
All Pikachu Godfather

Posted By: Joeybats

All Pikachu Godfather - 09/29/05 02:09 PM

The other weekend, my wife and I (after a few bottle of Pinot Grigio) started imagining the great movie classics and musicals performed with an all Pikachu cast. (Pikachu being the little yellow, rat-like Pokemon who only says Pika, Pika, Pikachu!)
My favorite being an all Pikachu production of the Godfather, below is the Michael/Kay abortion scene from GF2:

Michael: Pika, pika pika...pika, pikachu.
Kay: Pikachu, pika, pika....pika, pika pikachu.
Michael: Pika, pika, pika!
Kay: Pikachu!
Michael: Pika pika pika, pika....chu.
Kay: Pika....pika pika, pika pikachu. Pikachu, pika pika...pika....chu!

This was later followed by an all Pikachu Pagliacci, all Pikachu Les Miserables, an all Pikachu Gone With the Wind and an all Pikachu Wagners Ring Trilogy
Posted By: Senza Mama

Re: All Pikachu Godfather - 09/30/05 09:10 AM

How many bottles did you say you had??
Posted By: Beth E

Re: All Pikachu Godfather - 09/30/05 11:02 AM

I want what he's having.
Posted By: Don Zadjali

Re: All Pikachu Godfather - 09/30/05 11:15 AM

Originally posted by Senza Mama:
How many bottles did you say you had??
Joeybats tell us how many bottles did you had???

Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: All Pikachu Godfather - 09/30/05 11:34 AM

I would like to know how the "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn" bit would sound in the Pikachu language!!
Posted By: Don Zadjali

Re: All Pikachu Godfather - 09/30/05 11:59 AM

Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:
I would like to know how the "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn" bit would sound in the Pikachu language!!
Me too
Posted By: plawrence

Re: All Pikachu Godfather - 09/30/05 12:27 PM

Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:
I would like to know how the "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn" bit would sound in the Pikachu language!!
"Pika pika, pika pikachu."

Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: All Pikachu Godfather - 09/30/05 02:16 PM

Where do you get that Pinot Grigio? It sounds magical!
Posted By: Beth E

Re: All Pikachu Godfather - 09/30/05 02:27 PM

Heck, it's Friday. We'll all get online tonight and parody all the good movies with this Pokeman limmerick. It seems Joey Bats has a head start on all of us.
Posted By: SC

Re: All Pikachu Godfather - 09/30/05 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Beth E:
It seems Joey Bats has a head start on all of us.
Yeah, a couple of bottles worth.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: All Pikachu Godfather - 09/30/05 02:37 PM

This Pokemon/Pikachu stuff is serious business.

Read some of THIS


This is not to say, however, that poke-speak is inert or without function. To return to the idea that “Language is made not to be believed, but to be obeyed, and to compel obedience,” again provides insights into the relationship between trainer and pokémon, but this time, reveals a different relationship altogether. By creating a language that consists entirely in repetition and recombination, poke-speak takes on the characteristics of the musical refrain, described in A Thousand Plateaus as follows: “Instead, what needs to be shown is that a musician requires a first type of refrain, a territorial assemblage refrain, in order to transform it from within, deterritorialize it, producing a refrain of a second type as the final end of music: the cosmic refrain of a sound machine” (349). By establishing poke-speak as a language of eternal (or only) refrain, each new iteration of the same old thing recontextualizes it, thereby engaging in a process of perpetual deterritorialization. To clarify, Poke-speak is untranslatable in the sense that there is really only one word (the creature’s own name), but this untranslatability, through use, becomes only-translatability as the entire lexicon is bound within the language system of the single word. One word means all things and meaning can only be derived from context; meaning is constructed through refrain. “Thus the sign has already attained a high degree of relative deterritorialization; it is thought of as a symbol in constant referral from sign to sign” (D+G 112). It is a language that is always new and always old. It is a language that can only be understood through a constant strategy of translation, or movement from signifying sign to signifier.1 The language of the pokémon thus commands, but not in the ordinary sense. The language itself compels obedience to its logic of constant deterritorialization.
Posted By: Eustachius Brown

Re: All Pikachu Godfather - 09/30/05 03:12 PM

Ahhh Pokemon, how much I enjoyed thee. Too bad you jumped the shark a long time ago.

Posted By: Don Zadjali

Re: All Pikachu Godfather - 09/30/05 03:18 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
This Pokemon/Pikachu stuff is serious business.

Read some of THIS

.....“Thus the sign has already attained a high degree of relative deterritorialization; it is thought of as a symbol in constant referral from sign to sign” (D+G 112). It is a language that is always new and always old. It is a language.....[/i]
WoW I didn't know that you Know that much of Information about pokemon!!!
Posted By: Eustachius Brown

Re: All Pikachu Godfather - 09/30/05 03:26 PM

Japanese cartoons are complex. That's why they're the best

Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: All Pikachu Godfather - 09/30/05 07:07 PM

Oh, Plaw, have you been hitting the same bottle as Joeybats? And if you have, why didn't you bring some to dinner the other night?? Pika, Pika!!
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: All Pikachu Godfather - 09/30/05 08:06 PM

From Don Pika Pikachu
Posted By: Don Zadjali

Re: All Pikachu Godfather - 10/01/05 12:04 PM

What's going on everyone on is turning into PIKA PIKA!!!!
Posted By: mr. soprano

Re: All Pikachu Godfather - 10/01/05 07:25 PM

must be cracked.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: All Pikachu Godfather - 10/01/05 09:17 PM

I hate Pikachu. I was seduced into Pokemon when I was in the 4th grade and I wish I could take back all the money I blew on it. Shit, I could probably buy a Gibson Voodoo SG and several films with all that.
Posted By: Don Zadjali

Re: All Pikachu Godfather - 10/02/05 06:10 PM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
I hate Pikachu. I was seduced into Pokemon when I was in the 4th grade and I wish I could take back all the money I blew on it. Shit, I could probably buy a Gibson Voodoo SG and several films with all that.
That means you were a POKEMANIAC...
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: All Pikachu Godfather - 10/03/05 07:27 AM

Funny story concerning all of this, back in the day (what am I saying?!? it was like 8 years ago) when these were popular, I purposely made sure I didnt get involved, knew Id blow a bunch of money and bother my parents, just didnt want to get into it all. I actually made a little bit of a nice killing during the whole craze though.

During my lunch period, Id ask to go to the bathroom, and sneak back to my empty classroom. Back then, we each had our own desk where we kept all of our stuff. Id sneak in, go in some kid's desk, and just snatch all of the pokemon cards I could find. Then Id go back to lunch and start sellin em off. Worked pretty well for a while.

One day during recess, I snuck inside, trying to lay my hands on some new merchandise. I had been in the classroom for about a minute, Im reaching in this kids bag to see if he has any cards, and low and behold, what do I hear? A knock on the window, and theres my teacher, staring at me.

Well long story short, since it was dark in the classroom, I was able to convince my teacher I was simply getting something in *my* bag, not the kid's next to me, a close call none the less. That incident ended my days of high profile grade school pokemon card stealing, too much stress.

Call me a criminal mastermind, call me a man with nerves of steel, but in the end, I was just a greedy little bastard.
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