
Venting Some Frustration

Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Venting Some Frustration - 08/27/05 07:42 AM

I'm a little pissed off about this... It's a rather small thing, but still enough to anger me considering the situation.

So get this. Two weeks ago I head out to Suncoast to buy Magnolia. For some ungodly reason, Suncoast, a store that focuses completely on selling DVD's and related inventory does not have Magnolia, the movie that won more awards than almost any other film of 1999. So the tell me to come back in a week, that they'll be getting a new shipment in then. So I come back in a week, and they still don't have it. They tell me I could have them order it in for a five dollar down payment. So I do that as well... I even pay $27.99 for the DVD itself right there.

Then today comes, and they call me up. They finally got it in, and I can pick it up when I'd like. Paul Thomas Anderson being my favorite director, I'm real excited about it, and I head over immediately. I get the DVD, I bring it home, and I remove the plastic packaging. With a smile on my face, I open up the case, and look inside, confused as to what just happened. It would appear the cunning workers or machines, or whatever do the work at the New Line factory decided not to put disk one in the case. So, I just paid about $30 for a DVD case, some trailers, a music video, and a documentary. That's all fine and dandy, but what about the three hour film I was initially interested in purchasing?

Now, don't get me wrong, humor is my self-defense mechanism. I'm a generally relaxed guy, I can see the humor in this. I have a chuckle over it. But what annoys me, is now I have to go back tommorrow morning (Has to be the morning, before he leaves--And I'm not a morning-person, to say the least) and explain my situation to the manager, which will deffinately not be the high-light of my day...
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Venting Some Frustration - 08/27/05 11:13 AM

Why does it always happen to something you can't wait and counting every second to get? I'm used to it by now. If something doesn't go wrong then probabely a big earthquake or a tornado is on the way.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Venting Some Frustration - 08/27/05 01:34 PM

Exactly why I'm not going to buy a release-day PS3, I'll wait until the second series. The first line of consoles is always notorious for bugs and mechanical issues (though I bought my Nintendo GameCube release day an it's been pristine).
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Venting Some Frustration - 08/27/05 03:19 PM

I say dropkick the employees for their war crimes.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Venting Some Frustration - 08/27/05 04:21 PM

Warmonger! Hypocrit! Neocon!
Posted By: SlimTrashman

Re: Venting Some Frustration - 08/27/05 04:44 PM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
I say dropkick the employees for their war crimes.

exactly what i was thinking.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Venting Some Frustration - 08/27/05 05:05 PM

Suncoast is a rip-off -- try Wal-Mart next time and save like 20%. Save even more by ordering online: The cheapest place I know of is http://deepdiscountdvd.com/ where it's only $20.40 w/ free shipping.
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Venting Some Frustration - 08/27/05 08:34 PM

Nah... I like Suncoast because the employees know what they're talking about, they're dedicated completely to film, and so they have a great selection, and I have a replay card so I save five dollars with every hundred dollars speant--A great deal if you're someone who invests alot of money into your film collection, such as myself.

Although, I know Wal-Mart carries mostly new releases and such. I've checked in the past, just as kind of a boredom thing if I'm in the store, and they don't have Magnolia.

I'll try the site next-time though; Thanks JG.

Anyways, on topic, I just went back today. I've got some store credit, and they let me exchange for another copy.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Venting Some Frustration - 08/28/05 01:21 AM

Mmm, I prefer Circuit City. Sure, their employees are as dumb as rocks, but they are the *cheapest* media store in my area, and usually have release day deals (like Sopranos Season 5 I got for $10 less than everywhere else on release).

I always check with Amazon.com though, they have good deals, and are usually cheaper or match the prices locally.
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