
Over There

Posted By: Don Cardi

Over There - 08/11/05 03:19 PM

Has anyone seen this new show on the FX channel?

Don Cardi
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Over There - 08/11/05 05:06 PM

Sorry, I was busy watching those Monday Night Football ads on ABC....with the Rolling Stones.

Posted By: Don Pope

Re: Over There - 08/12/05 12:49 AM

I saw a preview on it and got interested. Watched it for 5 mins then changed the channel. Most ridiculous show ive ever seen, they basically make our troops look no better then the insurgents and terrorists themselves, the episode where the corny and cocky guy was gonna shoot an unarmed prisoner for no particular reason. Then goes into a speech about how he runs this run-down iraq city and that everything happens cuz he says so. That guys face and the way he talked was the most annoying thing. That was probably half the reason i changed the channel. :p
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Over There - 08/12/05 01:00 AM

Ahh Don Pope. You needed to stick it out. I had the same exact impression that you did in the begining and said to myself "Is this a show that is going to make the troops look bad?" But then I decided to stick it out. Which I am glad that I did.

It all fell into perspective as the show went on. I thought the guy was nuts too, ranting about it being his town. But then you see the strategy behind his rant, and you see that he was really intelligent in making himslef look crazy. He turns out to be an Special Ops Intelligence man, and it's all a part of his plan to get the prisoner to finally admit that he was a terrorist and that he stole the missles. His strategy helped save his men. Had that guy not carried on in the begining the way that he did, he would have never broke the terrorist.

By the way, that unarmed prisoner turned out to be a terrorist and he faked being exhausted and then when our Soldier tried to help him, terrorist tried to kill him.

It's a show that you need to give a chance. It has it's twists and turns, and you may think at first that this episode is going to be the anti soldier episode, it turns out the opposite and shows the good of the soldiers and the tough decisions that they must make in regards to life or death.

Give it a chance next week. You won't be sorry.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Pope

Re: Over There - 08/12/05 01:42 AM

Well that changes everything now lol. I will definetly check it out when it comes on again. Thanks Don Cardi
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Over There - 08/12/05 02:14 PM

I never wanted to see it. I've seen so many commericals for it (at the movies, while watching The Shield on FX) that I'm sick of it. It looked dumb to me and I heard from some it's not that great. I didn't think it was an anti-soldier movie. I thought the exact opposite. I thought it'd be a "glory show" of the soldiers
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Over There - 08/12/05 02:22 PM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
I thought it'd be a "glory show" of the soldiers
Well it's not that either.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Over There - 08/12/05 02:53 PM

They still showing the first episode or you're just gonna have to jump into the series now?
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