunes??! It's tough...!
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/08/05 01:16 AM

Posted By: plawrence

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/08/05 04:22 PM

Originally posted by SC:
[quote]Originally posted by MistaMista Tom Hagen:
[b]Hey, maybe itll catch on.
Hopefully it won't.

These kinds of things almost always create hard feelings. [/b][/quote]I was gonna vote for you, SC, but I see you weren't nominated.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/08/05 04:40 PM


Don Cardi
Posted By: Tony Love

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/08/05 05:14 PM

Though I have respect for about everyone on these boards, I voted for Plaw. Not only because of his politics, but because he's charismatic, has experience, and can explain things well without degrading the question or the questioner.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/09/05 01:21 PM

I wish the ACLU would intervene and force this poll to include me because I'm black, I'm getting tired of this blatant prejudice! I am in shackles! Why don't we just go back to Plessy v. Ferguson, because its clear you want to keep me and my brothers and sisters down!
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/09/05 01:38 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:

Wait, he'll come and tell us that we have no right to judge each other because we all have no talent of any kind hahaha.
If it doesn't take einstein to write books without punctuation, it certainly does to read them...
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/12/05 04:40 AM


Half way through the voting schedule

1 week left
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/22/05 09:53 AM

Well, the final tallies are in, and we have our winner.

4th - (2 Votes) Don Vercetti
3rd - (4 Votes) Irishman12
2nd - (14 Votes) Plawrence
and in 1st place , our GangsterBB Hall of Fame initial inductee, with a very impressive 19 votes, is the Don himself, J Geoff .

It was a close race all the way my friends, but in the end, the man who started it all emerged the victor. A job well done to all of the contestants; your input and participation in this board is clearly very much appreciated.

Don Malta, what can I say that hasn't already been stated? We all thank you endlessly for your masterful creation and upkeep of these boards. You are funny, intelligent, creative, albeit nonsenical at times. Thank you from all of us.

I will now present Don Geoff with his Official Certificate of Induction.

Does the Don have any words?

Once this matter is settled, we can begin the 2nd round of nominations. Would someone else like to nominate 4 people?

And keep in mind, previously nominated members can be renominated.

and thanks from me to our four nominees and all who voted.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/22/05 11:36 AM

I demand a recount :rolleyes:

Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/22/05 02:34 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
I demand a recount :rolleyes:
Ok recheck the chads :rolleyes:
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/22/05 02:37 PM

Originally posted by Mignon:
[quote]Originally posted by plawrence:
[b] I demand a recount :rolleyes:
Ok recheck the chads :rolleyes: [/b][/quote]Jeb Bush personally counted them AND we sent it to the Ohio Election commitee to re-check it
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/22/05 05:32 PM

Congrats Don Geoff! A well deserve honor that's a long time coming
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/22/05 05:42 PM

*sniff* I would like to thank the Academy, *sniff* and God, and my family, *sniff* and of course the other nominees *snort* whom I feel honored to have been included amongst.

This moment is so much bigger than me.

There's been a lot of criticism over the years over this award, and some of that criticism has been warranted. But whether it's warranted or not, I think it's one hell of an honor, and I thank you.

But I shall remove myself from further nominations of this fine award, as I feel that the GBB is discriminating against Native Americans. :p
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/22/05 05:49 PM

Oh yeah, pull a Brando! :rolleyes: :p

You know the girl he sent out to give his message of turning down the Best Actor award wasn't even Native American? Meh, he accepted it anyway, along with a replacement for On The Waterfront.

Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/22/05 06:23 PM


You are on a roll mang. You've been on the radio twice,
over the Summer you got fishes and now this award. What's next?
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/23/05 07:22 AM

Originally Posted by Don Andrew:
Thats so funny and I bet you most everyone who read your post missed it or its meaning. True BB humor.
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/23/05 07:26 AM

Well with our first election complete, why don't we go for Round 2?

It seemed as though some other people had interest in making the nominations this time around. So does anyone want to step up?

4 nominees is good, and you can renominate previous nominees. Just post a new thread with the topic "Gangster BB Hall of Fame: Round 2" or something of the sort.

Maybe we should try just a week this time for the voting period, it seemed like most everyone who voted did so within the first few days.

If no one posts some new ones up in a day or so Ill just put up some myself.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/24/05 12:30 AM

Pssht, I wasn't even on the ballot because I was black. I demand reparations!
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/24/05 12:33 AM

Originally posted by Double-J:
Pssht, I wasn't even on the ballot because I was black. I demand reparations!
Now, I am the Rev. Al Harpton. I demand this man gets the same rights as the white folk on this BALLOT! My friends, we need equality in the world, give peace a chance, give Double-J a chance. God Bless America, God Bless George W. Bush, and only in America we can give Double-J a chance to be in the Hall of Fame! God Bless You all, and have a good night!
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/24/05 12:56 AM

Thank you, Reverand! Next, I'd like to welcome Louis "Looey" Farrakhan to the podium, my dear friend...

"It was a fix! Mr. Mr. Tom Hagen is clearly a racist, as he denied Double-J his unalienable rights! His ancestors probably were slave owners who thought it was normal to beat and whip Double-J's ancestors. Well, Mr. Hagen, are you proud to be a slaveowner? I think you are! It's clear that YOU are a racist, and your entire perception of the world is a little too white for the rest of us."

Thank you, Louis. Now, Charlie Rangel, D-NY.

"I think that this is an abomination on the entire voting system. Much like Bush has misled us into Iraq and stolen not one, but two, elections, Mr. J has been denied his eligibility because he is black. Therefore, he deserves not only to be wholly compensated, a program of GangsterBB Affirmative Action be enacted in his honor, where 1 of his posts counts for every 3 by a white poster, and he automatically goes up by two stars on his status, and is given moderation of his own forum, called the "black gangster section."

Thank you, Charlie!

Finally, Rev. Al Sharpton again...

"If Martin Luther King were a member of this board, he would say that his dream had died, just like Double-J's chances on this ballot. This entire forum is a mockery of society, and it continues to propogate the racist hate spewed from the white upper class. You people make me sick, and it is an abhorrent that Mr. J is not being allowed on the ballot because he is black. The ghost of Dr. King is upon you, Hagen, you slave owner! And you, Mr. Geoff, if that is your real name (yes, we know you TOO are related to racist slaveowners) have done nothing to alleviate this section. And Mr. P Lawrence, aka Neal Pulcawer, you are another fine example of the Jew using the Black as muscle against the white, though you too have seen that your Hebrew powers are no match against the man and you lost to Mr. Geoff, who obviously employed all of his white racist brethren to employ their ancestral hatred in a vote of solidarity!

Mr. J deserves compensation! Free at last! Free at last! My God, he shall be free at last! I demand that he gets 5, nay, 10 votes by default for the next ballot, just to even the score against the WASP and Jew members at the Gangster BB. Then, maybe he will finally have a chance to be free as a black man.

We also have a secret picture of the registration of Double-J at the forums, where he is ritually humiliated by Mr. Geoff and Mr. SC, just to get accepted, while his white brethren simply were free to click "yes, I accept these terms" and begin posting.


I hope you are pleased with yourself, you racist pigs!"
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Gangster BB Hall of Fame - 10/24/05 04:34 AM

I'm, uh, speechless.

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