
New Orleans is Takin' Cover

Posted By: SC

New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/28/05 09:45 AM

Anybody else watching whats going on in New Orleans in preparation of Hurricane Katrina?

If the forecasts hold true New Orleans may be under water for a looooong time.

Check out this live video stream (link below) from one of the local tv stations. Those poor people down there are runnin' scared.

New Orleans Live Feed
Posted By: Double-J

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/28/05 12:03 PM

This is what makes me glad I live in the Northeast. Sure, we get belted with snow, and people make fun of us for it, but damn, we don't get tornados (certainly not hurricanes), earthquakes, etc.

So I'll take my 2 feet of snow that I have to clear before driving out the door for school/work than having to shutter up my house and take the family on the run.

I hope that everybody can get out of this okay.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/28/05 12:29 PM

It's shaping up to be one of the worst hurricanes in history. It looks worse than... ANDREW.

It's bumper to bumper to get out of there, hopefully everyone's alright in the Big Easy.

As for me, on Thursday my power got knocked out, and stayed like that for 13 hours. But we still didn't have phone or the internet because phone lines were down. Until five minutes ago, and I return!

Here in Miami though, there were only 6 casualties. It wasn't too bad here, though. But god help the people in N.O.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/28/05 12:32 PM

Originally posted by Don_Andrew:

As for me, on Thursday my power got knocked out, and stayed like that for 13 hours. But we still didn't have phone or the internet because phone lines were down. Until five minutes ago, and I return!
lol, forget making sure you've got clean running water, food supply, and no flooding, damnit, I've gotta get online to help 2XJ in the IRC channel! :p
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/28/05 12:51 PM

And guess who is in Louisiana visiting family.
Posted By: SC

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/28/05 02:30 PM

Originally posted by Saladbar:
And guess who is in Louisiana visiting family.
I sincerely hope you're not in harm's way, Salad, and that you and your family are safe.

The mayor of New Orleans has just issued a mandatory evacuation order! Can you imagine that??!?
Posted By: Mignon

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/28/05 02:33 PM

A category 5 hurricane. May God be with New Orleans. I remember the traffic trying to get out when Hugo hit Charleston. And when he got done it looked just like a war zone. When is it suppose to make landfall?
Posted By: SC

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/28/05 02:38 PM

It looks like tomorrow morning, Mig. I can't even imagine what the city'll look like under all that water. Its possible the storm will get even stronger before it makes landfall! This is historical in scope, and scary to watch.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/28/05 02:43 PM

And scary to live through.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/28/05 02:45 PM

Originally posted by Saladbar:
And guess who is in Louisiana visiting family.
Hoping that you evacuated safely. Once you are able to access the internet again, please let us know.

Don Cardi
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/28/05 02:48 PM


Please stay safe and let us know how you're doing as this passes. I just read tha the mayor is ordering a "mandatory" evacuation. Where will everyone go?? I must admit, I've not been watching the news yet this morning. When do they predict it'll hit.

Posted By: SC

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/28/05 02:50 PM

This is UNBELIEVABLE.... They're reporting the winds are up to 175 miles per hour!!! I've NEVER heard of that before.... EVER!!
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/28/05 02:52 PM

My thoughts and prayers are with everyone there. I'm watching the news conference. This is scary and unbelievable. I can't imagine how they're gonna handle all the chaos of an entire town having to evacuate. Mother Nature has been been showing no mercy this year.
Posted By: SC

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/28/05 02:52 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
I must admit, I've not been watching the news yet this morning.
TIS, check out the link in the first post of this thread. It has a live stream from a local tv station.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/28/05 02:58 PM


FOX NEWS is reporting that an ENTIRE CITY is underwater!

Don Cardi
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/28/05 09:59 PM

You just can't F with Mother Nature. Modern Man in his arrogance is still humbled by the basic forces of nature. Nat. Geo. had a recent article on hurricanes. We're in a cycle of hurricanes due to warm waters (global warming??).

I hope Salad and family are OK. God protect the folks scurrying to higher ground.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/28/05 10:12 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
FOX NEWS is reporting that an ENTIRE CITY is underwater!
Already? It's not even suppose to hit land for another 12 hours -- but they did say New Orleans could be under 20 FEET (6 meters) of water tomorrow!!
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/28/05 10:14 PM

Lets just keep everyone in the Big Easy (not much longer) in our prayers...
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/28/05 10:34 PM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[b]FOX NEWS is reporting that an ENTIRE CITY is underwater!
Already? It's not even suppose to hit land for another 12 hours -- but they did say New Orleans could be under 20 FEET (6 meters) of water tomorrow!! [/b][/quote]You're probably right Geoff. I turned on the news and caught the very end of that report and probably didn't hear the part that said " when it hits."

But that's still a real scary thought!

Don Cardi
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/28/05 10:41 PM

and yet with huge waves crashing on shore and all the news reports.........PEOPLE ARE STILL THERE

WTH is wrong with some people?
Posted By: Patrick

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/28/05 10:51 PM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
and yet with huge waves crashing on shore and all the news reports.........PEOPLE ARE STILL THERE

WTH is wrong with some people?
I just saw that too. The surfers, right?
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/28/05 10:57 PM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
and yet with huge waves crashing on shore and all the news reports.........PEOPLE ARE STILL THERE

WTH is wrong with some people?
Yeah, down here in Miami too. People on the shores tailgating like it's a football game. :rolleyes:

A crazy uncle of mine (isn't there always one?) actually set up a whole little tent with ice cold beers and Carne Asada (Grilled Meat) and had a little Barbeque (by himself of course... :p ) During Hurricane Charlie last year. As if it was a sporting event or something! Luckily he wasn't hurt, but his patio was RUINED. (It didn't help matters when he lived in one of the worst hit areas at the time! ) Obviously his wife wasn't too happy about it... :rolleyes:
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/28/05 10:57 PM

Gnarly waaaaaves, dooooooood!!! Radical. :rolleyes:

Proof of Natural Selection.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/29/05 12:05 AM

I love the dumb people on the news - I believe it was on Fox where the commentator lady goes, "I know there are no lifeguards out there, but can't we get some government officials to go out there and tell those people it's dangerous?"

Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/29/05 02:15 AM

Just saw the radar for this storm. It's huge!! They also showed live video from New Orleans. The trees are bending in the wind already. It's unbelievable. I'll say a prayer tonight for all down there. Saladbar, I'll be thinking of you.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/29/05 11:54 AM

"Crude oil futures spiked to more than $70 a barrel in Singapore for the first time Monday as Katrina targeted an area crucial to the country's energy infrastructure. The storm already forced the shutdown of an estimated 1 million barrels of refining capacity." - AP

And we thought the war in Iraq was a problem for gas and oil prices. Mother Nature can slap us silly.
Posted By: SC

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/29/05 12:26 PM

I'm listening to a live feed from one of the local New Orleans tv stations from the Superdome and they're reporting that the roof of the dome is leaking!
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/29/05 12:36 PM

Good grief! That's aweful. Does that newstation provide a live web feed?
Posted By: SC

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/29/05 12:43 PM

Try this, Beth:

Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/29/05 12:48 PM

Got it. Thanks.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/29/05 12:57 PM

My local news just reported that THERE IS A HOLE IN THE ROOF OF THE SUPERDOME!!! Water is gushing through...
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/29/05 12:59 PM

Holy smokes. Those poor people. No they're probably thinking they should have taken their chances in their homes.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/29/05 01:07 PM

Originally posted by Beth E:
...they're probably thinking they should have taken their chances in their homes.
I'd guess their homes are in far worse shape than the SuperDome and these people may be thinking they should've left town when they had the chance.

I heard a reporter saying last night that while the Dome was built to withstand winds up to around 160mph...it had never been tested for the conditions being introduced by Katrina.

Let's hope & pray all those taking shelter in the SuperDome get through this.

Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/29/05 01:12 PM

The roof is gone! They said this is one of the strongest structures in NO and the roof couldn't withstand the wind.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/29/05 01:17 PM

They are saying Coastal Mississippi will bear the brunt of it, so this isn't even the worst!
Posted By: tdkpaul

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/29/05 01:35 PM

here in bavaria is already a big flood
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/29/05 02:04 PM

I hope SaladBar and her family are all ok.

This is just horrible.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/29/05 02:05 PM

They're saying a hospital has to move patients because windows blew out and the rain is coming in. And this is only beginning.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/29/05 02:13 PM

Some houses are already underwater!

Don Cardi
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/29/05 02:25 PM

A casino in Mississippi says water is coming up to the 2nd floor - which is about 15 -16 feet.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/29/05 02:34 PM

God be with them. I pray that there won't be any more hurricanes this year.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/29/05 05:08 PM

Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/29/05 05:49 PM

This is terrible. May God help everyone going through this situation. I've heard New Orleans is a beautiful city.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/29/05 07:30 PM

What a relief -- while there is some damage, the historic French Quarter is still standing! Other sections of New Orleans probably weren't so lucky, but I haven't seen video from those spots yet -- but they're saying some homes were totally flooded out.

Can't wait to hear from SB once power is restored... I hope she and her family are okay!

Katrinia is now down to Category 1.
I think Mississippi is getting hit hard...
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/29/05 07:40 PM

New Orleans is a great town, and it looks like there is significant damage, but by no means the worst case scenario.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/29/05 07:52 PM

Are there no deaths reported so far?? The damage is devastating, but if there were no lives lost, that's great.

Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/29/05 08:32 PM

I know they said last night 3 people from a nursing home died during evacuations. I haven't heard of any new ones.

I watched this all day on the internet and it does appear with the last minute turn it took that Mississippi got the worst of it. Mobile, Alabama looks pretty flooded as well.

Did anyone see the video of a guy running to a car that got submerged in flood water to save the man inside. Seeing that kind of stuff just tugs at my heartstrings.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/29/05 09:39 PM

I heard that 12 people died. I also saw that video, Beth.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/29/05 09:55 PM

I think it's gonna take at least a couple days to tally up all the casualties. There are alot of areas where people were trapped and those sections suffered heavy flooding so no one has been able to get there to assess it yet.

On the flip side of seeing good semaritans they show videos of people looting grocery stores. Uggh!!! Those people make me sick. I hope they get hit in the head by flying debris.
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/29/05 10:20 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
Are there no deaths reported so far?? The damage is devastating, but if there were no lives lost, that's great.

Except for the deads in Florida, caused by this hurricane.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/29/05 11:37 PM

One of the most amazing things to watch are the news anchors when they're right in the smack of the hurricane. You know it's all about ratings, and each news station wants their person to be able to report on this first hand. But I thinks it's shear stupidity when you see these guys fighting to stand up, getting blown away, and watching stuff catapolt right in front of them. They they say, "I'm getting the heck out of here". I just want to say, "DUH"!!!
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/30/05 12:01 AM

The French Quarter may be okay, but I just saw arial footage over New Orleans -- it looks like Venice now
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/30/05 12:15 AM

Yes, it is pretty scary. They've just been able to get helicopters in the air to assess the damage. It may not have been as bad as predicted, but it's still horrible.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/30/05 12:23 AM

Now that have to watch out for price gougers(sp) and looters. They will probably have curfews to. I know Charleston did after Hugo tore that place up.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/30/05 01:11 AM

I am happy to say I just heard from Saladbar (couple hours ago). A very brief note, saying she is ok. Evidently she's in Houston, and I assume having a long wait as she told me that terminal "sucks". Said she wasn't sure when she'd be back in Cali.

Glad to know you're safe SB. Post a short line when you get back and have time to take a deep breath.

Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/30/05 02:20 AM

So glad that SaladBar is ok. Thanks for the update, TIS.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/30/05 11:48 AM

At least 55 dead so far. Have mercy!

Posted By: MaryCas

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/30/05 01:16 PM

The local power company in NY (Con Edison) is sending a convoy of trucks to help restore power. They are reporting that some areas may take at least a month to restore. What a mess.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/30/05 06:18 PM

It's images like these that kill me. Poor little baby. Why on earth would the parents stay and put this baby's life at risk.

I think now they're saying The French Quarter is now flooded with the levee's not holding up.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/30/05 06:23 PM

I can't imagine what a nightmare this is. A very good friend of mine used to live in Slidell, not far from New Orleans, and they moved about six months ago. I'm sure they're relieved. God help these people.
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/30/05 06:46 PM

French Quarter has been flooded. News reports say over 80% of New Orleans is under water.

With the floods in India and Thailand and here, I'd say these are some biblical signs. (40 days and 40 nights)

Good thing I'm not a biblical person.

The Doc
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/30/05 06:52 PM

Looks like the cost of damages from Katrina may be from $12 to over $26 BILLION smackers. Yikes!

Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/30/05 06:54 PM

Just the damages to the Casino that was flooded to the second floor were up to $100 MILLION dollars!!
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/30/05 07:06 PM

I can't even imagine just the little day to day things that we take for granted that they're gonna do without. Not only gas and electric and water, but how many people do you think actually have workable cars now? You probably won't even be able to rent or buy another one as I'm sure all the dealer lots are ruined too. It's like the whole state is just gonna stop functioning. Pretty scary.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/30/05 07:57 PM

And no bignets for a while
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/30/05 08:11 PM

They showed on one newscast a sofa on the street that had been blown out of the 16th floor of a hotel. Imagine if it could blow out a sofa, what would have happened to any people who may have been in that room. All you see are windows blown out of tall buildings. They look like a bomb went off in them.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/30/05 10:48 PM

Has anyone seen the video of the poor man who lost his wife and keeps saying "That's all I had, she told me to take care of the kids and grandkids..."

My heart is in the pit of my stomach right now.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/30/05 10:53 PM

Yes I saw that earlier. They were holding hands, and their house collapsed in two and he had to let go of her. There are thousands of stories that are unbearable to even think of. I'm watching the news conferences and such and you just can't fathom that this is real. It's also unthinkable to think of the amount of time it will take to rebuild. Where do you start? Bridges and highways have collapse. I don't know if I can watch too much more. It's too hard to bear.
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/30/05 11:06 PM

Don't watch. It will make you miserable too. I'm not saying you should be ignorant when such a horrible thing happens, but try not to think about it too much. That's what I try to do, but it's not easy (remember the Tsunami
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/31/05 01:30 AM

You know I've not been able to watch the coverage of the aftermath until tonight. How heartbreaking. The damage is enormous and I fear for so many more lives that were lost.

Then just now my CNN alert says:

"Reports of shootings, carjackings and looting in the area near the Louisiana Superdome, New Orleans, a policeman tells CNN."

Can you imagine taking advantage of a disaster like this. Some people are totally lacking decency.

Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/31/05 01:35 AM

Very true, TIS. But I can't blame the looters who are stealing food because they have none to give to their families because stores aren't open. This is the case sometimes, people get desperate. Of course this isn't the case alot of times, and it is dispicable was some people do.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/31/05 03:04 AM

We so often take our everyday comforts for granted - water, electricity, having access to the medicine we may need. It's such a shock to think of doing without those basic things. In addition, your home is now part of Lake Pontchartrain, along with all your wordly possessions. And yet you consider yourself lucky if your family is together and unharmend. It does put things in perspective, doesn't it?
Posted By: Mignon

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/31/05 03:22 AM

You are so right SB. Thank God for the blessings we have. When I went through Hugo the power was out. The water worked but we couldn't drink it. If it wasn't for our Coleman stove and lanterns for light I don't know what we would've done.
Posted By: SC

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/31/05 11:41 AM

Originally posted by Don Andrew:
But I can't blame the looters who are stealing food because they have none to give to their families because stores aren't open. This is the case sometimes, people get desperate.
Desperate? Their kids are gonna eat tv's and microwave ovens?? Their kids are gonna eat clothing?? Most of them are fuckin' thieves, plain and simple!

Anyone else see the slow deterioration of the governor of Louisiana? She's really "slowin' down". (Granted she's in a spot no human being should be in.... I hope she'll be OK).
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/31/05 11:47 AM

I saw the Governor's news conference and did notice how totally worn out she looks. The lady Senator at teams seems like she needed to walk her through some things she was talking about. She's a political leader, but she's still human. I'm sure she's in the same boat as everyone else in that she's probably lost her home too. On top of that she has to lead the town. I definately think she's nearing a melt down. As I'm sure they all are. This is too much for mere mortals to handle I think. God bless them all!!!!
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/31/05 12:42 PM

In a perverted way, the situation in New Orleans reminded me of the old Sam Kinnison routine about people in Africa starving and living in the desert. In the routine he would scream about moving; there's no food there; it's sand.

I saw a profile of the New Orleans topography. The entire city is below the level of the Mississippi River and Lake Ponchatrain. How did they ever build a city there? How could they think that Mother Nature could be tamed by some levees and pumps? The arrogance of man.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/31/05 12:43 PM

This is just devastating. So many people without anythng left but the clothes on their backs. You are so right SB, it really does put things in perspective.

Anyone hear from SaladBar yet?

Don Cardi
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/31/05 01:47 PM

Originally posted by Beth E:
I saw the Governor's news conference and did notice how totally worn out she looks. The lady Senator at teams seems like she needed to walk her through some things she was talking about. She's a political leader, but she's still human. I'm sure she's in the same boat as everyone else in that she's probably lost her home too. On top of that she has to lead the town. I definately think she's nearing a melt down. As I'm sure they all are. This is too much for mere mortals to handle I think. God bless them all!!!!
It reminded me of how Tom Van Essen looked at the news conferences following September 11th, as if he could hardly bear up under the weight of the catastrophe.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/31/05 01:49 PM

Exactly. I don't know how they'll all gonna get through it. But in times like these people somehow find the inner strength to just march on. They're probably all just running on adreneline. It's like they can't stop, because once they do they might just collapse.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/31/05 01:54 PM

Boy, this really makes me think of how devastating a major earthquake would be here in CA. One of those things you've always known is possible, but think it's never gonna be that bad. How quickly we could lose everything but "the shirt on our back". I wonder if any state is really prepared (or if it's even possible) for a devastation like that. You could be physically, emotionally and financially doing ok, only in minutes to lose everything you have. Even still, I'd rather lose everything I have than any of my family.

Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/31/05 02:01 PM

I've been looking at alot of the pictures of this disaster on line, as I'm sure lots of people have. This one just literally blew me away. It looks like a bomb went off. It reminded me of pics of the Murrah Federal Building in Oaklahoma bombing.

Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/31/05 02:03 PM

They were actually discussing that on the news last night, TIS. They were saying how people in Louisiana, etc. must view hurricanes the way that people in CA view earthquakes. I remember my father telling a story about a guy he met in basic training who lived near the Mississippi River. Every spring, when the banks would swell, they would move up to the 2nd floor of their home, then come back down when the water receded, scrape the mud off the walls, and start over again!! Can you imagine? But I can't imagine devastation like this. It's not just a few homes or a few neighborhoods. The entire city is just GONE. I read one report where they likened New Orleans to Atlantis.

Edit: Beth, that picture is a killer.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/31/05 02:26 PM

really, 80% of New Orleans flooded? Damn...

Speaking of which, rumor is that the New Orleans Saints(NFL) may have to play either in a new location or play in new locations weekly until the Superdome(which did protect thousands from the storm, but now being evacuated) is repaired.

Rumor also tells that one likely location is the location of the yearly Alamo Bowl(college football) at the dome stadium in San Antonio, Texas.

Of course its nothing new. When the lethal California wildfires threatened San Diego awhile back, the game between the SD Chargers and the Miami Dolphins was simply moved with 3 days notice to the Arizona Cardinals' stadium in Tempe, Arizona. The NFL and owners decided to make the tickets free, and for both below-par .500 clubs, major sell-out.

Of course, one wonders how all those teams(LSU, Tulane) will deal with this crisis.
Posted By: Senza Mama

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/31/05 02:31 PM

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:

Of course, one wonders how all those teams(LSU, Tulane) will deal with this crisis.
Don't think this is a huge priority for people stuck on roofs just at the moment :rolleyes:
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/31/05 02:32 PM

80 deads right now ...
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/31/05 04:54 PM

Originally posted by SC:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Andrew:
[b] But I can't blame the looters who are stealing food because they have none to give to their families because stores aren't open. This is the case sometimes, people get desperate.
Desperate? Their kids are gonna eat tv's and microwave ovens?? Their kids are gonna eat clothing?? Most of them are fuckin' thieves, plain and simple!

Anyone else see the slow deterioration of the governor of Louisiana? She's really "slowin' down". (Granted she's in a spot no human being should be in.... I hope she'll be OK). [/b][/quote]I never said all of them were like that. How are those TV's and microwaves going to work when they are flooded up to their roofs? And yes SC, alot, most of them are thieves, but soem of them are desperate. Food is running out, they have to evacuate the city.
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/31/05 09:10 PM

I just heard on CNN the number of dead could easily be over 1000.


The Doc

P.S. Bush is now saying recovery will take "years".
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/31/05 09:19 PM

This is worse than originally thought. It could take years and years for this recovery to be complete! I listened to an interview on the way home today and the policewoman being interviewed was crying that there was no electronic communication possible and therefore the authorities are not able to know where survivors are. A reporter called in and was saying that there were thousands of people roaming the side of a highway and gave the exit number and highway number where these people were roaming and the policewoman being interviewed immedeatly distpatched rescuers to the location. This happend live on the radio during the interview.. It was very sad and disheartening.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Mignon

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/31/05 10:13 PM

Katrina had such widespread destruction. Mississippi, Louisiana. Can you imagine all the dead people underneath all that water? That just breaks my heart.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 08/31/05 10:20 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
... A reporter called in and was saying that there were thousands of people roaming the side of a highway and gave the exit number and highway number where these people were roaming and the policewoman being interviewed immedeatly distpatched rescuers to the location. This happend live on the radio during the interview.. It was very sad and disheartening.

Don Cardi
Same thing happened to Shepard Smith a little earlier on Fox. Exit 235 by the Superdome.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 12:01 AM

Originally posted by dontomasso:
And no bignets for a while
Inquiry - do the events of Hurrican Katrina qualify as a "tragedy" under your previous definition from the thread a few weeks ago?
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 12:29 AM

Anyway, Update: Looks like the Saints for the time-being will play its "home games" in the AlamoDome in San Antonio. Far from the minds of survivors as it should be, but a heads up to those sports fans out there.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 12:30 AM

Houston, TX is helping out in a big way: They are sending buses to the Superdome and bringing everyone to the Astrodome.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 12:38 AM

Mmm, I know that they are looking for engineers down there badly, though they've got the army core of engineers already feverishly working on a solution.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 01:14 AM

Bret Favre's family home was destroyed. Though none of his family members were hurt.
Posted By: SC

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 03:49 AM

Dunno if you ever listened in (on a scanner radio) to the police frequencies but here's a link (below) to the New Orleans Police frequency. Its a little slow at night, but some of this "behind the scenes" stuff is interesting.

Posted By: Senza Mama

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 11:22 AM

BBC Radio News reporting this morning that while it is impossible to give accurate figures at this stage, the death toll is expected to run to four figures

This is like something you expect to see in the Third World.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 11:38 AM

I watched a 48 Hours special on New Orleans last night. It was heartbreaking. The survivors are just stretched out on the Interstate with no food and no water. They interviewed a woman whose husband had died in her arms, but she said that the police only told her to wrap him up and try to put him in the shade so he didn't smell. Then, when she pointed to what I thought was a pile of rags, to my horror, I realized that the dead husband was still there next to her!! They had old people, babies, the survivors are building up Shantytowns. It was horrible. They've been without food or water for three days, and they had received no help since being rescued from the water. Where is FEMA? Where is The Red Cross? They showed another family that left a shelter because they thought it was too dangerous and that the others might steal the little food and water they still had, so they were roaming the streets with their children and all of their possessions in a shopping cart. Horrendous!!

They did interview a woman at the one hospital on dry land. She had given birth in the middle of all this. They said the baby's name (something like Kristen, can't remember), but the original name she had picked out was Katrina! What are the odds? The medical staff in this hospitall have not left for days. They have no idea if their own homes are still standing, but since it's the only hospital still functioning, they're not leaving.

This was truly heartbreaking.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 11:43 AM

Absolutely horrendous. The greatest government on earth stumbling over itself. It appears there really is or was no comprehensive plan to deal with a catastrophy of this size. Let's make it up as we go along. Sad.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 12:36 PM

One of the main problems is that due to the increasing flooding instead of receding water...there are limited roads in & out of the city. Even via helicopter there is a limit to what these organizations can do to help right now.

New Orleans is below sea level. The land was literally drained and built upon in the early 1920's. For many years the city has dodged this kind of bullet, when hurricane after hurricane eventually managed head in a different direction and/or carry a bit less power. New Orleans didn't even get the most powerful brunt of Katrina...that hit Biloxi, Mississippi. There have been predictions for years that one day a storm of this magnitude would hit, and when it did the infrastructure of New Orleans would be virtually destroyed.

Now it's happened. And while the people of that region are the most directly affected and in need of our help...this will eventually have an impact on ALL of us, and not just with regard to gas/oil prices as we are now seeing.

This is one of the things that must be expected when we continue to habitate every bit of land that is available...even when nature suggests that a particular area might just not be meant for that purpose.

I'll be donating money on the Red Cross website today (www.redcross.org). How 'bout the rest of you?

Posted By: Aziatic

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 02:10 PM

GOD, this is soooo sad, I wish I could help over there. My prayers go out to the families who lost family members and relatives. I hope the situation imporoves very soon....
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 04:14 PM

Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 04:56 PM

Now there's fires in New Orleans. What will happen next?
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 05:08 PM

What the f$$k does anyone give a shit about where a football game will be played? People are homeless, starving, dead, injured, and lost. There is mass hysteria going on over there. It bothers me to no end to see the people going through this. It could be anyone of us going through this.

And all you can contribute here is what will happen to the Saints football team? :rolleyes: Get real Ronnie.

Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 05:15 PM

Smitty, did Ronnie write that article? Did it not cross your mind that perhaps he lamented the nature of the article, and was simply posting to reflect how absurd this situation is, and, as always, how horridly the media reports such events?

Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 05:22 PM

Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
Smitty, did Ronnie write that article? Did it not cross your mind that perhaps he lamented the nature of the article, and was simply posting to reflect how absurd this situation is, and, as always, how horridly the media reports such events?

No mick that is not the case. he posted over in another thread about New Orleans asking about the football game and the stadium. Way before he posted that article. It's been on his mind. He did not make that post for the reasons you say. He's even apologized over in another thread for making a joke about this thing.

Posted By: SC

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 05:47 PM

I just heard that Congress is cutting its break short and returning early to vote on legislation helping the hurricane's victims. I'd say thats the least they could do.

I don't wanna politicize this but it was also just announced that Bush will be touring the disaster area tomorrow. I don't see how thats going to accomplish anything of real value; in fact by him being there its only going to make things worse by virtue of the security needed to protect him (and taking away police from other more immediate duties).
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 06:05 PM

Originally posted by SC:
I just heard that Congress is cutting its break short and returning early to vote on legislation helping the hurricane's victims. I'd say thats the least they could do.

I don't wanna politicize this but it was also just announced that Bush will be touring the disaster area tomorrow. I don't see how thats going to accomplish anything of real value; in fact by him being there its only going to make things worse by virtue of the security needed to protect him (and taking away police from other more immediate duties).
Good point SC. His being there will detract from what really needs to be focused on. And every moment of this rescue effort counts right now.

But then as the leader of this country, if he does not show up, there are those who will accuse him of not caring. And as the leader of this country, he probably feels that he needs to see first hand what damage is done so that he can have a first hand understanding of what resources need to be provided by government in order to try and remedy this situation.

It's a tough situation. But if the decision were up to me, right now I would advise him to stay away, for the exact reasons that you have stated.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Mignon

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 06:20 PM

I seen on the news this morning that he flew over the area in Airforce 1 yesterday. Is he going back again?
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 06:23 PM

Who's heard the story of a brother in Miss. that apparently shot and killed his sister in a fight over a bag of ice? Damn...
Posted By: Mignon

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 06:25 PM

OMG that is just terrible
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 06:29 PM

The stories just get worse and worse. Just looking at the clips today where people are on the news begging for help. I can't put myself in their shoes.
Posted By: SC

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 06:44 PM

Originally posted by Beth E:
I can't put myself in their shoes.
Sadly, many of them don't even have shoes. Here's the front page of today's NY Post:

Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 06:47 PM

I saw that on the news today. Reporters are saying police and national guard are driving past people, and they can't help them. You can just picture people starving in Africa and think of the comparison. There's no food, no medicine, no medical help for people on dialysis or diabetes. 5 people have died in the convention center, just from neglect.
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 07:34 PM

Remember how "colorful" politics are down there (big pockets, stratching backs, etc. more so than even a national level). I'm appalled by the armed gangs, the shooting at police helicopters, the looting, but sadly, I'm not hugely surprised.

And flooding in New Orleans hit a very poor, very economically stratified city with an already very very (add many more verys) serious violence problem and major skepticism among the population about the police force and local government (corruption, etc.) I remember thinking on Saturday morning that the city's basic emergency plan could be summed up as "get the folks with resources out of town... let the poor (black) families and stranded tourists drown." I'm not defending anybody, and Lord knows I'm not defending the folks who are carjacking, looting, shooting at rescuers, etc. I'm just not surprised. This was ugly from the get-go.

The Missup has always wanted to move west and drain to the Atchafalaya. Sadly, perhaps if we weren't so dependent on the port we should let the river go. Unless building levees for stage 5 hurricanes is feasible?
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 07:35 PM

Glad you made it back safe SB. Alot of people here were thinking of you.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 07:55 PM

SaladBar, what a pleasure to hear from you!!!!!!!!!! I hope that your family are all ok. We was worried about ya there for a couple of days.

Good to see you back!

Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 08:02 PM

Originally posted by Beth E:
The stories just get worse and worse. Just looking at the clips today where people are on the news begging for help. I can't put myself in their shoes.
I heard a really disturbing report from Shepard Smith about the convention center. Apparently several woman have complained that during the night they were raped. This is just disgusting.

These people fear for their lives especially when the evening arrrives because there is no electricity and it becomes a free for all for all the sicko criminals.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Mignon

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 08:07 PM

With all the people in that place no one tried to help those women?
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 08:10 PM

Originally posted by Mignon:
With all the people in that place no one tried to help those women?
Apparently Mig, these attacks happend in the bathroom where it was pitch black. I would summize that with the amount of people in that convention center, it is probably very loud and therefore no one could hear any cries for help. This is just specualtion on my part, but it's the only logical reason that I could think of. I guess that we just can't fathom what it really must be like in that place. Very sad.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 08:25 PM

Well, I had family in New Orleans, and thank god they got safely to Houston, TX (I have family over there as well...)
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 08:27 PM

That's great news Don Andrew.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/01/05 08:37 PM

Originally posted by Don Andrew:
Well, I had family in New Orleans, and thank god they got safely to Houston, TX (I have family over there as well...)
Nice to hear some good news out of there Don Andrew. I am glad that they are all safe.

Check your PM.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 12:01 AM

Listening to all the stories of the people in The Convention Center in NO is heart wrenching. Two babies died of dehydration. You see old people in wheelchairs, dead. They have no help from anyone. I can't believe something like this can happen in America.
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 02:06 AM

My thoughts and prayers and those of my family are with the many people who have been affected by this natural disaster.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 02:47 AM

The senate just voted to allocate 10.5 billion dollars in relief funds for this . Now they must wait until tomorrow for the house of representatives to vote and pass this proposal. Wait untill tommorow? Why the hell couldn't the house have a special session this evening that would take place right after the senate vote? What's the matter, are they too good to come to their jobs at night to help speed up the allocation of funds that are of extreme importance to this disaster?

Maybe I am missing something here that someone could clarify for me.

Don Cardi
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 02:54 AM

DC it wasn't a senate vote only a small percentage of the senators had a voice chat with Bush and approved it.

Also what REALLY pisses me off is that they even need to get back in session for this, is ANYONE really going to vote against this?
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 03:07 AM

I'm always behind you guys on the coverage. I am just now getting to see footage of today's news.

It's heartbreaking. One woman was holding three babies who hadn't eaten or changed diapers in 3 days. One looked very sickly and appeared to be sleeping. With the hot temperatures and no assistance of any kind, must be absolutely horrid.

I commented earlier how awful the looting is, and I still think it is. Yet, after seeing some of this footage, I know if my babies/children needed food/water I would do what I had to do to feed them, even steal it. I just couldn't let them starve to death. So where do you draw the line I wonder??

Posted By: Senza Mama

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 08:41 AM

Wow, I just can't believe some of the pictures coming out of New Orleans. Biloxi looks like Hiroshima.

Natural disasters can and do happen anywhere in the world.

But in terms of the aftermath...how can this happen in America??

BTW good to hear from you again SaladBar.
Posted By: SC

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 09:09 AM

Originally posted by Senza Mama:
But in terms of the aftermath...how can this happen in America??
Good question. You ask 50 Americans and you'll get 50 different answers. My own answer is its a combination of being completely overwhelmed by the sheer size of this event AND the inability of the government to respond in an organized, effective manner. Heads will start to roll soon and the response will become better organized. I don't think its a question of the U.S. having the resources with which to respond.... I don't think its a question of the U.S. having the will to respond..... its just that nobody knows what the fuck they're doing to organize the help.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 10:45 AM

Originally posted by SC:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Senza Mama:
[qb] My own answer is its a combination of being completely overwhelmed by the sheer size of this event AND the inability of the government to respond in an organized, effective manner. Heads will start to roll soon and the response will become better organized. I don't think its a question of the U.S. having the resources with which to respond.... I don't think its a question of the U.S. having the will to respond..... its just that nobody knows what the fuck they're doing to organize the help.
You are so correct SC. This effort, as you have said, lacks the leadership qualities that a disaster of this magnitude really needs. It seems to me that whenever I see a Rescue worker, a red cross volunteer, a law enforcement figure, or a political leader in that area being interviewed, they lack direction and seem confused. No one seems to know what procedures should be taken and how certain situations that are arising should be addressed. What this effort lacks is a the take charge abilities of a Rudy Giuliani and a Bernie Kerik.

It boggles my mind that in this day and age, with technology and satellites that can zero in and track a friggin ant in a desert taking a shit, that we are not able to use that technology to see 1000's of people stranded on the side of a highway waiting for direction and help!

And you are also right when you say heads will roll over this. Without getting political here is no question in my mind that many people in powere here really dropped the ball. While no one can fault a human for a natural disaster like this, there was plenty of time to prepare for this. It was not like this Hurricane snuck up and blindsided this state. They tracked this thing for about 10 days, and knew the impact that it could strike with. While I realize that 20/20 is hindsight, common sense should have been used here and was not. The governer of the state did not seem to wake up until the 10th hour. A mandatory evacuation should have been called several days before this thing struck, not at the 11th hour. There are procedures and steps that need to be taken by a governer to declare a state of emergency. And it's starting to come out that many steps in that procedure were not taken until it was almost too late. Couple that with the stories of how the levees and pumping systems were not maintained and like you said, heads are going to roll.

Someone needs to go in there and take charge.

This is a damn shame. It's sickening.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Senza Mama

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 11:06 AM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[quote]Originally posted by SC:
[b] [QUOTE]Originally posted by Senza Mama:
[qb] My own answer is its a combination of being completely overwhelmed by the sheer size of this event AND the inability of the government to respond in an organized, effective manner. Heads will start to roll soon and the response will become better organized. I don't think its a question of the U.S. having the resources with which to respond.... I don't think its a question of the U.S. having the will to respond..... its just that nobody knows what the fuck they're doing to organize the help.
You are so correct SC. This effort, as you have said, lacks the leadership qualities that a disaster of this magnitude really needs. It seems to me that whenever I see a Rescue worker, a red cross volunteer, a law enforcement figure, or a political leader in that area being interviewed, they lack direction and seem confused. No one seems to know what procedures should be taken and how certain situations that are arising should be addressed. What this effort lacks is a the take charge abilities of a Rudy Giuliani and a Bernie Kerik.

It boggles my mind that in this day and age, with technology and satellites that can zero in and track a friggin ant in a desert taking a shit, that we are not able to use that technology to see 1000's of people stranded on the side of a highway waiting for direction and help!

And you are also right when you say heads will roll over this. Without getting political here is no question in my mind that many people in powere here really dropped the ball. While no one can fault a human for a natural disaster like this, there was plenty of time to prepare for this. It was not like this Hurricane snuck up and blindsided this state. They tracked this thing for about 10 days, and knew the impact that it could strike with. While I realize that 20/20 is hindsight, common sense should have been used here and was not. The governer of the state did not seem to wake up until the 10th hour. A mandatory evacuation should have been called several days before this thing struck, not at the 11th hour. There are procedures and steps that need to be taken by a governer to declare a state of emergency. And it's starting to come out that many steps in that procedure were not taken until it was almost too late. Couple that with the stories of how the levees and pumping systems were not maintained and like you said, heads are going to roll.

Someone needs to go in there and take charge.

This is a damn shame. It's sickening.

Don Cardi [/b][/quote]Great post Don Cardi...somehow it always heartens me when you and I occasionally agree on something
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 01:52 PM

I am so saddened by the images I'm seeing. It sure doesn't look like America.

I heard Brian Williams who is/was in N.O. comment that while talking to another reporter yesterday, he used the phrase "when we get back to the States.." catching himself that this actually was the States. Damn! Is that sad or what?

I guess the question on everyone's mind is "where the hell is the help?" These poor souls shouldn't have to wait for 5 days for food/water. God knows how many will suffer/die. I can't get the images of the starving desperate people (especially the babies) out of my head.

Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 02:02 PM

Did anyone see the mayor of New Orleans on the news this morning? I had already left for work, but a co-worker of mine said he was fired up. He was saying this is damned ridiculous, and for people to get off their asses and help. I wish I could have seen it. Hopefully they'll replay it tonight. Heads had better roll over this.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 02:03 PM

TIS I don't mean to make this sound cold hearted or anything but the national guard and all that needs to make sure that everyting is stable enough for them to go in. I don't see a point in A) sending in troops that will either die or become victims themselves B) having the troops not be able to perform their duties effectively and cost people their lives that might not have died had they waited an extra day.

There needs to be an investigation into WHY a lot of this happened, and hopefully use this as a way to make new machines, techniques etc... in solving these types of problems if they come up again.

The leveys or whatever they are called is inexcusable.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 02:07 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
...I heard Brian Williams who is/was in N.O. comment that while talking to another reporter yesterday, he used the phrase "when we get back to the States.." catching himself that this actually was the States...
And you don't think he staged that??? Brian Williams is far too intelligent and experienced a newscaster to make a slip like that without it being intentional. He was clearly trying to send a message.

Whether or not that is part of his job is debatable.

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 02:12 PM


Yes, I understand that, however one has to wonder why they can't send planes to drop food/supplies on the ground like they've done for other countries. Also, reporters seem to have no problem getting in. We see on-the-scene coverage daily. 5 days is just unacceptable. I agree that not only LA, but all states and the Federal government must come up with a decent plan should this ever happen again. I don't know who/what exactly is to blame, and if nothing else, we must learn from this situation and make sure it doesn't happen again one another disaster occurs in N.O. or anywhere in the U.S.

Posted By: MaryCas

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 02:12 PM

Originally posted by Beth E:
Did anyone see the mayor of New Orleans on the news this morning? I had already left for work, but a co-worker of mine said he was fired up. He was saying this is damned ridiculous, and for people to get off their asses and help. I wish I could have seen it. Hopefully they'll replay it tonight. Heads had better roll over this.
From the AP:
"They flew down here one time two days after the doggone event was over with TV cameras, AP reporters, all kind of goddamn - excuse my French everybody in America, but I am pissed," Nagin said.

And rightfully so. Even the cops are deserting the force. The Bush-meister better make a big showing today - and not just rhetoric.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 02:21 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:

Yes, I understand that, however one has to wonder why they can't send planes to drop food/supplies on the ground like they've done for other countries.
I figured they were I thought you meant trying to rescue people say trapped in their attics if it just wasn't possible to get to them.

I would be all for having a "government news station for disasters" maybe change it every year say 2,4,5,7 and then rotate it each year. There is NO need to have that many extra people there just reporting for each station. I would bet my life that those reporters are being well fed as well.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 02:23 PM

Literally, Bush better put it balls to the walls, or it'll hurt him in the polls. Remember his father lost many votes in the 1992 election simply because people felt he didn't "react" fast/strong enough after then-worst hurricane in American history in Andrew(at least in terms of financial property loss, back then $26 billion).

Anyway, when people estimate $50 billion to be the damages....I actually wouldn't be surprised if $75 billion would be more like it.
Posted By: SC

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 02:32 PM

Fox News just showed an impressive sight .... a HUGE convoy of 18 wheelers (carrying food, water, etc.), MANY trucks towing boats, buses and at least 20 fire trucks from out-of-state fire departments just went rolling in to downtown New Orleans. Its estimated that as many as 1,000 vehicles may be in that convoy!
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 02:34 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
I am so saddened by the images I'm seeing. It sure doesn't look like America.

I guess the question on everyone's mind is "where the hell is the help?" These poor souls shouldn't have to wait for 5 days for food/water. God knows how many will suffer/die. I can't get the images of the starving desperate people (especially the babies) out of my head.

Exactly TIS! I am so sick to my stomach looking at these poor people and at the same time outraged at this. No one has seemed to step up and take some sort of control in this thing. The damn governer over there seems to thrive on holding press confrences! Screw that shit! Get off your ass and do what is needed to get fast help to your state! Spend that precious time coordinating things instead of putting you mug in front of a camera three time in two days to speak to the press! Your speaking on TV is NOT helping those people. They have ne means of communication. I am so outraged by the lack of leadership and the mass confusion there that I want to.......UUUNNNGGGGG!

Imagine being stranded with your spouse and children for 4 days with no one contacting you, no food , no water, amongst thousands of people, dead and alive, not knowing if anyone is ever going to rescue your children. Damn, I would have probably lost it by now also.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 02:35 PM

Originally posted by SC:
Fox News just showed an impressive sight .... a HUGE convoy of 18 wheelers (carrying food, water, etc.), MANY trucks towing boats, buses and at least 20 fire trucks from out-of-state fire departments just went rolling in to downtown New Orleans. Its estimated that as many as 1,000 vehicles may be in that convoy!
Posted By: SC

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 02:38 PM

That convoy was 8 miles long!!!
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 02:38 PM

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
Literally, Bush better put it balls to the walls, or it'll hurt him in the polls. Remember his father lost many votes in the 1992 election simply because people felt he didn't "react" fast/strong enough after then-worst hurricane in American history in Andrew(at least in terms of financial property loss, back then $26 billion).
He can lose all of the votes that he wants right now, because he cannot get re-elected.

But he does need to put his balls to the wall to help these people. He needs to do whatever neccessary within his power to get things done quickly and effectively.

Don Cardi
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 02:40 PM

Originally posted by SC:
Fox News just showed an impressive sight .... a HUGE convoy of 18 wheelers (carrying food, water, etc.), MANY trucks towing boats, buses and at least 20 fire trucks from out-of-state fire departments just went rolling in to downtown New Orleans. Its estimated that as many as 1,000 vehicles may be in that convoy!
SC I heard on the news this morning that Steve McNair from the Tenessee Titans sent a whole bunch of supplies down as well.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 02:47 PM

Leona Helmsley, the queen of mean, donated $5 Million Dollars!

Don Cardi
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 02:47 PM

I just wanted to add one more thing, the U.S. is actually coming together again and there is no RIGHT/LEFT/CONSERVATIVE/DEMOCRAT crap going on right now and it's all about helping the people.

Maybe we can keep this outlook and realize that TOGETHER we can get much much much more accomplished!
Posted By: Patrick

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 02:48 PM

When Hurricane Ivan hit last year before the election, remember how Bush went and personally handed out water and such to the people? Everyone stuck up for him and said he didn't do it for just votes. Well, since he no longer needs votes, I expect to see him in there handing out food and water or we're going to know it was just a political move.
Posted By: SC

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 02:49 PM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
I heard on the news this morning that Steve McNair from the Tenessee Titans sent a whole bunch of supplies down as well.
This is the time for private industry to step up to the plate and do the right thing. Its sadly evident, so far, that we can't count solely on our government.

Hopefully these convoys rolling in will be the start of the end of all the suffering.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 02:50 PM

Man, sad segment earlier on CNN about a trapped hospital in New Orleans that who's remaining medical staff and patients are stuck with no running water or power, and the food supply is about over. Dr. Gupta(the network's medical correspondent) flat out told of how people at the hospital keep asking other this:

"If journalists and reporters can easily come down here, then why hasn't the National Guard come in yet?"

Of course, sporadic visits from the Guard have come, but ususally the location seems to be on its own, and of course the fear of having to deal with the armed bands of looters roaming the city.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 02:53 PM

DonMichael is right.

I've been checking conservative-political blogs, and really...from what I've seen, there is a backlash in general at the Federal and state governments for their lack/speed of response.

Speaking of which...http://www.usatoday.com/life/people/2005-09-01-jay-z-diddy-donation_x.htm

Rappers Jay-Z and "Vote or Die" himself Diddy have donated $1 million to the Red Cross.

Of course last night, Falcons running-back Warrick Dunn pretty much asked all NFL players, save obviously for the Saints, to donate at least $5,000. A true class act...
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 03:05 PM

Don Cardi, yes you are right about Bush can't get re-elected again. However, his administration had been in a rut recently before Katrina which has stalled their attempts to revamp Social Security, among other things.

Oh and Patrick, I kinda agree with you. If Bush simply tours the damage with his guaranteed-small army of military/Secret Service guards and then leaves...I'll be pretty disapointed.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 03:07 PM

NBC leads off hurricane benefits

By Jim Cheng, USA TODAY

NBC and its sibling networks will air a live benefit concert Friday for victims of Hurricane Katrina.

A Concert for Hurricane Relief will air in high-definition on NBC, MSNBC and CNBC at 8 p.m. ET/tape PT.

The telethon will feature artists with ties to the affected region, including Tim McGraw, Harry Connick Jr. and Wynton Marsalis as well as celebrities, including actor Leonardo DiCaprio. More artists will be added.

The concert, hosted by Matt Lauer, will originate from NBC's studios in New York.

Viewers will be encouraged to donate to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund through its Web site and hotline (www.redcross.org and 800-HELPNOW).

MTV Networks is planning a live concert Sept. 10 from locations in New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta and Nashville. The roster includes Ludacris, Green Day, Gretchen Wilson, Usher, Alicia Keys, John Mellencamp, Rob Thomas and the Dave Matthews Band. The special will air on MTV, VH1 and CMT and on MTV's broadband networks.

Also lending support:

• Morgan Freeman is helping organize an online auction that will open Friday on the Charity Folks auction site (www.charityfolks.com) and run until Sept. 16. Proceeds will go to the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund.

• The Dave Matthews Band will add a concert Sept. 12 to its stint at Denver's Red Rocks. Proceeds will go to hurricane relief, Billboard.com says.

• Russell Simmons, BET and the National Urban League will announce details today for a telethon Sept. 9 on BET (7:30 p.m. ET/tape PT).

• Rap producer Master P, whose parents and other relatives live in New Orleans, was making plans Wednesday for a relief program.

Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 03:07 PM

Anyway, nice article about displaced college students(like me and many of you here at BB.Net) that had to flee and go somewhere else....

Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 03:11 PM

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:

Oh and Patrick, I kinda agree with you. If Bush simply tours the damage with his guaranteed-small army of military/Secret Service guards and then leaves...I'll be pretty disapointed.
Due to the way people are acting firing guns at national guards and all that I HIGHLY doubt the President will have that much space to roam around and do everything. The secret service is in charge of where he goes and where he doesn't go, the second they feel it is not safe enough they will pull him out.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 03:12 PM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
[quote]Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
Oh and Patrick, I kinda agree with you. If Bush simply tours the damage with his guaranteed-small army of military/Secret Service guards and then leaves...I'll be pretty disapointed.
Due to the way people are acting firing guns at national guards and all that I HIGHLY doubt the President will have that much space to roam around and do everything. The secret service is in charge of where he goes and where he doesn't go, the second they feel it is not safe enough they will pull him out. [/b][/quote]That is a pure bullshit excuse DMC. His ass shouldn't be in there touring in the first place if it's too dangerous. They think he's safe in a chopper? A national guardsmen was shot IN a helicopter yesterday. Bush shouldn't even be in there yet. All he is doing is taking up the time of people who could be stopping the looting and rescuing people.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 03:14 PM

Jerry Lewis has announced a plan to raise money through his labor day palsey telethon for the Hurricane Relief.

Don Cardi
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 03:14 PM

I will post this then you can respond and we'll drop it. He is not taking up anyone's time except the Secret Service who would be with him anyway, and they are not going to be taking him over the "war zones" so he won't be anywhere near where the people were shot down.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 03:15 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
Jerry Lewis has announced a plan to raise money through his labor day palsey telethon for the Hurricane Relief.

Don Cardi
Ellen Degenerous (I can't spell) just donated 1.5 million to the fund as well.

edit: I miss read that she plans to raise 1.5 million
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 03:15 PM

Cardi, that is good news indeed!
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 03:17 PM

"Tagliabue, who announced on Wednesday that the NFL was donating $1 million to the recovery effort, added that the emphasis should be the total recovery of the region hit by the hurricane."

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 03:19 PM

Can we at least try to kkep this thread clear of political arguements and debates? There are other threads for that stuff. Let's try and keep this one focused on talking about the disaster itself. I think that we all have feelings and emotions running wild right now because of what we are seeing and the hurt that we are all feeling for these people.

Don Cardi
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 03:20 PM

Hillary Duff donated 250,000 which is enough for 300,000 cans of food
Posted By: Patrick

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 03:24 PM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
I will post this then you can respond and we'll drop it. He is not taking up anyone's time except the Secret Service who would be with him anyway, and they are not going to be taking him over the "war zones" so he won't be anywhere near where the people were shot down.
He still shouldn't be there at this time.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 03:30 PM

Comcast is giving 10 million of advertising time and 50,000 in cash.

Still waiting on some of these pro athletes who are "for the fans"
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 03:34 PM

The temporary housing situation for one family who fled from Hurricane Katrina to the Tri-State just got a lot better -- a whole house-load better, News 5's Michelle Hopkins reported.


Wilber Canady, of Northside, called News 5 to say he and his sister would donate their three-story, four-bedroom home.

"Down South everybody is family if they need it," Canady said. "The Lord says it's available, so we're giving it to them."

Forty-three family members had been staying with their relative, Darlene Rutledge, in her three-bedroom Hamilton apartment.

For now, there will be a little more breathing room.

The next immediate concern is schooling for the 21 children and medical attention for two of the kids suffering with spina bifida. Their medication will run out in two weeks.

The Red Cross plans on helping, and if you can offer assistance, call News
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 04:00 PM

Stars Give Millions to Aid Katrina Victims

Thursday Sep 01, 2005 8:05am EST
Friday Sep 02, 2005 8:45am EST (updated)
By Stephen M. Silverman

With the Gulf Coast crisis continuing to mount, the American Red Cross has received $1 million donations from Nicolas Cage, Celine Dion, and similar pledges from Sean "Diddy" Combs and Jay-Z.

"When I turn on CNN, I see a lot of black people on the streets," Jay-Z tells the Associated Press. "I know it's other people too, but those projects have been hit hard." He and Combs announced their joint donation Thursday, saying they hoped to inspire others, especially African Americans, to give.

"This is our community," says Shawn "Jay-Z" Carter. Combs concurs: "We are all descendants from each other's families. When you hear black people say 'brothers' and 'sisters,' it's really true. These are all people that I know I'm related to somehow, some way – the human race family."

Jay-Z said he had put in calls to NBA star LeBron James and rapper Kanye West for donations.

Dion's donation, made with the partners of her "A New Day" Las Vegas show, went to the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund.

In the telethon department, the six major networks are planning a joint live broadcast similar to the "America: A Tribute to Heroes" held in 2001, a week after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. That event nearly four years ago drew nearly 90 million viewers and raised more than $100 million for victims.

Meanwhile, NBC, MSNBC and CNBC will simulcast "A Concert for Hurricane Relief" in high-definition live from Rockefeller Center Friday night, with viewers encouraged to donate to the American Red Cross disaster Relief Fund.

To be hosted by Today show anchor Matt Lauer, the special (which will be tape-delayed for West Coast viewers) will feature performances from Faith Hill, Aaron Neville, Tim McGraw, Wynton Marsalis and Harry Connick Jr., and appearances from Mike Myers, Hilary Swank, Lindsay Lohan, Eli Manning, John Goodman and Leonardo DiCaprio.

"I am heartbroken by the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina in my home state," McGraw, who was born in Delhi, La., said in a statement.

Connick, a New Orleans favorite son, expressed his sorrow over his hometown's devastation. Critical of the rescue efforts, Connick said on Friday's Today show: "How hard is it to bring a truck with bottles of water over to the convention center?" He said he's doing all he can to make people aware of the situation, "but I'm a musician. What can I do?"

MTV and its sister music cable channels VH1 and CMT also announced that their live benefit program will air Saturday with hook-ups to performers in New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta and Nashville. They are, so far, set to include Green Day, Usher, Rob Thomas and Alicia Keys.

Oscar-winning actor Morgan Freeman, whose Mississippi Delta home received only rain and high winds, helped organize an online auction to raise funds for the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund.

Maintaining the momentum, BET has announced a Sept. 9 telethon to feature Russell Simmons, Master P and jazz artist Marsalis, and veteran comic Jerry Lewis said he would devote a portion of his annual Labor Day telethon for the Muscular Dystrophy Association charity, which starts on Sunday, to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort, reports Reuters.

In fact, Master P, also a New Orleans native, told the Associated Press that his uncle, father-in-law and sister-in-law, among others, were unaccounted for. His father was missing until recently.

"We just got caravans of family members (evacuated)," Master P said Thursday. "It's just devastating."

The rapper-producer said he had created a foundation called Team Rescue and had helicopters searching for his missing family members.

Indeed, throughout the entertainment community people have been reaching out to victims of the catastrophe.

Louisiana native Britney Spears, who was raised in Kentwood, says her "thoughts and prayers go out to everyone" in the states along the devastated Gulf Coast. "All of my family members there are safe and thank you to all my fans for your concern," Spears, 23, has posted on her Web site.

Talk host Ellen DeGeneres says that for two days she didn't know whether her aunt, Helen Currie, had made it through the storm. The aunt (DeGeneres's mother's sister), lives in Pass Christian, Miss., which is just over the state line from New Orleans. Until Currie was found safe Wednesday, all DeGeneres knew about her relative was that Currie had grabbed four pictures and quickly left her house.

"Whether you have family there or not, it's a devastating situation," DeGeneres, in tears, told AP.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 04:22 PM

On the right hand side under watch, you can pull up the link to the mayor's interview where he's going off. It's titled, "Mayor to feds: "Get off your asses.

Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 05:50 PM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
Comcast is giving 10 million of advertising time and 50,000 in cash.

Still waiting on some of these pro athletes who are "for the fans"
Agree! All those sportstars (NBA, baseball) are making so much money, if they all could donate 1 million, there would already be some billions. And if all movie stars would do the same. Some can even miss more than a million, I'm sure some wouldn't even notice if they lost 10 million.
And good old Bill Gates can miss some dimes, I suppose.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 08:38 PM

New Orleans officials have ordered 75,000 bodybags.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 09:01 PM

We did a dress down day today to raise money, for the Hurricane victims. Usually we raise $15,000 to $25,000 for the charity that we are holding a specific dress down day for.

It was first projected that we would raise about $25,000.

Well when I was leaving work today I stopped by the office our charitable foundation's chairwoman, and was told that we raised $70,000 for the hurricane victims. And to make it even better, the board of directors of our exchange agreed to match whatever amount we raised from our building's dress down day! So all total, in one day, we raised $140,000 for this tragedy.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Blake

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 09:29 PM

Here's a link to a video of police officers looting too.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 09:35 PM

Yikes! Love to see that COPS episode.

Anyway, the National Guard is coming...lets hope the chaos ends quite soon.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 09:48 PM


"WASHINGTON -- Rep. John Sweeney, R-N.Y., urged President Bush to appoint former New York City mayor Rudolph Giuliani or two former military officials to run the ground response in the Gulf Coast, saying local authorities are not up to the task."

My New Yorker-residential members of BB.Net, tell me...was "Rudy" really that impressive during 9/11, or was it overhpyed by the media? Just wondering....
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 09:48 PM

"One prominent Republican, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, criticized the Bush administration for being sluggish, and urged the president to name Giuliani as the White House point person for relief efforts."

Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 09:49 PM

This is the smartest idea I've heard all week.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 09:55 PM

Oh man! MSNBC just announced that a chartered bus carrying evacuees in N.O. overturned and one man died. To finally get help and then of all things, a traffic accident.

Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 09:58 PM

Yeah, all the online sites have a one line headline, but it's still breaking news so there's no article with it. How tragic.
Posted By: SC

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 10:24 PM

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
My New Yorker-residential members of BB.Net, tell me...was "Rudy" really that impressive during 9/11, or was it overhpyed by the media? Just wondering....
Rudy was that impressive!!

Great organizer and he knew his priorities.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 10:39 PM

Somewhat overhyped though, IMO.

The media was looking for a hero, and he was in the right place at the right time. Not to say that he didn't do a good job, but was he really any better than any other competent mayor would have been?
Posted By: Meggie

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 10:55 PM

Why does the media continually refer to the N.O people as REFUGEES..
How can you be a refugee in your own town?
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 10:57 PM

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
My New Yorker-residential members of BB.Net, tell me...was "Rudy" really that impressive during 9/11, or was it overhpyed by the media? Just wondering....
Rudy was fantastic. He took charge without giving it a second thought. His leadership was just outstanding. He was the glue that held the people of this city together and I believe by his show of leadership, especially that very day, he conveyed to the people of New York that we would be ok. He himself almost died on 9/11 as he was trapped in one of the buildings and had to take another route to come out into the street. He walked in the streets as debris was falling and he never flinched.

And what many people do not know is that in the days following the attacks, he made it his business to be down there everyday to encourage the rescue workers and he made sure that he visited my place of business, the only building not to be damaged, to thank us and encourage us. He definately was an inspiration. And anyone who thinks that his leadership abilities were overplayed obviously did not experience his presence first hand.

I think that I posted earlier that I thought that this rescue effort needed a Rudy Giuliani to take charge.

The man knows how to take charge.

Don Cardi
Posted By: plawrence

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 11:02 PM

Here's a scary thought....

I was just watching CNN, and someone made the point that the weak and untimely response of the federal government to the situation in New Orleans shows how we may be totally unprepared in the event of a terrorist attack.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 11:03 PM

Originally posted by Meggie:
Why does the media continually refer to the N.O people as REFUGEES..
How can you be a refugee in your own town?
They are called Refugees because thay have no place to live and in essence are seeking "REFUGE."

ref·u·gee : One who flees in search of refuge, as in times of war, political oppression, or religious persecution.One who flees, as from home, confinement, captivity, or justice.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 11:06 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
Oh man! MSNBC just announced that a chartered bus carrying evacuees in N.O. overturned and one man died. To finally get help and then of all things, a traffic accident.

:( What else can go wrong here?

I also am hearing that some Fireman and their families are being held hostage somewhere in New Orleans.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 11:31 PM

Was Rudy that impressive? Although I usually agree with PL, I've got to disagree with him BIG TIME on this. Rudy was amazing. He went without food, without sleep. He walked the streets, he held people's hands, he hugged mother's that had lost their sons. He twisted arms, he got the Family Resource Center up and running in a matter of 72 hours after the disaster so that the families had a central place to go, fill out paperwork, bring DNA samples, etc., and most of it was done with donations from corporations of computers, desks, copiers, etc., and staffed by many volunteers. He was an inspiration and a beacon of hope to so many. Another impressive thing? He and the governor worked side-by-side and never offered anything but a unified front to the world, something that seems to be lacking in New Orleans.

I pray for these poor victims. Each day seems to reveal some new horror instead of any relief. The helicopters are being shot at, and afraid to land to evacuate people and drop off supplies. The babies and elderly, vulnerable in any crisis, are the most pathetic and seem to be in mortal danger. I cannot believe that this is happening and it seems that I can't watch any more, and can't NOT watch any more.

DC - Wonderful of all of you!! We Americans can be loud and crude and pushy, but we know how to pony up and pitch in when we have to, don't we?
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 11:41 PM

Some people are predicting the death toll in NO could reach 10,000. The more I see pics of dying babies and childrens I just want to shout out at the top of my lungs.

Why? Why? Why?
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/02/05 11:45 PM

Wow, Wikipedia already made an article on it.


The damaged areas add up to the size of Great Britain.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 12:31 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:
Here's a scary thought....

I was just watching CNN, and someone made the point that the weak and untimely response of the federal government to the situation in New Orleans shows how we may be totally unprepared in the event of a terrorist attack.
Agreed. Actually, my problem with the whole this is how long it is taking to get help to these people.

One of the interviewed survivors said something to the extent of: "We're able to drop food and supplied to Iraqis in Baghdad, but they haven't done anything for us. They can do it for the Iraqis, but can't do it for their own people?!?"

Glad to see the President has gone over there and surveyed the damage, and was also pleased that the huge convoy was heading over. I also see President Bush has put Clinton and his father in charge of relief efforts ala the Tsunami incident.

As far as all the sports teams and whatnot, it is slightly farcical. $5000 from every NFL player? Sure, I mean, there are some making the league minimum (around $350,000 I believe), but c'mon, people like Manning have contracts totaling the 90 million range, when you account bonuses and whatnot. Granted, any monetary gift is well received, but it just seems that they could do more.

Also pleased to see Mr. Steinbrenner is donating to the relief fund (for the hurricane, not his pitching squad, which also is practically a natural disaster at times).
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 12:45 AM

That Kanye West hack is a freakin' idiot. How can he go onto live television -- during this Concert for Hurricane Relief -- and state that "George Bush doesn't like Black people"??!! Fucking moron. I'm glad they cut him off.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 12:46 AM

Yeah. Michael Myers looked like he was ready to deck him.

Aaron Neville is blowing me away. That song he did, "Louisiana" put a tear in my eye.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 12:49 AM

I just saw that, too, JG. It was handled quite well. I know that we may have disagreements with the way that the relief effort has been handled, but why try to politicize a charitable event? If you're there to try and help, then just do what you can and get on with it.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 12:50 AM

Michael Myers, from Halloween? Yeah, Mike Myers was like, "uh, what?"

I've always loved Aaron Neville's voice - and wondered how such an angelic voice could come out of that tough-lookin' mafugga!
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 12:53 AM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
That Kanye West hack is a freakin' idiot. How can he go onto live television -- during this Concert for Hurricane Relief -- and state that "George Bush doesn't like Black people"??!! Fucking moron. I'm glad they cut him off.
He actually said that? Wow. Political preference aside, some just don't have any class... :rolleyes:
Posted By: Double-J

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 01:01 AM

Gee, I'm glad I never bought one of his albums (but did download a song of his, so fuck off, I ripped you off, Kanye).

What an ass.

Other "remarkable" quotes:

One audience member demanded to know whether the slow federal response was "black genocide," while another woman cried out, "African Americans built this nation. Descendants of slaves are being allowed to die."

- From today's meeting of the various black organizations including the NAACP
"Poverty, age and skin color are determining who lives and dies." - U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 01:02 AM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
Michael Myers, from Halloween? Yeah, Mike Myers was like, "uh, what?"

I've always loved Aaron Neville's voice - and wondered how such an angelic voice could come out of that tough-lookin' mafugga!
Oops! Hey, it's about the same name. And I'm not even drinking.

It was a great show. More so that most of the performers were from Louisiana and Mississippi. I thought that was a very appropriate ending.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 01:13 AM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
That Kanye West hack is a freakin' idiot. How can he go onto live television -- during this Concert for Hurricane Relief -- and state that "George Bush doesn't like Black people"??!! ...
I guess he hadn't yet heard that the BLACK mayor of New Orleans has ordered tourists who've been stranded at hotels transported to the SuperDome area and bussed out to Texas AHEAD of his own citizens who have been waiting on line for days.

Posted By: Patrick

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 01:56 AM

I'm not really going to say whether Kanye was right or wrong to say that, but either way, he's still a fantastic artist and probably one of the best rappers (lyrically) out there right now. I also can't blame him much for what he said. The majority of the people trapped in New Orleans are black. Everyone agreed on that, correct? While I do believe it does have a little bit to do with racism, this New Orleans mayor also should be criticized heavily for these artists. I actually liked the guy when they first talked to him a few days back, but now he's trying to turn everything onto the federal government. It's his fault that New Orleans wasn't properly evacuated.

However, one thing that does disgust me is this and this is why I feel there may have been some racism. Most of the people trapped in New Orleans right now are black and do live paycheck by paycheck. They could not afford to leave even if they wanted to. Why didn't the government, whether state or federal, help transport them OUT of New Orleans?

When the hurricanes hit in Florida last year, the death toll was pretty much nothing compared to this. To be honest with you, I wasn't expecting more than 15 people in the US dying from Katrina. It's hard to believe their wasn't some kind of huge malfunction with the government when I turn on the tv and see that thousands died in the city of New Orleans alone.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 02:03 AM

I also can't blame him much for what he said.
I'm sure though, if a white guy came out and said, "Damn, we'd be fine if there weren't so many black people down in New Orleans, we'd have less casualties!" it would be absolutely detestable.

The majority of the people trapped in New Orleans are black. Everyone agreed on that, correct?
Duh...though there are plenty of whites as well.

While I do believe it does have a little bit to do with racism
Please elaborate.

However, one thing that does disgust me is this and this is why I feel there may have been some racism. Most of the people trapped in New Orleans right now are black and do live paycheck by paycheck. They could not afford to leave even if they wanted to. Why didn't the government, whether state or federal, help transport them OUT of New Orleans?
Granted, many of the people that could not evacuate were the poorest, but I fail to see how this implicates the US government of racism. It's a demographic issue, not racism. It's not like if the poor people were all white, the situation would be different.

What was the government going to do though? I mean, they had been warning people it was going to be bad, get out while you can, and whatnot? I think that this is going to end up being a model for future events (hopefully there never is a need) as to how not handle the emergency management.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 02:15 AM

Duh...though there are plenty of whites as well.
To be honest with you, today was the first day I saw a video of white people in New Orleans. Ironically, these white people all had bottled water and said they were doing fine. As I remember, one lady was interviewed and said, "Everything is fine down here and we're ok. Don't worry about us." She had a big smile on her face. This was during a tape in which Fox allowed people to go on air and say they were alright, in hopes that their families from where ever would hear it.

Please elaborate.
Please read all of my post before responding.

Granted, many of the people that could not evacuate were the poorest, but I fail to see how this implicates the US government of racism.
The poorest were the black people in the urban sections of New Orleans. It either implicates the US government is racist, our Homeland Security officers failed their first true test of saving life since 9/11, or both.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 02:25 AM

Ironically, these white people all had bottled water and said they were doing fine. As I remember, one lady was interviewed and said, "Everything is fine down here and we're ok. Don't worry about us." She had a big smile on her face. This was during a tape in which Fox allowed people to go on air and say they were alright, in hopes that their families from where ever would hear it.
So it's clearly racism and whatnot that one white lady had water, and that the government is hating on blacks?

Please read all of my post before responding.
Surprisingly, I always manage (however laboriously) to throughly read all of my opponents posts.

The poorest were the black people in the urban sections of New Orleans. It either implicates the US government is racist,
By your own admission, New Orleans is mostly black.

So when you say that the poorest are the black people, it's clearly not a racial issue, as I said, it's demographics of the region. If Boston got hit by a massive typhoon, would they say that the US is racist against affluent whites?

our Homeland Security officers failed their first true test of saving life since 9/11
Mmm, I know they couldn't really "prevent" it, but it is looking more and more evident that we've been dragging our feet until late this afternoon, be it because of logistics, or some other excuse.

I do think (as aforementioned) that this will be a model to learn and grow upon so that events like this can be better managed and handled in the future, though, by that same token, Katrina is arguably one of the worst natural disasters in US history, not just some "ordinary, run of the mill" hurricane (certainly I'm not trying to downplay the seriousness or tragedy of any natural disaster, though).
Posted By: Patrick

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 02:35 AM

So it's clearly racism and whatnot that one white lady had water, and that the government is hating on blacks?
It wasn't just one white lady, DJ. It was dozens of white people around her.

By your own admission, New Orleans is mostly black.
The urban sections, yes.

So when you say that the poorest are the black people, it's clearly not a racial issue, as I said, it's demographics of the region. If Boston got hit by a massive typhoon, would they say that the US is racist against affluent whites?
Depends how long it took the US to help these affluent whites.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 02:50 AM

It wasn't just one white lady, DJ. It was dozens of white people around her.
Did they all have bottles of water? Or was it just the one lady?

Because clearly, if a photo op that shows white people with water, it means that Bush hates blacks and it's racism. Could it just be that maybe, just maybe, that particular person, who was white, happened to get some water before the storm, or managed to get ahold of some afterwards?

Nah, it's racism.

Depends how long it took the US to help these affluent whites.
Am I then to understand that because the efforts are taking so long, it's because the US is racist?

This has got to be the most Jesse Jackson spin-like ideology I've ever heard, thank you Kanye West.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 02:55 AM

It doesn't matter if they're orange with purple polka dots. They are people in need, and somebody, somewhere along the chain, has failed them. I'm sure it's multiple someones. It's a horror, it's a tragedy, and I'm sure that is something that we can all agree on.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 04:35 AM

DJ, while I don't think the US government is being racist, it's not as if it couldn't be true. However, if anything, I think it's safe to say that the US government is prejudice against the lower class. It didn't take 3 days to get national guardsmen into those rich sections of Florida last year. Jeb and George were all over that.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 06:27 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
It didn't take 3 days to get national guardsmen into those rich sections of Florida last year. Jeb and George were all over that.
And Florida wasn't submerged under 20 feet of water to the point it will take 80 days to pump all that water out. This is perhaps the greatest natural disaster that America has ever seen -- New Orleans as we knew it is probably lost forever -- you cannot compare them. Nor can you blame the government for "not responding fast enough" -- Congress is reconvening early to appropriate BILLIONS of dollars. There's nothing political about it -- NO ONE is happy that this has happened. And NO ONE is to blame for it, except "Muther" Nature.
Posted By: SC

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 08:36 AM

Can we please keep the politics out of this thread?

I'd like to keep this thread for posterity and there are other threads in which the politicos here can bash each other's brains out.

Thank you.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:
DJ, while I don't think the US government is being racist, it's not as if it couldn't be true. However, if anything, I think it's safe to say that the US government is prejudice against the lower class. It didn't take 3 days to get national guardsmen into those rich sections of Florida last year. Jeb and George were all over that.
Rich? Those were all trailer parks, not exactly the upper class.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 01:43 PM


While I am saddened to hear that that the three employees from New Orleans have lost everything, I am also glad to hear that they are all safe and accounted for!!!!!

You said that 3 of them are going to Baton Rouge to stay with family. What about the other 3 ?

Don Cardi
Posted By: Double-J

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 02:05 PM

Two engineering professors from my University are going down there to try and help figure out the fastest and most efficient ways of pumping the water out and repairing the levies. Pretty nifty, I thought.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 03:03 PM

Anyone else watching the evacutations from the Convention Center on Fox News? I have tears in my eyes.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Beth E:
Anyone else watching the evacutations from the Convention Center on Fox News? I have tears in my eyes.
Yes BETH E, I'm watching it too. It's just so damn heartbreaking.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 03:22 PM

Geraldo is annoying, and not one of my favorite reporters. But times like these I tune out the reporter and focus on the pictures of what his happening around them. To see those planes and helicopters take off, knowing people are "free" from their long hell is what is important.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 03:33 PM

Did anyone see the coverage last night in the convention center? I thought that Geraldo was going to lose it and crack. Even Bill O'Rielly was like " Calm down Geraldo, we hear you."

He went over to a man holding a baby to interview him and it turns out that the baby was not the mans and it was a woman's baby who had passed out and was lying on the floor! So this man decided to take care of the baby!

Don Cardi
Posted By: SC

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 03:39 PM

Its hard to believe now but there was a time that Geraldo Rivera was an EXCELLENT tv reporter. Back in the day when he was on Eyewitness News here in New York he broke a major story about abuse and neglect at a state mental hospital. He followed with some great investigative journalism for a short time but he's now a shadow of his former self and something of a clown.

We're finally getting to see a turn in things, even if its slow.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 03:47 PM

I don't remember which news station I saw this, because I kept switching channels, but did anyone see the story of the evacuees boarding a bus? It was women & children first, and some lady holding a baby tries to board the bus. But only, it was a man in a wig (don't know why/how he'd have a wig at a time like this )but evidently it was someone else's baby (who was returned to his mother). Can you imagine???? It's true really. I saw the video.

Posted By: SC

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 03:50 PM

Chivalry is dead, TIS.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 04:03 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
I don't remember which news station I saw this, because I kept switching channels, but did anyone see the story of the evacuees boarding a bus? It was women & children first, and some lady holding a baby tries to board the bus. But only, it was a man in a wig (don't know why/how he'd have a wig at a time like this )but evidently it was someone else's baby (who was returned to his mother). Can you imagine???? It's true really. I saw the video. TIS


I remember on 9/11 when a boat finally ariived to us to take us over from lower Manhatten to New Jersey, all the men stepped aside and made the woman and the children from the surounding schools and daycare centers get on that boat first. We all waited for it to return. There wasn't ever a second thought about doing that for the woman and children.

This guy should live in shame forever.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 05:00 PM

The threat of Katrina to the Gulf Coast was known by Friday Aug 26. Actually, the oil markets started reacting on Thursday Aug 25 to the threat Katrina posed to Gulf oil rigs.

Why are we mobilizing the Guard now, instead of a week ago? Why are convoys of supplies being sent now instead of a week ago? As early as 2001 it has been known that NO would face a major crisis should a Cat. 4 or 5 hurricane strike - and we knew the hurricane was in its way for days before it hit.

Holding those in power accountable for their inaction is not politics, it is what we all should do. Can you honestly look at the situation and say that this is the best we could do??? Democrat or Republican?

Why would we rather leave 50,000 people to rot in New Orleans than ask for help from Europe for Homeland immediately?

Why is Rush Limbaugh and some other nuts stating that it's the people who stayed's fault for their current situation - are they this blind not to see that not everyone had the means to get out?

DOD, FEMA, etc should have been fully prepared to handle Katrina and prepared to deliver massive aid within a few hours after Katrina passed regardless of where Katrina hit in the band between Pensacola and New Orleans.

Yes, they all dropped the ball. I'm ashamed. If you're offended, come see me at my old hometown, in New Orleans, when the water drops. I'd slap each and every smug little 'not our fault' face but good.
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 05:11 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:


I remember on 9/11 when a boat finally ariived to us to take us over from lower Manhatten to New Jersey, all the men stepped aside and made the woman and the children from the surounding schools and daycare centers get on that boat first. We all waited for it to return. There wasn't ever a second thought about doing that for the woman and children.

This guy should live in shame forever.

Don Cardi
I'm not excusing this guys actions. It was terrible.

But you can't compare. Being without food or water for 4.5 days versus waiting for a bus that everyone knew was coming back?

There are hardly any buses in NOLA. Some people have been waiting for buses for days while sitting among their own filth and dead bodies feeling a nation doesn't respond.

Who know if you or I would crack. I'd like to think I wouldn't, but I've never been in that situation.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 05:15 PM

Good to see you're okay, SB! How'd your family fare?
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 05:45 PM

Piggybacking on SB's post. Here's a couple interesting stories from 2000-01. It's a shame that knowing this was more a likelihood than a possibility, that we weren't prepared. And yes, somebody/s should be held accountable.

From 2001

From 2002


Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 06:03 PM

Every single story is a heartbreak. Each and every one brings tears to your eyes. I am so very sorry that these people have been left behind, alone and stranded without supplies, left to rot in their own filth.

I saw the FEMA director on 20/20 (I think it was 20/20) last night and he said that "the agency was not aware" of how bad it's been there until yesterday. The reporter just looked at him, speechless for a moment, until he finally just asked, "Don't you have a television? Haven't you seen the people?", and the director replied, "Well, we didn't know FACTUALLY until today." Boy, is that a politician's answer, or what? Disgraceful.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 06:20 PM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
"Well, we didn't know FACTUALLY until today."
uh.... what??!
Posted By: Mignon

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 07:13 PM

I'd fire his ass. But you know the "big shots" in the chain of command won't get the ax,it will be the
pee-on's on the bottom of the chain.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 07:37 PM

Thanks for the post SB. Glad you are physically ok.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Saladbar:
I'm not excusing this guys actions. It was terrible.

But you can't compare. Being without food or water for 4.5 days versus waiting for a bus that everyone knew was coming back?

I know SaladBar, there is no comparison. People have just lost thier minds there, and understandably so.. I wasn't trying to make a comparison, TIS's story just reminded me of that situation on 9/11.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 08:17 PM

Originally posted by Saladbar:
The threat of Katrina to the Gulf Coast was known by Friday Aug 26. Actually, the oil markets started reacting on Thursday Aug 25 to the threat Katrina posed to Gulf oil rigs.

Why are we mobilizing the Guard now, instead of a week ago? Why are convoys of supplies being sent now instead of a week ago? As early as 2001 it has been known that NO would face a major crisis should a Cat. 4 or 5 hurricane strike - and we knew the hurricane was in its way for days before it hit.

Holding those in power accountable for their inaction is not politics, it is what we all should do. Can you honestly look at the situation and say that this is the best we could do??? Democrat or Republican?

Why would we rather leave 50,000 people to rot in New Orleans than ask for help from Europe for Homeland immediately?

DOD, FEMA, etc should have been fully prepared to handle Katrina and prepared to deliver massive aid within a few hours after Katrina passed regardless of where Katrina hit in the band between Pensacola and New Orleans.

See my explaination of why it took so long for FEMA and the NATIONAL GUARD to respond over in this other thread where we've decided to discuss the political aspects of this thing :


Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 09:31 PM

The President has just ordered 7000 ACTIVE duty military personnel for this effort! That is in addition to the 40,000 National Guard troops that are there.

More than 10,000 have been rescued and more than 25,000 have ben evacuated since the National Guard arrived yesterday.

There is no question in my mind that we have the most efficient and capable military in the world.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Mignon

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 10:18 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
There is no question in my mind that we have the most efficient and capable military in the world.

Don Cardi
You got that right mang.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 11:54 PM

Speaking of which, who's heard the reports that supposedly many stranded stuck people without food/water have apparently resorted to cannibalizing the dead corpses everywhere?

Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 11:58 PM

New York Times reports that the first estimated number of economic losses from the storm is now....

$100 billion

Holy Jesus...
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/03/05 11:59 PM

on abcnews they are saying another Hurricane may hit that area in the coming weeks
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/04/05 12:02 AM

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
Speaking of which, who's heard the reports that supposedly many stranded stuck people without food/water have apparently resorted to cannibalizing the dead corpses everywhere?

This is madness. Almost like a sort of "Apocalypse Now" but in the jungles of New Orleans. (If anybody understands that?)
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/04/05 12:06 AM

edit: sorry if that was mean just had a personal problem that pissed me off very much, I was out of line. Sorry.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/04/05 12:07 AM

Again, I apologize.
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/04/05 12:50 AM

I wish I could actually go over there and help. I can't even put into words how it makes me feel to see the videos and read about this. I feel so far away and useless, you know? At least we can donate money, and that will make a big difference both now, and in the many months after this. I hope everyone is doing so at every opportunity that they find.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/04/05 01:14 AM

Zia, there was an story in our local paper of some medical personnel from our area that went down there, but have not been assigned to help yet. They have yet to treat one patient, because they have not received directions yet. Others went down to retrieve family members, but were turned back in Mississippi because they were told there was not enough fuel. There were also men who went down there with boats to help the rescue effort and were turned back for the same reason.

I just hope that they get those people out of the convention center soon. Although they've gotten some supplies now, they still have no running water or relief from the heat.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/04/05 01:51 AM

Originally posted by Letizia B.:
I wish I could actually go over there and help. I can't even put into words how it makes me feel to see the videos and read about this. I feel so far away and useless, you know? At least we can donate money, and that will make a big difference both now, and in the many months after this. I hope everyone is doing so at every opportunity that they find.
Zia, I called several agencies today about going there. I was planning on taking this week off to go to Houston and help out. I found a Marriot hotel 1/4 mile away from the Dome that was willing to discount me a room for like $39 a night if I was to be a volunteer. I spoke to several airlines and two of them said that they would give me a discount rate if I was going there as a volunteer. But unfortunately when i called the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster, I was told that if I were to go down there I might be told that my name would be put on a list and I may have to wait several days until they do a background check and then find something for me to do! I explained to them that I would only have a week down there and that it would be a waste if I went there and was not given something to do when I got there. So the woman reffered me to the Red Cross. After speaking to them I found out that they are holding "rescue training courses" in the city that you live in and after you complete the training they will contact you if they need you to help. What's good about getting this training certification is that God forbid there is ever a need for rescue or volunteers where you live, you would be utilized to help out. So I am going to look further into this after Labor day. I was a bit dissapointed about not being able to go down to Houston to help out, but it would really be a waste if I was not assured of something to do BEFORE I got there.
I know exactly how you are feeling. It's a helpless feeling when you watch TV and see Human Beings going through this.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Mignon

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/04/05 02:12 AM

You are a blessing from God. Willing to go and help out like that. You are one special person who has a huge heart. Good luck with that course. Keep us posted if you do get to go or not.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/04/05 02:12 AM

DC, I saw a woman on the news today answering questions about what people can do to help. They had people volunteering their homes, their time, etc. She told people that want to volunteer to call their local Salvation Army chapter and be put on a list. Then they will match volunteers' skills with the particular needs they may have at that time. For example, they said right now it's medicines and medical personnel, but in a month or two, they'll need people with construction skills, like carpenters.

It would be a terrible waste to go down there and not have some way to pitch in, although with the thousands in Astrodome, you'd think any extra set of hands could be put to use, even if it's just serving water or putting sandwiches together.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/04/05 02:13 AM

This is just so sad. I'm watching a mother with 3 or 4 little children. They are with Geraldo and the little girl told him that she is "kinda" hungry! The other is crying over the kids and saying that she don't know what she's going to do.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/04/05 02:17 AM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:

It would be a terrible waste to go down there and not have some way to pitch in, although with the thousands in Astrodome, you'd think any extra set of hands could be put to use, even if it's just serving water or putting sandwiches together.
Yes it would SB. Even if I could just play with the children , that would be good enough. But you are right. it would be a waste. I'll call the Salvation Army and The Red Cross on Tuesday.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Mignon

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/04/05 02:44 AM

Natural disasters brings out the good in people. That's what makes America a wonderful place to live in. People coming together united willing to help out people you don't even know.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/04/05 02:52 AM

My heart just is breaking for those people. And it breaks even more when I see those kids.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Patrick

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/04/05 03:21 AM

If it weren't for school, I'd most definetly be able t ogo down there if I could convince the folks to let me go. Also, what is the news on New Orleans? I worked all day and went out tonight. Are evacuations still under way? I saw that thousands were evacuated today.
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/04/05 05:00 AM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
I know SaladBar, there is no comparison. People have just lost thier minds there, and understandably so.. I wasn't trying to make a comparison, TIS's story just reminded me of that situation on 9/11.

Don Cardi
Oop. Okay. Me bad.
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/04/05 08:15 AM

Thanks DC, that's good to know. I seriously thought about going down there and volunteering too, but just like Partagas said, I was sure I'd just get in the way. So until now I've just been donating money and asking everyone around me to do the same. But I'll definitely look into what you said too, I think it's a great idea to always be ready for them to call, whether it's for this, or for the next time something like this (inevitably) happens.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/04/05 04:29 PM

I read this morning that all of the evacuees from the convention center are OUT, but that there are stragglers still stuck in their homes. The doctors interviewed at the makeshift hospital at the airport were so sad. They said that the patients just died in front of their eyes, and that without power, water or medication, there was nothing they could do. The patients were diabetics or on dialysis, and without medication or equipment, there was nothing to do but watch them die.

Texas has accepted 240,000 evacuees and doesn't think that they can accept any more. They've been so very generous, but where else can you put these people?
Posted By: XDCX

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/04/05 04:57 PM

My dad has an absolutely perfect idea that he recommended to his boss yesterday. He recommended that if every employee at Lankford-Sysco (the company he works for) donated one day of vacation pay, they could donate a ton of money! There's roughly 850 employees working at Lankford-Sysco, with one vacation day ranging anywhere from $100 to $500. We'll say each person averages $300. That would come out to $255,000! . Now not everybody at Sysco makes that much, so it's not an accurate number, but they would easily make it over $100,000. I should probably recommend this to my boss.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/04/05 05:00 PM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
Texas has accepted 240,000 evacuees and doesn't think that they can accept any more. They've been so very generous, but where else can you put these people?
Neighboring states like Arkansas...
Posted By: SC

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/04/05 05:06 PM

Originally posted by xXx_DoN_CoRLeOnE_xXx:
I should probably recommend this to my boss.
I had heard that Wal-Mart donated $15 million (the largest single donation amount I've heard).
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/04/05 05:08 PM

Originally posted by xXx_DoN_CoRLeOnE_xXx:
My dad has an absolutely perfect idea that he recommended to his boss yesterday. He recommended that if every employee at Lankford-Sysco (the company he works for) donated one day of vacation pay, they could donate a ton of money! There's roughly 850 employees working at Lankford-Sysco, with one vacation day ranging anywhere from $100 to $500. We'll say each person averages $300. That would come out to $255,000! . Now not everybody at Sysco makes that much, so it's not an accurate number, but they would easily make it over $100,000. I should probably recommend this to my boss.
Great Idea!

On Friday, our building did this:

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
We did a dress down day today to raise money, for the Hurricane victims. Usually we raise $15,000 to $25,000 for the charity that we are holding a specific dress down day for.

It was first projected that we would raise about $25,000.

Well when I was leaving work today I stopped by the office our charitable foundation's chairwoman, and was told that we raised $70,000 for the hurricane victims. And to make it even better, the board of directors of our exchange agreed to match whatever amount we raised from our building's dress down day! So all total, in one day, we raised $140,000 for this tragedy.

Don Cardi
Now if every building across the country that houses corporations and companies did this just for ONE day, can you imagine how much money would be raised in one day?

Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/04/05 11:55 PM

I was scanning through videos online and found the Kanye West video, for anyone who cares.

Kayne West
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/05/05 12:26 AM

Did you see Mike Myers reaction? Hilarious.
Posted By: Meggie

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/05/05 01:40 AM

Originally posted by Don Andrew:
Did you see Mike Myers reaction? Hilarious.
It was tacky and not the time or place for Kanye to say that...
Posted By: Mignon

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/05/05 01:41 AM

I heard on Fox News that the lights are on at the Convention Center. This is great.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/05/05 01:49 AM

Originally posted by Meggie:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Andrew:
[b] Did you see Mike Myers reaction? Hilarious.
It was tacky and not the time or place for Kanye to say that... [/b][/quote]I didn't agree with West saying that either, but I did think Mike Myers' reaction was funny. He looked at him in awe for 2 seconds and hen Chris Tucker started to ramble.

But, no, that wasn't the time nor the place for West to say that.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/05/05 01:53 AM

this has nothing to do with black vs white, that was just horrible and VERY inappropriate.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/05/05 03:07 AM

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/05/05 03:07 AM

Screw the politics shit!!!

A chopper just went down in new Orleans!!!!!!!!!

Don Cardi
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/05/05 03:11 AM

DC what kind of chopper etc.. I haven't heard about this
Posted By: Mignon

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/05/05 03:14 AM

OMG More bad news Was anybody able to walk away?
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/05/05 03:21 AM

Right now? Because I heard earlier that A chopper had gone down today, but everyone was safe...
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/05/05 06:23 AM

A sweet story to brush away the depressing stories for a moment. A wedding...

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/05/05 11:21 AM

Originally posted by Don Andrew:
Right now? Because I heard earlier that A chopper had gone down today, but everyone was safe...
You are right Don Andrew, it happened earlier in the day. But for some Godforsaken reason FOXX News has this annoying habit of replaying video of events that took place earlier in New Orleans. They've been doing this all weekend long and it's become very annoying, decieving, and just plain stupid. For the life of me I don't know why they must show REPLAYS of a Foxx News Alert!

Turns out that everyone on board was ok.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Mignon

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/05/05 06:08 PM

Well Thank God no one was hurt.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/05/05 08:41 PM

My sister and her boyfriend are truck drivers. She IM'd me today that they're now in Montgomery, Alabama dropping off a haul for FEMA. They transported some expensive machinery for them to draw maps to anaylyze damages. She thinks next they're gonna be transporting body bags.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/06/05 02:07 AM

Your sister should be very proud for what she is doing! I commend her.

Some good news ; one of the levees has been successfully blocked off which is now causing the water to go down.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/06/05 11:19 AM

I saw that on the news DC. Also, some of the water is being pumped out. Although, it will probably be weeks until it's complete. Maybe some light is peaking through the tunnel now?
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/06/05 02:11 PM

It's good to see some positive things are begining to happen. This whole thing has just been a very sad thing.

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/06/05 04:12 PM

Did anyone read or hear the story about the man who was living in a WINN DIXIE who was fishing in the parking lot and actually caught a striped bass?

Don Cardi
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/06/05 05:20 PM

Never heard that one Don Cardi. Truly amazing.

Here is what the hospital that I work for is doing for the relief effort.

1. The Medical Center is working with the United Way and the Red Cross to ascertain need & coordinate assistance.

2. The School of Nursing in partnership with the Medical Center will be sending 2 fully stocked Well Mobiles to New Orleans. The Well Mobiles will have a full team of nurses. The team will depart on Wednesday, September 7th.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/06/05 08:49 PM

Originally posted by Partagas:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[b] Did anyone read or hear the story about the man who was living in a WINN DIXIE who was fishing in the parking lot and actually caught a striped bass?

Don Cardi
Was it glowing? or full of sewage? I hope he did not try to eat it? [/b][/quote]Actually Part, he cooked it using candles and ate it.

It was in the New York Post today.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Mignon

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/06/05 09:22 PM

When you are in that kind of situation , you'll do what you have to to survive. God bless 'em.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/06/05 09:35 PM

I just finished watching the Oprah special on New Orleans. With the exception of the commercials, I was in tears the entire time. It was so very moving, so very sad. Oprah's Angel Network has given $1 million for food and water, and she had celebrities distributing some of it and meeting with people. She also had interviews with the survivors.

Each and every story was heartwrenching. I have never seen such devastation. Although it broke my heart, it also made me very angry. To see a teenage boy crying because they wouldn't let him take his dog (Nate from Oprah's show arranged for some people to get their pets) to the man who doesn't know where his daughters are, to the woman who was reunited with her sisters and brothers on the air, to the descriptions of the convention center, to the doctor who walked around covering the dead bodies, to the man in Houston who volunteered not just his time, but his home as well, it was just story after story that ripped you apart.

I am so sad for these people, and also so angry. These are Americans, our citizens. How did we fail them? How did we let them die in front of our eyes? One point that Oprah made is that we should NOT be calling these people refugees. They are survivors. It may seem like semantics, but it is a valid point, and one I will be adopting from now on.

If anyone missed this special, try to see it if they rebroadcast it. Part Two will be aired tomorrow, and I plan to watch it if I can.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/06/05 10:24 PM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
One point that Oprah made is that we should NOT be calling these people refugees. They are survivors. It may seem like semantics, but it is a valid point, and one I will be adopting from now on.

If anyone missed this special, try to see it if they rebroadcast it. Part Two will be aired tomorrow, and I plan to watch it if I can.
By the time I got home from work I only watched the last half our of it. But I, like you, was moved by all the stories. The doctor covering all the dead bodies was too much to watch. I felt like clapping when Oprah said to stop calling them refugees. The victims have been traumatized enough, let's not stick that label on them on top of it. Survivors hits it right on the mark.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/06/05 10:37 PM

Shoot, I missed it. Here I had the day off too. I do know nearly all of the stories I hear from victims are heartwrenching and sad.

It finally seems that at least some progress is being made. I would imagine however, in spite of being thankful to be alive, the reality won't set in for these people until they actually start to rebuild their lives and realize the impact of losing everything you own.

Posted By: XDCX

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/06/05 10:49 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:

It finally seems that at least some progress is being made.

Isn't it sad, that after almost two weeks, progress is only just starting to be made? I'm sad, and I'm angry. The governer of Louisiana and FEMA should be held accountable. This is completely unacceptable. There is absolutely no reason something like this should happen (not the hurricane, but the lack of preparation). I'm shocked, and I'm disappointed.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/06/05 10:55 PM

The really scary aspect of this is going to be identifying the bodies. Just think about it. I'm watching a news program now with patholigs on their stating things like they usually rely on toothbrushes or hair brushes for DNA. Well, it's safe to say you're never gonna find those things. And with dental records, if your dentist's office was damaged or underwater those records are gone. Just HOW are they gonna ID all these people?
Posted By: Just Lou

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/06/05 11:08 PM

I just saw on CNN that they now plan to demolish the Louisiana Superdome.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/06/05 11:11 PM

That's just so sad. When you think of it, who is really ever going to want to go to that stadium again to watch a football game. It was the scene of too much heartache. It's probably the best thing.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/07/05 12:54 AM

It's just awful. This has been such a heartache, and I don't know when it will end. Although the folks are at least getting food and water now, thousands are still sleeping on cots in centerfield, although that is a vast improvement on their former state. However, now they're talking about the diseases in that water, and the thousands of dead that they expect to find. And, if the Superdome is going to need to be torn down because of damage, what about the homes? Is the entire city going to be razed? I remember when they asked Giuliani to estimate the number of dead on September 11th, and he gave the most honest answer: More than we can bear.

And, boy, is that the truth!
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/07/05 01:03 AM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
And, if the Superdome is going to need to be torn down because of damage, what about the homes? Is the entire city going to be razed?
We were discussing this today. I imagine that many diseases will develop in that city from this, in addition to the wreckage, rot and the mold that has developed. Something tells me that what is left of many of those neighborhoods will eventually be bulldozed and burned. That's really sad when you think about it, but it probably is the only thing that can be done.

On a postive note, the second pump has begun to work and they think that the third and biggest pump will be up and running very soon.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/07/05 01:10 AM

I watched a 48 Hours special just now and they had some personal stories. One reporter was shooting scenes around town and took aim at a newspaper box on the street. The last paper that was printed was still in the box. The headline said "Katrina takes aim". It seems like so long ago now.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/07/05 01:14 AM

What I don't understand is why are some of these people not wanting to leave their home even after they came to rescue them? They have no food,water,electricity. Oprah came to Charleston to do her show after Hugo hit. Lets just hope and pray that there are no more hurricanes this year.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/07/05 01:24 AM

Originally posted by Mignon:
What I don't understand is why are some of these people not wanting to leave their home even after they came to rescue them? They have no food,water,electricity. Oprah came to Charleston to do her show after Hugo hit. Lets just hope and pray that there are no more hurricanes this year.
I think that in order to understand what these people are thinking, we must remove ourselves from OUR lives and try to put ourselves in the mindset that these people have been in and are now in. Many of these people were poverty stricken people before this hurricane hit, and really had nothing but the homes that they live in and the clothes on their backs. And now they are staring in the face of reality in that the little that they have will be lost and taken away from them and they just do not want to let go of what they think they still have left. All they have left is what IS left of what used to be their homes. And they refuse to let go. Very sad. Very understandable.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Al.Neri

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/07/05 02:36 PM

Hi everybody!

I haven't read the entire thread, but I hope everybody here is allright. God bless you all!

Edit: The link about Mrs. Bush is moved to the "After Failures"-thread.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/07/05 02:40 PM

Al Neri,

Thank you for your concern regarding the American people.

As for this link that you provided, well several days ago we all agreed that THIS topic would be kept for discussion of the actual hurricane and progress of the rescue efforts. We agreed to keep all political controversy out of here and post anything of a political nature over in the other topic.

Thanks again for your concern.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/07/05 02:42 PM

Well, isn't she sweet? I'm sure that the survivors are all quite grateful for her visit and will be able to thrive on their cots. Perhaps she would like to house a few of them in Kennebunkport?

Edit: Of course, after I posted this, I read DC's post and wish to say that I couldn't help myself, and will refrain from further comment. Sorry!
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/07/05 02:57 PM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:

Edit: Of course, after I posted this, I read DC's post and wish to say that I couldn't help myself, and will refrain from further comment. Sorry!

Don Cardi
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/07/05 02:59 PM

Why are the lyrics from that John Mellencamp song going through my head: "Hurts so good, C'mon baby, make it hurt so good..."
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/07/05 05:08 PM

Fires are raging out of control in New Orleans. I understand that there is a possibility that these fires are being set on purpose by the owners of these structures because many were NOT insured with flood insurance, but are insured for fire.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/07/05 05:22 PM

Given that the entire world has been watching, wouldn't the insurance companies sort of know by your address that you sustained flood damage?
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/07/05 05:32 PM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
Given that the entire world has been watching, wouldn't the insurance companies sort of know by your address that you sustained flood damage?
Yes, that may be true, but there are some legitimate explosions which are causing many fires so I guess that it will be very hard for them to distinguish which have been set and which started legitimately in all this mess.

Hey, if it's true that some of these people are starting the fires themselves because they don't have flood insurance, well I guess that they really have nothing to lose and are taking a shot. They are desperate. And understandably so.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/09/05 11:12 PM

Is anyone catching the late night comics gags on this. While none of this is funny and shouldn't be laughed at, sometimes a little fun here and there is what is needed to lift the mood. Jay Leno joked about Dick Cheney going to New Orleans saying, "Great..just what they need there. Someone else in need of medical attention". The other night he joked he was sitting at his home watching tv when there was a knock at the door. He said it was FEMA there in reponse to his request for aid for the 1998 earthquake. In the middle of all the tears, sometimes we just need to chuckle at ourselves.
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/09/05 11:57 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
...many were NOT insured with flood insurance, but are insured for fire.
I've been hearing this a lot these past few weeks, and it sounds crazy to me. Sorry if this sounds insensitive, but if you live in an area that gets hurricanes every year, doesn't it seem a little foolish not to have flood insurance? I live in Los Angeles, where it rains like 10 inches the whole year, and most everyone I know has flood or water damage insurance. Come on!

If they can't afford any kind of homeowner's insurance, then sure, that's sad. But to be able to get fire insurance, and not have the common sense to also get insured for water damage... I don't know.
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/10/05 12:24 AM

Originally posted by Letizia B.:
If they can't afford any kind of homeowner's insurance, then sure, that's sad. But to be able to get fire insurance, and not have the common sense to also get insured for water damage... I don't know.
Flood insurance costs A LOT down there, much more than fire insurance. I doubt the poor or even middle class in New orleans could've afforded it. And in many cases flood insurance is SIMPLY NOT available.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/10/05 12:25 AM

Originally posted by Letizia B.:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[b]...many were NOT insured with flood insurance, but are insured for fire.
I've been hearing this a lot these past few weeks, and it sounds crazy to me. Sorry if this sounds insensitive, but if you live in an area that gets hurricanes every year, doesn't it seem a little foolish not to have flood insurance? I live in Los Angeles, where it rains like 10 inches the whole year, and most everyone I know has flood or water damage insurance. Come on!

If they can't afford any kind of homeowner's insurance, then sure, that's sad. But to be able to get fire insurance, and not have the common sense to also get insured for water damage... I don't know. [/b][/quote]From what I understand the cost of flood insurance is astronomical because of the location of that city. And many could not afford those high premiums for flood insurance.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/10/05 12:34 AM

Wow, I didn't know that. I was also thinking, even if they did all have that insurance, would insurance companies even be able to deliver on this degree of devastation?
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/10/05 12:42 AM

Originally posted by Letizia B.:
Wow, I didn't know that. I was also thinking, even if they did all have that insurance, would insurance companies even be able to deliver on this degree of devastation?
Well that's another question in itself. The insurance that would have to be paid out will probably cripple the insurance companies, and we all know what that means right? Who are they going to pass those costs onto? You and I by raising our insurance premiums. This is one exam-ple of the domino effect that hurts our economy and causes us to fall into reccessions. A hurricane hits, people lose thier possessions, they need financial help, they need government grants, where does this money come from, the people, higher taxes. Then gas prices go up. This causes less people to go on vacations, which in turn hurts the airline, hotel and restaurant industries. People do not buy cars, hurting the automobile industry. Those in the automoblie industry are making less money, so therefore they are spending less money, anmd so on and so on. You get the picture. It affects us all eventually. But the sad bottom line still remains that so many people have lost everything, have become displaced, and have lost lives. I hate having to see these people suffer like this and hurt like this. I hate seeing these children without parents because of this disaster. This whole thing sucks big time.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Mignon

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/10/05 02:16 AM

Originally posted by Partagas:
The father responded: "We were poor to start with so we did not have much to lose. This classroom is the best place we have ever lived. Matter of fact we wouldn't mind staying here for a long time"
How depressing is that
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/10/05 03:23 AM

Considering this is America, it is indeed sad.

Wow, anyone watching Bill Maher's show on HBO? Man, the pretty conservative Joe Scarborough from MSNBC is super-pissed at the White House administration. In a way, he makes a great point that as a Floridian like myself, Former Republican Congressman Mr. Scarborough, Don Andrew, and maybe a few others know.

In Florida, there are scares of a hurricane or more EVERY year, and pretty much you become conditioned overtime as to what to do and what NOT to do, and the same goes for emergency and rescue operations in the region. As Scarborough mentioned, there were THREE pretty nasty hurricanes last year in Florida, and the Federal government was all over it like bees to honey, with the President deep in the thick of things. Then again, Scarborough finally noted one thing: "It was an election year!"

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/10/05 08:22 AM

Originally posted by Partagas:
When I was talking to a family asking about their conditions and what we could do to help them etc. etc. etc. The father responded: "We were poor to start with so we did not have much to lose. This classroom is the best place we have ever lived. Matter of fact we wouldn't mind staying here for a long time"

That is very very sad. Goes to show you how so many of us take what we have for granted.

Don Cardi
Posted By: SC

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/10/05 01:33 PM

I learned a little history lesson the other day while watching some of the coverage out of New Orleans - one of the flooded streets being shown was named "Desire", and the reporter mentioned that years ago the street had rails in it from a long ago used streetcar.

Ring a bell? Tennessee Williams wrote about it in "A Streetcar Named Desire". Maybe one of America's best plays ever. Made some kid named Brando famous.

I never knew that (about the street name) but it was very sad to see, nonetheless.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/10/05 03:16 PM

Although I can't say I have heard this in the local news, I did hear through the school district I work for that March Air Force Base (which is for the most part closed) will be housing about 500 families. I know there are many empty apartments that was used for housing. This of course will increase the population of our schools in the area, which most are already at capacity. My school is the "overflow" middle school, which means new middle school students would attend there.

Hopefully I will maybe be able to donate furnishings/household items along with money locally.

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/10/05 04:01 PM

You know TIS, someone, I can't really remember who, had made that suggestion about using the closed down military bases and housing units for these people a week ago. It was a really good suggestion. At least these people will have some decent living quarters in place of a cot in the middle of a dome. I'm beginning to see some good stories and some heart warming stories every now and then while watching this thing on TV. It's nice to hear some positive things from time to time. Hopefully the positive stories will become more frequent in the news reports.

SC, in reply to your post. That's amazing. A Streetcar Named Desire. Never knew that it was based on that street in New Orleans.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/10/05 09:08 PM

I've been seeing on news reports how New Orleans may still be planning on having the Mardi Gras take place next year. Would that be too soon? I'm kind of split on whether this should happen. There may be many residents who will still be suffering, financially as well as emotionally. They may still be rebuilding their homes and their families. It would be like we're saying, "So what you've lost everything, the rest of us still want to party". But then again, the logic in it is that New Orleans will need this revenue to get back on their feet. So maybe it would be the best thing to happen?
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/10/05 09:23 PM


I've heard that as well. I get the impression they want to have it, but not in N.O. I certainly can understand why they would want to skip it this year, but then again, if it's something the people of LA and especially N.O. "wants" to do, you're right, it will bring in revenue.
Does anyone know if Mardi Gras was ever cancelled for any reason in the past? (I don't really even know how many years they've been celebrating it, only that it's an old tradition).

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/11/05 01:06 AM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:

Does anyone know if Mardi Gras was ever cancelled for any reason in the past? (I don't really even know how many years they've been celebrating it, only that it's an old tradition).

TIS, in 1979 a Police strike caused the city to cancel the Mardi Gras. The festival originated in the 17th century, here is a story from The Daily Reveille, written out of LSU back in February of this year :

Mardi Gras has storied history
Festival originated in 17th century
By Sarah J. Gernhauser
The Daily Reveille

February 02, 2005

The celebration of Mardi Gras, for many revelers, is all about three things: booze, breasts and beads.

Some in society use these words to describe the sights, sounds and activities that take place in New Orleans throughout the carnival period of Mardi Gras. However, before the crowded streets of the French Quarter and Uptown were filled with intoxicated college students and their families, more than a century of carnival had taken place, rich with traditions that are still upheld today.

This contagious holiday has caught the attention of hungry eyes across the country as they yearn to be in the center of the party, but originally this week of “pagan celebration” was condescended by the original colonies of America.

Mardi Gras crossed the Atlantic when French explorer Iberville founded the Louisiana territory on Mardi Gras day in 1699. In honor of the French celebration, Iberville named the area 60 miles south of present day New Orleans “Point du Mardi Gras,” said Barbara Robichaux, founder of Native Tours of New Orleans.

New Orleans celebrated its heritage by emulating the societal celebrations of its European ancestors. Also, in “old world” tradition, New Orleans replicated French custom and also was under the rule of the Catholic church. Therefore the festival was strategically placed between All King’s Day and the season of Lent.

Mimicking their French ancestors, the Creoles of New Orleans celebrated a festival similar to the Italian carnival “Lupercalia,” an ancient Roman circus-like festival, by throwing a masked carnival in the streets of the city.

After years of celebrating, New Orleans came under Spanish rule and the pre-Lenten masked ball and carnival was banned by the conservative government. The masquerade was prohibited until 1823, when the Creoles convinced their governor to allow the celebration to resurface, and in 1827 street masking was legalized.

Throughout the early 1800s Mardi Gras gained a negative and violent reputation because of the behavior and actions of the street maskers and the celebration threatened to become extinct. In 1857, six New Orleanians saved Mardi Gras by forming what is presently known as the Krewe of Comus.

The Krewe of Comus brought about the innovation of setting each parade with a unifying theme and a royal ball afterward. Comus also originated the idea of having a secret and elite Carnival society. This tradition still exists today as many carnival krewes only allow white, Christian men to join their parade. A tradition that has caused an array of civil rights suits.

In 1872 Mardi Gras saw the debut of one of its most beloved parades, the Krewe of Rex. The parade was constructed for Russian Grand Duke Alexis Romanoff’s visit to New Orleans. The Krewe of Rex introduced the traditional Mardi Gras colors of purple, green and gold at this parade and “If Ever I Cease to Love” as the Mardi Gras Anthem.

“The song ‘If Ever I Cease to Love’ was the grand duke’s favorite song,” Robichaux said. “They played this song at the Rex parade to impress him and in typical New Orleans style it caught on as a tradition.”

The secret society of carnival krewes continued throughout the 19th and into the 20th century along with the tradition of the maskers. However, the Civil Rights Act would impede on this tradition in the late 20th century.

In 1909 the Krewe of Zulu, an African-American carnival society, appeared as a parody of Rex. Zulu began the tradition of parading before Rex, causing delay in the krewe’s route and eventually, decades of protest.

A police strike caused the cancellation of Mardi Gras in 1979, and in protest against the police, angry tourists who lost their vacations began the over-popular idea of flashing the police.

In 1992, Dorothy Mae Taylor, a New Orleans politician, presented an ordinance at the New Orleans City Council demanding that the traditionally secret and selective krewes allow anyone who applies into the society.

Her argument, that tax payers support the upkeep of the streets, caused a huge battle between tradition and politics. This caused the original Mardi Gras Krewes of Comus and the Knights of Momus to cancel their parade routes because they refused to comply with Taylor’s ordinance.

Although an upsetting and compromising battle, the Taylor struggle brought about the toasting of the Zulu and Rex deities a symbolic means of compromise. Mardi Gras also has seen the creation of more krewes to meet the specific needs of anyone who wants to join.

The festivities have seen the country through its hardest times of war, depression, prohibition and economic boom, but through the years has stood firm in its rich tradition of “eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow is the Lord’s day!”


Don Cardi
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/11/05 02:40 AM

Thanks for the research DC. I knew it was around for a while, but didn't know the history of it.

Btw, at 8:00 both MTV & VH1 are having a tribute concert for Katrina, including, among others, Paul McCartney, The Rolling Stones, Dave Matthew Band. Maybe it's already aired there I don't know.

Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/11/05 04:37 AM

"Scores of Mississippi National Guard troops in Iraq who lost homes to Hurricane have been refused even 15-day leaves to aid their displaced families, told by commanders there were too few U.S. troops in Iraq to spare them..."

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/11/05 06:04 PM

Has anyone heard the story about The Bonita Street House Of Hope in Houston?

From what I've found out so far, this house was once used for rehabilitation, and eventually it lost a lot of funding. So now the people that ran this house have decided to use it to house some families that have been displaced from Hurricane Katrina. So far there are 8 families living in this place and they average about 6 children per family. The people or person who is running this home is doing so without any subsidizing from the government. They are stricktly trying to run it on donations. So far niether FEMA or The Red Cross has been willing to donate any money to them.

I am trying to find out more information about this place and if they are in need of clothes, water, baby products, toys, or whatever. Would anyone here be interested to know once I find out more information?

Don Cardi
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/11/05 06:12 PM

7. Bonita Street House of Hope
7347 Bonita Street
Houston, TX 77016

Contact: Tyrone Evans, Executive Director
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/11/05 08:20 PM

What may be a fitting tribute to the heart of the city of NO and it's football team, the New Orleans kicker hit a field goal with 6 seconds left to win the game for NO. It's just a little thing to give them something to cheer about in the midst of all this tragedy.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/11/05 10:27 PM

Originally posted by Beth E:
What may be a fitting tribute to the heart of the city of NO and it's football team, the New Orleans kicker hit a field goal with 6 seconds left to win the game for NO. It's just a little thing to give them something to cheer about in the midst of all this tragedy.
They are my adopted team this year.

Don Cardi
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/12/05 04:06 AM

This might help put the flooding into perspective....there are pumps pumping the water out, some that are doing 30,000 gallons/minute others doing 1,000,000 gallons per minuter and they said if ALL pumps stay online they can have it dried out by early october
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/12/05 12:50 PM

I just want to tell all my US friends all the people involved in the Katrina hurricane are in my prayers -- the dead and the survivors. This great country of yours will do it. No doubt.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/13/05 10:16 PM

Did anyone catch Chris Rock on the telethon this weekend? I didn't, but I saw replays of a couple of his gags. In an attempt to display humor in the situation he spoofed Kanye West's remarks. Here are the two I caught:

"George Bush hates albinos".

I think that was actually the second one he did. The first one was:

"George Bush hates midgets"

I thought, "What did I ever do to George Bush"?

When I saw these I couldn't stop laughing. It's all in the timing I guess.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/15/05 10:12 AM

Well while there is still a lot of sad news coming out of that area of our country, there also has been some good news.

A good protion of electrical power has been restored, and many people are being allowed to access their homes to try and salvage whatever is salvagable. And while any deaths that took place from this disaster are horible and sad, be it 1 or 1000, the good news, in it's own way, is that they believe the death toll will be significantly lower than they originaly estimated.

Also would like to tell everyone that our charitable foundation raised over $300,000.00 in one week with 100% of the proceeds going towards the relief effort. This was in addition to the monies that we raised two fridays ago from our dress down day.

Don Cardi
Posted By: La Dolce Vita

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/16/05 05:18 PM

To kill numerous birds with one stone - I've received several notes from people here who know I have close family in New Orleans. Just to update (since I have been away for a while):

Everyone in my family is accounted for. Some are in New Orleans, some in Baton Rouge, luckily the ones in BR didn't have to evacuate, just had to go some days without power.

The relative I have in New Orleans is homeless. Family of 4. They are staying in Baton Rouge until they can figure out what they are doing. The inlaws of these people all lost their homes as well as they were only allowed in this week to assess the damage. The bridge from BR to NO is washed out so it is a little more difficult to get to and from NO.

I have one friend here who's father is unaccounted for from Chalmette. At this point, we are thinking the worst as noone has seen/heard from him since the storm and he is in his 70's. Good health, but probably was unable to get around easy when the storm hit.

A friend of mine here had some inlaws drive out here on Monday (after they evacuated to Houston) and since I had room in my house, I put them up here this week. A couple with a small child, they went back this morning. They live in Metarie. No telling what they will find there. That place was flooded badly.

So, when we all worry about bombs and plane crashes and crazy people with guns - it puts a perspective on how human we are when it comes to Mother Nature.

All it was to start out with was wind and water.

Thanks to those who took the time to ask about my family...
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/16/05 05:25 PM

That's great news LDV. It's so lovely of you to invite that family into your home. Kudos to you. You are the hostess with the mostest.

My continued love and prayers to you and your family.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/16/05 05:46 PM

I'm glad to hear that your family are all ok. Nice to see some good news come out of this mess from time to time.

That is really sad about the 70 year old man. Heartbreaking.

Very nice of you and your family to take those people into your home. Very Honorable.

If there is any way that I can do something to help your relative from New Orleans who wound up homeless from this, PLEASE let me know. I sincerely mean that.

Don Cardi
Posted By: La Dolce Vita

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/16/05 05:48 PM

While it is true I am typically the hostest with the mostest and have been known to take in a straggler or two...

(just kidding Bethie!! :p )

...this family was family of my family so it was more than just being kind-hearted. I wanted my step-brother and his family to come stay with us, but they went to my Dad's in Baton Rouge instead. I really want them to move here but his wife has never lived anywhere but New Orleans. She won't budge.

Out here it is dry and beautiful. Your occasional tornado, your occasional minor earthquake - you would die of melanoma before you would die of any other natural disaster out here...
Posted By: Beth E

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/16/05 05:55 PM

Originally posted by La Dolce Vita:
While it is true I am typically the hostest with the mostest and have been known to take in a straggler or two...

(just kidding Bethie!! :p )
And there's none stranger then me. Oh wait, you said straggler. :p

Just point me to the hot tub.

How is the Mighty Rio Grande doing this time of year Buffy?
Posted By: La Dolce Vita

Re: New Orleans is Takin' Cover - 09/16/05 07:21 PM

Originally posted by Beth E:

How is the Mighty Rio Grande doing this time of year Buffy?
Down south near Texas it's pretty mighty!

Up here, a mere stream. We got alot of rain in July and August so it might be up a foot or two.

We won't be worrying about any flooding up here any time soon!
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